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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1846918 No.1846918 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the day brothers.

Either we go to 3k or 300.


Python script to monitor SEC website for email:

Reddit ETF megathread:

Thread song:

Get the fuck in here /biz/, nocoiners are about to be on ETERNAL suicide watch. To da moon

>> No.1846922


winklevoss will carry coiners into a glorious new era starting this fine winter morn, meanwhile zuckerberg got no sleep last night at all.

>> No.1846924
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>> No.1846926

Even if it tanks to $10 I feel like I've had my share of entertainment from being a part of this magic internet money rollercoaster.

>> No.1846928

I thought they will make the decision on March 13

>> No.1846929
File: 8 KB, 241x209, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unlikely. Today is the day.


>> No.1846931

i don't even care about the money anymore, the assblast is the only thing that matters no matter who's ass it is

t. coiner

>> No.1846935

wired 5k to a bitcoin broker to insta buy if the etf gets accepted :D even if it doesn't there are going to be cheap coins available so win-win situation for me!

>> No.1846936
File: 482 KB, 1000x1926, 1476627765022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Institutional left wing investors on PERMANENT SUICIDE WATCH.

Alpha chads Winklevii will deliva

>> No.1846942


So before of after?

>> No.1846945

This is your last chance, nocoiners

>> No.1846946
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>> No.1846953
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>> No.1846959

what time should we expect a decision? I have to go to work soon but I don't want to miss the boom/dip.

>> No.1846961

Probably 4pm or there about based on old decisions.

>> No.1846962

ready your BEST nocoiner memes. i want this thread looking like an /sp/ archive.

>> No.1846964

EST I'm assuming?

>> No.1846965

you idiots actually think they will legitimize this? HAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.1846966
File: 65 KB, 543x500, 1486592354103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if ETF fails

ETH goes up

>it if succeeds

BTC goes up
Is that the jist of it?

>> No.1846967
File: 7 KB, 232x218, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if ETF fails
we buy the dip

>it if succeeds
we bathe in money

>sounds too good to be true, what's the catch?
the only catch is if you're a filthy nocoiner :D:D::D:D:DDDD:D::D:D::D:D

>> No.1846969


I think the market as a whole will go down if this fails. You're deluded if you think otherwise.

>> No.1846971

Nocoiners will not be allowed to post below this line.

>> No.1846975

Your vagina is horizontal.

>> No.1846976

Would you guys say this is a 50/50? I'm desperately trying to buy coins but bpay is taking so fucking long. Provided it does go through is it still worth buying the coins ASAP??

>> No.1846977

50/50 at this rate, most ETF's they've left until the last day have come down to approval. Denial is usually done before the deadline.

If it gets denied buy at the dip and we have the next ETF for bitcoin due before the 30th which people have been more positive to due to the way its been organised.

>> No.1846978

Yeah I don't understand the mentality that speculators will jump over to other cryptos if the ETF falls through.

>> No.1846979


>most ETF's they've left until the last day have come down to approval. Denial is usually done before the deadline.
This means that approval is quite likely then ?

>> No.1846982

Aren't there like 2 or 3 other ETF's waiting? One day one will be accepted.

>> No.1846986

what's the worst case scenario, seriously?
I see no downsides but maybe I'm 2optimistic

>> No.1846990

I'm an Ausfag
What timezone is the approval?
4pm where?

>> No.1846991
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You ready to become part of the new financial elite /biz/?

>> No.1846993


4pm EST

>> No.1846994

If going off past results, then yes.

Yes, another one on the 30th. It's only a matter or time.

Bitcoins sold by people getting out, cheap bitcoins bought by people buying in cheap rising the price again. There will be a dip but it will recover.

>> No.1846999

Here we go lads.


>> No.1847005
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>> No.1847006
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It begins

>> No.1847009

just hit $1350.

where were you when people who carry fiat became next generation bagholders?

>> No.1847011
File: 693 KB, 339x279, 89HANHg[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1847015

srsly did the decision get announced?

>> No.1847016


>> No.1847017

it hasnt been announced yet, lol

>> No.1847019

What the fuck was that 1350 ???

>> No.1847021

wtf i'm a fucking nocoiners right now cause I sold
When will I learn???
Callins suicide hotline now

>> No.1847022

If you're on /biz/ regularly you should already have bought. BUY RIGHT NOW YOU FAGGOT

>> No.1847026

What do I need to buy some memecoins? Bank account+verification at least?

>> No.1847030


The verification takes days/weeks. If you're not already signed up, it's fucking over for you.

>> No.1847032
File: 190 KB, 840x485, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sorry, as I've missed you
Running with the crazy crowd
I'm climbing, going higher
I don't care if I never come down
I don't care if I never come down
I don't care if I never come down

>> No.1847033



>> No.1847035
File: 10 KB, 285x177, arch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rich or die buying!

