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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1848411 No.1848411 [Reply] [Original]

An ode to nocoiners:

Short on stature,
a collective of detachers;
Short on bitcoin,
without urge or loin;
Short on brains,
Eternally dooomed to miss trains.
previous: >>1848214

Enter Winklevoss,
our final boss,
To put nocoiners to death -
Via their ETF.

>> No.1848423

Well, now that we're all fucked wat do?

>> No.1848424

first for mad gainz

>> No.1848425


>> No.1848427

pizzagate is real

>> No.1848428


>> No.1848430

Now we buy the dip ya dip.

>> No.1848432

Oh, memecoiners, when will you learn that your memes will never be reality

>> No.1848433

Buy ethereum and take it to the moon like we did with bitcoin

>> No.1848435


for one, we tell everyone for the rest our lives never to use coinbase or poloniex

>> No.1848438

I dumped my BTC and bought DASH

wish me luck

>> No.1848439

Posting in epic thread
I was there when BTC crashed
We will fondly remember this

>> No.1848440

kraken DOWN

>> No.1848441
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>there are algos that bought the dead cat

LOL fucking chinks

>> No.1848443

This isn't even the dip yet!

>> No.1848445
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It's Ogre


>> No.1848446

Wtf is happening?

>> No.1848447

kek why buy at the top of DASH pump?

>> No.1848449

This is the first dip I haven't ridden in months, this is a very special feeling in my tummy.

>> No.1848450



>> No.1848452
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>> No.1848453

my cryptowatch interface still updates
wish me luck when Ill try to actually buy

>> No.1848454
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Those fucking faggots at Poloniex are now my eternal enemy.

>> No.1848456
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>mfw just set up my coinbase account yesterday

>> No.1848458

anyone else not able to use coinbase?

>> No.1848457
File: 3.36 MB, 1090x1074, 1473815221267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe KEK was right again
im talking of course about the people rolling for dubs last thread

its seriously spooky guys

KEK is real

investing solely based on gets from now on

>> No.1848461

Gemini is still fine, fast as ever.

I'm getting my shit out of coinbase and never looking back.

>> No.1848466

yeah I am unable to log in to GDAX

>> No.1848468
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OP of original thread

Daily reminder that you all missed the best buy opportunity of all time on the dip.

We will NEVER see three figures again.

SolidX WILL be approved and 10k by end of the Summer.

>> No.1848470

Can't login. Really fucking mad right now.

>> No.1848471

DASH is the future of cryptocurrency

mark this post

>> No.1848472

the dip hasn't even started yet, silly.

>> No.1848473
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Dude...... I was actually thinking the same thing. Spooky right? Kek's will be done.

>> No.1848474

BTC to go down to $750

>> No.1848477

Enjoy your -50% gains buying at the top of a declining pump you plonker.

The spike is only because BTC plummeted.

>> No.1848478
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>Tfw Gemini is running just fine

What the fuck is this $1000 bullshit? I was promised bitcoin @$300


>> No.1848486

i asked kek
it's coming

>> No.1848487

I guess this crash was anticipated.

It's different when the crash hits out of nowhere.

>> No.1848488

be patient

>> No.1848489

1000€ mark seems to be the end of the dip here on Kraken. Also I was able to buy some, but the cryptowatch interface went out for a few seconds.

>> No.1848492

Do we buy the dip or buy eth?

>> No.1848496

i got DASH and ETH since they'll probably be the benefactors of BTC love fading

>> No.1848497

99℅ of bitcoin holders are fucking white males

A majority of the SEC are literal kikes who hate the idea of white men in control of their own money, is it any wonder it was declined?

Take a look at SEC.gov website, a nigger couple on the front page. Typical nigger loving Jews saying no to the white man in control of his own money. They can't shut it down though and they can't stop the inevitable price going through the fucking roof

>> No.1848498

This isnt a dip worth buying,there might be a bigger dip on the way once news spreads.

>> No.1848499

Dip-bought at 1070€ ten minutes ago

>> No.1848500


>> No.1848501

I'm having a panic attack

Tell me everything's gonna be alright /biz/

>> No.1848503

What happened at poloniex?

>> No.1848504
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Both of you

>> No.1848507

How long will coinbase be down? Does they shut down often?

>> No.1848510
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This shit is unacceptable. They are literally keeping people from using the website right now.

>> No.1848511

It's at times like this that I'm glad I don't trade bitcoin, just hodling.

>> No.1848513

Now is your chance to buy faggot

>> No.1848514

They always go down during big moves

>> No.1848515

Gonna crash even harder once they come online and all the panic sells go through.

>> No.1848516

>Tell me everything's gonna be alright /biz/
it will if you're willing to just hold (possibly for several months) and not panicsell or dipbuy

>> No.1848517

delete this

>> No.1848518
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>> No.1848519

i can use poloniex

>> No.1848520
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only coin today that isn't down in $ value

>> No.1848521

I put all my savings into BTC

fuck my life

>> No.1848524

God i hope so.

