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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1843636 No.1843636 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you actually own businesses? Or do you just sit in your rooms trying to get 'rich' on stocks and buttcoins?

Post what you do and maybe discussion will ensue.

I own a Franchise of a company called ChipsAway, we do SMART repairs on a mobile basis - car paint and bodywork repairs done at your home rather than at a bodyshop.

>pic unrelated

>> No.1843650

>buying a franchise for something you could have done on your own
>Thinking buying a franchise makes you a businessman

>> No.1843676


>what is national Marketing

My neighbouring territory has turnover of about £1.2m (i'm quoting turnover because i don't know his profit figures). To imagine that he would achieve the same on his own without the benefits of a franchise is laughable. I'm yet to encounter any independent Bodyshop that comes close to those figures.

What do you do?

>> No.1843682

Yeah, but I don't really think of myself as a businessman. I run a small IT business with 1 employee. She does all the actual work and pays for herself, I just do backoffice. Also rent out an apartment I own. Both keep me "busy" for less than 5 hours a week. Just a bit of money on the side.

I'm pretty good at everything but sales/marketing/networking. I'm biased of course, but it seems those are the most important skills to grow a business successfully and I suuuck at them because I hate people in general.

>> No.1843696

I own a business that cleans other businesses.

>> No.1843716

Smart move. Provide a service that will always be in demand and b2b is so much easier compared to b2c.

How can you compete price-wise though? There's usually a lot of illegal labour in cleaning....

>> No.1843718

What sort of IT?

do you not have shitty margins in that business? I imagine companies just look for the best value cleaners?

>> No.1843730

>There's usually a lot of illegal labour in cleaning
businesses are held to a higher standard than people are. You might get away with using illegal labor but a business won't for long.

if nothing else I can sue any business using illegals for unfair business practices and destroy them while making millions myself.
>do you not have shitty margins in that business?
average for small business is in the range of 50%. I personally run about 60%. Some of the best margins in existence. Companies do try to hire the cheapest, but even the cheapest companies charge over $75/hour on average.

>> No.1843736

Do you get your sleeves dirty too? or do you just manage the people?

>> No.1843744

>What sort of IT?

Whatever needs doing. I basically have one customer responsible for almost all of my revenue. Originally they had the job filled internally. Then their corporate HQ demanded they lower their headcount because some absurdly paid hot-shot consultant said that was the right way to increase profits. Now I supply the work their guy did previously, they pay me like 20% more than what their guy cost them and their HQ is super happy because they lowered their headcount.

Don't ask me why, I'm just profiting.

>> No.1843746

I usually don't do either one. I employ a manager and a crew of (currently) 8 janitors.

>> No.1843754

But you must have done at some point? I imagine you didn't just hire the manager and janitor then go looking for the contract?

If you have issues with sales/marketing why not ask for a testimonial from the big company and use that to try and get more business?

>> No.1843756

Nice! How'd you start out?

>> No.1843759

>you must have done at some point?
I did all the cleaning for the first 2 years.
I did half the cleaning for the next 1/2 year.
I did none of the cleaning for the next 12 years.

>> No.1843766

I started dating a girl that cleaned offices.
I took over her work because it paid better than mine.
I wanted more hours so I asked the boss for more work.
She wanted out so she offered to do an owner-carry sale of the business to me.
I worked for her for free for one year to buy her business.
I then grew it to about 10X the size it was.

>> No.1843780

>why not ask for a testimonial
Honestly, I'm not really looking to grow. Seems like work and I'm a lazy motherfucker. I'm working with people I've know for a long time and who I trust (the local manager of my main customer, my employee, myself) and it's pretty comfortable. Growing would mean finding another good employee and, testimonial or not, I'd still need to advertise, go meet two dozen people to make one customer stick, etc. That's pretty far out of my comfort zone for the comparatively little profit it yields.

I'm pretty sure I'll wind it all up in a year or two. My employee is past her retirement age and only sticks around out of a passion I frankly neither understand nor share. Once she's gone, I'll probably not bother finding a replacement and I'll shut it all down instead. Pretty sure, anyway.

Where do you see your future in your business, what's your exit strategy? Sell it off? Put it in the hands of your kids? Looking for early retirement or do you want to work as long as you can?

>> No.1843787
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Living the meme, eh? Well done, Anon!

>> No.1843800

thank you, thank you!

I'm like you though- too lazy to expand beyond my optimal point of comfort. I've just been lucky enough to hang out in my comfort zone for a very long time.

>> No.1843838

Currently a wagecuck, might get a bubble tea franchise. Still thinking about it. Anyone got any experiance in that game? UK btw, thinking of a location by a uni with alot of chinks.