>> No.1847036


the people's thread theme

>> No.1847037

If this gets approved, how long until the ETF is available to the public?

And when will we know symbol?

>> No.1847038

See if there's a Bitcoin ATM near you.

>> No.1847039

Its slowly coming back down off of that fucking cliff

>> No.1847041

Remind me, was that 1339 an ATH?

>> No.1847042

>Google "BTC ATM"
>Check my country
Fuck this country srsly.

>> No.1847044

Can anyone explain what just happened?

>> No.1847045


>> No.1847048


>> No.1847049

Hype or somebody is betting that bitcoin will fail so they took out a massive loan to short it.

>> No.1847050

So this isn't a reflection on some sort of influence on the outcome of the ETF approval? I'm waiting for my bpay but its taking ages.

>> No.1847051


>> No.1847053

Of course.

But bitcoin broke the previous ATH just a few days ago.

One big feint.

Major investors pumping bitcoin in order to ensnare suckers thinking the ETF got approved and trigger other suckers' buy options, thus creating a minor tsunami they can short the fuck out of.

>> No.1847054
File: 26 KB, 750x750, feelzhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can watch the webcast of the meeting here. https://www.sec.gov/news/otherwebcasts.shtml

Starts in 45 minutes. Buy now lads. This is a revolution.

>> No.1847056

Risky as fuck it can backfire so badly, much more likely insider info

>> No.1847057


Someone had a plan. Short squeeze on the way up, trigger buy orders and then dump. Flawless.

>> No.1847063

So ya think itll go back down?

>> No.1847064

With the hype that's going on, anything's possible.

>> No.1847066

>today's events:
>Thursday, March 10

Is that a fake website or something?

>> No.1847067


It already did. The price we're at now is because of the buy orders at the bottom. We hit $1068 and then bounced to where we're now.

>> No.1847068

Site's seems legit, found the same site through the official sec.gov link.

>> No.1847073


We're going to the moon, you faggots!

>> No.1847075
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>> No.1847079
File: 73 KB, 660x408, IMG_4226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt you buy anon?

>> No.1847083

my bpay didn't come through in time

>> No.1847085


What do you think the price will be if ETF is approved and price stabilises ?

>> No.1847091


>price stabilizing

...this your first day playing crypto anon?

>> No.1847098


We've been at a steady 900 - 1200 for the past weeks now.

>> No.1847106

a 30%+ fluctuation in price is not stable

>> No.1847114

So do you guyt think this actually will be good for bitcoin itself? All I can see is lots of btc being owned by people who can't even access their own coins.
Also I'm kinda curious about the technicalities of this proposed ETF, how they will generate a wallet(s), where they'll even get new btc from in a secure way, how they'll manage ownership etc.., is there anything known about that?

>> No.1847115


The stock itself doesn't matter itself so much as the 300 million that's going to be tossed into BTC as a result of the stock.

>> No.1847118

Not now. If etf fails, wait for dip. If succeed, wait for new price floor.

If you buy now you risk buying at th VERY top then watching it crash. Don't be dumb.

>> No.1847121

It is already in a bubble due to the ETF. The true price of bitcoin is about 400-500

>> No.1847122

>The true price of bitcoin is about 400-500
Regardless of market cap, users, acceptance, ... ?

>> No.1847124

Exact same way as gold silver and oil can't be accessed by people investing. You don't get to go down to the nearest Microsoft or Apple shop and take items because you own stock as well.

Will be ledgers I assume of who owns what percentage of coin(s) and the brothers have to have that on hand.

They'll use their own Bitcoin to float the company.

>> No.1847126


>this nigger

Despite the last 18 months that show differently?

>> No.1847128

Please explain to me why. It has 400 dollars worth of scrap metal in it? Quit talking out of your ass.

>> No.1847131
File: 1.58 MB, 400x300, skeltor out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friendly reminder

buy on rumors sell on news

>> No.1847134

No coiners please leave.

>> No.1847150

I'm watching this, and it seems completely unrelated.

>> No.1847155

this shit is a religion not an investment to these people. rationality is out the window.

>> No.1847157


Nigger what? We're not mETHheads

>> No.1847158
File: 265 KB, 700x1045, 1454023238508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in for the long haul on both ETH and BTC anyways unless some ultra travesty happens.

This ETF is good:
>approved: my portfolio grows and nocoiners are buttblasted
>denied: price drops, buy the dip

Sometimes it's too easy to make money.

>> No.1847159


>> No.1847161
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>> No.1847163
File: 48 KB, 499x474, C5_q1L1WQAAyJBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here just hodling without riding the buy sell waves of today?

