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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18450984 No.18450984 [Reply] [Original]

Grocery workers and other Essential workers will be getting another pay out. this time it's 25K

NEETS btfo

what are you guys gonna spend your trumpbux on?

>> No.18451001

digital coins

>> No.18451008

just out of interest how are they going to pay for all this?

>> No.18451017

this is America buddy, we just print money and drop bombs and figure out the consequences later.

>> No.18451020
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>NEETS btfo
I'm still comfy
does it matter?

>> No.18451030
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>> No.18451041

lol we way past that

>> No.18451043

Just imagine all the money they're going to give to "hero" corporations.

God the death of the Republic is revolting.

>> No.18451080
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We're going to need a bit more!

>> No.18451164

This is the last time I wanna hear an American criticize Venezuela in any way shape or form. You're next in line for barrels full of cash

>> No.18451172

That's not voted through. Are you retarded?

>> No.18451226
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Yet. If you thought the orgy of bathing in the blood of the unborn through debt and money printing was over after the first round of Trumpbux, you're wrong.

>> No.18451244

give it time fren, the 1200 took time 25k will take more time.

>> No.18451266

lmao schumer kike pls go

>> No.18451278

don't be jealous you NEET, your mommy and daddy will break you off for the 500 you're getting i'm sure.

>> No.18451280

find another hitler and go to war. worked the last 2 times.

>> No.18451346

How does that BTFO me? It doesn't change the fact I'm a neet. They got 25k...and that's supposed to anger me. Even if I was a grocery worker I'd have quit long before this even came just so I wouldn't risk getting infected or infecting my family.

>> No.18451446

Why do neets think anyone cares about their excuses?

>> No.18451471

i'm an essential worker but my job is federally illegal... ???

>> No.18451497

0 chance this passes
It's retarded

>> No.18451598

It's not actually a flat $25,0000 check like the stimulus. It's supposedly an additional $13/hr for essential workers. I have no clue how that would pass if giving Americans a paltry $1200 took weeks.

>> No.18451935

only complete idiot NEETS can't comprehend how this works.

>> No.18451977

It will never pass.

>> No.18451989

They have a better chance of sending out another round of stim checks than bumping wagies up. Do you know how many people are in the "essential worker" bracket?

>> No.18451993
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>how is teh money printing machine gonna pay for all this??? i want answers!!!! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT

>> No.18451994

this isn't for all essential workers

>> No.18452018

Article said its up for expansion on who is essential and elligible. Fast food employees and warehouse workers are definitely going to be on that list.

>> No.18452026

That's why it won't pass. If wagecucks at Walmart start getting $30/hr you best believe I'm quitting my job to join them. The essential category is too broad.

t. warehouse slave making $15~/hr

>> No.18452036

Probably North Korea. Nobody likes them.

>> No.18452047

warehouse cucks would obviously be included, dingus. that said, this probably is too good to be true

>> No.18452064
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super based

>> No.18452077

>warehouse cucks would obviously be included

There's nothing obvious about this. The proposition is so far-fetched that it would be more logical for the money to go to as few people as possible. Giving everybody an extra $13/hr is insane. I'd take the money, but seriously how the fuck could this even go through? How is this gonna be paid for?

This is quite literally just buying votes at this point.

>> No.18452169

I will spend a large hunk of it on increasing my link stack.
t. Healthcare worker

>> No.18452281


>> No.18452299
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Retail worker here
I fucking love trump for causing communism
Going to dump 10k into silver
10k to link
5k into stocks

>> No.18452310

What the fuck is defined for who gets this? I work from home but I'm "essential, so does that mean I get inflationbux, too?"

>> No.18452319

yeah I used to hate commies until they said they were going to give me thousands of dollars.

>> No.18452330

It’s not for every essential worker, it’s for essential workers WHO are putting themselves in hazardous situations
>working in a high populated area, such as hospitals & stores
It’s a hazardous pay.

>> No.18452338

>What the fuck is defined for who gets this?