>> No.1843841
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>ll probably not bother finding a replacement and I'll shut it all down instead. Pretty sure, anyway.

Maybe try selling the contract to a competitor? Even if you charge a years profit that's a decent amount for you and a small amount for a larger company that would look to hold onto the business indefinitely?

>Where do you see your future in your business, what's your exit strategy? Sell it off? Put it in the hands of your kids? Looking for early retirement or do you want to work as long as you can?

As a franchise i have 5 years of payments to make (currently 6 months in), after that the real profit starts, I'm hoping to employ 1 person in the next 12 months and another before the 5 years. At that point i will probablystep back pursue other things with the business now self-sufficient (i'm planning to offer high wages compared to competitors to ensure loyalty and minimal people management issues). At 10 years the long term goal is to use the long track record of business in my territory to sell the business to a neighbour or investor for the price of 2-4 years average profit.

>> No.1843851

>thinking of a location by a uni with alot of chinks.

You'll need a big war chest if you want a prime location to make food/drink retail work. From what I've seen food/drink locations are usually something people invest in after a career in property. They either have a location bought will in advance or have the capital to buy high street locations.

>> No.1843858

You still haven't told us what you do. Or have you gone to bed so that you can get up in time for work and prevent your boss getting mad?

>> No.1843899

I'm the anon that financed the cyber cafe in Brazil the proprietor has posted about a few times. I'm also financing an alcohol/cigarette delivery business in the Balkens. I provide analytic and business development support, and obviously startup capital.

>> No.1843991

I'm a lifelong (so far) NEET due to disability. But I am a trained photographer, with two weddings under my belt, done in periods where my illness was manageable for a short time. So I don't count myself a total failure at life.

>> No.1844010

literally everyone with a camera that isn't on a phone has a "X photography" page on Facebook.

But gz for getting out there and doing something instead of wallowing in self pity.

>> No.1844082


Eh, it was done professionally (i.e. wore suits and money changed hands) and I was trained by a vet in the field, so I consider it a bit closer to something worthwhile than just photographing a mates wedding from the back of the church. Those couples will have my photography in their family albums for the next few generations at least. It feels like I gave more, and am doing more, than handing someone a tray of food at McBurger.

>> No.1844086

I sell moonshine in bulk (illegal)

>> No.1844153

In the dirt moving biz. Started out of my car doing small concrete jobs for property management companies. Have a 2 trucks on the road now with some heavy equipment. 3 yrs in biz.

>> No.1844457


So you move dirt for people?

>> No.1844651


hey bruh is there any way to fill a scratch in paint that does not look like shit?

Every chip fill kit I have seen always looks like shit.

>> No.1844652


> Implying it matters if you came up with your own idea or not

>> No.1844662

I run a sticker design/re distribution thing.
I don't really make alot, but starting to stock nearby art stores is begining to show signs of life. Its just a matter of gaining faith from now on.

>> No.1844926

Parents own a pharmacy that I will be responsible for in the future. Brings 5-10k to the table per month, depending if it's summer or winter.

Also own 5 houses and a restaurant, 2 of those being rented atm.

>> No.1844998

Pretty much.

>> No.1844999

And charge $200/hr to do it.

>> No.1845222


How did you get started?

>> No.1845451

you the Daniel A. Pikur?

>> No.1845780

>hey bruh is there any way to fill a scratch in paint that does not look like shit?

not without repaitning the area.

Stone chips can be touched up but not scratches. The top priority should be protecting the metal however.

>> No.1845804

I have a friend who does this on Hilton Head Is.
Jim, do you know him? He owns a Car Doctors

>> No.1846105

I own a company that designs, builds, and sells/rents drilling tools for oil/gas rigs, coal bed methane vent wells, and sometimes deep water wells/geothermal.
>Fuck $50 oil

>> No.1846146

How the fuck did you even get started in something like that...

>> No.1846257

i used to be a lowly peasant roughneck then got smart when they laid me off for the second time.,..

>> No.1846314
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I own a 20 acre farm.

I grow black walnut as an investment for the future.

I collect food scraps and feed my heritage hogs that people pay big bucks for. (American Guinea and Red wattle)

I am developing a "U pick it" operation with about 8 acres of thornless black berries.

I took gum-ball machines and filled them with chicken feed. People bring their kids and feed the chickens turkeys. It's more of an atmosphere thing than anything else. People come with kids and pick. See and pet some of the animals. I also host a couple mini horses for a local equine charity. People can pet them and there is a donation jar for them. I write off my time and their lodging. They provide the food and health care

I own a duplex on the property and rent the bottom floor to a worker and another guy. They pay for my mortgage and power + $230 a month.