>> No.1847165

guys GUYS

where is the absolute fastest place to get the word of the announcement results?

is this a good place to be watching today?https://twitter.com/SEC_News

>> No.1847166

> Anonymous (ID: iZchpDDD) 03/10/17(Fri)06:52:26 No.1847163 ▶
>File: C5_q1L1WQAAyJBy.jpg (48 KB, 499x474)
>who here just hodling without riding the buy sell waves of today?

Yo, I'm just riding this bitch. I wish I was playing the waves but I don't want to fuck around right now.

>> No.1847174


could be https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/batsbzx.htm

or also https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/batsbzx/2017/?C=M;O=A

>> No.1847184

100 coins ride or die to death.

>> No.1847189

this ride or die mentality is retarded and happens way too often on this board

why would you ever expose yourself to a 'die' outcome

i'd much rather be "stay neutral or miss out gains"

>> No.1847194

I've got .05 BTC and 3 ETH. I'm just watching. However, if BTC tanks, I'll probably throw another $50 in when it seems like we're around the bottom (I'll give it 2 days)

>> No.1847204

is there a mathematical model to predict how $300 million will move the market? Obviously it's on a curve, but there must be a constant or two.

>> No.1847210

there's no predicting bitcoin, anyone who says there is is selling you snake oil

>> No.1847221

but some faggot still dumped 5k btc when we were riding upwords

he made 6 million....think about it

>> No.1847223

PSA: If you currently hold BTC, your best bet is to hold fast. Don't sell.

If you DO NOT own BTC, DO NOT BUY NOW. There is a significantly greater chance the ETF gets denied. Almost assuredly. Save your Yellenbux for the dip. Then buy. But if you already hold, unless you bought it at $1000, the small chance of mooning is worth it to hang on.

You should buy the dip regardless.

>> No.1847224
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See you guys in Hawaii

>> No.1847231

I hate seeing this. Make me wish I got on the train years ago

>> No.1847234


Congratulations anon, I am Jelly.

>> No.1847238


significantly greater chance now? why?

>> No.1847240

Why not just sell and put that in a nice vanguard account

>> No.1847241
File: 89 KB, 730x321, screenshot_10-03-2017 09.21.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope it lasts friend

>> No.1847252

So I can purchase an actual ticket to the moon.

>> No.1847253

Denial is the most likely outcome. There's dozens of analyses out there. Basically the market hates risky bullshit like Bitcoin. It's viewed as untested and unproved (I know...). You're trying to convince a boardroom of stuffy old boomers that your magical internet bux deserve a seat at their table. Good fucking luck. I'd like to see it happen too, but the odds are quite long. If they liked it, they would have passed it before the drop-dead deadline. They're gonna say lolno.

>> No.1847257
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>1.6 million

>> No.1847259

this is inspect element - fake numbers.

unless you make a webm refreshing the site.

>> No.1847262
File: 455 KB, 810x688, 1463618574883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, not today. Kid.

>> No.1847268

Tfw making bred crumbs with ETH because of Bitcoin.

>> No.1847270
File: 518 KB, 939x800, 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a countdown to the outcome of the meeting?

or should i just watch the market price - fastest news?

>> No.1847271

I already bought a house from the first boom and have enough in cash assets and other investments now that I can stay supported even if this goes bust.

Bitcoin set me up for life, the rest from here out has been gravy and I'm happy to let it ride with what its already rewarded me with.

>> No.1847274

fair enough anon

good luck

i hope the ETF is accepted today

>> No.1847279
File: 3.95 MB, 480x480, HillaryHelp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with the SEC.

Can confirm...it's coming.

>> No.1847283

bullshit, even if you are you're committing a felony by saying that

>> No.1847284

of course its bullshit

but the article does make a good point

>> No.1847286
File: 30 KB, 827x447, Not much, but its mine..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of gains are we looking at if the ETF is accepted?

Hoping I can make some gains here.

>> No.1847287

I work with, not at.

>> No.1847290

Regardless, still illegal

>> No.1847291 [DELETED] 

>literally 0.1% of that would improve my life tenfold

>> No.1847295
File: 1.08 MB, 276x260, boogie is listening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not insider information.

its well know it's going to pass today inside the SEC, everyone is talking about it.

>> No.1847296


>plz m8

>> No.1847297

You're gonna gain the best sandwich of your life. All extra's and the big coke.

>> No.1847298

Check your wallet

>> No.1847300

ha great, worth the giggle too. some people saying it could hit 2k I'd be real happy with that.

>> No.1847303


sent :^)

>> No.1847306

How will you change your life if this thing gets approved.

I am prob gonna order 10 Big Cokes and crab legs

>> No.1847307
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This anon knows his shit.


