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18517263 No.18517263 [Reply] [Original]

I currently have 0.7 BTC and about 7.5 ETH .. if I flipped all my bitcoin into eth, I'd be able to hit the 32 requires for staking. Do I stay where I'm at and hope for new ATH in BTC or move to ETH for staking? JFC im conflicted.

>> No.18517263,1 [INTERNAL] 

Mongolian throat singing is very good. All in eth bitch stake that shit and buy link too for it goes with eth cuz oracles and smart contracts

>> No.18518469

i wish i knew anon. bumping for interest

>> No.18518537

If you could choose between two stocks that you know both will rise in price but one gives dividends and the other doesn't what would you choose? You want a steady income or not?

>> No.18518563


>> No.18518588



>> No.18519289

ETH will have a bigger run for sure anon
the smart contract will be the next meme media will run with

>> No.18519359

staking is a bit of a meme. just dump your meagre amount of btc and eth into blockfi and earn interest (6% for btc/4.5% for eth)
if staking comes out for eth and it's more then do it

>> No.18519494

look it up, the staking rewards are going to be way better than that

>> No.18519638

OP here.. from what I saw it looked like staking rewards for 32 eth was only like 1.2 eth per year.. and defi is still way too glitchy for me to risk my stack on it. Next question is... will ETH/BTC ratio improve with BTC halving .. or will 2.0 rollout hurt the ratio while BTC stalls.

>> No.18519652

Convert to link

>> No.18519701

Go into ETH. Can't say I feel safe with the idea of staking though, because apparently you can't unstake for the time being during Phase 0. I'm not sure what kind of staking gains you'd get though.

>> No.18519751

I have no clue but I think the gains from speculation / appreciation for both eth and btc will be higher than the staking if there is a next bull run.

Celsius/Blockfi/Nexo are centralized lenders so not really defi.
I'm more worried about the bugs in staking and exposing my home computer to the network than anything else. I'd let the first group iron out the bugs while staking off a pool or Coinbase or something first. Maybe get a VPN if it's really worth it.
There's always staking pools too if you're short on eth.

>> No.18519786
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>he didn't invest in Lord Tengri

>> No.18519803

I'd feel pretty damn safe if they figured out all the issues during the testnet phase.. which I'd assume would be the case. Certainly safer than locking up on defi after the blunders recently. Any idea if I'd have to have a standalone PC to act as a node? And would it have to be high performance or would a little netbook or raspberry pi do the trick?

>> No.18519841

Hmm.. I've seen rocketpool as an alternative. Their minimum to act as a node is 16 eth.. might be a reasonable alternative but again.. I dont know the specifics of stack safety when dealing with them

>> No.18519857


ETH IS A SCAM YOU DUMB FUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18519896
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>> No.18519936
File: 40 KB, 828x642, 6297BA8A-0A44-4E69-83DA-53A5C822A26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying this chart