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18527578 No.18527578 [Reply] [Original]

Just hit a 100 mil marketcap and #53 on coinpaprika.

WTF it just doesn't stop pumping.

>> No.18527584

fuck you delete

>> No.18527595

This. My village going rich! Very good sirs.

>> No.18527598

The truth is out there

>> No.18527601

pay up linkies

>> No.18527615

There's enough for everyone Ranjeesh

>> No.18527719

Fees are to high, and Richard is a known scammer

>> No.18527727

Hex is a scam

>> No.18527752

a fucking ERC20 stake pool can't be a scam
you just don't know how to read

>> No.18527761


>> No.18527769

Ok, Richard Schuler

>> No.18527795

Good evening dear , I am thinking the hexcoin has bright futur , excellent dev team to be sure!

>> No.18527855

there's no project
the coin is done lmao

>> No.18527861

I guess all those HEX bots in the YouTube comments were right after all...

>> No.18527865

I like how anytime anyone posts something good about HEX people say it's Richard.

I guess he's a God for being omnipresent everywhere. The only one buying. The only one shilling. :D

It's like other people interested in the project don't even exist.

>> No.18527877

so they really print it to oblivion?

>> No.18527895

Ok, Richard

>> No.18527910

Dear pls stop fud spread , hex is #1 coin in gains ,

>> No.18527923

If you mean the moon then yes.

>> No.18527937

Thank you Richard, it has to be said

>> No.18527938

Yes sirs! Many good wishings! Buy now the moon is here!

>> No.18528031

Just passed Ravencoin, many good wishings indeed

>> No.18528067

Ok when’s the next dip so I can enter a position.

>> No.18528107

End of April, beginning of May perhaps.but it may just pump now and return to the current levels. With HEX you never know.

I mean jesus look at the hex/eth chart.
Just broke the daily MACD to the upside so we might actually pump hard right now.

>> No.18528284

3.69% per year.

>> No.18528306

And it's delayed due to longer stakes ending later

>> No.18528308

I didn't find about about until last week then went all in. This is what I get for tuning my back on the market for 1 fucking quarter. I miss the one project that was going to save me at 1 sat. I missed out on ETH because of tone vays. I will not miss out on HEX because of tone.

>> No.18528322

Cereneum launched months before Hex, does everything hex does and more.

>> No.18528346

Welcome man. Good to have you.

Me as well, I got rekt beginning of 2018 and now with Hex I've made about a 5x and almost doubled my total investment into crypto.

It really is amazing.

>> No.18528375

Then why isn't it pumping son?

Because it's not designed to do so :D

>> No.18528460

Cereneum literally does everything hex does. It isn't pumping because it doesn't have a marketing shill scam artist pumping it. If you think hex is pumping b/c it is some magical one of a kind ERC20 contract, Cereneum proves it is not. Thus you are only buying bags hoping that Richard will pump them for you before he dumps on you.

>> No.18528489

I make same argument my village. Noo. Do what I said Rupees, Rajesh! They bigger. So I listen.

>> No.18528499

Which exchange are you selling on again? Oh right there’s none cause it’s a shit nigga tier scam

>> No.18528537

Crypto in general needs marketing and something that can be sold to the masses.
Hex is ready to be advertised, sold and adopted. It works now. Most others are still dreams in development.
Marketing is what has made most of the top projects in crypto.
Marketing is good man without it projects like cereneum for instance just fade away.

>> No.18528554


Almost 9 million in liquidity

>> No.18528569



>> No.18528591

imagine not being in the coin that kicked off the 2020 bull run

>> No.18528600

Peak crypto kino, get shit on biz

>> No.18528607

What is this fees meme?

>> No.18528622

I not Richerd sir ,,,, just humble hex invested ,, for sure to the moon we shall go!!

>> No.18528626


Some people just don't learn through reason.

>> No.18528649

Biz sez we r all Richard so wat can yu do

Thanks for investing though. Good to have you.

>> No.18529395

No, I'm Richard!

>> No.18529423

The value of my $1,200 speculation just hit $20,000. Happy to stake and gain as it's only my play money.

Thank you, Richard!

>> No.18529547

HEX now ranked 52

Just passed WAVES

Next stop top 50


>> No.18529734


And that's some achievement


>> No.18529854


>> No.18529885

it is ver cheap right know only less than a cent in comparision btc is 7100 very hard to make profit

>> No.18529955

The value of my $1,200 speculation just hit $20,000. Got in at the start and not relying on it to give me a living. Just bonus fun funds.