No, I don't mean *actually* predicting it. I just mean a theoretical model. It wouldn't be BTC specific, it could be applicable to any currency. Like, we know the market is at PRICE1 and DEMAND=0.3B. WILLINGTOSELL@PRICEX = # of people that will sell at each price. They're not gonna find enough sellers at PRICE1 to meet .3B coins, so the price moves up to PRICE2. Repeat process.

It's a discrete process, but because BTC is so divisible and there's high liquidity, there's close to infinite values for PRICEX. You can plot all the BTCSOLD@PRICEX info along a curve until the sum of BTCSOLD = 0.3B. The last value of PRICEX minus PRICE1 is how much it *theoretically* would move the market, barring extra variables like other people trying to ride the wave or unusual shorting behavior.

What I wanna know is if there's a model for WILLINGTOSELL@PRICEX. Of course it would probably contain more unknown variables that depend on certain parameters of whatever currency you're modeling.

>> No.1847309

I'll masturbate furiously to suppress the regret of not getting into BTC when I first heard about it.

>> No.1847311

So if btc is going on the nasdaq, when will it start trading?

>> No.1847315

my response was oversimplified, but the rationale behind it was that you are not dealing with seasoned investors here. you're dealing with bitcoin cultists and slumdog millionaire whales who don't put any of their trades on their taxes.

so while models may work on standard markets, they won't work here. it's easy enough to go into each exchanges order books and see exactly how much will move to each price point, but the order books change every minute because they are run by home brewed whale bots. you're better off flipping a coin basically.

>> No.1847319



*** C U L T ***

>> No.1847322
File: 582 KB, 2113x1027, killer7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since some of ya'll are being generous, I made pic related for /v/. I was planning on making one related to Bitcoin that you could marvel at and destroy threads with, so drop a haypenny if you'd like to support that.


Personally I'm a poorfag so I've only got $500 invested in mETH, and the ad will probably focus on that.

>> No.1847329

Damn china is just going to sweep up every coin they can get their chopsticks on

>> No.1847332

when you say you made this

do you mean

you are the guy in the ad
its your craigslist ad?

>> No.1847337


don't worry about him, worry about killer7.

>> No.1847340
File: 99 KB, 717x510, 1421554659338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1847345


That is correct. I am running to catch my ride but I'll provide a timestamp when I get there in like 20.

I made that ad and various others and I'm going to make one about mETH.

>> No.1847347


>> No.1847349
File: 135 KB, 788x1024, aivazovsky,ivan 1862 darial gorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I know that and I agree. I'm just asking if there's a well known/accepted model out there for how sudden large buys will *theoretically* move a market. kinda like the black scholes pricing model.

I totally get that it's practically useless for bitcoin, I just want to mess around with it and play what-if scenarios.

I'll figure out where Aivazovsky painted this and go there.


>> No.1847350


That is correct.

>> No.1847357

>not being $6k deep into eth

It's like you don't want to be rich

>> No.1847359


I only have like $1000 in my checking, so I'm betting quite a damn lot.

>> No.1847362

I'm just giving you shit.

I wish I had more to put into eth. I'm so young that even if eth were to go to $0 and I lose EVERYTHING, it wouldn't be the end of the world. However. If it moons? Oh man.... ooohhhhhhhhhhhh man.

>> No.1847369

just put in about 25 dollars, all i can afford. please take me to the moon.

>> No.1847373 [DELETED] 

I'm going to post this because I'm just legitimately curious if anybody actually donates on this board.


>> No.1847394

Have 2.15 BTC but I'm trying to accumulate more before ETF.


>> No.1847397



>> No.1847401
File: 285 KB, 605x314, Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 11.25.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we have more than 2000 people tuned into the webcast"
>Everyone watching just wants a bitcoin announcement
>There's probably people being paid right now to just watch for any word of announcement.
>It's about financial education for people that don't know anything about investing.

8/10, SEC. Good show.

>> No.1847404

I really don't do it, but if people keep begging on here there must be some people donating, right?

Just testing a theory.

>> No.1847406

you can take your scientific method and shove it

>> No.1847410

prediction: etf is approved and the SEC lectures us on the risk of it

>> No.1847416
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread and Im too poor to afford bitcoin.

I struggle for rent and almost crying I cant join with you guys to make money..

If any anon wants to help me make it in life with any small bitcoin .. I would owe you forever


>> No.1847419

prediction: etf is delayed 6 months on concerns of 'market immaturity'

>> No.1847424


eww, a curveball, i like it.

>> No.1847425

Poorfag here, only holding 0.1 bitcoin because of my study dept :(. 17EUSa35bVEEPVZAVxfPnocoNCjeA7sEMN

>> No.1847431
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>> No.1847432


Try again.