>> No.1848523
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people are scrambling to move their coins and sell, but the network is too congested because the blockchain is broken

give it a few hours, this puppy has only just started


>> No.1848525
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>> No.1848527

99% of bitcoin is in china baby

>> No.1848529

Why would you put your savings in bitcoin at a moment a yes/no coin toss was about to happen?

>> No.1848530
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>> No.1848531

If you have any fucking cash left, BUY



>> No.1848532


This is incident #254357 for Bitcoin, it'll cope. Also don't go all-in on anything so speculative unless all-in is $500.

>> No.1848533

Wow ETH glad i just went all in

>> No.1848534


>> No.1848536



>> No.1848537

Just kikes being kikes, nothing new.

>> No.1848538
File: 204 KB, 1764x834, bitcoin volume by currency (7 feb).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic, the Chinese 90+% volumes were always bullshit.

>> No.1848540

kys fucking fiat fag, buy the dip now

>> No.1848543

It's just gonna slowly drift back up to at least $1150.

Sorry nocoiners.

>> No.1848544

Everyone who isn't a fucking retard had sold everything weeks ago because it was too risky.

I've seen lot of people (including myself) advising that. The ones who not sold are just retarded.

>> No.1848550

I'm not believing shit until coinbase is back up and all those panic sells can go through.

>> No.1848553

I'm still holding. My average price is high 500's so I'm still in the green by a good margin.

>> No.1848554
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is now a good time to buy bitcoin?

>> No.1848557


>> No.1848560
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>> No.1848561
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this, do not buy

once ppl can move their coins it's gonna go off the deep end

>> No.1848571

Not selling my bitcoins because of a $200 drop you fucking fiat cuck,im in this ride till the bitter end.

>> No.1848572

No it isnt

>> No.1848573


still cant log in to GDAX

>> No.1848576

This dip is garbage so far

>> No.1848578
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>> No.1848582

Green candles, buy time?

>> No.1848583


>> No.1848584
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dubs and it will dip to 800 again

>> No.1848585

Who is going to use coinbase after this? They had their chance with a lot of noobs and blew it

>> No.1848588

To get their money out and sell what they have.

Maybe it won't happen though

>> No.1848589
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Oh well, sometimes you just gotta cut your loses and move on.

I don't think ethereum will go up.

I have an idea that bitcoin is gonna go back up because "bitcoin" so since its low now you might as well invest in some.

>> No.1848590

Its back at 1122 dollars! Like wtf? What kind of dip is this??

>> No.1848591
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Dubs if we level off at $1000. Praise Kek

>> No.1848593

Get on now! CB up!

>> No.1848595

so not only it doesn't get accepted but we also get this shitty ass dip, which would happen anyway every couple days with bitcoin...

>> No.1848597

What alternatives are there? I'm thinking of moving on to stocks, fuck these scumbags

>> No.1848600
File: 75 KB, 1076x800, C6IOn5zVUAEa2Vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise the Bogdanoff twins are actually the Winklevoss from the future in heavy disguise
>The creation of the BTC ETF has global consequences that led to WW3
>The twins came back in time to scupper their own past-selves' plan in order to save the world

>> No.1848602

If you disregard the pump to 1300 earlier, we're pretty much where we were yesterday.

>> No.1848606

This is better for BTC in the long run imo, the comments the SEC posted about it show their lack of understanding and respect of the technology. BTC is the future and there's no stopping it.

>> No.1848607
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This buttcoin fad should of ended a long time ago.

>> No.1848610

Im using bitpanda. No problems so far.

>> No.1848611

Should I buy ETH now or will it dip alongside BTC?

>> No.1848612

I was promised a dip guys.

>> No.1848617


>> No.1848619
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if dubs, sub-$500.

>> No.1848628

if dubs bitcoin will dip to $300

>> No.1848629

Can that be used in the US?

>> No.1848632

I agree

>> No.1848639

Was this it guys?

Are coinbase fags still waiting for the site to come back online?

And when it does, aren't they going to be buying instead of selling?

>> No.1848640

I set up a coinbase months ago but couldnt get past id verification, what kind of bullet did I dodge?

>> No.1848641

If dubs you'll trip over your shoelaces this evening.

>> No.1848642

>well, there are 2 other etfs in process for the end of the month

Given the SEC's opinion on the Winklevoss ETF we now know for certain they won't be approved. From the order:

>The Commission believes that, an exchange that lists and trades [ETPs] must [...] satisfy two requirements [...]. First, the exchange must have surveillance-sharing agreements with significant markets for trading the underlying commodity or derivatives on that commodity. And second, those markets must be regulated.
>Based on the record before it, the Commission believes that the significant markets for bitcoin are unregulated. Therefore, [...] the Exchange has not entered into, and would currently be unable to enter into, [...] surveillance-sharing agreement[s].

tl;dr: No bitcoin ETFs in the near future.

