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18533877 No.18533877 [Reply] [Original]


Deepstate jews are trying to compromise ripple and make it look bad

>> No.18533897

This is exactly the type of use we want for our investment. The world is irreversibly going towards a satanic society and xrp is the way to make bank of off it.
You think billions are made into Solar energy investments?
No you make money with satan
35k stack here will get to 66k before the end of the month.

>> No.18533926

no you are wrong.
XRP is going to lead the way to killing satanist
they fucked up too much the world is awakening.

The rich have used their wealth to build this current world we live in, its absolute shit and only benefits the wealthy they were greedy. it's time for new people to take over the wealth and build up this world into what it should have been.


>> No.18533932

I'm conflicted on going all in on XRP. I am basically 60/40 XRP/USDC and am not sure I want to take the diversification route when I know how XRP will soon be crowned king

>> No.18533965

USDC is just a stablecoin like tether. it's like holding fiat since its pegged 1-1
if you are trying to get coinbase staking you are better off putting it into crypto instead until you have more $.

>> No.18533983

>Blockchain to be used for microchip soul energy harvesting technology
>Killing satanists
>Still not realizing god is the true nigger and winners owe their success to Satan who never lets his followers down
It'll get to you eventually, just wait

>> No.18534003

It's only on usdc right now while I wait for the trumpbuxx buyers to get shaken out

>> No.18534009

Microchip isn't being developed by ripple but by a 3rd party that wants to use it with Ripple tech.

Satan is the morning star and is outshined by the real star.

>> No.18534021

There are no good guys in control. Q anon is a psyop designed to get people to sit around and do nothing. The goyim who are down the deepest rabbit holes and know a good amount of the crimes being perpetrated get fed into Q’s bullshit. People following him are told to do nothing, that the good guys are in control, that all the bad elements are being cleaned up. You are told to trust the plan and do nothing and for years nothing happens, except more draconian laws passed, more freedoms taken away.

>> No.18534043

>cripple bag holder
is there anything sadder?

>> No.18534064

but things have been happening, look at how many CEO's "resigned"

Look at all the celebrities staying at home. if you look at their legs they have ankle monitors.
They write on typewriters called corona.

That faggot tom hanks made cryptic posts about not answering questions and refuses to return to the US.

People are waking up.

Do you think the Media who is owned and controlled are going to show everything going on in the world?

>> No.18534083
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>Jews want to make a (((banker))) and (((regulation))) friendly coin look bad.
Studies in the last 2 years have shown regulations objectively decrease the value of the market and stifle investment by putting walls in peoples way. Regulations are a Jewish attack on crypto, Ripple is an attempt to undermine the use case of crypto and take power back away from goyim into bankers hands.

>> No.18534092

Almost all Ripple is owned by a few uber-rich Jews, youre a shill.

>> No.18534123

CEOs probably resigned because over the past 10 years most of them effectively leeched the value out of their companies by ordering their companies buy back their own stocks by saddling the companies up with massive amounts of debt. They didn’t want to be around for when the music stops.

Who cares about celebrities?

At the end of the days, more draconian laws are passed and freedoms taken away. Hillary hasn’t been arrested. The Fed is bailing out all its jew friends on Wall Street while Main Street gets crumbs.

>> No.18534124

>regulation = bad
kys you stupid fucking retard, Regulations = MONEY
No business no government is going to use your shitcoin without regulations.

>banker coin
XRP was created to solve a problem with the banking sector.
XRP is a trojan horse, it wants the banks to adopt it and will eventually make them obsolete.

Almost all of Chainlink is owned by one fat russian Jew.

>Post XRP Thread and talk about it
>you are shilling it maaaaan!
do you think before you post?

>> No.18534167

>holds XRP
>Thoughts not based in reality
This guy gets it

>> No.18534175

Hillary hasn't been arrested yet.
Watch for John Durham.

The fed isn't bailing anything out, the fed is actually a neutered dog that doesn't have any power. the real power lies with the ESF which is owned by the Clowns In America.

