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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18518664 No.18518664 [Reply] [Original]

>19 yo

>> No.18518682

>20 yo

>> No.18518711

>17 yo

>> No.18518712

12 yo

>> No.18518728


>> No.18518755


>33 years old
>£140,000 Apartment
>£104,000 Crypto
>£10,000 Other Investment
>£110,000 bank

>> No.18518756

Probably like 90k
401k, all accounts, vehicles and house

>> No.18518759

lmfao XDD

>> No.18518762

>689 Million US dollar
>have no job dont need one obviously

>> No.18518767


>> No.18518786


>> No.18518795

9 years old
1.2 millions, my inheritance from grandpa.

I can't access it because not old enough

>> No.18518847

69 yo
420 , 999 ,999 ,999 ,999

>> No.18518858

I can manage it for you, trust me bro.

>> No.18518870


High Risk Securities 44.71%
Bonds 4.57%
Real Estate 17.05%
Cash 21.18%
Depreciable 10.92%
Metal/Digital 1.57%

>> No.18518876

SEETHING NEETs can't stand the idea that a go-getter like me already financially mogs them

>> No.18518891


>> No.18518892

whoops, I am 34.

>> No.18518942


>> No.18519029

no point in these threads people always larp lol.

>> No.18519064

Unironically not impressive at all

>> No.18519188

445 kr and around 800 Tezos and around 88k tezos leveraged etf.

>> No.18519226

What's the minimum net worth to be impressive at 22 yo?

>> No.18519262

You said you’re 19

>> No.18519282

100K would mean you nearly maxed out a 401k and an IRA for 4 years so I will go with that.

>> No.18519294

Dude, no one here is going to tell you their age, let alone their ACTUAL wealth value.

>> No.18519320

Her ribs and hip bones jutting out look bigger than her hidden tits.

>> No.18519346

1000 years old
Blood ritual expert
A century worth of lost souls

>> No.18519363

That's definitly a man

>> No.18519391

desu most 22 yos are either in debt or broke as fuck so literally any positive number probably gets you into the 99th percentile.

>> No.18519440

30k in btc 26k in assorted shitcoins

>> No.18519541

>Chef at Wendy's

>> No.18519559

No point in caring what's impressive at this age. Can't change anything about it. Setting my sights on bigger targets.


Mediocre mindset. 99.99% percentile or bust

>> No.18519574
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Based scum gang affiliate

>> No.18519733
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19k LINKs(about $64k)

>> No.18519862


>> No.18520489


>> No.18520822

About 30k EUR

>> No.18520836
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Age is private, but around 748~.
72830 Zimbabwe Dollar respectively.

>> No.18520864
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10k cash
commercial unit i lease out in 519

>> No.18520891

37. white male asian wife. 4 kids. Make combined 650,000 a year. Living the life. Laughing while poor white roasties seethe because Im prospering with a very wealth asian beauty. Life is good.

>> No.18520909

>$5,000 in cash
>$2,600 in debt

>> No.18520912

6000 usd(but in chile)
part time student

>> No.18520941

19 turning 20 in a month



>> No.18520958

nice buddy keep it up

>> No.18520968

30 y/o boomer

>> No.18520975

>he wasn't larping about only having 11k cash and nothing else

Top kek

>> No.18520993

>idk like 400 max
>also 600+ unpaid credit card debt but they can kiss my ass

>> No.18520996

Software Engineer / Web Developer

>> No.18520999

its inheritence money btw

>> No.18521026

lowkey based

>> No.18521119

>6000000000000000000000000 Yen
>Fucking your mom

>> No.18521139

a million nigger bucks

>> No.18521162

>$6.5k (broke, I know, working on it)
>student (and no debt)
(most of it is invested, so very volatile, but yeah, grossly $6.5k)

>> No.18521185

if you have no debt you are already winning

>> No.18521198

Based. What are you doing to bring up your net worth? Online business?

>> No.18521278

Being a fucking wagie, saving literally every penny that comes in, profiting from my parents support and investing everything as wisely as possible (I know, I'm based AF, don't care cause it works). I don't spend when I go out, I cook at home and I'm extremely frugal. I'm basically a non-jewish jew.

>> No.18521437
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whoever edited this photo is literally gay

>> No.18521526

>doesnt post his occupation
>butthurt others who dont want to play his game

>> No.18521534

extremely based. lol

>> No.18521556


Lmao you made this post just to get accolades. Lmao chasing money to look cool.

>> No.18521574


Mostly not from crypto gains

>> No.18521607

Why did they erase her bony vagina?

>> No.18521621

9k crypto
1k oil stock
500 bank
3000 TSP
The beauty of this profession is you can lose everything and you still get 3 hots and a cot and a paycheck. Weak hands are all people who sell when they think they're gonna lose their apartment/gf/car/fast food. I dont need any of those things, so I never sell.
And if it all goes to shit and I lose everything, I got the TSP and the pension

>> No.18521640


>> No.18521835

>Being a fucking wagie, saving literally every penny that comes in, profiting from my parents support and investing everything as wisely as possible (I know, I'm based AF, don't care cause it works). I don't spend when I go out, I cook at home and I'm extremely frugal. I'm basically a non-jewish jew.
Cringe. Time is money for a reason anon.

>> No.18521854

nice try nigger IRS

>> No.18521871

net worth: 500-700k (estimate)

Started from the very, very bottom, grew up in brokeville, made it. Now I shitpost on 4channel all day.