I buy auctioned baby milk cow bulls for cheap, then sell the meat as Free-raised calves.

Worst part is the insurance....

I make about $3-6k a month spread out over the year.

I do little of the work and use a barter system to trade labor for housing.
Anyone can make money.

>> No.1846315

Does your gf know you post online during business hours? Maybe you should get back to watching other men fuck her before she gets mad

>> No.1846329


Good for you anon. I respect your work ethic.

>> No.1846368

So you just got an advanced engineering degree and millions in capital over night?

>> No.1846373

paid an engineer to design tool
took an investor
still have 67% ownership = im the boss

>> No.1846738

>anyone can make money
>I own a 20arce farm close enough to people or good hwy to get upickit customers.
Fuck off

>> No.1846848
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Yeah and I bought that land by working at walmart and another shitty job making $15 an hour. I suffered for years to save the money and buy that parcel.

I haggled for the land and paid with owners financing, no interest. I paid it off in under 3 years.

>I own a 20arce farm close enough to people or good hwy to get upickit customers.
>Fuck off

If you knew anything about farming, you would would have guessed that most of my income actually doesn't come from the u pick it operation. That is just a way for me to network with people. I went to older communities and handed our fliers. People come for the "upickit" and buy free range eggs, pork and beef. I work part time with a butcher that owns a licensed slaughter house. I can process my animals for free.
On the weekends during the summer we sell ice cream and fresh made drinks. We have two vending machines.
I am within 15 minutes of two large suburbs.

I encourage others to try what I have done. There is good money in it and you become a valued and respected member of the community. Keep things clean and people will always come back for more. Real slow raised Pig/Beef tastes completely different from their corn fed brothers.

>> No.1847528

Used to own a trucking company and llc.

Glorified way of saying i had a dump truck and hauled rock to faggots who dont understand simple math and physics and let their roads go to shit for 10 uears and then need 30 loads of rock right this second for some reason.

Was a uear of stress and working 50 hours a week at work and then working 50 hours a week or so with or on my shitty truck.

Took the wife out to dinner 1 time a month and put 4 tanks of gas in my pickup.

The rest went right back into that shitty truck or fucking taxes or fees...

Sucked ass.

Am grateful for my day job.

Will start another vusiness soon but keep my job unless it blows up with little work.

Fuckit. Ill just wageslave and die with less headache

>> No.1847531

Hell of a stepping stone tho.

Lots of perks.

Aint gotta market shit.

Established business with systems alreadybin place.

Some can be cucks but theres no reason not to have 100 of them of they pay

>> No.1847536

He shitposts on /biz and probably daytrades and "invests" in bitcoin and has 45 million dollars...

>> No.1847538

Janiatorobro. Sup!

>> No.1847544

You anywjere neer southeast kansas?

>> No.1847607


I really wanna make shine but i know i'd kill myself.

Like i'd drink it all, im not autistic. My setup would be so sweet.

What all u got anon?

>> No.1847613

Curious about this.

Got a cdl and windshield timebin almost all equipment.

Been considering doing the same.

Had a dump truck for a year but never could afford the backhoe and "just fill in the potholes" with a fucking automatic got to me finally.

What kinda jobs u do now?

What do u charge?

>> No.1847615

>dirt moving biz.


>> No.1847625

> Fuck $50 oil

No shit anon. I feel ya, cant throw a rock around here without hitting a fucking pumpjack.

U got a throw away email or a website?

I know some guys in the /biz with deep pockets.

And after building pumps i know how bad the local supply shop is raping these guys.

Gonna cut their throats and move in next door i hope.

Would love to see some of the shit yall carry.

How far are you feom southeast kansas?

>> No.1847630


Poor anon.

I grew up on a drilling rig myself.

It was pretty cool pulling a lot of those wells my dad drilled.

He finally got in on a few leases as oil plummeted.

God willing he will listen to me or i can talk his cpa into not letting him blow it all.

Poor hardworking bastard is worth millions as an employee and he will be found dead in his pumping truck one day.

I just hope my back breakingbwork hard mentality carries over into poking holes and real estate...

>> No.1847658

HOLY FUCKING SHIT YUS ANON. living the dream brother!

You life is my goal.

Less maybe a couple of kids hired to do the heavy lifting and chores so i can sleep in and just...drive to vegas or somehing at noon on a tuesday if i want.

Grats man.

Wish you luck.

As im sure you are well aware pigmy or baby goats and rabits are a hit also.

And rabits are fucking delicious.

Get you a coi pond or something and put some fish food or cat food ina machine too bro.