The US Treasury took control of this and is distributing funds from the slush fund. Trump handed out 2 trillion, Next will be 800T.

>> No.18534209

They have objectively shown regulations prevent people putting money into the market, create more taxation, de-incentivize investment. Making it so you have to pay a Jew to hold your funds, or be already rich yourself is a great way to keep 80% of people out of the market, which is why they dont buy stocks, which is why they use no KYC exchanges. You are a KYC Kike. KYS.

>> No.18534224

Also its not meant for businesses, its meant to undermine Jews. Its meant to take power away from states and banks, regulations are anathema to crypto. We will use Monero and you will have a worthless coin that never goes above the current ATH's because nobody wants to use it, because they dont want to give an anal probe to buy a chocolate bar. Many exchanges are telling people they need proof of funds now, you need to show HOW you got your fiat money. Many people CANT do this, and exchanges just take their money. Articles have been written on this, it objectively destroys the crypto markets. Again, you are a Jew, nothing you say matters, you deserve to be shot.

>Regulations = MONEY
t. Jew. We want power, over Jews, not money. Power over Jews is money.

>> No.18534239

>Studies in the last 2 years have shown regulations objectively decrease the value of the market
got a link or some terms to search for on google?

>> No.18534248

The Fed is bailing out all the big banks and even billionaires running hedge funds. It has not been neutered it is even more powerful now than it was 6 months ago. They are buying up everything, except stocks for now, with their fiat funny bucks.

>The fed isn't bailing anything out, the fed is actually a neutered dog that doesn't have any power. the real power lies with the ESF which is owned by the Clowns In America.

>The US Treasury took control of this and is distributing funds from the slush fund.

The ESF has always been a part of the Treasury Department. It isn’t distributing its slush fund it is using it to act in the market buying and selling securities, commodities and currencies to achieve what the Treasury Dept wants achieved.

>> No.18534253

I don't like KYC but its to ensure no money laundering happens in black budget books.
A Quantum computer has already been tracking each and every dollar in the world.

>> No.18534267

Monero is not private, you are retarded if you actually think it is.
it's a Honeypot.

All bitcoin derivatives will go away.

>> No.18534297

>The fed isn't bailing anything out,
ffs how come you tards are some of the dumbest cunts on earth? you even have the gaul to call others retarded. ffs

>The US Treasury took control of this
OH I see you have zero fuckin clue how the system really works. Not a surprise, you hold XRP.
You do know what a Federal Reserve Note is? right?

>All bitcoin derivatives will go away.
KEK Imagine believing this. WOW

>> No.18534323

You don't understand what im saying you fucking retard.
the fed is not bailing shit out, its destroying the Dollar.

You can't be bailed out when the entire monetary structure is based on debt.

>You do know what a Federal Reserve Note is? right?
You stupid fucking dipshit. the Federal Reserve Note is being devalued. punch this into your stupid fucking electron sized brain.

>KEK Imagine believing this. WOW
When the time comes i wanted you.

>> No.18534335

im switching from this shitty browser. getting worse everyday.

>> No.18534360

The dollar is being debased but because of the structure of the dollar as the world reserve currency (dollar denominated debt around the world driving dollar demand) it isn’t losing value yet. Dollar Milkshake Theory says that there will be a massive short squeeze first, ie deflation before inflation. So for the time being, these financial institutions are able to be bailed out by selling their toxic assets (like junk bonds) to the Fed above market value then turn around and do what ever they want with their fresh dollars.

>> No.18534366


Watch this its a multi part


>> No.18534379

'San Francisco based Ripple has stored away around 55 Billion XRP stashed in various escrow accounts. Over the years, it has sold an average of one billion XRP every month in the open market. XRPArcade reports that a 55-month period won’t be enough to sell the entire hoard, and the process would probably continue for two more decades.'

>> No.18534381

Please quote the relevant part of the video. Make an argument to respond to my post and back it up with a quote from your source.