>> No.1848643

Im thinking about buying ethereum with my bitcoins. I think bitcoin will slide down fradually as all the people holding waiting for the ETF decision cash out. I don't want to cash out to fiat and i think ethereum will probably rise.

>> No.1848644

u missed out on ethereum...

>> No.1848648

Fradually? I meant gradually

Anyone else thinking about buying eth?

>> No.1848650

What are the Chinese going to do when they wake up in an hour?

>> No.1848654

Yeah, I usually buy tops and sell bottoms.

>> No.1848657

If dubs, Bitcoin goes back sub 100 but recovers in sometime in the next decade

>> No.1848659

sell like rice is going out of style

>> No.1848660

Fuck off ethereumshills.

>> No.1848662

If dubs, it's all ogre.

>> No.1848667

If dubs ethereumshills fuck off out of bitcoin threads forever.

>> No.1848669


>> No.1848670

Chinas biggest trader known only as "Big Papa Huang" has a $400,000 long on BTC.

>> No.1848671
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kek has not blessed any naysayers in this thread. praise him.

>> No.1848674

Any chance of a double dip?

>> No.1848676

>its stabalized and already crawling back pre etf

>> No.1848677

Use kraken, I was able to sell at a small loss (cut from profits) instantly during the crash.

>> No.1848681

anything but stable m8, a fart could knock this thing off the edge

>> No.1848684

I hope sell

>> No.1848685

i just did 2 small coinbase deposits to my bank account, been using it for months, and no problems. although they have some troubles, they are still one of the best "bitcoin businesses" in my opinion

>> No.1848686

obvious dead cat bounce is obvious

>> No.1848690

Coinbase is back up lads!

>> No.1848696

KEK give us a second dip

>> No.1848698
File: 31 KB, 1405x155, Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 2.09.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show your gainz bruvs

>> No.1848699

Im thinking of selling all my bitcoin for ethereum. Bitcoin is just going to gradually lose value over the next few months

>> No.1848701

I sent some ETH to poloniex just recently, how long does it take to arrive? When I send from poloniex to my ETH wallet it goes very fast

>> No.1848702

You're looking for the chat window with your mom.

>> No.1848703

This literally shouldn't surprise anyone. Its more of a correction than a sign of changing trends...

>> No.1848705

do it before china wakes up

>> No.1848707

I personally think that eth is a great long term investment, but I also think that btc will rise again to 1200. The base is just too active.

Also I would wait with buying etc, prob a dip inc.

>> No.1848709
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Did I do well, /biz?

>> No.1848711

wtf I hate bitcoin now.

>> No.1848717

I don't understand. Im just looking for advice about using all my bitcoins to buy ethereum. I mean, bitcoin looks like it will carry on losing value and it looks like ethereum will do pretty well so idk

>> No.1848719

No, it looks like ethereum will carry on losing value and it looks like bitcoin will do pretty well.

>> No.1848722

Yeah, i think that's the general sentiment now the ETF has been denied. I think it's time to buy ethereum because i think BTC will gradually lose value over the next few months

>> No.1848724

Let him do it, we need suckers like him to make more profits

>> No.1848726
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What did you do?

>> No.1848729

nah, check out the mempool. Bitcoin just can't handle the transactions of all the sellers.

It'll go down

>> No.1848730

no, but at least you didnt buy high sell low. You almost broke even

>> No.1848733

you bought the dip?

no, this is the little dipper

>> No.1848735

>Bitcoin just can't handle the transactions of all the sellers.
... or buyers?

>> No.1848739

Why is that though, i think bitcoin has just plummetted by $200 in less than 5 minutes since the ETF news and it will carry on losing value as people realise it is not going to gain much value because bitcoin seems to be obsolete

>> No.1848741

>ethereum will carry on losing value
I agree.

>> No.1848744
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Saatanan natalia täälläkin

>> No.1848752
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Wouldn't it be wise to take care of this at the same time? It's gonna crash either way so we could kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.1848754

So glad i shorted at 1240, already up 430 dollars, the dip was predictable after flopping around 1130-1180 margin only to shoot up fast again. Who else here comfy with their gains so far?

>> No.1848757
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>sold at $1240 a week ago

>> No.1848761
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>> No.1848762
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>bitcoin seems to be obsolete
Until vendors start favoring another alt, this is untrue. XMR and Dash are about the only ones. Dash might be okay, but its surrounded in conspiracy. XMR is likely to be king in the long run. But that is only for private currencies.

Bitcoin's transaction issues will be resolved.

