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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 556 KB, 1920x1080, iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18494229 No.18494229 [Reply] [Original]

insider here

massive new might come tomorrow about american express and iota deal
billiondollar deal

buy iota when you still can

insider out.

>> No.18494380

your ass is inside(r) out

>> No.18494491

Is the blockchain still offline or restricted from using ? Hahahhhaha

>> No.18494497

grow up

>> No.18494506

Smells like curry in here.

>> No.18494522


IOTA has shit the bed too many times, bugs, hacks, countless issues.

its unironically OVER for IOTA.
if you want to invest in DAG chains... atleast NANO works.

>> No.18494535

This. Gotta wait for permissions to clear from the central database.

>> No.18494572


>> No.18494581


>> No.18494630

how much do you have

>> No.18494721

Dude you fucking stink like curry, stop making these pathetic threads everyday. Its over, Sanjeep

>> No.18494755

seek help adhd kid

>> No.18494782

lmao imagine being such a bagholder that you can't keep your seething from ruining your insider LARP.

>> No.18494816

Man you are smart, no problem we will get richer without those pathetic ignorants

>> No.18494865


>> No.18494874

seeeethe hahaha

>> No.18494921

do you have $1+ bags? lmao

>> No.18494976

i dont own iota
im interested in buying some because iota will moon soon

>> No.18495009

>this POS dead database shitcoin leftover from last bullrun will moon
DUMB FUCK hahaha

>> No.18495083

seek help dumb fuck

>> No.18495243
File: 138 KB, 582x782, 1585380206585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up!

In the middle of a depression turning into a recession and you think billion dollar deals are being made? You fucking grow up lol.

>> No.18495296


>> No.18495523
File: 56 KB, 780x394, IOTA-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're bagholding a SCAM faggot.

>> No.18495550

Thanks sirs moon

>> No.18495652

nope not a bagholder just interested in an amazing cryptocoin

>> No.18495708

>>A project led by 2 manbabies who of course ended up at each other's throats.
>>Offline network for weeks to prevent people from dumping under hypocritical classic "iTs FoR youR prOtEctIoN"

Yeaaah noooo, i'm gonna pass on that shitcoin thanks.

>> No.18495744







>> No.18495782
File: 344 KB, 1920x1080, iota2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazing cryptocoin
brought to you by the same scammers who
> dumped NXT coin on retards until it lost all value
> dumped a scam JINN token on retards and exit scammed
> have been dumping IOTA for 3 years as it loses more value every year proving its vaporware with the most network outages of every crypto in a sea of 5000 shitcoins

>> No.18496054


>> No.18496226

c_f_b is probably the most delusional guy in crypto alongside the other retarded founder david stonedoutofhismind

>> No.18496319

vaporware is an understatement
these guys made up their own cryptography, which ended up being insecure, for our astonishment

>> No.18496359

lol I was going to call this asshole out for posting his same "American Express announcement tomorrow" lies over and over ...
Then you swoop in with the actual archived links!
Fucking awesome, Anon.

OP, what you're doing is wrong, and you're not welcome here.

OP, don't spout lies to hurt other /biz/anons financially. You're the worst kind of person on this board. If you stick aroud you'll find real was to make money, which don't involve lying to and bullying people on /biz/.

Shit, take that elsewhere and shill to normies or something if you need a hustle. /biz/ are the people who will make you rich if you participate and pay attention.

Don't be evil here.

>> No.18496368


>> No.18496409

IOTA is a piece of shit, bagholder OP. Cut your losses and move on. IOTA is never coming back

>> No.18496599

I'm 100% in iota and I hate these posts.
And agreed with everyone on this post iota looks like an absolute, itter fucking failure. Fortunately 90% of the back then legitimate cristism has been solved now and by the end of the year it will be a lot easier to reevaluate their likely hoof of success. All crypto is a massive speculative gamble, and just happen to gamble on this particular shitcoin.

>> No.18497317

dumb fuck