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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18496009 No.18496009 [Reply] [Original]

We could change the world. I really, really hope you newfags are ready for this and have some cash set aside for a once-in-a-lifetime, golden 1,000x.




>> No.18496026


>> No.18496721

Can we stake this right now? I actually got a bag of this lmao

>> No.18496786

yes, i already have 100 staked tokens

>> No.18496903


>> No.18497180

> Introducing Imperial, the proto-type of the fastest financial blockchain anywhere.

The prototype. Not proto-type. You should fire your writer.
So the coin is the prototype od the fastest bmockchain...and isn't the actual blockchain?
> A different kind of cryptocurrency is coming and this time it's different.
What an ugly and redundant sentence.

> By focusing the chain assets on transferring one asset and one asset...
Lul wut?

> it's believed...
By who?
> we can reach speeds at over 100,000+ transactions per second.
> Taking the standard computer science models and putting the emphasis on the partitioning of the standard blockchain model, we can achieve incredible transactions per second through sharding.
Taking the standard technospeak, we can scam you for your ethereum

> By sacrificing some consistency on the chain and replacing it with the standard traditional banking structure; overdraft fees, tracking and banning fraudulent accounts and insurance on deposits, we can maintain the speed of the network for 99% of transactions.
Another sentence whose meaning is numbed by jargon

> Imperial will be in an asset class of its own, capable of fast transactionality, secure deposits, usable anywhere in the world and available for anyone with a smartphone.
You've said nothing. Shitcoin.

>> No.18497186

Looks interesting, only on sale on fork delta?

>> No.18497287
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>> No.18497380
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>> No.18497385

Imagine the smell. No, really. Imagine it. I work with a SINGLE pajeet and the odor is overwhelming.

>> No.18497420
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>> No.18497466
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>> No.18497476
File: 102 KB, 409x409, comfypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down noob. this is clown world, and this indeed looks like it can reap the benefits.

i'm throwing 10 ETH at this and staking on day one. see you when it's 1,000.

>> No.18497513
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>> No.18497514

Pathetic larp. You know we can all see the order books right?

>> No.18497555

>literally the dome of taj mahal as logo
Something sure stinks in this thread

>> No.18497592

5 posts by this id.....did someone hurt you babyboy?

>> No.18497593

Kill yourself boyka. You're a shitcoin collecting moron and your articles look like they were written by a 12 year old (which they were, because you are a 12 year old).

>> No.18497667
File: 42 KB, 800x400, img-54bf4045a1348-posts-10389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my eyes hurt from the smell of dravidian poop curry oozing out from this thread.

>> No.18497913

Just market bought more because of this FUD lmao

>> No.18498022
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>> No.18498178

already more volume than every shit coin biz shills

>> No.18498281


see you. ;)

>> No.18498411
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>> No.18498474

someone else i know is joining me.

>he doesn't know about hundred of percent DAILY compounding

>he doesn't know forkdelta shit moons the hardest

>he refuses to be early on anything in his life.

>> No.18498525

With exponential growth in the supply and no usecase, the price is going to exponentially decrease too, you retard. A fool and his money are easily parted, congrats on lining Buccaneer's pockets.

>> No.18498702
File: 37 KB, 728x410, video_youtube_ixJgY2VSct0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about hundred of percent DAILY compounding shit on the streets
>he doesn't know designated street shit is washed away the hardest
>he refuses to be early on any toilet in his life

>> No.18498862

There's only 2 possibilities I can think of.
1. The buyer is genuinely retarded and think they can just stake 1000 tokens, get back 5000, and sell them all for 50 ETH (hint: he can't)
2. This is the dev wash trading

>> No.18499050

I think is option 1.
Too bad people will sell the stake rewards for way less than 1eth for 100.

>> No.18499370

Hahahaha. This thread is literally 2 people trying to scam you fools. Let's see. Horrible grammar, buzzwords with no actual substance or explanation, shitty ass graphics using some ghetto Photoshop style. Dear God anybody buying this low level attempt at a scam is fuckin stupid. I hope you lose all of your trumpbux

>> No.18499411

Will buy 1000 more UNITS at market price soon

>> No.18499436

Do your village a favor and kys. No ody is buying this. This isn't going anywhere, this is 1 guy wash trading some shitty token on forkdelts. He hasn't even explained what it does or the purpose of it, guess why not? Because it doesn't do shit! This isn't 2017 faggot fork Delta projects aren't mooning anymore with any legitimate buyers, it's a scammers graveyard. Kys

>> No.18500038


you fags must be very new. you're right, it's not 2017...it's 2020, and i'll do much better than you will, clearly.

>> No.18500358


Thanks fren

>> No.18501061


>> No.18501202
File: 78 KB, 647x404, garbage-sc-story_647_020416121308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fag must be very new to the toilet. it's not 1700 ...it's 2020. and i'll do a much better shit than you will, clearly and not on the street.

>> No.18501954
File: 112 KB, 999x666, Keep-Dogs-from-Pooping-on-Lawn-e1555292314532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]