>> No.1847433
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>> No.1847434
File: 3 KB, 125x117, 1470861111843s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it happened guys?

>> No.1847435

stream link pls?

that doesnt say anything...

>> No.1847442


>> No.1847444

Are they really going to start making announcements during this generic-ass lecture?

>> No.1847448
File: 123 KB, 1200x1009, C6ZPSYHU8AA8i6c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty bbz

>> No.1847449


i really dont know, i was about to ask if anybody knows whether the topic of this talk is because of the ETF/bitcoin or not.

>> No.1847450
File: 101 KB, 486x600, gold 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He'd be better off buying some physical gold and silver and paying in BTC from a site that accepts it. Buy stocks after the next crash. Trump is a major letdown in regard to the economy and health care.

>> No.1847454
File: 303 KB, 524x344, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


y-you're welcome e_e;;

also pic related: "to all the people emailing us, we have nothing to say about bitcoins so please stop asking. i don't know what that means but i was told to say that."

okay faggot

>> No.1847455
File: 555 KB, 555x555, 1476633990912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that even if this doesn't pass, there is STILL ANOTHER SIMILAR PRODUCT which is due to be confirmed on March 30 (https://news.bitcoin.com/sec-delays-decision-solidx-bitcoin-trust/).). This is also much more likely to pass as insurance is included in the product so it is safer in the eyes of the SEC.

This is therefore a WIN WIN situation. Either rejects, we hodl lower, stash more, wait for rise, or we moon now.

SEC announcement is 100% today: https://twitter.com/RyanVlastelica/status/840217251223556096


Fuck off you faggots, get a fucking job instead of posting here if you need money.

>> No.1847461



>> No.1847465

I suppose everyone is going to cash out immediately if rejected?

>> No.1847467

I don't think so. They haven't mentioned it once.

I think they're patting themselves on the back for making company filings public and requiring
for mutual funds.

I think this is prompted by the new DOL fiduciary rule getting overturned by king cheeto. They want average investors to be able to retire without choosing some chucklefuck who's only responsibility is to make SALES

>> No.1847469

there will be significant selling yes

>> No.1847470

Lmfao, what time is that at? I have to see it.

>> No.1847473



>> No.1847476

I'm sure there are people standing by to short it if it gets rejected as well.

>> No.1847478


about 17:00 i think, this player is so shitty its hard to tell



>> No.1847479


Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.1847480
File: 401 KB, 601x601, 1477063604992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These digits don't lie.

Today will be known as the day that nocoiners collectively accepted their fates as the worst /biz/iness men of all time, forever chained to the rubble of poverty.

It's going to be glorious.

Desperate nocoiner on his last legs detected
>pic related: you

>> No.1847492


I have a 18h job.. I just.. couldnt put anything into bitcoin .. and Ill miss the ride to the moon. Here unemployment levels are high, so we take anything we can get for work.

Well, I get your begging dislike, Im not surprised.

Just hoped I could get anything before the SEC decision when btc is still cheap

>> No.1847497
File: 114 KB, 762x464, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The technology has been around since 2009 and you are implying you haven't had one chance to not even buy $5 worth?

No one is going to give you money. We are not a charity. I'm sorry you live in a country with high unemployment. Millions do. I'm sorry.

>> No.1847505

Just borrow money.

>> No.1847508

man I love bitcoin haha

>> No.1847511
File: 8 KB, 645x773, IMG_0222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coinbase cancelled my 200 dollar ETH order
>still haven't got back my money back a week later
>no reply back from customer service despite sending two emails

It's gone isn't it bros? Did I get meme'd on?

>> No.1847512

Im just using a broker now to buy BTC and ETH.

It is just easier...

>> No.1847513
File: 103 KB, 710x767, 1478725352922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were doing you favour. Your dubs are a sign to invest in BITCOIN only as it is #1.

>> No.1847514

Man, I'm getting increasingly nervous... I should sleep now but I can't...

>> No.1847516
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this conversation kind of reminds me of like a /biz/ version of this story

>> No.1847517
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I have never been so bullish on anything ever lads. This is it. How do we suppose nocoiners will cope this time?

>> No.1847518

no, it will not go back to 300.
no, it will not go to 3,000

>> No.1847519
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All fucking mETH niggers should fucking hang.

>> No.1847523
File: 61 KB, 592x592, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone is overdue to get BTFO'd...but who??

>> No.1847525
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVERYTHING is on the line. This is our Rorke's Drift.

>> No.1847529

Use localbitcoins.

>> No.1847545

Down to about 3 hours now.

if any nocoinlets want a souvenir, lemme know and I'll bring ye back a moonrock.

