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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18530291 No.18530291 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I fucking told you God damn stupid son of a bitches that silver was a fucking meme and will never go anywhere

>> No.18530352

nice reddit widget faggot

>> No.18530359

>precious metals
enjoy your losses

>> No.18530434
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>> No.18530479
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You keep running your fucking mouth and I'll make you regret it faggot

>> No.18530515

get both

>> No.18530534
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>he doesn't know
>he's seething at our gains

>> No.18531821

When gold shines, silver reflects.

Mints are closed, mines are closed, spot is crashing from paper fags and premiums are nearly record high. Economy world wide is crashing and closed and we are in the middle of a pandemic and governments world wide are printing trillions of dollars. Gold supply is running low and silver as well.

Remember what happened when silver hit $8 in 2008 and then it hit $50 after a while before settling, and that was with none of the above happening.

Be patient.

>> No.18531867

I was watching an old black and white movie yesterday and the mexican pesos were all 1 oz silver coins, it was so neat to see them being used as currency. the movie was Treasure of the Sierra Madre, great movie for anyone who like gold/silver anyway.

>> No.18533201

Why do you trust David Lin?

>> No.18533235

But it just relies on this virus if you get good gains from PM then SELL AND TAKE PROFITS. Trees do not grow to the sky.

>> No.18533259

Internet tough guy alert. Be cool everyone we don't want anyone literally "hurt" in this thread

>> No.18533289

>mines are closed
nah, we're still mining.

we don't sell to the public though, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.18533291

Hoarding silver is like hoarding lumber. Sure it's useful but really not am effective investment

>> No.18533320

Even during 2008 gold went up briefly and then kept dropping for a year by 20%
Gold market is a paper market, you retards buying physical are deluded idiots

>> No.18533902

Biz shilling Silver is a strong gold buy signal. What’s wrong,

>> No.18534722

lol nice pickup fuck reddit niggers

>> No.18534950
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Reddit tranny spotted

Opinion discarded

>> No.18535047

I dont get why silver is shilled as a get rich quick scheme when its a super longterm investment. if you want gains this month or this year, buying silver is retarded, but if you want a really good store of value for the next 10-20 years, there literally is nothing better (especially with gold mooning). Its not actually economically possible for silver to be worth less than it is right now. Any less and mining companies just wont bother extracting it, and the industrial demand is so high that that alone will force the price back up.

With how much silver price is manipulated by firms such as JP Morgan to remain artificially deflated, I could see it sitting around where it is for a while, and maybe going up equal to overall inflation. With oil prices tanking, mining costs are also going down, which really doesn't help silver futures short term. If we ever see an oil shortage, or something crazy like $200/barrel prices, silver will moon. Or, if anything actually happens to JP Morgan (other than just throwing individual traders under the bus) to stop manipulating the price of silver

>> No.18535081

Should I be hoarding stones? More bang for a buck.

>> No.18535246

Who gives a shit, who ever buys now is a moron ...

>> No.18535406
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>> No.18535478
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>> No.18535568

you will forever be poor
manlet faggot nigger

>> No.18535590

>Gold supply is running low and silver as well
but only gold is mooning

>> No.18535606

>Gold market is a paper market, you retards buying physical are deluded idiots
yeah I also think that paper market drives also the physical price of gold and metals. But people here say ''they are 2 separate things''.. I don't think so

>> No.18535617

>dont get why silver is shilled as a get rich quick scheme when its a super longterm investment. if you want gains this month or this year, buying silver is retarded, but if you want a really good store of value for the next 10-20 years, there literally is nothing better
>there literally is nothing better

gold and platinum considering also the hydrogen cell fuels

>> No.18535627

>the industrial demand is so high

>> No.18535648

>With oil prices tanking, mining costs are also going down, which really doesn't help silver futures short term. If we ever see an oil shortage, or something crazy like $200/barrel prices, silver will moon.
it doesn't make sense because if mining costs are low then it should be a good opportunity to mine silver cheap

>> No.18535670

Nobody cares about you. Go mix your antidepressants with alcohol and weed like a good goy.
Stupid cattle need to be put back on reddit with a dildo up their man butt.

>> No.18535690

You reddit faggots are worse than fucking niggers.

>> No.18535709

Gold is king, everything else is shit
this is the same basic reason why BTC is the crypto reserve currency.

