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18516156 No.18516156 [Reply] [Original]

How to be smart about pretending to have a fake a degree? Would finding a bankrupt and no longer existing educational institution suffice to make the fraud harder to prove? How would you smart people go about such a fraud? Purely hypothethical question.

>> No.18516167
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>How to be smart about pretending to have a fake a degree?

>> No.18516210

Hi Craig

Shouldn’t you be getting ready for going to jail?

>> No.18516251

I was in jail already, not that scary

Seriously though, how to prove that I'm a specialist in some field without going through the hassle of studying shit

>> No.18516288
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>Would finding a bankrupt and no longer existing educational institution suffice to make the fraud harder to prove?
The longer it's death the harder it will be to prove. Especially if it went under before widspread digitalization pre-2005.

Might as well brrrrrrrrr a degree.

>> No.18516290

I am almost finished studying my Computer Science degree. And you notice when people haven't studied a subject. Faking a degree (depending on the degree) might actuallly be harder then getting the degree. But it always depends on the usecase. Generally speaking most of 'smart' ppl i know, but lack of any kind of education. Are actually far from smart and closer to lost. If you think you can handle it then go ahead try it, but if you get caught could backfire hard.

>> No.18516353
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It depends on what kind of degree. Obviously only retards would fake math and physics degrees but a generalistic degree in business studies can prove valuable and is hard to be called into question by just talking with the person.

>> No.18516369

Thanks guys, finally some constructive input

The thing is I dropped out just before getting master's in psychology because there was no way to specialize in neuroscience and make decent money off it.

I got involved with payday lending industry, but it got shut down by the government.

Right now I'm considering becoming a therapist for a year or two, as this field is not heavily regulated. I'd just need to refresh my knowledge and just act the part; the diplomma is just for marketing purposes, I just wanted to make it beliveable enough for complete strangers. This could backfire, yes, but being a therapist is no rocket science.

>> No.18516391

Just get the degree. You clearly need to go back to school, and the "fake degree" days are over, fren. It's 2020 FFS.

Or just buy Suterusu and get Nu-China-Rich by 2022 and then never work.

>> No.18516424

Have you seen "The King's Speech"? Lionel Logue didn't have the letters next to his name but he had the skillz, and was able to cure the King of England's stutter better than licensed therapists. You just have to find yourself a gray area to slip into, like calling yourself a "life coach" or something parallel to "therapist", all kinds of soccer moms and grad students are looking for someone they can pay to listen to their garbage.

>> No.18516441

Yeah and you are talking to a nigger felon. He has no skills

>> No.18516504

I'm not a nigger and I've been to jail during my forsensics psychology course

I might not have the most marketable skills, I just try to focus on not overworking myself

>> No.18516559

Then don't behave like a nigger and people won't treat you like one.

Get a fucking job scumbag and start your life over right. Your stupid fucking ass probably wonders why your life ended up like this when you are simultaneously attempting to cheat, lie, and fool the system. Seriously consider suicide man.

>> No.18516584

Degrees are about to straight up be on the blockchain. Look at what Singapore is doing. Long Asia. Long SUTER.

>> No.18516597

Shush, I don't see a reason to become a slave of the system if there are gray areas to be exploited. Sure, I'd contemplate suicide if I just gave up instead of using every means at my disposal to have both money and time.

>> No.18516604

>How to be smart about pretending to have a fake a degree?
if you were smart you would have a real degree and wouldnt have to fake it

>> No.18516627
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Every means at your disposal ... except fucking effort and not being an absolute piece of shit.

You are seriously the most worthless type of human. Shitbag

>> No.18516653

OP just fake it til you make it.

All the college cucks in this thread are getting pissed that they paid so much money for shit they could have learned at their job through real world experience.

>> No.18516707

fuck off pshek

>> No.18516735

It's just a piece of paper OP. I think most of the people I work with would be shocked to find out I don't have a degree. Not that I've actively lied to them, they just never asked.

source - 6 figure UK marketing consultant, 10+yrs.