>> No.1847548

I only have 30 ETH and 1.3 btc, and feel like the biggest poorfag. It's so nice for the real poorfags to make posts like this, makes me happy ;)

>> No.1847549
File: 1.95 MB, 300x227, E8qRmkD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howling at this post.

>> No.1847551

Daily reminder than nocoinlets are not short the currency, they are physically short. Manlets and nocoinlets go hand in hand.

>> No.1847554
File: 87 KB, 7712x6400, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed something maybe interesting. When it's 8 am in USA and 8 am in Europe the price makes bigger jumps. When the price went down at night it goes down further and when the price went up it tends to go up. Do I just imagine that or sounds it logical?

>> No.1847555

reminder lanklets

tall people dont fit on the space shuttle

moon missions are the short man's privilege

>> No.1847559



Short on stature, short on Bitcoin, short on brains.

For some, coping is just a lifestyle.

>> No.1847562

people wake up and put it in anon... when Nikkei wakes up same, and dax

>> No.1847572
File: 57 KB, 745x656, price jump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Bitcoin(=Dollars) does it take to let the BTC price jump from $1200 to $1300 in 10 minutes? Can someone not stupid calculate this? Would be interesting in terms of insider knowledge.

>> No.1847573

Go look at the blockchain

>> No.1847576

An ode to nocoiners:

Short on stature,
a collective of detachers;
Short on bitcoin,
without urge or loin;
Short on brains,
Eternally dooomed to miss trains.

Enter Winklevoss,
our final boss,
To put nocoiners to death -
Via their ETF.


>> No.1847580

I'm surprised there isn't more activity in this thread. This is like the oscars for /tv/ or e3 for /v/. seems like there's only ten of us who give a fuck. Hell even reddit is moving slow.

where's the memes?

>> No.1847581


Oh anon, you're rich AND romantic!
Amen. Death by ETF.

>> No.1847583

I really, really, really like this ode

>> No.1847584

I was watching the evidence summit at the SEC. Lot of insight but also a lot of nothing too

>> No.1847585




>> No.1847586

Real money is on the line. Everybody is making sure to watch out for the announcement so they can place their orders accordingly.

>> No.1847587


Got $2500 in BTC. Letttssssss goooooo!

>> No.1847588

Shorting ETH is a good way to gamble on this getting approved, right?

>> No.1847589

If it passes, I'm buying a nice sandwich. Since I only have .4 bitcoins

>> No.1847591
File: 54 KB, 550x346, IMG_4185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait any longer in buying now!!!

>> No.1847592

that was scary!

>> No.1847593

Very few people know or care about bitcoin still at this point.
Which is exactly why now's the time to get in before everyone else inevitably does.

>> No.1847594

Not in terms of opportunity cost, and in fact many might jump into ETH assuming they would be next.

>> No.1847595


There isn't much to discuss. We're going to know if the ETF is go or not in some undetermined amount of time.

>> No.1847596




It's coming today! Within hours everyone!

>> No.1847597

Does anyone know where the info about the decision will be released first?

>> No.1847599

it was a coinbase exclusive drop

>> No.1847602

Don't visit here often but i am watching this.

If it does take off im going to kill myself for not getting in on this meme in 2011.

>> No.1847605

Is the conference over or is there another link to this hairdos talking?

>> No.1847610

Then what's the trade I should be making with the BTC I have on Polo? I want to increase the amount of BTC I have, not just the dollar value.

>> No.1847611
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>> No.1847619

I'm away for the moment.
I got a sell order at 4500€. See you later.

>> No.1847623

Godspeed anon

>> No.1847624


>> No.1847626
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>> No.1847628

Its funny really, the level's of wealth here is very interesting.

Glad to have helped :)

>> No.1847632

thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.1847638

This is what you nocoiners get

>> No.1847639

From rich chads to the lowest NEETs, if this ETF passes we all win.

>> No.1847640
File: 114 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1847643

Fuck, the wait is killing me.

>> No.1847645


>Notices you through the windshield of his spaceship
>"Hey captain anon, any room for one more?"
>"One more? Now? I don't know, let me talk with Houston and get back to you..."

>> No.1847648

Same desu. I've started (continued) drinking.

>> No.1847649

wtf are you thinking?

>> No.1847654

1. i doubt that image is real

2. whats wrong with keeping it all on coinbase?

>> No.1847659

>2. whats wrong with keeping it all on coinbase?
If coinbase gets hacked or "hacked" you lose a lot of money.

>> No.1847660

take your single digit gains back to plebbit.com/r/investing

>> No.1847667


its not MtGox

>> No.1847668

im 100x leverage right now. Let's fucking go.