Nobody knows. If it were to pass (it likely won't) the only people guaranteed thus far are medical workers and grocery stores workers.

>> No.18452343

You underestimate how much money the us government has. Just think how much they spend on the military per year. They could pay for this and it wouldn't even put a dent on their military budget.

>> No.18452346

Any good person should be disgusted by what is happening, as well as all the social degeneracy and general crudeness. I’m still stunned anew each time I watch a trump briefing. The childishness, pettiness, and the tantrums complement the brrrrr and the plague so nicely.

>> No.18452358
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Lmao, get out of the way bitch

>> No.18452367

>You underestimate how much money the us government has.

If the government has a fuckton of money they should spending on improving society and infrastructure. Either this is just sitting idly somewhere, they're borrowing it, or they will have to make cuts to some other project/department in order to fund this.

Pelosi is talking about "creating" a fund for this not shifting funds from something else. The stimulus checks are a tax credit, this mostly definitely is not. This money is coming from somewhere.

>> No.18452377
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The money is coming from the broken backs of hard working retail workers that keep this company afloat

>> No.18452388

i just woke up from a 9 month coma. this shit is crazy as hell. link is still at 3.00

gone in august woke up a few days ago.

>> No.18452392
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fuck this country
watching it melt down is lovely

>> No.18452399

Are you for real? This would be craziest shit ever to wake up to. What put you in a coma?

>> No.18452416

shut up you gullible faggot

>> No.18452433
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just out of interest how new are you?

>> No.18452434

>the entire world is shut down because some chinks ate bats
>but a guy waking up from is unbelievable

What a timeline

>> No.18452449

thats literally never going to happen you retard. republicans would never sign off on it

>> No.18452507

probably GLD as a hedge. Refinance too.

>> No.18452512

Bro that shit happens

>> No.18452771

"Senate Democrats introduce bill"
OP refers to it as "trumpbux"... No, Trump is not your friend. He hates poor ppl

>> No.18452775

Retail workers are the new Coal Miners bitch. Get with the times

>> No.18452791

This. Trump will never sign anything like that, and he'd be in the right.

>> No.18452797

that's why he's trying to make us all rich

>> No.18452809

As a psych nurse I approve this

>> No.18452824

it's gonna happen, the Dems are aiming high at 25k but in reality the people will probably get 10-15k instead.

>> No.18452947

You say that now, but I believe the devil we know is better than the devil we don’t know.

A world under insectoid rule will be hell. The way they treat people as just a construction cost is insane. “Oopsy daisy I guess we crushed another worker with a forklift! Get a fresh one from the pits!”

They don’t even treat eachother as human, the insectoids see us as vermin.

>> No.18452969

Regardless it wouldn't be a lump some itll just be a massive fucking addition to dollars per hour...big taxed

>> No.18452988

The government could increase their taxes on me by 50% & I’d still end up making a shit load more money.

>> No.18453012

retail is in no way essential. grocery is a different thing. either way, this won't ever pass. even if it did, how the hell is it getting implemented? they could barely settle on a paltry 1200 payout, you really think the retarded cart wrangler at harris teeter is getting double pay?

>> No.18453016

No doubt, its extra money youd receive for the job youd be doing regardless. I'm a factory worker so I dont think we're including

>> No.18453043

And to think I just quit retail to be a NEET for a bit. Back to the FUCKING grindstone for me.

>> No.18453077

I doubt this will pass, this is literally taking choosing winners and losers to an extreme. The signing bonus is also a complete waste of capital for such a short term supply / demand shock that we are seeing.

>> No.18453105

No way they're passing out 15-25k apiece...that would be like $600,000+ just to my small town foodlion..95% who dont even make no more than 22k all year

>> No.18453117
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at this point, i will take literally ANYTHING over the status quo.

fuck. this. country.

>> No.18453125

If nothing else should just stop taxing paychecks till everything blows over

>> No.18453127

Damn, my gov only gives me 300 virusbux

>> No.18454191

China is going to pay for it