Wife and i soend a fortune emotying the feeders at the botanical gardens in wichita ks. Fucking coi there are massive and just roll all over eating.


I dont know how or why but there is like a 45 pound flathead in that mutherfucker.

Was almost kicked out of my sister in laws wedding with a cousin/bro trying to noodle it.

Was at the front gate and the pissybdude escorting us explained it to the boss in the guard shack and the dude spit coffee out laughing and gave us a golf cart ride back to the wedding.


Ima catch that mutherfucker this summer and get pics.

>> No.1847662

Nice! Wat tool?

>> No.1847663

Poor cocksucker cityfag detected...

>> No.1847671

This post is accurate and i am currently trying to sell my 2 shitty houses and move to the country.

I grew up in creeks and ponds. I fucking dread the city limit sign of any fucking town...

>> No.1847871


>> No.1848111

you should get a beehive or to and sell "Organic" Honey as well, also help your crops

>> No.1848623

Hey Dumptruckguy!
You ever want to get back into it?

>> No.1848627 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 500x334, kitty-cupcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitty is hungry, pls give it some bitcoins.

>> No.1849202
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Thank you. I might have to check the koi pond idea out. I have about a 12 ft wide creek that borders a good bit of the property. Pull some water out of it into a man made pond.

Looking to expand to another 32 acres bordering the property.


I know them feels bud. Good luck to you.


Yeah I considered doing that this year. I purchased two Warre Hives before Halloween and I'm trying to get bee packages.

>> No.1849307

what are the costs of starting/maintaining beehives? whats involved daily?

>> No.1849372
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Fuck no.

Fucking dot and customers are so fucking stupid...

If i ever get to the point i dont meed this current job im sure i'll have at least a single axle for pudd shit.

I hear they are handy af but all i did with mine was work on it or run my ass off...

Get this shit. Like 1 year afo ro the day i got rid of it. There are only 2 other trucks in town. 1 guy sold and retired and the other haggard old cocksucker other driver looks like death. I think he has cancer or something. Never fucking see him anymore... nows the perfect time to get one and im gonna fuckoff and not get one. Lol.

Currently trying to make livable cucksheds for rent.

>> No.1849385

Bruh. Here u can get 10 acres and classify it as a farm. Plant corn.

Oh no deer are a nuisence. Guess i'll have a closet full of jerky...

>> No.1849708

>nows the perfect time to get one and im gonna fuckoff and not get one. Lol.
I know that feel.
I see great opportunities sometimes and just don't feel like doing the work. Let someone else work themselves to death if they want it more.

>> No.1850996

its like you didnt even read his post

>> No.1851308

I run my fathers fast food franchise. I've learned lots of tricks of the trade throughout the years. In the process of launching my own branch by this year. Looking forward to it. Once the store has the rhythm you want, you sit back, and let the employees continue that rhythm for you.

>> No.1851335

>In the process of purchasing a franchise that buys business invoices
>Classifies them, packages them, and then resells them as securities

The buy in is tedious though.

>> No.1851354

I have a registered s corp and a built out non-monetized webapp. Yeaaa, losing money.

>> No.1851369

>currently working on internet business/web dev, hopefully they'll do well
>have a niche farm that actually might make it

>> No.1852073


What kind of niche farm?

>> No.1852084


>google chipsaway
>its 15km away from me

>> No.1852105

Heirloom cauliflower

>> No.1852110


Who do you sell to?

>> No.1852127

Built yourself or with hired help? Want to get a loan and either hunt down the University grounds for help in the tech side. I don't want to hire pajeets.

>> No.1852382


Mostly fish bait. Actually pretty lucrative with minimal expenses.

>> No.1852679

We do foundation backfills for apartment devlopements. I avoid any residential work like the plague. I stick to commercial/industrial. I'm grossing about 30 to 45k a month with 2 employees.

Key to my progression has been people skills, selling myself/my company as an asset to other people and their companies.

>> No.1852682

Edit, I've always told people I could sell them the clothes their wearing.

>> No.1852685


Nice. As long as it's turning a profit and isn't a needless sink of time or resources then it's worth doing.

>> No.1852728

Are you in the UK, anon? I'd very much like a job on your farm :>

>> No.1852776

Did you learn as you went or had you worked on a farm before? Sounds like you basically set up several different businesses (animals, berries, ice cream). Now it's not rocket science of course, but I would worry about fucking up and the berries all die for some reason.

This sounds very fun, physically and mentally rewarding, but how is it financially? I imagine you must work your ass off to pull it all together and even still must be hard to get by. I'm guessing you didn't buy outright and even if you did must have needed loans to spruce up the visitor lodge and that sort of thing?

>> No.1853441