ETH is moving away from mining to a proof of stake system. This is absolute garbage from my understanding. ETH has also not provided anything of value. Microsoft and others are mostly just researching it so they can apply the technology themselves. The only product ETH has made that did anything was the DAO and we all know how that turned out.

>> No.1848775

Why is ETH so unphased by this

>> No.1848778

Take care of it how? Choose one over the other?

>last post was 6 minutes ago

Jesus christ it feels lonely in here.

>> No.1848781

>bought the dip

those green circles are buys

>broke even
>both are buy orders

>> No.1848782


true about xmr. i figured bitcoin would get denied and plummet, so i hedged against xmr (and it worked). i don't even want to trade it back for more bitcoin now, i think i'm in it for the long run. superior tech imo.

>> No.1848787

Fucking ShareBlue, get out of my board.

>> No.1848794

Should I buy now or wait?

>> No.1848796


>> No.1848799
File: 33 KB, 700x531, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real dip incoming.
>everyone that tried to buy the dip

>> No.1848801

In the long run it doesn't matter.

In the short term I'm still hoping for more of dat dipp.

>> No.1848803
File: 290 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the next dip, see you at the bottom?

>> No.1848804


we haven't gone through round 2 yet

>> No.1848805

How can you tell it's coming?
I don't see shit on that chart except what already happened.

>inb4 no reply

>> No.1848807

Red candles bro

>> No.1848811

then you are a cuck, shoulda bought eth instead, i made my losses back already.

>> No.1848813

I think bitcoin will gradually slide down to $700. Im going to buy ethereum to protect my money

>> No.1848818

why do you guys think ETH is a safe bet

>> No.1848820

Fuck off eth shills.

If people actually cared about your shitcoin, you wouldn't have to be promoting it like this after all this time.

>> No.1848821

you can't tell from the chart. it's been less than 2 hours so the initial sell off was only people waiting for this exact event.

in the coming hours the casuals will hear the news and move to sell. plus the network is congested so transactions to exchanges will take hours.

>> No.1848828

>The real dip incoming
Look at the volume faggot, this was it. The dip already happened.

>> No.1848831

What volume are you looking at?
Honest question.

People might notice the price going back up and buy instead.

>> No.1848837

moon soon for bitcoin! etf would have been the worse thing to happen to it. we dont need the sec, irs and the alphabet jews clogging up our coin. i predict 1400 by tomorrow and 2k by next week. eth to 15

>> No.1848842

I'm assuming the dark green bars are volume - they correlate with Kraken volume too.

>> No.1848845

Yeah, the less jew involvement bitcoin has, the better.

>> No.1848848

>I'm assuming the dark green bars are volume
What ticker?

>> No.1848849

Gemini executed my limit sale of 40 ETH within a second of me clicking Sell, in full. I was primed and prepared for the dip to happen. Only broke even but whatever.

Fuck this shit, I'm switching to Robinhood unless a good-ass ETH dip happens. I mean sharp down to $17.

>> No.1848850
File: 56 KB, 639x489, Hillary-Faces-Header-640x489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Fags on Maximum Damage Control
Meanwhile Ethereum Ramping Upward Ez Peezy

>> No.1848852

born too late to mine bitcoin with my own computer,
born too early to buy spaceship from the silk road with bitcoin,
born just in time to buy the last dip in bitcoin history
feels good man

>> No.1848853

Are you daft to the head? >>1848799 look at the pic

>> No.1848855

the volume is low at the moment because the broken ass bitcoin network can't transfer coins onto exchanges fast enough. volume is practically zero right now, everyone who had coins available sold.

I'm just sharing my opinion. you might be right, they might buy. I don't think that's how it's gonna go though. I think when the mempool catches up, the real dip will come.

>> No.1848856

Maybe that's just because so few people are on gemini.

>> No.1848859

wtf do i do now i can't sell my btc also i own some dash should i sell them now?

>> No.1848860

So what ticker?

>> No.1848861

>the last dip

>> No.1848862

Please stop posting here and do some basic research anon.

>> No.1848864

buy nigger

>> No.1848865

Enjoy ponzi scam looser

>> No.1848869


I switched to Gemini once Coinbase hit me with the fuckawful webcam applet needed for verification. Gemini is just superior in all regards and they really did me well here.

>> No.1848870

That fucking image could be for spinach stock for all I know, christ what's the matter with you people?

>> No.1848876

maybe on coinbase and similar wallets there is still dip waiting

on exchanges though it already happened

>> No.1848882

You being dumb faggot expecting to be spoonfed thats the matter. Literally a chart in BTC ETF general, geez, what could it be? If you are unable to get it you have no business posting here. Lurk moar.

>> No.1848884


>> No.1848887

You think there's literally only one ticker for bitcoin or something?

Protip: there are different tickers for different currencies, and for every exchange.

>> No.1848888

w-wait, you dont have to provide ID in order to trade on Gemini?

