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18487027 No.18487027 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons,
I wanna invest around 1k in cryptocurrencies. What do you think of this:

>600$ BTC
>100$ BCH
>200$ ETH
>50$ LINK
>50$ XRP

>> No.18487049

I'd do 100 less in BTC and no BCH and put that 200 into link.

>> No.18487055

Why not space that out over the next 4 weeks and then you're more likely to catch a discount

>> No.18487057
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>He's trying to diversify crypto with $1K

Nigger just put it all in link lmao

>> No.18487096

Im spacing it out, just wanted to list the total amount I wanna spend.

>> No.18487115

1000 in XRP and you'll be a millionaire next week.

Do the research.

>> No.18487144

Gotcha. Yeah looks good maybe a little less in BTC and 0$ in BCH and you're good man.

>> No.18487170

500 ETH
500 LINK

you can also get some BTC as well if you really want to. Avoid anything else tho

>> No.18487204

500 in LINK
250 in ETH
250 in BTC

>> No.18487213

800 link
200 tezos

>> No.18487221

All cryptos follow the same exact path. Literally put it all into one for the same results.

>> No.18487231
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750 link
50 eth
200 tezos

>> No.18487252

newfag, so just buy BTC

>> No.18487260

BTC, ETH, and LINK are the only coins with a future in that list. use whatever ratios you want but BCH and XRP are trash.

i want to tell you why but you wouldn't understand what I'm saying anyways.

>> No.18487279

Fuck BTC. When pumps happen alts go up the same against BTC as BTC does against USD. Meaning alts pump double against USD.

>> No.18487294

you need lend in there. aave's flash loans are picking up

>> No.18487321

Fuck that
>750 LINK
>250 LIT

>> No.18487403

1 whole ETC, rest split between BTC and LINK

>> No.18487428

I meant 1 whole ETH, sorry

>> No.18487546
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This. Look at the charts. Everything follows bitcoin. Crypto is boring and literally just pure gambling at this point.

Stonks at least give you ups, downs, industry news, possible opportunities, possible losses, etc.

Crypto is just like throwing all your money into a giant slot machine that the casino realized was way too generous back in 2017 and now you're just pissing into the wind.

>> No.18488226

humor us brainlets. xrm also seems viable but im sure you don't see a future for that either

>> No.18488320

>450 bitcoin
>250 eth
>100 xtz
>100 ltc
>50 xrp
>50 xlm

>> No.18488467

50% eth 50% link
if you had more to spend i'd suggest putting money in BTC as well
anyone who mentions any other crypto in this thread should be ignored

>> No.18488683

Litecoin for those mimblewimble gains and Link for memes and also because it moons harder against bitcoin

>> No.18488936

Man I fucking hope so.

>> No.18489010


Okay sergy

>> No.18489240

BTC - 1st mover blockchain, decentralized, brand recognition, POW, largest network, sybil attack resistant, other POW forks can't compete
ETH - 1st mover smart contract/dApp platform, decentralized, brand recognition, POS, 2nd largest network, sybil attack resistant, other platforms can't compete
LINK - 1st mover oracle network, (((centralized))) as a temporary step to ensure data accuracy, brand recognition (inside crypto circle), consensus based data provides an economy that will present 99.999% accurate data by design, sybil attack resistant due to reputation requirements, other oracle networks can't compete

Each provides a decentralized economy where economic participants will promote the success of the network because it is in their economic interests. The value is in the network, not the coins. The network answers to noone. If it grows to the point (((we))) think it will, it will have no single point of failure and will be owned by no one; it will simply be an entity that exists that performs a useful task.

If you look closely you'll realize that each network is an evolutionary step in blockchain technology. BTC is pure blockchain. ETH is blockchain applied (smart contracts/dApps). LINK is smart contract/dApps applied to the real world.

In my opinion, if you're betting on any of the 3, you are betting on decentralized blockchain.

I don't care about the others so here's the summary:

XRP - centralized
BCH - knock-off BTC

>> No.18489383

Are the stimulus checks going to set off a crypto bull run?

>> No.18489603

Looks good. Maybe mix in Litecoin.

>> No.18489619

I did the research 2 years ago and every day for a year after that. Did something recently happen?

>> No.18489639

Consider the following: the casino in this case is more aligned with bagholders since the chips going up in value benefit them a great deal too

>> No.18489679




>> No.18490503


>> No.18490593
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Name a crypto trying to solve problems with regulators.



Brad speaks around 2:09.

>> No.18490627

potiomkinowskie stairs

>> No.18490666
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Winning takes time. Ride the Tiger. Whats happened recently is economic crisis and XRP solves many problems. Decision makers have contact with Ripple.

>> No.18491878
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Diversify to between 14 and 18 assets.
40% to BTC
10% ETH
10% LINK
5% to a staking coin you like
5% to a stablecoin you like (DAI)
The remaining 30% on other alts you like, pick two "moon shots" to give a slightly higher percentage than the others.
If you are on a high liquidity, low fee exchange like Binance set your portfolio reblance bot to around 5% threshold. If its lower liquity or higher fee like Bittrex set it to 20% threshold rebalance. Allocate most of that to cold storage, stake the staking coin, put the Dai on Compound, and leave just enough on the exchange to trade around the reasonable shifts from the threshold rebalance. If you need a simple portfolio rebalancer try out Shrimpy.

>> No.18491957
File: 116 KB, 1208x468, backtesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bot moved everything into ETH last night.
>backtesting on the last 3.5 months.

>> No.18491989

ignore all these shitcoin dealers, just buy btc when it's down, sell it when it's up, do this every day if you can with as much money as you can constant extreme volatility is your friend

>> No.18492041
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Here's what i would do
>500$ btc
>275$ fleta
>225$ eth

>> No.18492180

Drop xrp, drop bch, secure that $150 XMR bag.

>> No.18492536
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These posts must be psy ops to make us think poor normies are getting in, I refuse to believe these are real

>> No.18492651

Don’t diversify $1K OP,
You’ll make fuck all from it.
Better to go all in on one of those and be patient.

DYOR but chainlink is the one with the most upwards potential, so long as you’re patient.

>> No.18492902


Sure is summer here

>> No.18492904

The Hybrid staking model developed by Trias will also help build a strong community Which create a healthy Ecosystem.

>> No.18493912

This desu. Dont spread your money dude.1k is nothing. 50$ to Link lmao.

>> No.18493995

i have
10 btc
100 eth
1000 link
1000 xtz
10000 xrp

never selling

>> No.18494016
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>> No.18494077

Don't invest today.

>> No.18494087

sell signal

>> No.18494099

>10 btc
>100 eth

That's a terrible ratio

You should be 50/50 BTC/ETH if you have to diversify

>> No.18494612

Replace the XRP with some NYZO and the BCH with UND

>> No.18494933

smells like a larp

>> No.18495656

100:1 eth:btc