>> No.18534386

>fucking retard.
The projection from you WOW
>the fed is not bailing shit out
They are buying junk bonds of companies like FORD you total fuckin retrard.
I'll speel it out for you.
The FED is putting fords bonds on its balance sheet. The FED is a creditor to Ford. Ford is a debtor.
>the Federal Reserve Note is being devalued
I do know what you're saying but the FED is providing the liquidity needed to the market. FYI The dollar will rise before it crashes. Triffin's dilemma, look it up.
The 'money' coming from the treasury is in FRNs, the FED owns them, not the treasury.
Arrogant Retard

>> No.18534444

I keep telling you you fucking moron. the FED is not bailing shit out. its devaluing the dollar.

If you got your fucking head out of your ass you would understand what i am saying.

Watch the video you stupid fuck, you have such low attention span even if i spoon fed you, you still wouldn't understand.

>> No.18534481

>If you got your fucking head out of your ass you would understand what i am saying

I do understand that you have an elementary level of economics & shouldn't be telling people how things work when you yourself are dumb AF.
Stop thinking your smart, YOU AREN'T

look up Triflins dilema you fucking retard. then maybe we can have an interesting discussion about how you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18534547

NO you fucking rat. Why do you think i keep pointing to the video?
You fucking moron. you think you are smart but you are actually really really retarded. so retarded you have your head so far up your ass.

You have no clue what Projection even means, Just stop.

>> No.18534555

Now if you could get over your autism and focus for 1 moment, You should watch the video and understand how the real money supply works.

>> No.18534566

I watched it. While interesting, in practice it doesn’t change anything I’ve said previously. It still doesn’t prove that the Fed is impotent, they may be acting as an arm of the Treasury but we’re still all using FRNs and not USNs or TRNs. If the NYFRB is the front front for the ESF that isn’t a new circumstance and definitely not because of Trump. Further that means that all the evil shit the Fed is doing is actually the Treasury doing. So we’re back to where we were. The bad guys are in control (Mnuchin is Goldman Sachs!). The Fed is buying up the big bank’s failed bets (toxic assets) but wait it’s the Treasury dept doing it, which changes nothing.

>> No.18534591

Why was JFK assassinated?

>> No.18534629

Too many potential reasons to lock down as the main reason but I lean towards his negative opinion of Israel and their attempts at a nuclear program or wanting to not make Vietnam the boondoggle it became.

The executive order I bet you’re wanting to mention is actually about removing old silver notes from circulation. There’s also the secret societies speech that’s often quoted but if you listen to the whole thing it’s about asking the press to not report on certain things for the governments benefit fighting the Cold War.

>> No.18534652

Also he wanted to splinter the CIA...

>> No.18534664
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>> No.18534675

Yeah so how is that relevant here?

>> No.18534686
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>> No.18534690

What myself & >>18534360 are trying to show you is that the dollar value will not fall YET. Its funny how you expect us to look at some elementary level video but won't look at the bigger picture. You fail to understand how actually dumb you are. Its crazy.
>You should watch the video and understand how the real money supply works.
I skipped though that video, ffs. That's your level of understanding.
i do agree with what that video is on about, few want to delve into what happened in the '30s. You repeating that the dollar is losing value without seeing the other side.
R E T A R D E D.
heres a link you fuckin cunt. READ IT. then we can talk about the current reality once you read it.


WOW imagine thinking this is an intelligent comment. You must think yourself SO smart.

Knock yourself down a peg or 2, you are not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.18534707

>trying to compromise ripple and make it look bad

I don't think anyone actually need to try very hard to accomplish that as it is
a)Not crypto
Let alone the 'deep state'
>XRP is going to lead the way to killing satanistthey fucked up too much the world is awakening.

The only thing ripple is going to lead the way in is destroying the finances of anyone who buys that shitcoin, they lied about bank deals in 2017, were called out on it by journalists and descended into shitcoinery like the scammers they are. Its garbage. It and everyone who holds it, humans own BTC, ETH and LINK not fucking ripple, bitcoin cash and bazingacoin

>> No.18534709

Look heres a link to shadow banking >>18534686
it explains EVERYTHING

>> No.18534710
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Actually biz has recovered original quote recently.