>> No.1847670
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I pasted that

in the wrong place

>> No.1847679

>taking their word for it
I wouldn't, that's all.

>> No.1847680


IMO out of all the exchanges, coinbase seems the most "legit"

>> No.1847685

Legit enough to use it to trade crypto, not legit enough to store large amounts of crypto.

>> No.1847696

put all my btc into etf

>> No.1847697

>trusting coinbase instead of downloading bitcoin core

you deserve to lose your bitcoins

>> No.1847698

>implying it will go through

>> No.1847703

Are you shorting or longing?

Don't go bankrupt

>> No.1847708

long, liq at 1241 for 50% of my coins.

Will place rest of my coins if/when it liqs with another 100x leverage.

im killing myself if this doesn't work anyways. go mega rich or go home.

>> No.1847712
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1487840147096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For some, coping is just a lifestyle.

>> No.1847713

>All these people excited for their 4-5 bitcoin stash from money they mowed lawns and borrowed from their daddy, thinking theyre gonna be 'rich as fuck' hahahahhaaha this thread is an embarrasment

>> No.1847717

where do you guys trade with leverage?

>> No.1847718


>> No.1847722

I got 100x leverage on ~9 coins, if i dont go broke i go rich

Will place 10 coins (all i have left) with 100x leverage hoping it will work next time. if that doesn't work i will deposit the rest of my bank account and probably do 25-50x leverage so i dont have to kill myself.


>> No.1847726


>this guy again for the third time

if this passes we're turning you into a meme

>> No.1847731

Anyone else see a triangle forming on the 30min? Probably will be completed in a couple hours or so, just in time for the announcement.


>> No.1847732 [DELETED] 

Can one of you rich coiners please help a poor bizfag out. Through a bizarre set of circumstances involving a bitcoin debit card and its rules, and a bank account delay, im short about 7 dollars or .00560btc for this payment i have to make today.

Literally last resort , may kek provide my savior prosperity


>> No.1847734

what do you mean? we are at 1241 already

i admire your balls but i think its nuts, im only playing with 1 btc that i sold for 1200 USD, waiting for a drop to rebuy, I got the rest on my bitcoin core wallet (16 btc). I'll have 21 BTC hopefully this year or next year, then I just have to wait 10 years to become rich as fuck. I wish i had the balls to take massive risks and get rich quicker but....

>> No.1847737


have thought about doing this many times. if you live youre invited to my house for a happy birthday/suicide averted party

>> No.1847740
File: 38 KB, 489x499, IMG_4185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ready to get rich gentleman ?

>> No.1847741

bitmex doesn't liquidate even if the last trade was below the liquidation price.

it needs to go under be stay below for a few trades/a certain volume or something like that to prevent everyones x50 and above getting bankrupt for when it's 0.0004 bitcoins being traded at that price.

>> No.1847742


what happens in 10 years?

>> No.1847745

x100 leverage is awesome with small amounts fyi.

t. pro

>> No.1847750
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, 532064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bitcoin going to the moon ?

>> No.1847759


>> No.1847760

what happens if bitcoin goes up on 100x leverage how much bitcoin profit do you actually make? and if it goes down do you just lose all your bitcoin and more?

>> No.1847761

want to know that too. usually these leverages contract fuck you really and if you loose. how do you owe them bitcoin?

>> No.1847762

Also interested

>> No.1847763

Im getting sick of this shit, how much longer do we have to wait?

>> No.1847764

When's the decision so I can sell

>> No.1847766


You can potentially win 100x faster and lose 100x faster. (DUH)

You buy 10 worth of BTC, then broker lends you another 990 to make it 1000.

But if your 1000 worth of BTC money go short on value to 990 then you are done.

>> No.1847767

we'll know within 2 hours

>> No.1847768


guess they're gonna tell us as they're leaving the office

>> No.1847772

Huge dump Incoming

>> No.1847775
File: 618 KB, 2160x3840, ETF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Run that python script that checks for the news on the site and emails you


Mine is running at home.. i'll get an email in less than 100 seconds after they release the news.

Pic related

>not found yet.

>> No.1847776

What price did you place your order anon?

>> No.1847779

I can't lose more than i put in.

But if i place let's say 1 bitcoin on x100 leverage and it goes up from 1000 to 1010 (1%, 990) i can sell my 1 bitcoin investment for 10 bitcoins (1%*100x leverage)

Although if it drops even 1% the 1 bitcoin investment is 0 now.

If the price goes to about 1240 im losing 9 bitcoins. Not for the feint hearted, take care.

>> No.1847782

Holding on buying or selling keep me posted

>> No.1847783

How long until Coinbase starts loaning BTC and we start seeing runs on banks again?

>> No.1847784


Not having any order right now, just waiting the ETF decision for now.