>> No.18516738

Good fucking God these people are idiots. Lying about a degree is super easy, even easier if it doesn't even relate to the job. Most places unless your a fucking doctor dont give a fuck. They just want a 4 year degree. Few people even bother to check. College teaches you fuck all nothing. These retards replying about how you wont know wtf to talk about are reddit tards. Everything is just a confidence game.

I built 6 years of IT experience no degree. Friend has psy degree make 100k coding. My bro has same degree changing fucking tires. All that being said, I went back to school for a Biz degree. Mostly just because I feel ashamed for not having one and Im marrying a lawyer. I hate lying though I have been trying to teach myself to be okay with it. My default is honesty that is so explicit it makes people laugh.

People are lazy and or trusting. If you give them a reason to not believe you they will check up. Most will just doubt themselves before ever calling you on your bullshit. I call people on their bullshit all the time and I get called an asshole. Fucking these other idiots they have no idea wtf they are talking about.

>> No.18516751

Anybody that cares about your education will ask for a transcript. They will either ask for a sealed transcript that you can provide or a transcript from the institution

>> No.18516753


Its like lying about having a high school diploma at this point, are they really gonna check you completed HS? No, they fucking assume that. The more I talk about it the more I feel like an idiot for even completing my degree.

>> No.18516766

You can have PhD in your own teaching institute diploma issue by institute in the name of blah blah

the truth is the highly educated people are stupid and get diplomas of obedience and self discipline , that is the only what really matter for an employer. Would you like to employ smart ass sharp in the mind? or kind of dummy that follow orders well? You understand that capitalism means competition of usury by lie?
Smart ass guy will watch what is going on, learn the patterns, create plan and execute in your expanse. and morally it is totally justifiable action because owner employ people only because they create more value then have got paid. So workers get robed all the time it is competition of usury by suggesting to imagine, explaining on paper, drown peoples attention in to more small details, that no one in ones healthy mind would read it .
There is too much greed is good "smart" geckos. Humanity either colaps or turn in to slavery .
we need people with strong morality who do serve life to us all.
Totally legally create your own bullshit educational center and sell diplomas where you are PhD professor in your own teaching institution.
Just make it look official and very look a like.
ha ha ha why you need this shit? You can even employ some nerds that teach people for tuition... just make people busy and get money from their pockets going in to yours. You not hat smart do you ? Don't , worry you will get a job.

>> No.18516778

this guy gets it

>> No.18516810

What the fuck does a marketing consultant even do

>> No.18516828

I can tell you how to fucking kill yourself. Drink methanol based wiper fluid. It's totally painless, I promise.

>> No.18516833

That's the beauty of it. Tbh I don't even know what my job is anymore. I just advise on things. Do this, don't to that. It's working tho.

>> No.18516845

marketing consultant, what a fucking jew job

>> No.18516856

Repeats stuff on tv to npcs.
You have to go full proctor and gamble retard and insult every man in the country during the superbowl to fuck it up.

>> No.18516880

...and when you will complete your degree you will never ever use it in your entire life, well you mom will be proud of you.

>> No.18517073

lol what are you even saying nigger, never use it? ill use it like ive been using my 1st grade education, as an instructional accreditation to some how prove im not a complete retard to other retards. Thats all "education" is. No one asks you about the books you read outside of college and its illegal for employers to give you an IQ test, so how about you go fucking die in a hole you absolute fagget

>> No.18517488

>when you are simultaneously attempting to cheat, lie, and fool the system

That’s how you win in this system you soicuck

>> No.18517852

>t. philosophy major

>> No.18518071

I'm pretty sure this would be picked up by any basic background check, OP.

>> No.18518328
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>pretending to have a fake degree
>not getting a real fake degree
What are you, retarded or something?

>> No.18518350

If you are smart you get a real degree but are smart about cheating your way through it.

>> No.18519508

My man


>> No.18519634

How do you even get into this line of work?
That being said, I actually have an economics degree.