>> No.18534734

I know about the dilemma you retard. what i'm trying to point out is it doesn't fucking matter.
You think Money works by rules but it's all based on lies. All the world's economy is a giant lie.

No one is being bailed out, all the money that is being printed is used to Devalue the $ in order to destroy it.
the world is returning to real money gold.

>> No.18534737

|Sure but if the dollar falls to a cent on the dollar it will still be worth a trillion times more than every ripple ever made

Now ripple is JFKcoin instead of fake bank deal coin? Next 1000 different flavours of vaniktard conspiritard bullshit to go with the cup of ripple and meds

>> No.18534749

Every currency in the world is being devlue, the AUD, Yen, CAD, Sterling, Euro, Rouble. However the least devalued are actually the swiss franc and the dollar. People like you should have guardians appointed to manage their pocket money for them

>> No.18534751

What is the source of that image? Just cause a random picture says something on the internet doesn’t make it true. It would surprise me if the CIA would make themselves dependent on a separate government branch. Why wouldn’t they have their own trading desk to play with their narco and human trafficking funds?

>> No.18534761

>You think billions are made into Solar energy investments?
They unironically are. It's a dirty as fuck business too filled to the brim with satanist types. Anything with a ton of free government money attached to it always is.

>> No.18534764

It would not surprise me if you post on GLP and get headaches if you try putting on matching socks

>> No.18534777

Instead of shooting yourself in the foot, look into XRP, its utility and how and why it works.

Unlike you who is worried about the current price of crypto if it goes down or up.
You don't see XRP holders worried about the price. Because no one fucking gives a shit.
the price WILL shoot up to $10000+, this is based on fiat value today.

>> No.18534780

>get headaches if you try putting on matching socks

That will be the 5g radiowave brain control confusing his sock based neural cortex. Tin foil was a conspiracy. You should be wrapping roofing lead around your head and living on a nut and fruit based diet

>> No.18534792

GLP is full of Q anon boomers, I’m arguing against Q anon bullshit. I also dress myself quite well thanks.

>> No.18534800

O I've seen xrp since its birth, a useless centralised token floated as a scam at the height of the 2017 boom based on complete con artist scam bullshit about non existent banking adoption and bought as niggercoin by brown people who facebook messaged each other about how they would be kangz of the ghetto. It was always shit and still is. Hopefully it dies completely in the next couple of years, its really a corpse already.

>> No.18534811

>I also dress myself quite well thanks.

But still, I doubt you can manage matching socks unless they are white tube socks. Using my remote sensing ability I see you are in a small cramped trailer/mobile home that smells funny.

>> No.18534833

>I know about the dilemma you retard
Oh, why would you keep repeating that dollar will fall in value?
>what i'm trying to point out is it doesn't fucking matter.
You appeared to be on the IT will fall in value wagon. Also the FED buying ford bonds isn't bailing them out???? explain this logic.

The treasury hasn't saved us, these went onto the FED balance sheet. This is a debt to the public. A credit to the FED.

>You think Money works by rules but it's all based on lies. All the world's economy is a giant lie.
This is true, but you are still a fuckin arrogant cunt

>the world is returning to real money gold.
We can't base the growth of our economy on the rate of extraction from the ground. Hence the reason for the Nixon shock. It will be some derivative of SDRs/Libre i'd guess. I don't see Burgers using the constitutional dollar in the future.

>> No.18534860

Ah economic collapse is it? Something that did not happen at the height of ww2 or ww1? Plausibility 0/10.
Gold will rise proportionate to increase in money supply and no further, as ever

>> No.18534861

The greatest economies/empires have been under a gold standard. The real reason we won’t get it is because it limits the amount that governments can borrow. It keeps government too small, Jews don’t like that.

>> No.18534868


the guy goes through historical documents and makes out the map.

>> No.18534870

Ah Satanists and jews all around. You're imagination must be like a borat movie on acid. What medication are you on?