>> No.1848894

So glad I bought ETH instead.

>> No.1848896
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As someone never invested in Bitcoin should I jump in?

>> No.1848897
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>99℅ of bitcoin holders are fucking white males
fucking numbskull

>> No.1848900


You do, but you don't have to use a FUCKING WEBCAM to scan it. You just send a picture.

I'm imagining everyone on Coinbase is a faggot on a MacBook Pro.

>> No.1848902

If you are willing to hold for more than 6 months minimum, then yes, now is a good time to jump in.

>> No.1848911

why 6 months specifically

>> No.1848913

There is no reason to stay on this ride unless you bought in years ago. Fuck this.

>> No.1848914

People believe in the future of the platform, not as many speculators driving fluctuations. The failure of the dao drove away alot of speculators, as well. Plus, the coin is still in the expansion phase/work rate hasn't jumped significantly yet, so lots of people can invest by mining still.

>> No.1848915

Get your basics down or you will lose money once nobody holds your hands anymore

>> No.1848916

no, it's not done dipping yet

>> No.1848917

Do you guys think that it will dip more the coming days, or is now a good time to buy som ekstra bitcoins?

>> No.1848920

How about just weeks/months ago?

I sure would've been a lot richer if I'd simply bought and held the first time around, and that was just in late December.

>> No.1848921

I'm just starting out. Any good videos/readings you can recommend

>> No.1848924


You mean like all the people who post the bitcoin threads constantly? For every eth thread, there's like 5 buttcoin threads bitching about muh speculators.

>> No.1848926

a few exchanges went down during the shit storm so my bet is a lot of people still haven't had a chance to sell. Make what you want with that information.

>> No.1848927

Cause its reasonable to assume by that time BTC will be worth 1200€ or more once again

>> No.1848928

Anything but this coinshilling board.
Reddit is good and I think fundamental investing is a good way to invest in bitcoin. If you are starting out do not go into trading.

>> No.1848931
File: 3 KB, 383x426, screenshot_10-03-2017 17.13.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is waking up

>> No.1848933


I bought in on ETH but never believed in it because the mETHheads are communist fucknuts who unironically believe normal people would trade the efficacy and comfort of centralized systems for "the people's" notions of individuality, privacy, means of production in the hands of fucking nerds with gaming rigs who have not even proposed a "dApp" that normal people would actually want.

>> No.1848934

coinbase has been up for some time already though

>> No.1848947

What exchange is this? Are there any major western exchanges which offer CNY?

>> No.1848949
File: 988 KB, 245x300, efc38589b3ef94a897c9de5fdd9ec3f2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at $250. Seriously considering getting off this ride if it dips below 1k again.
>pic very related

>> No.1848952





IT IS GOING TO 5K USD BY 2020 AND I STILL HAVE FUCKING 00000000000000000000000000000 BITCOINS




>> No.1848954


no idea, I wouldn't count on it. chinese banks are total fuckers.

>> No.1848955

>He doesn't use a phone app

>> No.1848961
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The Coinbase phone app doesn't allow for verification because they are terrible coders. I tried using one of those jank-ass iPhone-as-PC-webcam apps but their shitty applet wouldn't detect it.

Gemini is just better anyway, quicker, more features, DOESN'T GO DOWN UPON SEC RULINGS, etc.

>> No.1848966

I had mined 7btc in 2011 in the 7th grade, i sold them for vidja

>> No.1848972

make an account on kraken, have everything ready, wire few bucks onto it and be ready to buy once you got cash.

>> No.1848977

>tfw bought from silk road in 2012 when 1 BTC was like 3USD
>bought again in 2013, 10USD/BTC
>said to myself "hmmm" and moved on
>Mt. Gox crash, reading the news
>2015, bought 50USD worth just for the lulz
>February, started trading just after the dip
>finally a crash so I can buy
>still only have 1100€ to invest

>> No.1848988
File: 1.43 MB, 400x300, 12736161829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went from .18 to .22 BTC through today's action
>meanwhile others lost everything going 100x and likely killed themselves

>> No.1848990

They're going to buy Monero.

>> No.1848991

buy eth

>> No.1848994

I only lost $2 cuz i bought $100 btc $100 Eth at the dip like a gudboy

>> No.1848995

Damn. Do you constantly think about the opportunity you almost had at your finger tips?

>> No.1848999

I did, and made a nice trade

looking to reload at .0165

>> No.1849005

Honestly, I dont beat myself up for it much. I mean, right now, how sure you are BTC is going to go up long-term?

>> No.1849006

To any Canadians who trade bitcoins, I just found out Coinbase can't transfer money to my bank accounts if I wanted to sell. What is a good exchange I can use instead to sell my crypto's when they reach the moon? Preferably one that connects to my bank account.