>> No.18521910

1 quadrillion toz space gold

>> No.18522527

>~100k mostly cash
I'll invest one day

>> No.18522559

this is not making it anon


>> No.18522769

26 yo, 140k apartment in Germany, still 9 years paying the jews till it is mine though

>> No.18522785


>> No.18522837


>> No.18522869


>> No.18522893
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>> No.18522896

Underwater welder

>> No.18522918

recently unemployed

lost it all, now I'm in a stinker.

>> No.18522938

>small business owner
> around $1,100,000.00

>> No.18522956

>posts on 4chan

>> No.18523050

Your daughter will be fucktoys for white men and your sons will post on r/happas.

>> No.18523145

Why do you care about what's impressive? Is that your goal, to impress?

>> No.18523316

8 yo, $420.,69

>> No.18523332


>> No.18523342

>300k€ house (mortgage paid off)
>1 BTC
>17k€ in bank

>> No.18523372

25 yo
40.000 Euros
not telling occupation since fuck you CIA

>> No.18523481

>70k salary with benefits
>12k Crypto

I work in IT Security at a certain agency.

>> No.18523672

22 turning 23 next month

>> No.18523717

23 years old
$90k in crypto, 30k in cash, have 50% equity in a amazon fba biz valued at $300,000
no debt, non-meme bachelors.

the entirety of my crypto portfolio is in RSR.

>> No.18523803
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Code cuck

>> No.18523868
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24, 70k salary, Software Developer.

Pretty comfy ngl. The 16k in other is in crypto

>> No.18523898

Why was someone being nice to me? Thanks fren

Anyways wedding this year will wipe out that banked money

>> No.18523973

what kind of piece of shit property did you get for $180k

>> No.18523995

5 bdrm single family. I live in one of the top 10 best real estate markets in the US so I got a tad lucky, it's actually really nice

>> No.18524007

>rental car attendant
>negative $22,000

>> No.18524076

Are you renting out the other bedrooms? You are swimming in debt

>> No.18524089

200k in Link
10k in savings

>> No.18524110

Uh, herro>>18524007

>> No.18524132

dude how could u offer this without consulting me, your partner...

>> No.18524151

>sell guns
>$1900 in crypto, roughly $1000 in silver

>> No.18524227

I don't know, can't remember when I was born. Can you?
Currently occupy the UK

>> No.18524272
File: 327 KB, 828x1586, DB4526A0-A484-45AB-847C-93FE372CFC0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business systems analyst
>badly cropped pic

>> No.18524294


House Equity: 50496.42
Cash on hand: 16931.43
Stocks: 9609.50

Pending Cash Bonuses / Taxes / Checks I ened to claim:

Toyota Camry: Paid Off

About to buy a toyota tacoma and give away my camry.

>> No.18524308

Dang looks like you're kicking my butt. How much does a business systems analyst make? I want to convert from systems engineering to data scientist // business analytics

>> No.18524438

I started at 60k right out of college and am up to 70k now, I was due to be up to 72500 but my company didn’t do merit bonuses this year because of corona-chan.

I’m also turning 24 later this month lol

>> No.18525018

>net worth ~ -35000$ (only debt is student loans I've been deferring for 7 years)
>left the military and graduating with MSc Eng. in June
RIP job market I hope I can still get an interview at the jobs I applied to in Feb-Apr

>> No.18525118


-4ish thousand due to student loans, I'm in the Army Reserve and they're paying them off at the end of my contract anyway

so my technical net worth is about $17k

I need to make more money I'll probably make 55k at most this year

>> No.18525235

Code Monkey
~ 5 k crypto
~ 2 k stonks
~ 3 k cash
~ 16 k bmw
~ 300 k real estate

>> No.18525328

Yes renting out other rooms. Debt doesn't bother me, cash flowing positive each month by a wide margin. Looking at my second property now

>> No.18525462

>$205 and a ford fiesta

>> No.18525552

>code monkey
>7k cash
>2.5k in soon to be worthless short positions

>> No.18525560

>$500 lol

>> No.18525567

Early thirties and somewhere between 300 and 600k

>> No.18525580

I went all in on ARPA at the bottom
Can I upgrade my caste?

>> No.18525594

> 24
> 22k

>> No.18525602

piece of shit coin ARPA that is

>> No.18525677

lots of down time given that my well oiled money machine only requires about 10 hours of my labor a week plus adult supervision. And I like bitcoin, of course.

>> No.18525692

based, what sector?

>> No.18525753

> around 420k
>I make hash in a chem lab

>> No.18525776


>> No.18525791
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Same here, bought a 5 bedroom for 170k in california, was a fixer. Home worth 500k now after fixing it up. Good work anon.

>> No.18525804

30 year old

neet for 3 years

got lucky with eth early and link early

i only cash out when i need to eat food.

30k linkies

can keep doing this for a few more years even if link goes back to .30 cents.


>> No.18526024

>19 yo

>> No.18526466
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> 36
> 3,343,338 as of 4/15/2020
> Real Estate Investor

>> No.18527015
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What app is that?

>> No.18527115

>18 yr old

>> No.18527143

Relative to where I started, it is. Besides, I've made it in all other measures too, but I needn't divulge my life story.

>> No.18527274

maybe $4,000
trying to save money just got a job at a mortgage company without graduating college

>> No.18527461

88 year old

>> No.18527815

>88k tezos leveraged etf.
> tezos leveraged etf
what the fuck are you on about

>> No.18527985
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There's a 3xTezos (ETF they called it that) on gate.io and i have 88k Tezos plus around 800 on my ledger NANO S.

>> No.18528011


>> No.18528182

Age 25
Occupation: ultrasound dude
Salary: 82k

>> No.18528430

Oh I'm at 95 lol