>> No.18534890

That's ironic since Bitcoin is centralized 55% in china and becoming increasingly centralized as more miners consolidate into larger pools while the smaller ones are weeded out.

>> No.18534897

I always form my opinion of the world, history, economics and politics based on complete strangers who post bullshit on yourtube. Its the deepest kind of proof that we are living in a hyper dimensional reality. The 5g radio waves are melting its lattice structure and the deep state, Jews, Satanists, CIA are leaking out everywhere. The only solution is the reestablishment of a kind, caring, well funded public private partnership on institutional mental health care

>> No.18534902

Ripple will always be shit.

>> No.18534910

It will get a lot more valuable after they are nuked then. O good. Little do you know its actually mostly owned by the aaaysss who live in UFOs on the dark side of the moon

>> No.18534915

>Ripple will always be shit.

That's what I was trying to say. Thanks. O I forgot, something to do with lizard people and freemasons as well, we missed that. Horray for lunatics with internet access. Now I know who buys ripple

>> No.18534964

>The greatest economies/empires have been under a gold standard.

Not talking to (you) as you are a tard but to the casual lukers, the fact is debasement of gold currency had the same effect on the roman empires economics as inflationary money printing, So gold currency means literally nothing different. I somehow doubt the (you) has a very in depth knowledge of currency reform in the 3rd and 4th century BC though, otherwise he'd know he his talking shite. .

>> No.18534983

I'd like to add that the current infrastructure would never have been created if we based the economic expansion on the rate of gold coming out of the ground.
we've never paid for any of it. check out the Grace commision if you haven't already. We've been lied to about what tax pays for....

>Ah economic collapse is it? Something that did not happen at the height of ww2 or ww1?
But WW1 did see economic crash...Even the devaluing of the dollar in the '30s was b/c it became to strong against the others (among other reasons). I'd even argue that German entered WW2 b/c of the unfair economic collapse
>Gold will rise proportionate to increase in money supply and no further, as ever
Have to admit, you lost me with this one

>> No.18535004

>Gold will rise proportionate to increase in money supply and no further, as ever
Oh, got it. Agreed. Gold is just a store of value.

>> No.18535023

yes because your teacher politicians are not strangers.

You also seem to put all your financial advice based on complete strangers on /biz/.

>> No.18535115

>currency reform in the 3rd and 4th century BC
Care to explain? I'm pretty ignorant about what happened in rome (I assume that's what you're talking about). All I know the purity went down & the taxes went up. Please explain though, I'm interested.

>> No.18535212

Kek, I do understand that the dollar will lose value! But before it does that it will rise.

To keep it simple, the USD is a 'safe haven asset' thats used for the worlds liquidity. It will reach a higher & higher price b/c of liquidity issues. Then it will fall & most likely be replaced.

>> No.18535291
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>> No.18535295
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>> No.18535298
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>> No.18535345


chainlink is so far behind, You would be better off taking garbage instead.

Enjoy your Fake partnerships.

>> No.18535413

>Enjoy your Fake partnerships.
Imagine being a paid ripple shill & saying this.

I say we get one from each cult, have a fight to the death, but continually, till neither exist.
Inb4 I'm not being paid

>> No.18535429
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Corda literally needs oracles to bring data onto their blockchain. Swift GPI Link is corda used as the settlement layer with link used for current asset prices and relevant rates. Link allows smart contract layers to do useful things.
Oh and Corda is partnered with the Accord project, whose oracle of choice is link.

>> No.18535482
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>> No.18535500
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all you faggots who fail to see the big picture should really just neck yourselves, instead of constantly shitting on xrp we’ve been urging you to look behind the curtains. if after that you still can’t see it, fine, but just shut the fuck up already claiming xrp were a scam. you people are literally being offered the opportunity to buy btc at 20c again, yet you’re too autistic too see it. all this is called cognitive dissonance btw. some will overcome it and yield the results, others will be left behind, i don’t care either way. just don’t come crying when it’s too late, oh, and shut the fuck up already.

