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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 904 KB, 1079x1195, SmartSelect_20200417-154657_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18518955 No.18518955 [Reply] [Original]

Well done, Lohwasser, well done

>> No.18519124

ty now im horny

>> No.18519144


>> No.18519154
File: 43 KB, 1165x489, gsG1Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hands feeling weak already?

>> No.18519169

why do you fags keep posting pictures of thots showing off their body?

>> No.18519200

why are thots doing it? attention

>> No.18519242
File: 1.02 MB, 1078x1168, 1519885716406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold LIT but dont post stupid thots with it please.

>> No.18519274

Lit dumb

>> No.18519285
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1528976903816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L-Lit dumb

>> No.18519291


>> No.18520379

Trust me, she's a woman

>> No.18520406

Coffee is good especially with sugar and cream

>> No.18520435

You can post "that's a man" all you want. It has only made me post more of them

>> No.18520816

There is a 78% chance of this being a biological woman

>> No.18520869

By the way lition is a Pajeet tier scam

>> No.18520925
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>> No.18520946

Why do you seethe? Are you one of the retards in the development team?

>> No.18521014

Why should I be? Are you shizophrenic or something, brainlet?

>> No.18521535

It's a german coin, with a usecase which is live right now. You can order renewable electric energy over their platform directly from the producer in your region decentralized. I get delivery from June and on.
You can stake their tokens with a staking pool, once mainnet v2 comes out you will be able to run your own node. In the distant future, you will be able to pay your electric energy with this coin. Read the roadmap. Also partnering with SAP, the biggest german IT firm, they created the new consensus model together. Here is no pajeet, sry.

>> No.18521995

Based retard, lition energy the company has NO USE for the token yet, it's only a marketing scam for pajeets like the retard above you. And SAP """"partnership"""" is a joke

>> No.18522024

Kill yourself subhuman scum

>> No.18522037
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>> No.18522228
File: 119 KB, 841x517, 1586973493171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calm down monkey. You dont need to wait for long until you can AND will buy my bags for one dollar per token. Cannot wait for these times :)

>> No.18522237

dear vishnu...

>> No.18522371

Thats were riches are made. With speculation. Once you invest when everything is smooth, you will not have much gains.>>18522024

>> No.18522397

>still near ATL
top kek
>>goys goys goys they burned their useless coins

>> No.18522813

So buying ath makes sense now?

>> No.18523055

1) buy high
2) sell low

>> No.18524004

Imagine being a Homo sapiens from Africa and banging neanderthal bitches like this left and right

>> No.18524931
