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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 401 KB, 3508x2632, 1586342567189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18534891 No.18534891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>crush had his birthday yesterday
>text him a long "happy birthday" message on instagram
>no response

i hate men

>> No.18534899
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1585364830333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18534901

chase chad get burnt. is this bait?

>> No.18534904

omg sweetie don't be sad, i will take care of you because i respect you so much

>> No.18534906

are you fat?

>> No.18534909

You were a day late you stupid roastie.

>> No.18534911


>> No.18534914

That's why he doesn't like you. A lot of guys are lowkey harpooners.

>> No.18534920

that means he doesn't like you back.
In fact he is stinking about another woman right now.

>> No.18534921


>> No.18534931

>being a femsimp
Literally nothing more disgusting to a man, you probably embarassed him in front of all his bros

>> No.18534937

try having a crush on a girl then you faggot

>> No.18534938

and Hi, Lauren

>> No.18534954

weakest bait, but it's working apparently

>> No.18534959
File: 109 KB, 614x618, 108508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pic of yourself, hide face if u have to. I am an expert photo-analyst, I can tell you what he's thinking in a second. He could be just too shy to respond to a cutie too quickly? Or, you know, the other thing.

>> No.18534968
File: 213 KB, 1200x1200, download pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok honey. He was probably secretly a kkk nazi incel, he does't deserve the love of a queen like you. Try to find a man who will respect you like I do. ;)

>> No.18534974

leave her alone man, she is mine

>> No.18534986



>> No.18534991


>> No.18534997

Are you a tranny? If so hang yourself irl.

>> No.18535003

Hoe old are you? I used to get so many hints by girls during my school time, but you know guys are really clueless unless you are really really clear.
Best thing you can do is knowing about his favourite videogame/hobby.

>> No.18535007

im not a tranny

he is more like a lefty

no fuck off creep

>> No.18535021
File: 50 KB, 500x470, __sfdhp4sersenr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him regardless. Gonna play nintendo tomorrow
t. man

>> No.18535022


>> No.18535027

Lmao do people really expect a response? I have literally hundreds of happy birthday messages on my birthday. Most of them seem automated. Who expects a response to some meaningless one liner? What do you even respond with? Thank you? Its pointless.

>> No.18535028

nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.18535038

Get off this place then. How did you even find it? Older brother?

Or you’re just a creepy balding 35 yearr old incel larping as a 15 year old girl

>> No.18535046
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1586612947292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a secret
young men are almost entirely autistic

he probably wrote thousands of replies but deleted each one because hes scared and would rather say nothing than to be seen as an awkward autist

>> No.18535048


>> No.18535050

yea anon what this guy said. Just tell him you like him and stop playing games. You said he's a lefty though so I donno, that probably means he's actually a faggot so maybe that's why he ignored you.

>> No.18535065
File: 1.48 MB, 1185x666, 1585342900757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are worthless and need to end your pathetic life.
Pic not even related.

>> No.18535078

also what this guy said anon, he's probably autistic especially if he's skinny and unattractive., he's probably scared of you if you're really hot.

>> No.18535079

i heart about it on reddit

>> No.18535101

He was busy banging prettier girls.

>> No.18535118

Okay if you're really not a tranny I'm gonna give you the female version of the same advice I give my bros when they strike out.
1. Walk away from this one. Let it go. Do not talk to him again, ever.
2. Improve yourself. Take a while to focus on being more attractive. Physically and emotionally. There's never been a better time to be a girl. There's more makeup and tutorials and plastic surgery and diets and shit than there ever has been. Getting attractive emotionally is harder for women but basically meditate and find your center. Become empathetic. Exercise your body and mind. Read philosophy, think about it.
3. Start walking every day. Walk at least a mile. Think while you walk. Listening to lecture is acceptable, music is not allowed. When you don't feel winded anymore after walking then start jogging your route but remember to reflect and contemplate while you do.
4. Do steps 1-3 for 8 weeks and don't go out of your way to find male attention during that time.
4. When 8 weeks are up you will be in a much better condition physically and emotionally. Congratulations you have reached level one self improvement. Don't stop.

>> No.18535137

Instragram pill me?
Asking because some early twenties girl that I hit it off with suddenly asked for mine and I my face was literally a question mark.

I thought snapchat was the thing, fucking zoomers.

>> No.18535145
File: 71 KB, 558x614, 1545419864069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know threads like this are literally always bait?

>> No.18535154

Jesup Christmas if you are really 15 GET OFF 4CHAN RIGHT NOW. DO NOT come back. Find some healthy hobby that does not involve dealing with gross looking, fat men on the left side of the bell curve.

>> No.18535162

but i dont have any friends or hobbys :/

>> No.18535174

Yeah I know my initial response was "kys tranny"

>> No.18535239

kek i know i did that before

but seriously get of this site or stop larping with underage bait

>> No.18535251

Give him birthday sex or shut up.

>> No.18535269

why should i get off this site?

>> No.18535301

it's alright just stay off pol/lit/his as they will make you want to kill yourself.

>> No.18535302

What about your backup crush? Also it's been scientifically proven that while you're feeling worse then men do initially, the long term feelings of rejection will be much less intense for you than they would be for males. Please look this up as it's true, women literally have an easier time moving on from crushes/partners then men do.

>> No.18535309

the only real girls here shill for shitcoins like HOLO therefore kys tranny

>> No.18535321


>> No.18535326
File: 112 KB, 1242x1200, 1586879125584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neck self nigger

>> No.18535328

i only browse /int/ /ck/ and /biz/ sometimes

>> No.18535342

Oh no let me fall down and worship you!

>> No.18535344

OP, know this this guy (if not a larp) is probabbly a total fuckin moron. He might even be affraid to text OR just to fuckin dumb to know you like him.
the amount of times i've realised a girl liked me...but by the time I figure it out... I'm just fuckin dumb sometimes.
Ask him questions, see if you can start a convo.

Just know that no matter it's not the end of the world. You're probably better than him anyways.
t. actual wizard

>> No.18535364


>> No.18535381


>> No.18535415

All I asked was a fully clothed pic. Now I know you are overly unattractive and self-conscious about your looks, rude, possibly have a superiority complex and a total bitch.
The guy is right not replying to you, you unappealing horrible cunt. Buy a personality or something you fucking femcel drone.

>> No.18535428

Also this is not /biz/ related you fucking goblin.

>> No.18535486

>he probably wrote thousands of replies but deleted each one because hes scared and would rather say nothing than to be seen as an awkward autist
Damn you didn't have to call me out like that man

>> No.18535712

Screencap of convo or it didn't happen

>> No.18535740

Shutup slut, no-one likes you because you're a whore.

>> No.18535758

Guys aren't obsessed with Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat and tiktok like you. Stay asleep, sheep.

>> No.18535775


>> No.18535794
File: 37 KB, 393x574, IMG_20200116_141901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a long "happy birthday"
>on instagram