>> No.18535514

I wish i was paid to shill.

>> No.18535528

SWIFT started a proof of concept on January 30 in collaboration with r3, to bring gpi payments to DLT and blockchain based platforms source: https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/swift-to-bring-benefits-of-gpi-to-dlt-and-trade-ecosystems

"To support the growing demand amongst trade ecosystems for secure and reliable settlement, SWIFT has launched a proof of concept (PoC) to trial a new gateway to interlink trade and e-commerce platforms with gpi – the new standard in cross-border payments." GPI is currently used by hundreds of banks across the globe, and it settles over 300 billion dollars in payments every single day

The goal of this POC was to bring gpi payments to dlt, this is what they call gpi Link

“With the gpi Link, banks will be able to provide rapid, transparent settlement services to e-commerce and trading platforms, opening up whole new ecosystems to the speed, security, ubiquity and transparency of gpi and enabling them to grow and prosper in the new digital economy.

“Given the adoption of the Corda platform by trade ecosystems, it was a natural choice to run this proof of concept with R3.”

"While the PoC initially addresses R3’s DLT-based trade environment, it will be extended to support other DLT, non-DLT and e-commerce trade platforms."

>> No.18535529

Ripple has oracles, infact ripple has Smart oracles. Ripple came out with oracles years before anyone else.


Codius was put on hold because no one gave a shit about smart contracts at the time.

>> No.18535536

xrp is literally perfect in every single way baka

>> No.18535540

Now what is gpi Link? What are the details of its implementation? SWIFT has intentionally kept the details of gpi Link under wraps, but with some digging we can uncover the secret.

There is a very educational webinar between SWIFT and r3 that requires email registration to gain access (anyone can register, feel free to do so) Here is the link to the webinar: https://info.r3.com/corda-settler-webinar

Skip to 13:40: "The SWIFT gpi box is actually manifested as an oracle service on a Corda DLT network, they would have access to the gpi Link" So now we know officially and undoubtably that SWIFT gpi Link is an oracle service and its DLT/blockchain agnostic since they plan on being available to all sorts of platforms, lets try to find out who could be providing this service.

Navigating to https://www.smartcontract.com/ we see the image in pic related.

"We're proud to be working with SWIFT on their own SWIFT Smart Oracle. Allowing smart contracts on various networks to make payments, send governance instructions, and release collateral with over 11,000 banks."

Okay, so we know gpi Link is an oracle service and SmartContract.com is currently working with Swift on a so called "Smart Oracle"

The only question that remains is, how do we know the Proof of Concept was successful?

Well, it was very successful, confirmed by SWIFT themselves: https://www.coindesk.com/swift-gives-blockchain-platforms-access-to-instant-gpi-payments-following-r3-trial

From June 25, 2019: "Global interbank messaging giant SWIFT has revealed it will allow blockchain firms to make use of its Global Payments Innovation (GPI) platform for near real-time payments."

>> No.18535559

Deepinder or some derivative of, you don't have to lie to us.

>> No.18535575
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They're not decentralised oracles though, which you want if you're using trustless smart contracts in the first place.
And that "oracle" is meant SPECIFICALLY AND EXCLUSIVELY to verify payments made using the XRP token. Nothing else.
Corda Settler is designed to verify any payment in any currency, and XRP is an early example they're using; likely because Ripple shat out an oracle specifically for XRP around 2014 so it was convenient for them.
If you think this is in any way bad for Chainlink, then lmao @your trenchbrain.

>> No.18535601

What makes you believe Chainlink is decentralized and trustless?

Codius is a 3rd party to XRP and open source.
You are trusting some russian scammer working out of the cayman islands with a team of 3 who stole the idea for oracles from ripple vs a silicon valley 300+ employee over 50 country company that has ties to the white house and has been mentioned by congress.

>> No.18535634

this is the exact part i will never understand and believe me i‘ve tried; why would anybody trust basement sergey over an established company? on top of anything link is hot garbage. is it because ourcoin? whatever it is it’s certainly not rational.