>> No.1849010

>nice trade

not enough, you need gainz

>> No.1849011


Also, Im not sure but if I remember correctly, back in that time lot of wallet vendors werent trustworthy. So prolly would lost that money anyway

>> No.1849014
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How much more is it going to drop when coinbase comes back online and everyone panic sells?

>> No.1849017

>tfw coinbase has been online for more than hour now

>> No.1849022

told you so

>> No.1849025

1000$ looks like the new low to the new leg up post-etf news hype, got lots of volume and recovered hard

did it go below 1k on any exchange?

>> No.1849026


>> No.1849028


>> No.1849029

Was 1016 for a few moments on Kraken

>> No.1849030

WHAT ? So it lets me buy but not sell?????

>> No.1849032

surprised that so many people here aren't buying eth

>> No.1849036

I went from 0.042 BTC to 0.044 BTC after buying that dip lol, slowly but surely.

I figured since I'm a wageslave and can't afford much BTC, might as well invest all my money in ETH and just try to trade my way up in BTC

>> No.1849038

No, I tried connecting my Visa Debit (had my CC on there) and clicked "sell" just to test it but it doesn't let you.
Need to find a viable alternative that's not Coinbase. Looking at Kraken but I fucked up my user info when I signed up.

>> No.1849040

guys why is btc climbing up to 1,105 wtf

>> No.1849042

Visa Debit, as in card? Or does Visa offer bank accounts in Canada?

>> No.1849043

I'm waiting for it to go below $19, hopefully close to $18.5, then I'm buying

>> No.1849044

uhh that is fucked. what options do I have to get my money from coinbase?

>> No.1849046

You need to connect it to your bank account retard.

>> No.1849049

no you just cant fathom how cucked canada is. bank account is connected

>> No.1849050

deposit with debit???

>> No.1849061


>> No.1849062

The dip already came, BTC price will begin to grow again.

screenshot this

>> No.1849063

ETH is pretty high, not climbing, but it's not falling

>> No.1849087

If you go reddit, go /r/btc or /r/bitcoinmarkets instead of /r/bitcoin. /r/bitcoin is full of censorship against sellers.

That being sad, also reddit is full of idiots just shouting random shit without knowing what they are talking about

>> No.1849113

Deus vult

>> No.1849134

i should have bought on the dip just now im retarded

>> No.1849141
File: 73 KB, 281x334, 1328891235284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit is good


>> No.1849144

me too, praying the rise is because of chinks selling

>> No.1849149

muh moon fags btfo

>> No.1849164

>That being sad, also reddit is full of idiots just shouting random shit without knowing what they are talking about
So just like this thread?

>> No.1849170
File: 1.82 MB, 300x169, 400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase wants photo id and i don't have one since i didn't renew my passport

which wallet do you ghuys use?

>> No.1849199

>requires photo ID to use a currency
Why not just install windows 10 directly into your brain, since we're violating every right to privacy?

>> No.1849206

that's why i asked what you guys use...

>> No.1849212


I don't use it, but if you don't have any photo id maybe you should

>> No.1849219

Guys, I'm fucking new to this game.
Should I buy bitcoins now that they're on the dip? Or do I invest in something like etherium?
How much is etherium vs bitcoin?

>> No.1849240

Since ETH has proven to be relatively stable, I've gotten a feel for the rhythm of it, and it's open 24/7 with no transaction limits apart from negligible fees, I think I'm going to start day-trading the shit out of it.

Next $17 dip and that shit is mine again.

>> No.1849241
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1485161569986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dip's over lad, but $100 dip won't make a difference in 5 years time when BTC reaches 1M

>> No.1849257
File: 126 KB, 625x470, huehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg ETH!

>> No.1849258

>they're on the dip
They're not. Not yet at least.

Wait a week to see if we go sub 800.

don't be a mong; learn how the protocol works.

>> No.1849308

kek can neither benefit nor harm you; he has no independent power. All power comes from God Almighty

>> No.1849323
File: 908 KB, 500x275, reich im out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same dingy here my dude

I sold up the bulk of my stake from a $400 buy in. Way too volatile with too many manipulators

>> No.1849334
File: 2.29 MB, 1763x1764, pizzapass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/11 = police code = pizzagate = no etf

You don't listen do you?

>> No.1849347

proof of stake makes way more sense than burning coal in china to power a computer to solve useless math problems forever

>> No.1849408

d-do i buy the dip?

>> No.1849446

why? this "dip" is literally within the fluctuations of the last 2-3 weeks. The ETF failure practically hasn't affected Bitcoin.

>> No.1849463

went from 0.8 to 2.1 ;)

Feels good, I literally bought $250 in november and I've nearly 10xed my investment

>> No.1849481

poloniex never failed me, idk what you are upset about

>> No.1849486

t. poloniex damage control

>> No.1849520

Fuck bought 250 bucks worth high just end me

>> No.1849681

good time to buy ETH lads?