Im stuck with etoro anyways so only 5x leverage here.

>> No.1847785

From my understanding it seems like a rather big risk for the exchange to give 100x leverage? What if btc drops very quickly and they can't liquidate the account in time?

>> No.1847787


I don't know... lol
My heart is telling me NO.... But my boddyyy my BOODDYy is telling me eyaaayeaaaaahaha

>> No.1847791


i wrote a little php script before i knew someone had made something for python. how often does taht refresh?

>> No.1847793



fuck off

>> No.1847797

Originally it was 15 seconds. figured thats a bit too fast.. changed it to 100 seconds.

>> No.1847799

Really? More than Gemini, the one that's actually regulated as an exchange in NY state? The one owned by the same guys working with the SEC right now to legitimize Bitcoin through an ETF?

>> No.1847800


Honestly im not sure how it works for 100x leverage to be honest.

Most brokers have limited leverage based on price movement history from what I know.

>> No.1847801

So was I supposed to invest in vitcoins or ethereum?

>> No.1847802

nigger.. i visit /r/bitcoin and chan. Is that okay with your faggot ass?

>> No.1847805


>But if i place let's say 1 bitcoin on x100 leverage and it goes up from 1000 to 1010 (1%, 990) i can sell my 1 bitcoin investment for 10 bitcoins (1%*100x leverage)
Of course

But if i place let's say 1 bitcoin on x100 leverage and it goes up from 1000 to 1010 (1%) i can sell my 1 bitcoin investment for 10 bitcoins (1%*100x leverage)
didn't mean to write 990 after the 1% there, sorry guys.

if i place the order at 1000 and goes down to 990(1%) the whole investment is lost.

>> No.1847807

Gemini is the one, where if the ETF gets approved, it will be THE exchange.

It give the twins A LOT of power in the crypto space.

>> No.1847808


>> No.1847809

Can someone please give the link to the python email script?

>> No.1847810

I was unaware of these facts

>> No.1847813

I laffed

>> No.1847814

So many dreamers ITT, want to get away from their parents basement. Soon you will taste the darkness again. That familiar place of your failure, that you keep returning to over and over again. Believe me, you are just living inside an illusion right now. And once it's over, crash and burns, I will be the last one left that you see.

>> No.1847815

milkcoins. take the milkpill

>> No.1847816

>t. nocoiner

>> No.1847817

i never root for anyone to fail but yeah. most annoying bunch.

>> No.1847818
File: 972 KB, 480x360, dildo drone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its at the top

>> No.1847819

There is no need to be upset

>> No.1847821

how many coins you got bro?
>t-t-that's n-n-not the p-p-point!

>> No.1847822

Reminder the winklevoss twins are the reason retail investors got into gold and made it go from 400$ to 1200$+ we see today.

Also please give me anime renditions of the winklevoss twins kissing, for a friend.

>> No.1847827

we getting rich guys

>> No.1847829


>> No.1847832
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170309-232307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please rich coiners, have some pity on a struggling lad

>> No.1847835

fair enough, but damn son, you gotta work on your DD skills. I learned about all the big exchanges, players, and how to setup a paranoid paper wallet before I even gambled with $50.

Where the fuck did you get $1M?

>> No.1847836

Fuck off.

>> No.1847839

someone post a creative thread theme pls

>> No.1847841

wasnt me with the $1M screenshot

>> No.1847842

You sound euphoric

>> No.1847845

Making new OP

>> No.1847847


>> No.1847853

"what could possibly go wrong?-edition"

>> No.1847854
File: 11 KB, 671x142, king of the nocoinlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1847856


>> No.1847877

Sounds great if you're in with a relatively small amount and willing to lose it all.
However, x100 seems way too risky even if you expect the ETF to pass and BTC to moon. Anything could happen in that initial period of the announcement and even just a 1% drop before the skyrocket doesn't seem like an unrealistic scenario.

Or is there some sort of protection against very short fluctuations?

>> No.1847883

There is a protection against short fluctuations, i dont know the details but even if the price goes below it doesn't sell automaticly.

>> No.1847934

Does this mean it'll be possible to short-sell BTC ?

>> No.1847936

So if i just invested in eth will I r.i.p in pepperonis?

>> No.1848001

even if it goes straight back up to 1000, two minutes later? your investment is still lost.. so its kinda just betting that it will go up before it goes down and if you are wrong you lose your bitcoins

>> No.1848036

My dragon emblazoned neck-tie just fell off of my coat-rack. BTC will drop in price.

>> No.1848041

who decides over the decision?

>> No.1848125

At which time will the decision be announced?

>> No.1848197
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>> No.1848250
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>> No.1848253


>> No.1848279

lol, dat drop