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18529789 No.18529789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am jobless. I have savings but and two nonused credit cards with 1000$ limits on them

My depression is killing me at the moment. I am also very very bored. And if I am being honest I spent the last 3-4 days smoking weed and jacking off while high to the most degenerate things ever. I’m too ashamed. I can’t even look other people in the eye these days. I can’t even masturbate to women because I can’t actually imagine them feeling submissive towards me or even liking me sexually.

I also invested in oil and now I’m thinking I fucked up. How could I have known? We always had a good relationship with the saudis. It was give and take sure but it was the best oil deal in the world.

My head feels like fucking garbage man, like if I was to describe it I would say it feels like it’s drowning in some sort of goop. I wanna be normal again I’m gonna fucking cry.

>> No.18529806

me on the left

>> No.18529809

you blew all your dopamine and serotonin and such try fasting for three days you might reset a bit

>> No.18529818

take a walk, stop watching porn, don't buy any more weed.

>> No.18529827

go get some candy and sodie pop OP it will make you feel better

>> No.18529836


Please help me, I literally only get hard to shit like this now

>> No.18529887

wtf anon

>> No.18529898

Time for nofap OP

>> No.18529922

Oh god what have you done I just relapsed and bought some rsr

>> No.18529928

Stop masturbating

>> No.18529951
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*hits pipe

>> No.18529984

Where is this picture from? Is that you, OP?

>> No.18529989

jesus. i loled when it cut to ciri jacking off in a corner.

>> No.18530021

If only. I have never had a female on top of me let alone one that was that pretty or wearing such clothing

>> No.18530038

Location: Chad zone

>> No.18530039
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That's david laid when he was young and dyel.

>> No.18530060

Why did I watch this

>> No.18530067

Show tits

>> No.18530078
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Listen to this short dick asshole and fast, you fat fucking nigger.


>> No.18530085

This is one weird yet hilarious fetish

>> No.18530087

Are you me? I've been working from home for like three weeks and having been doing absolutely nothing but getting high and jerking off to some pretty fucked up shit also. My porn addiction is the worse it's ever been. I ran out today and it's the first time I've been sober for a day. Think I'm gonna let my mind and my dick heal for a little. I also went all in on USO calls and getting killed right now lmao.

>> No.18530097

stops lossing your time anon, do whathever you think is productive, if you dont have it, look for something, and do it every day. you cant have perspective if you cant picturate your self en the future

>> No.18530098
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>> No.18530151

it sucks women stop being like this after a certain age-- in middle school and high school, i figured it'd always be like this on "those" nights but fuck was I wrong

>> No.18530197
File: 112 KB, 1080x1350, D0D1E674-4DC9-4F2B-B8BA-704382F493D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a family. I still do even now. I was born to a single abusive dad, so I always wanted to one day be able to restart and have a happy family. And this fantasy was reinforced by the cartoons and video games and books and whatever else.

Unfortunately reality was cruel. 20% of men get 80% of women and if that wasn’t enough women are deceitful and can never love you the way you love them.

I want to go far far away

>> No.18530229

First week : only one fap/weed per day
Second week : every other day
Third week : twice a week
Fourth week : once a week

Basically, three day is a hard cap.
More than once per three day, any it seems impossible to stop.
When you do a week, you got other rewarding activities that will fill yourself, so your need for weed/porn will be weaker every day.
Making love with your girlfriend don't countnas fap, but fucking a whore at a party or whatever is better than fap but should still be stoped.
I took 1 year to steadily go between one and two faps a week, and you really full better because you start to do things again, an be proud our yourself.
Also, quit porn. First degenerate porn, then casual one. It's very hard for me, I'm so used to it.

>> No.18530341

>I want to go far far away
same here

>> No.18530347

Don't jerk off for a month so your retarded brain fixes itself. This is serious advice.
>t. medfag

>> No.18530366

Everytime I smoke weed though it’s impossible to resist the urges

>> No.18530368

Your credit limit is only 1k?

>> No.18530381

I’ve never asked for more but mu score is 784 so I could go higher if I needed to. I’m a bit young so I’m taking it slowly

>> No.18530386

WTF? /bix literally spoonfed you LINK
and you still go out and fucking buy oil stonks?

>> No.18530401
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Stop smoking weed, retard. Throw out your stash, deposit all your cash and then cut up your checkbooks and credit cards. You'll be fine. Also, you're a faggot and I hate you.

>> No.18530485

But I spent 350$ on this half of an ounce of weed so I would feel like I am wasting it. I haven’t smoked in a couple of years but I was so depressed I broke down and paid so black person who I went to high school with.

>> No.18530512

youre a man

>> No.18530523

$350 is literally nothing. If you're insistent on this, roll enough for one bowl and then throw the rest out immediately. Just stop fucking smoking, holy shit it's not heroin. Lift weights, get a hobby, take some benadryl and go to sleep or something.

>> No.18530548


And throwing out that much and all that wasted money will make it mean all the more. Fucking faggot, do it right now. Piss and hack up loogeys on that weed and then throw it in the trash.

>> No.18530579

I am 10k in debt + 10k in margin acct. If my positions drop more than 10%, I am seriously screwed. I'm not paying tho, fuck those KIKES HAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.18530609

Where the fuck do you live paying that price?

>> No.18530658

He was the only person I was friends with on FB that I knew sold weed. I messaged him and he said that I was getting a hookup. Did I overpay? It was a one time thing anyway so I don’t care but I kinda have hallucinations while I am high which I don’t think is normal so I could see him hustling me

>> No.18530684

Okay dude I can see that you're a zoomer, that's fine, just unironically stay away from all drugs and alcohol, it's for the best in the long run. Don't be a weird straight edge fag or whatever but just don't do them, trust me.

>> No.18530734

I literally can’t you don’t get it. The addiction is too hard to break, it has caused to even buy womens underwear before and wear it. You don’t understand but you know how there are starving children or physically fit children having their brain power rotted by poor schools and constant tv/vidya.

Well my soul is being corrupted day in and day out. Externally it can’t be seen but internally I am not fine.

Bonds broken, Opportunities wasted. Bridges burned.

Be thankful you had a good childhood...

>> No.18530772
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>> No.18530841

Half ounce is 120 at most where I live. If you dont buy regularly it's not a big deal to overpay.

>> No.18530910

>babby's first sfm futa fap

Lmao get over yourself. Who the fuck still feels guilty about masturbating after like 15 years old? If you think video was a weird fap then head on over to >>>/d/>>>


>> No.18530922
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