>> No.1849706

I just bought another 50, but it's really hard to say. depends on of china decides to dump while we are all asleep, which might jack up the price of ETH. they might pump too, the world is on fucking crazy pills right now. ETH has another major release in april and is close to PoS so it's a pretty safe buy right now IMO.

>> No.1849714

Started mining Eth.

>> No.1849717

i'm in no rush to sell, would buying 25 eth and holding on to them for a year or two be worth?

>> No.1849719

if you got 500 to blow, fuck it why not, just chump change really. and even if it gets to 10% of the BTC ATH that's 2-3k in profit.

>> No.1849824

I bought some BTCoins on coinbase one hour after crash yesterday, log in today and nothing. No history, no record of that transaction. At least it seems they returned debit card charge. Anyone else?

>> No.1849880

I was waiting for a good, fat dip. Seems like it wont arrive. Should I buy now? I dont really se the point in waiting. If the denial of the ETF can't make it drop, what can?

>> No.1850017

I was expecting a much bigger dip, where the Chinese at?

>> No.1850021

You missed the train, but you can still get on while it's in the $1200s station. Surely there will be bumps in the coming ride, but the end station is beyond moon.

>> No.1850091

What are you using to generate these charts?

>> No.1850116

This is why I don't invest in bitcoin. Too unreliable. The whole thing could just disappear and coiners would have no recourse to action.

>> No.1850117
File: 259 KB, 2000x1000, 1486568677721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, which wallets and exchanges do you use? Late to the train here.

>> No.1850119

I still don't actually know what ETH is but I bought 8 of it anyway. Fuck me right?

>> No.1850124

Step 1: Create false digital currency "anonymously" (But be a gov agency with cutting edge technology unavailable even to the most suave hackers at your disposal)

Step 2: FREE MONEY!!! That's right, come roll some dice and gamble on the house! No really, it's free! Complete this captcha and get a penny.

Step 3: Free money=feeding frenzy=demand="holy guacamole, there might be something to this bitcoin stuff....

Step 4: Manufactured trust artificially drives up the actual value

Step 5: Bid your time, let the market evolve, play the long con

Step 6: Rob millions and millions of BTC wallets, basically author the most based bank robbery in the history of the world, one that won't be surpassed at least in your lifetime.

Step 7: Who will prosecute, better yet, what is there to prosecute? All of the money gone without a trace. Price plummets soon after but not before the insiders get their lucrative gains.

Step 8: Restart the process until regulation occurs (Which will only come to light with the permission of the robbers themselves).

Screencap this

>> No.1850128

>Step 6: Rob millions and millions of BTC wallets


Passionate nocoiner here, but even I have to say you seem to have no clue whatsoever how a large crypto currency like BTC works. The decentralized concept is sound and logically/mathematically provable. The implementation is shitty and the utility lacking, but even if there was a giant gaping backdoor in bitcoin core (for which there is no evidence) or a 51% attack took place, it would be rather easily recoverable with a fork.

>> No.1850137


Three letter agencies, do I have to spell them out?

Keep in mind were talking about the same groups of ppl who brought your TOR, and then exploited TOR in ways unknown to even the most sophisticated and intelligent freelancers.

Sure there is a science behind it, and I'm not at liberty to discuss it because you're right, I don't know. Your faith is just a display of the consensus of millions, which means we're on par for the course. Think a digital age stock market crash, 1928 style.

This whole theory rests on the basis of conclusions drawn from the fact that no one knows where or how BTC originated, which is pretty damning because you can't spell out the motives of its creation given this fact. If it was some college kid in a garage, cliche-style rags to riches genius it'd be a different story but still susceptible to my other post..but it's not even that, which only makes the obvious even more clear.

>> No.1850173


Step 6: Rob millions and millions of BTC wallets, basically author the most based bank robbery in the history of the world, one that won't be surpassed at least in your lifetime.

>headline news, all btc in the world stolen, all trust for btc lost forever, btc looses all value, congratz u just played yourself cianigger

>> No.1850195

> I don't have a clue how Bitcoin works therefore I know three letter agencies can steal your Bitcoins by some super secret technique
> also TOR
Nothing pisses me off more than idiots who don't know shit spout their opinion. Lurk more https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=6.0

>> No.1850199

Dude, it's mathematics. We know the source code. We are aware of the exact method by which a determinstic machine pushes around 1s and 0s. There is no secret, no black box and it doesn't matter whether we know who exactly put it out there. You can take the papers, take the source code and (in theory) make the calculations by hand, step by step. There is no mystery!

The block chain stores every transaction publicly and has been downloaded in its entirety by countless people. You can just look up how many bitcoins exist, where they come from, where they go. If something crazy were to happen, a 51% consensus could just fork/rollback to an older version and prevent it from ever happening.