>> No.18536010

Lol, another desperate fag who knows silver is going to outperform every asset over the coming years and wants more time to stack. Literally all the technicals are there for silver to easily 10X from here.

>> No.18536128

hitler offering much needed r&r, based.

>> No.18536163

Question for the /biz/ metal nugs. What should the real price of gold and silver be today if it wasn't so repressed by the bankers?

>> No.18536176

Thanks reddit, just bought another 100 ozs

>> No.18536330
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Dollar:Silver is based on the proportion of USD in circulation versus the physical supply of silver. If USD was pegged to silver that ratio tells you what it would be revalued at. More accurately it tells you what the purchasing power of silver would become. Paper:Silver ratio refers to silver futures contracts. The derivatives outnumber silver in such a way that it drives down the price of silver due to deflating the price per ounce. The Dollar:Silver ratio is depressed by the Paper:Silver ratio. So if the dollar was pegged to silver and it became worth 1/2,395 of 1 oz of silver, and if all derivatives were wiped out so that physical is the only price that mattered and the Paper:Silver ratio became 1:1 it would further skyrocket the price of silver.

>> No.18536933

Holy crap that's insane. I would say I should load up on some silver bars right now but I know the kikes will find a way to keep the fiat ponzi rolling and the price of metals will be kept suppressed to oblivion.

>> No.18536955


>> No.18537009

Fuck this thread

>> No.18537042
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nice catch

>> No.18537136

>the kikes will find a way to keep the fiat ponzi rolling and the price of metals will be kept suppressed to oblivion
this won't happen forever, though. Could be in 2 weeks or 20 years, but the bubble will burst.

>> No.18537191

I don't see how that's possible when they get to dictate what the system is. Remember they have planned every single collapse for well over a century, they get to dictate how it plays out afterwards. The only way I can see us going to a metal backed currency is if they are overthrown. Gadaffi, Hitler and others tried, look what happened to them.

>> No.18537240
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>You keep running your fucking mouth and I'll make you regret it faggot

>> No.18537244

Skimming gold from top soil isnt mining retard.

>> No.18537291

I'm gonna skim some gold from your top soil in a minute

>> No.18537393
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>Holy crap that's insane.
The rate of increase is insane too.

>> No.18537429

There will be at least one more major dip in gold price, probably 3-6 months long, before it goes to new ATH.
I think it will probably go down to $1300 or even lower before getting up to $3,000 over the next year or two after that.
Screenshot this.

>> No.18537639

Seems plausible
I think I'm going to increase my silver holdings... What is a good silver to gold ratio?

>> No.18537809

The Germans used to store their gold at Fort Knox because they didn't want the USSR to get it, but with that threat no longer in play, they demanded to have their reserves back. The US said, 'we can't get it to you right now, give us a sec. No, you can't look in our vaults, fuck off.'

Within a week we had deposed Ghadaffi and raided his gold stores. We returned the gold owed to the Germans, but refused to give them the ledgers we had that listed their serial numbers. Oh, and we pocketed the rest of that gold.

There are only so many places we can rob, though. And if everyone starts calling in what's owed, we cannot pay it.

>> No.18537843


>> No.18537847
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>What is a good silver to gold ratio?
I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule as far as a ratio one would need to hold. I think it depends on what you’re trying to get out of it. If you’re wanting to play on future fiat price, then silver offers a higher upside potential. If you’re looking for a way to save your purchasing power (store of value), gold would be a better bet. I hold both with a heavier position in gold. If I had to guess which metal would rise more quickly, more reliably, I’d go with gold. Central banks have been adding gold to their reserves since Basel III made gold a tier 1 asset. It’s also had a solid performance against the market since 2000.

>> No.18537869

yeah ok chang

>> No.18538052

So what the fuck happened to the u.s gold? Do they not have it anymore? If it was stolen then who would have a higher authority than the us government to take it? The central banks? The rothschilds? Unless the government is just hoarding it.

>> No.18538922

Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!

>> No.18538972

Holy fugggggggf

>> No.18539948

metalchads will make it

>> No.18540563


>> No.18541607 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 288x162, 1523809742024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably when you get below 1:50 it's time to swap. But as low as 1:30 I guess I possible. I find these guys to be quite insightful on many occasions:

>> No.18541630
File: 1.41 MB, 288x162, 1523809742024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably when you get below 1:50 it's time to swap. But as low as 1:30 I guess I possible. I find these guys to be quite insightful on many occasions: