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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18464775 No.18464775 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you fags think these pajeet discord fucks like Chris are so actively fudding every DNA thread? I've seen this many times in the past from biz when something paradigm shifting enters the space. Happened with ETH to even lesser projects like XRB. Every wart the project has gets blown up to EXIT SCAM status from these faggots, but here's the thing it will not work. No one is selling and if they do I will be buying every dip like the blessing it is. Read the news. The world needs and wants UBI. Yang knew it, The Pope knows it and it's only a matter of time before people demand it. Who knows if globally the government will answer our calls, but for once Crypto has a solution and no one fucking knows yet. Get in, mine, accumulate and stop being a faggot before it's too late.

>> No.18464925

The majority of biz is now 2017 newfags who have never mined a single coin in ther life, don't understand the messy nature of these chains early on and think only in faggy terms like institutional adoption. They have not made it nor will they ever make it.

>> No.18465216

This. Just keep accumulating until IDENA lands on a popular enough exchange. Biz normies are too afraid of buying anything that isn't a recognizable name like Binance or Kucoin.

>> No.18465242

Quit shilling your garbage coin you street shitting pajeet FUCKS

>> No.18465245

> IDENA is the most important project since ETH full stop.
give me one valid reason why and I dump 5 eth into it.

>> No.18465358

Fuck off with this lazy shit tier posting faggot.

cryptoUBI first mover. Literally fits the biggest fucking global need on this planet right now. Also first mover with truly decentralized identity. Vitalik and even Brian Armstrong from Coinbase recently said this is one of the biggest challenges facing crypto and here we have Idena under the radar providing the first solution. Also newfags make a big deal out of the anon team (as if BTC nor Monero didn't start off anon), but they have one of the most active githubs I've seen around with good and original code. Not an ETH fork.

>> No.18465407

Hey how about you focus on getting a fucking toilet you filthy subhuman all that paneer you’re shitting out the window is fucking disgusting

>> No.18465425

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.18465444

Try harder dipshit

>> No.18465531

This is unironically one of the most pajeet-proof coins there is for a multitude of reasons. Pretty fucking bullish on this though desu, despite the fact /biz/ has been FUDing nonstop.

>> No.18465583

Nice tries you lazy faggots

>> No.18466218

> most important project since ETH
the bagholders actually believe that, arent they? flavor of the month coin shills are hilarious. got back to pi mining

>> No.18466317

Duh Another Pi shit fag...database of collecting contact numbers and KYC info....

>> No.18466466

Op, I'm an oldfag here, purchased btc in single digits Feb 2012, while I wasn't a miner I was early, something is different about idena (in a good way)- the discord is full of devs building great early-stage projects - decentralised identity is a fundamental area which needs addressing, I am however quite well versed in the subject of identity - (see Kim Cameron 7 laws of identity). For identity to be used effectively, those laws must be addressed and some are already in-line with idena (good). A governance framework will be needed - see here (google sovrin-governance-framework) and for true self-sovereign-identity (SSI) - Decentralised Identity Identifiers (DID)'s will need to be implemented. I know it is early days, but I was interested to hear what it is about idena that gives you the confidence that it is as big as ethereum and smart contracts? There are a lot of legal loopholes to jump through to make identity globally accepted.

>> No.18466737

Pi Network has first mover advantage. They did this earlier and better

>> No.18466802
File: 72 KB, 616x464, Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 00.00.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense but is that a serious reply? PI is not decentralised identity, its mining of a coin on a phone - what does that have to do with proving the person behind a node is human and not a bot? The whole point of idena (fuck mining for a second) is the consensus method PoP - proving that there is a high accuracy that the person behind a PC is real and not a machine. Think how big that could be, I'm not saying idena would work but IF big IF, it did - then next time you write your response on 4chan, look at the pop up window you're writing in to see why its important to prove you're real and not a bot - hint, see related pic. Do you see how important it is now?

>> No.18466839

Pi does exactly the same through security circles

>> No.18466854

couldn't I just make a botnet out of hundreds of interconnected smartphones on pi?

>> No.18466873

I hope I can at least catch the pump on this.
Whaddaya guys think? Is it good for a nice 5x at least?

>> No.18466900

Nope, because you need kyc through government issued IDs to be validated

>> No.18466901

Pi requires KYC and PII. These are not the same. Pi is absolutely fucking retarded and not designed as PoP, nor is it AI resistant. Go back to your spam faggot.

>> No.18466938

>not designed as PoP, nor is it AI resistant
Good luck making an AI with a government issued ID, tard. IDs are literally PoP. Idena is finding a complicate solution for an already solved problem. Pi is moving further

>> No.18466940

Great, the more companies that try to solve the identity problem the better. If you're investing however, if it's a choice between one or the other, that's a different set of criteria - blockchains are nothing without community and growth of the network (think if btc only had 5 people vs current users) the value is in the network. What I don't know about Pi Network is its user growth or community - I hope its growing, as it's not about the best tech that always win's but the one which is most adopted. Check out this website built by the community of idena - idena.today - note, I'm not currently invested in either but am liking what I see so far with idena

>> No.18466981

That goes against the entire principle behind crypto, which is decentralized and trustless in the first place. Turning in your ID is total nonsense, faggot. Idena encompasses both of those ideas entirely.

>> No.18467026

They are growing exponentially, 4 million active users in a year
Idena has around 1200 active nodes only (i got 2, one for me one for my wife)
Who cares about philosophical questions, IDs work. Good luck with your social revolution, kid

>> No.18467065

Great - if you want my opinion of the best decentralised / legal / corporate - best chance to get adopted crypto related to identity in the space look at Sovrin, check out who is running nodes too (you'll find it under Current Members)

>> No.18467105

Thanks. I need to sleep now I will read in detail tomorrow.

>> No.18467158

back to idena - https://idena-apps.org/ crazy how much development work is going on from the community even though its just a few months old, really encouraging signs. I feel sorry for those who are just concentrating on price or narrow minded to think its a scam, could the anonymous devs leave right now - absolutely yes, would it make financial sense, no - there isn't enough liquidity in the network for them to sell their stack nor could they due to lock-up, further funding rounds will also be held 1-2 years from now, so I don't expect the development to stop, nor do I expect the node growth to stop anytime soon. Will be interesting to see where this goes and I believe the risk:reward in this scenario very much favours the upside.

>> No.18467451

pretty much sums up how I feel about this project as well

>> No.18467474

Idena is a piece of shit scam token this thing will never go anywhere do not invest your hard-earned money on this piece of shit.

Get the fuck out of here you spamming filthy cocksuckers. No one wants your shit.

Guys you deserve better than to get played stop investing in bullshit I don't want to see you guys lose any more money.

>> No.18467487

There will never be liquidity in this piece of shit token it's a disgusting Trainwreck that will never go anywhere they are just spamming this site to try to make money by getting people to invest in their piece of ships damn token do not invest in this piece of shit scam token you will be screwed. I'm sick of seeing you piece of shit people spam their piece of shit token stealing everyone's money if they invest.

Get your filthy fucking scumbag ass out of here your mother's are cunts.

>> No.18467519
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 5A4FC9B9-35AB-420C-B7B1-921C5B7C7156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal gibberish wall of text saying nothing

>> No.18467535

Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking loser and go kill yourself

>> No.18467553


The amount of "hate" this lowcap gem gets is surest sign it's top 20 bound.

>> No.18467570

remove your emotion and talk in facts, it will lead to a more balanced discussion, at the moment you're just appearing moronic. What are your opinions based on?

Let me tell you a short story, when I bought bitcoin back in 2012, people said this

"it's drug money"
"it's a scam"
"there's no value in it"
"its a Ponzi scheme"
"its tulip mania 2.0"

etc etc. Do you want to know who got really rich? The people who didn't focus on price, let me repeat - the people who DID NOT FOCUS ON PRICE. Why? Because they saw it addressing a real problem - the world needed a decentralised form of storing value outside of the centralised system that is banking.

Now, what we 'potentially' have here, is a project in a VERY early stage which solves a problem of identity. How do you prove the person behind a computer / device is real and not a bot? What products can be built from this, how will it change the way we operate?

If this works, it will be huge, if it doesn't you lose a few bucks and move on. Telling people to invest absurd amounts of money is absolutely irresponsible, due to the early nature of the project, I don't care how good any project looks, if the main devs die in a car crash nothing is going to help, simple as that. Pending no major disasters - this has potential, and by assessing the upside vs the downside you can decide if you want to take a long term position. See past the price and focus on the problem.

>> No.18467571

>digital ID
morally wrong
morally wrong

>> No.18467611

2020 is the year of digital identity whether you like it or not, Bill Gates ID2020 is foreshadowing that. And the reason for UBI is the inherent flaws in PoW or PoS (wealth or electricity basically owning the network/consensus)

>> No.18467646

For the majority of those who are not brainlet's idena is the perfect example of a project which carries an "asymmetric risk" investment opp. Downside risk = 0.13c upside potential = ???

Do you want to take the trade? R:R

>> No.18467673

>2020 is the year of digital identity whether you like it or not
i will die before i let you ID my family you sick fucks

>> No.18467675

Given how much you faggots shill this piece of shit, you must be getting desperate. Heavy bags? They'll stay heavy 'cause no one is buying the shill, and your efforts to dump this shit are embarrassing

>> No.18467692

That’s what Idena is trying to solve, decentralized trustless proof of person that requires no KYC or personally identifying information. If you don’t want the reality that involves what you entail, this coin is unironically for you.

>> No.18467694

You're conning. these people who don't know how to read code.

This piece of shit has been manipulated by a 13 year old on a test net.

Do you really think it has any hope whatsoever?

Are you fucking kidding me? I'm trying to save these innocent kids from investing in garbage. It's about time someone tried to stop this bullshit. It is getting out of hand and I'm sick of newbies losing money on these dumbfucks scamming people. And I'm not going to stand for it. I've been here a lot longer than you I don't give a fuck about what people said to you in 2012 you're probably a larper with that shit are you wouldn't be sticking up for fucking idena of all things. Your mother probably smoked crack when she was pregnant with you

>> No.18467769

sigh. I won't bother spending time to reply to your msg man, you can't string an intelligent non-emotion based conversation together.

Back to the project, what you want to look for in the early days to cement validity as there is still more risk it doesn't succeed than succeed's is a real use case in action, perhaps an idena sign on. When btc was in it's early days, its biggest use case was SR 1.0. The fact you could use the magical internet money in exchange for goods on a mass basis was a real game changer for the project, same applies here. If a website or program starts to allow users to log in / sign in with their idena ID that's what I'll be waiting for to potentially unload some real investment, until then - it's safer to be cautious and if you are going to invest, make sure it's small or...just mine for next to nothing :)


>> No.18467863

what is the total circulating supply?

>> No.18467897

10 or 11m give or take, mcap is on rioda.org/idena/. Diluted mcap is on idena.today

>> No.18467932

>proof of humanity
>1 user can run multiple nodes

Choose 1

>> No.18468059

The network is still showing proof of human and proof of uniqueness (semi uniqueness because 100% uniqueness is not possible anywhere without compromising your privacy and anonymity). A tiny fraction of concurrent run nodes by one person are Human status, which is inherently difficult and will be likely impossible eventually with improvements to the network.

>> No.18468098

Good to see a fellow idena supporter, how long have you been involved with the project and what do you see as its real-world end goal + what do you see as its biggest barriers to achieving that? What do you like about the project?

>> No.18468169

I mined loads of garbage shitcoins. That's how I can really appreciate how funny it is when they get hacked by children. I'll give you a little window into the future here: they never get any better.

>> No.18468174

These disgusting fucking Indian subhuman street shitters polluting this board with their pajeet shill coins need to FUCK OFF back to their fucking railroad track toilets and go fuck their cows and drink cow piss

>> No.18468296

Since February 25th or the first shilled thread here. Biggest issue will be solving more than 1 node run by a single entity for true Proof of Human imo, although I think the importance is establishing Human nodes, which is more difficult with multiple nodes. First of its kind, built from the ground up, novel consensus method, and the idea is based and cyberpunk to boot, which is what Bitcoin essentially was 10 years ago. Adoption/endgame would be Idena being fully PoP with future improvements and the implications following that would be pretty massive. It seems like a pipe dream but that’s definitely best case scenario IMO. Just have to see where this goes from here, it’s completely speculative but the team has done an excellent job thus far. Been cool to see the constant updates just in a month and a half.

>> No.18468424

Thanks for the reply. "Adoption/endgame would be Idena being fully PoP with future improvements and the implications following that would be pretty massive." Can you explain that like I'm 5 and provide 1 or 2 examples, just want to make sure I'm in sync, cheers man.

>> No.18468545

are you on idena discord?
idena whale interested in your perspective

>> No.18468623

Those who see something are into this. Those who dont need to fuck off from this and invest in their next pathetic and filthy pnd. Crazy shitfags...

>> No.18468717

Thank you!

>> No.18468783

Hard to say now, it’ll take incorporating Idena as a way to verify individuals (perhaps for a way of voting with something online?), really just takes imagination from there. I think the current usecase involving advertisers is pretty neat but I feel like the potential here spans further than that. It can be used on top of the Ethereum architecture though, I’m fairly certain it’s interoperable with that. Usecases are speculative at this point, but so were/are smart contracts, cryptocurrency in general, etc.

>> No.18468869

Quadratic voting and governance is the real deal if implemented correctly.

>> No.18468907

It's written in golang. Just needs a bridge built and it'll work.

>> No.18469928

Advertisers always use target demographics. Advertising will absolutely not be a use case for anonymous proof of identity.

>> No.18470024

Proof of humanity*

>> No.18470089

>cant even find the circulating supply because piece of shit token is not on any resource site and not listed on any exchanges.

>code is a complete failure. can't even get more programmers to look at code to work out bugs. no one wants to touch this thing.

>hacked by a 13 year old using 1 computer. code is easily manipulated. does not provide human validity because it's easily circumvented by workarounds. will not change because entire code is a miserable failure.

>only source of investment is from highly stupid young people on 4chan that would be happy with even a few dollars because they are so broke.

>> No.18470405

JFC, stop larping like you know anything faggot. Whole community is pretty much programmers who are already building stuff put for the ecosystem. Also it was a nothingburger attack not a hack. Guarantee you Leo has built and accomplished more shit than you can ever dream Manesh.

>> No.18470578

IDENA can never work. It's only usecase, 1 node = 1 human, falls flat from the get go, because i was able to run 2 fucking nodes without problems, at one time even 3!!! Who the fuck uses this vaporware to give out UBI etc at this point.

>> No.18470774
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Look at this half baked FUD

>> No.18470826

the concept is alright, but why such huge premine?

>> No.18470976

Pics or it didnt happen.

>> No.18471297

Wow, them feels. Did some idena dev cuck you or why the enormous hate?

>> No.18471643
File: 527 KB, 828x1537, 7C08008C-E15B-4BB4-8502-62A32FFC242C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Idena becomes big enough, you’re advertising to guaranteed humans vs bots/spam accounts like every other platform. Bot-protected marketing is big desu
>implying every half decent coin in crypto history wasn’t premined aka most of the top 100

>> No.18471685

Lol even the founders admit that its possible. You only need to solve one flip on each of your nodes in a window of a few minutes. You see the Idena shills don't attack my post? Should tell you sonething.

>> No.18471692

Already addressed here >>18468059

>> No.18471856

Satoshi mined his BTC at zero difficulty. Effectively a premine.

>> No.18471873

We need flags so bad.

>> No.18472048

You'd only find American master race you pajeet fuck

>> No.18472279

>muh captcha coin
Just shut the fuck up currynigger and get a life

>> No.18472737

I am anon, you? How do we connect

>> No.18472863

Lol this doesn't solve anything. ANYONE can run at least teo human verified nodes and get the double amount if UBI. Your shit coin will go nowhere. Even after all this relentless shilling, there is sooo low volume for your coin that you still can't dump your bags because only sub 80 iq retards fall for this scam

>> No.18473270

At this growth we will have at least 20K humans operating a node by the end of the year (some will run 2-3? we will see what devs will implement to incentivize 1 node).

It's a cool as fuck project and keeps you engaged. My goal is a 20k stack, sitting at 16k right now.

>> No.18473331

There is no shilling in this thread at all, actually quite the opposite, balanced conversation - which if you haven't noticed, is quite rare on biz these days. All we get is $1000k EOY / m00n / w3n lamb0 etc. Yes you're correct, you can run 2 nodes, but at the risk you can pass the validation period which is timed to a few minutes, any mistakes and you risk losing status. Devs can always increase the flip count or reduce the time window (or both), to avoid two people running one node. Like any project it has its flaws and will have its flaws, just like Eth had the DAO issue and Bitcoin got f***ed by the Mt Gox hack, this is what you call early stage development, and if you look at the node growth, its stable and rising. Bitcoin was born out of a financial recession in 2008, can idena be brought out of a global recession/depression where UBI and identity is in more need than before? No one knows for sure.

>> No.18473455

It can and it will. This is the project for these times. Only a matter before every shill on Reddit, Youtube and Twitter understands this.

>> No.18473501

We are currently at epoch 42.

At the current avg epoch-over-epoch nr of miners growth rate of 11.5%, we'll be passing 100k miners by epoch 77.

However, for the past 4, and and for 7 of the past 10 epochs, we've been growing at >20% E-O-E. If the average new onboarded miners sustains at or close to 20% E-O-E, we'll be passing 1M miners around the 78 epochs mark. If the idea spreads, there shouldn't be any systemic limit to this, as there are certainly enough people in the world with a laptop and internet access who would be happy to solve flips for an extra $50-100/m.

>> No.18473506
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This thread is still UP?! /biz really seems to love IDENA, so glad I researched this and actually put the time in to do flips, now I'm just waiting for the next session to receive verified status. I just want to say thank you! I will be providing one lucky anon from /biz/ with my invite,as I truly believe this is the way.

Thank you for sharing valuable information!

>> No.18473514

That's talking it absolutes, as much as I am pro idena, nothing is certain. Let's not get too carried away or attached to an investment and remain cautiously optimistic. Great to see your support though, I really hope it works desu. What has got your interested the most in the concept? What do you see as the main barriers to adoption?

>> No.18473525

Please don't give away your invite without making sure your invitee is capable of making solid flips
I'll be happy once we reach 9400 nodes so validation sessions are on saturdays only

>> No.18473537

You're welcome fellow anon. It's intelligent conversation like this that allow people to take a look at a project through both lenses, both that of the bull case and the bear case. Those who read can be the judge based on peoples intelligent responses on what to do, what not to do. Biz is a great resource for "filtering" potential gems, but most and I mean 99.9% are absolute garbage. I will be honest in saying if it wasn't for the problem that idena is trying to solve + the pace of development from the anon team & growth of the network E-O-E, I would say it's just another shitcoin too, I'll continue to wait for an idena like sign-on then go in harder, for now you can just mine for free :) enjoy

>> No.18473545

yes, I will be making a thread where anons will prove that they are capable of making flips and how this whole thing works my man. I believe anons here are capable of running and profiting from their node and are also non stop online

>> No.18473567

Great, I've gotten some solid anons from here that are dedicated

>> No.18473570

Satan likes your attitude please enter game don't be afraid and when you go out don't cry.

>> No.18473577
File: 237 KB, 1560x1530, 1578823521161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. I was on telegram and this is what really sealed the case for me, so much conversations and so many persons helping each other, it was most refreshing. I would suggest a more limited timeframe for the sort session in order to eliminate the possibility of anons running 2 nodes, the team needs to develop a sure fire way of making sure that ONE NODE-ONE PERSON

>> No.18473584

>I'll be happy once we reach 9400 nodes so validation sessions are on saturdays only
Simple math would say 9400 between epochs 46 (at 20% e-o-e) and 49 (at avg e-o-e)

>> No.18473597

I think they'll implement a flip school first. Amount of low quality flips is too high right now. I've gotten sessions where I submitted in the last 3 seconds because I was figuring out shit flips.
Feels goodman

>> No.18473598

I think this is a very valid point anon that you make:

"It's a cool as fuck project and keeps you engaged"

I'll throw it out here to other idena anon's - would you say that you're more engaged than normal when considering other projects which you hold, or have held in the past? Funnily enough I think about idena daily which I'm starting to think is a bit crazy, wondering if anyone else is similar...

>> No.18473637

ofc, it requires you to be engaged, the only coin that I'm more engaged then this is suter since they;re having the node validator competition

>> No.18473807

Can i have an invitation? Im very interested in letting this UBI thing known in my country, since it would help people struggling to get basic services.

>> No.18474133

You should join telegram or discord

>> No.18474552

Fucking pajeet stop shitting on our clean streets

>> No.18474837


Then why does it say Total supply: 50,923,790.97 DNA on the main site?

>> No.18475640

>government issued
Do you see the problem now?

>> No.18476464


>> No.18477188

Yep, this is what I did. Bought a stack out of pure interest and started mining shortly after. It takes literally 0 resources to mine besides an internet connection. This is a highly speculative project with active development and a growing network. More interested to see medium-long term growth than a 2x in a week followed by a satsgang dump. We’ll see what happens desu.

>> No.18477708

Devs have been literally glued to their screen. Literally 24/7 improving this chain

>> No.18478748
File: 94 KB, 816x612, bowlll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


drop me your discord
t. unironic idena whale

>> No.18478824

what's an idena whale? 100k?

>> No.18479238
File: 62 KB, 666x1126, gtyuhfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a Pi thread.

use code melegauntt and all of your wildest dreams will come true


>> No.18479705


>> No.18480474

Where do I even get an invite?

>> No.18480477

cryptoUBI for me. I think that's a bigger idea potentially than "Store of Value" or "World Computer" to be honest. Biggest barrier is gonna be how to scale this in a way that 1 million + won't bring the network down during a validation session.

>> No.18480518

No it’s not. It’s useless and won’t amount to anything. This happens every month.
>b-but this time it’s different
>stay poor
Kek only $5k volume is real. Goodluck

>> No.18480595

when does my stake amount become available?
newbie level btw.

>> No.18481091

cryptoUBI nor decentralized identity is useless. I'm sure you know this ranjeet, but you probably failed your validation and now your slum will not have running water this week so you are bitter.

>> No.18481256

UBI is morally wrong through taxation, but in this crypto sense it isn’t taken by force.

>> No.18481296

road help me

>> No.18481333

Verified or 3 epochs

>> No.18481355

So any estimated price for EoY?

>> No.18481402

20x atleast

>> No.18481465

Its exactly why Idena is not made for pajeets like you:

- no wash trading
- no money spent on marketing
- pure code
- no team which spent all funds on useless shit
- based community

>> No.18481656

first post retard post.

>> No.18481979


>> No.18482773

Why is there no info on the team, i want to know who develops this coin, where and what they studied, links to their Twitter or LinkedIn.

>> No.18483672

Anon team
No idea. If this gains any sort of traction the price will be higher than it is now lel. The liquidity is still a little abysmal, but most people are hoarding and not selling tokens at this point anyways. And the people who finally unlock their stake after 3 epochs probably aren’t going to unload the few hundred+ tokens they mined at this point/price, unless you’re a faggot.

>> No.18483685

Yes why no Linkedin for Satoshi?

>> No.18483940


>> No.18484165

Everyday I am shufflin...
Every Epoch I am Flipnin....

>> No.18485008

Who will be the first Youtube shill to pick up on this?

>> No.18485169

Do you have a discord?

>> No.18486096

What happens if you miss a validation?

>> No.18486123

2k volume shitcoin

>> No.18486402

node dies

>> No.18486438

>Who will be the first Youtube shill to pick up on this?
Ranjeet Sengupta

>> No.18486950

I wouldn't know who that is. Not a pajeet like you faggot.

>> No.18487970

This thread really has been the ultimate idenapill, gonna dave the Warosu link.