>> No.18530026
File: 1.49 MB, 3200x1740, Our financial lord and savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who knew of richard heart and didn't invest in his coin is a legit retard, he is motherfucking crypto jesus

>> No.18530278
File: 3.91 MB, 400x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hex is a scam

>> No.18530565

have HEX incels

>> No.18530727
File: 92 KB, 1215x595, IMG_20200315_005845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18530756


>> No.18530852



>> No.18531577
File: 371 KB, 640x480, 1509745651455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you people had to do was follow that fat motherfucker and understand how much you need to buy this shit at the lows and HODL it.

>> No.18531627


>> No.18531636

you like this, little goyim? you like a taste of the high life?

>> No.18531847
File: 161 KB, 788x685, 1403553995554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly feels pretty fucking good man

>> No.18531918

Go to bed schueler, stop samefagging, this is not YouTube or Reddit nobody is buying ur shitcoin

>> No.18531930

My whole village buyed his coin.

>> No.18531956

Yes man, we're all richard..

>> No.18532020


>> No.18532076
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1584688101189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad for anyone who's still not in HEX at all..
Remember it when it was cheap boys!

>> No.18532092

Just wait until that fat cunt gets bored and pulls the rug. You do realise that he's the only thing propping up the market and once he has lured in enough suckers this trash will dump to oblivion.

>> No.18532284

I take that back. Hex is not a scam.

>> No.18532288

God it's so comfy just watching my networth go up because of this shitcoin

>> No.18532290

Go back Reddit spacing faggot

>> No.18532326

he's actually staking his free coins. who know what he'll do with the ETH

>> No.18532333

Yeah bro we all realize, but we also realize that he will only ever sell his coins little by little, never dumping his whole stack all at once.. he has nothing to gain by destroying the price forever

>> No.18532446


How do I get some Hex? is their a faucet?

>> No.18532454


>> No.18532469
File: 41 KB, 479x486, 1516857691906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Highly doubt it's a scam. This article suggest otherwise.


>> No.18532508

I don't see Hex on that roster.

>> No.18532519

>In essence, the network of HEX is greater than it is in the bitcoin network. Because the superior coin "Bitcoin" also runs on this network. HEX is getting the big coins on the board which have highest market caps.
who the fuck wrote this

>> No.18532526


>> No.18532531

Sounds like my man Pajeet. He is great word artist all Mumbai.

>> No.18532546
File: 8 KB, 250x210, 1527033623333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon doesn't know you can stake hex
>anon doesn't know you can get free hex with nano


>> No.18532562

Checks which exchanges this is on, literally all scams with no real volume, cowhart owns all the supply, bunch of shit skinned pajeets shilling to hodl a token with no use case, this will end well

>> No.18532572

he’s been recycling the eth contributed to buy more free hex, essentially paying himself and taking down a ton of supply. This is well documented already sanjay

>> No.18532587

shouldn't that be the same for all projects? yet ... they always sell, greed gets the better of them, in the end

>> No.18532594


>> No.18533256

Good morning stakers
Hex about to break 51
Just look at it. Up 7% since last night
We breaking top 50 today
Fuck, I'm so hyped right now

>> No.18533563
File: 919 KB, 3096x1240, screenshot 2020-04-18 at 2.46.55 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me your money incels. I need one last cash grab before I disappear for good to my last foreign country using a new identity like I usually do.

>> No.18533601

No need to disappear or crawl under a rock like Satoshi.
This man is making history right now and you still can't see it.

>> No.18534331

There are unironically people intentionally not getting rich off this, absolutely lmao tier

>> No.18534545

Everyone who shills this shit (even ironically) must be hanged

>> No.18534641

Buttmad nohexer

>> No.18534661

Try to cash out, oh wait ur coins are locked till 2098 and its all fake gains, ups

>> No.18534678


>> No.18534812

>oh no the ETH people used to mint the coin has been transfered
as opposed to just being pre-mined and tossed into exchanges?
are people really that fucking retarded?

>> No.18534841

the contract mints the shit itself
you toss ether into it and it shits back the erc20
better to just buy it on uniswap
the "adoption amplifier" is pure gambling

>> No.18535051

Almost like... you don't have to stake?

>> No.18535072

look at the github. team is pumping out code like no tomorrow. heard google is looking into their product which is coming out late 2020. ground floor guys

>> No.18535772

I guess we broke top 50
Right now 49 in terms of marketcap
How high we going?