I think bitcoin is utter shit and there will be plenty of nasty stuff happening because of shitty constraints and dodgy implementations. But the basic principle and math are sound and out there for everyone to check and double-check. I love me a good conspiracy story, but I see no reason to hop onto your bandwagon. Your "proof" offered so far is "Duuude, I could like toootally happen, right? Why not, dude? Alphabet agencies, man!". I'd love to see a fundamental flaw in BTC, but you're not even attempting to show one. I'm not even saying it's completely impossible. I know too little myself to rule some shit out like the NSA pulled with DUAL_EC_DRBG, but people had been suspicious of it for years prior. I don't think such a thing exists in BTC, at least I'm not aware of it.

>then exploited TOR
And how exactly has TOR been broken and exploited? I've heard plenty of side-channel attacks, information leaks, shitty implementations, bad sandboxing, etc. But TOR itself? Never heard any credible story of any successful exploit. Care to provide proof for your allegations?

>> No.1850233

Please notice me

>> No.1850248

bitcoin de for bitcoin (german)
bitpanda com for eth

>> No.1850258


>TOR been broken and exploited
Not him but https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/how-the-nsa-or-anyone-else-can-crack-tors-anonymity

If you have enough funds and are determined enough (lets say https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullrun_(decryption_program)) you can take over the TOR and identify its users.

>> No.1850260
File: 14 KB, 655x273, bitcoin3-11-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright guys false alarm. please resume shitposting

>> No.1850273

>Not him but https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/how-the-nsa-or-anyone-else-can-crack-tors-anonymity

Let's see.

>He set up a fake server and a fake website on the deep web, from which the victim has to download a large file.
Already pretty theoretical.

>Embedded in this file is code that allows him to access a feature of most routers called NetFlow
So it's exploiting the router? Not really a flaw in the TOR protocol itself.

>If the user continues to be routed through these nodes (which requires the file to be continuously downloaded for at least several minutes, perhaps as long as an hour)
That's a pretty big "if".

Looks like a side-channel / traffic analysis attack, not really anything related to the TOR protocol in particular. Seems to be confirmed by blog.torproject.org/blog/traffic-correlation-using-netflows where the original researcher also mentions in the comments:
>I am here to myself clarify all misconceptions. Firslty, they have blow it a bit out of proportion by saying that "81% of Tor traffic", which is not true. It was only 81.4% of our experiments, and we have spoken about this upfront in our paper. Secondly, its only a case of experimental validation and the challenges involved in it that is the highlight of the paper. In my thesis I have also tried to address how to solve this particular attack, which might work for other attacks as well...

It's interesting, albeit not exactly new, but doesn't show TOR to be broken.

>> No.1850289

Perhaps it is really safe. But idknow I never felt safe using it. I think its practically impossible to stay anonymous online if the adversaries are determined to find you. Its crazy to think that only a few small mistakes can be put together to identify you.

>> No.1850307

>Perhaps it is really safe.
Nothing's probably "really safe". At best you can hope for "currently safe enough". If we project Moore's Law into the future or even consider quantum computing, basically our whole crypto infrastructure retroactively crumbles.

>But idknow I never felt safe using it.
Probably smart. Even if you ever needed to use it, you shouldn't be careless about it.

>Its crazy to think that only a few small mistakes can be put
Well said. There is always a very real danger of something tiny spilling the beans.

You can only hope to make it difficult enough that most adversaries won't bother because they can use their resources more efficiently than chasing down you. I mean, if we can be real for a moment: Crypto is all nice and dandy, but the human element is still the biggest weakness by far. You can hide your data behind AES, RSA or TOR, but if they start grinding your fingers and dick down with a cheese grater, I'd like to see how long you can keep your passwords secret. If it evens matters at this point. Bad enough adversaries capable of decrypting your shit can probably more easily make you disappear entirely. And the 20 other people they couldn't tell you apart from on top.

>> No.1850336

>If we project Moore's Law into the future or even consider quantum computing, basically our whole crypto infrastructure retroactively crumbles.

You have zero fucking idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1850359

>, me
same here in mid 2011, back when it was a meme on /b/ 'why aren't you mining bitcoin yet' threads. Also gambled away everything on bitdice

>> No.1850400

>You have zero fucking idea what you're talking about.
How so?

Plenty of sites don't use a Diffie-Hellman key exchange
We know the NSA logs large portions of the internet traffic in bulk

You do the math. If computing ever advances to the point where we can crack the initial RSA-encyrpted key exchange, they get the AES session key in clear text and can decrept the rest. Ergo retroactively all TLS encrypted traffic becomes decryptable.

Old AES encrypted hard drives, old PGP encrypted messages, etc. Crypto never upgrades key-strength by itself. If 1024 bit RSA becomes feasible to decrypt a lot of very recent shit will be uncomfortably open.