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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18446927 No.18446927 [Reply] [Original]

>income is taxed
>take taxed income and invest it into the stock market
>make profit
>it’s taxed AGAIN

How is this allowed, speaking strictly from a discussion perspective and not with any intention to evade taxes or conduct activity against the law?

>> No.18446941

You are a slave

>> No.18446947

Stop using this retarded wojak and delete it from your PC immediately

>> No.18446981

You haven't even started to scratch the surface of how deep that shit goes. Everything you buy costs more than it should because of taxes, then you're paying sales tax on top of that

>> No.18447112

Why don’t we just change the name of capital gains tax into something like “Win Tax” so normies will hate it like Estate Tax being called “Death Tax”

>> No.18447268

Win tax sounds too much like someone who's doing better than you.
>I'm poor and up to my neck in college dept with my womens studys degree and not winning while that guy is winning.
> Tax him

>> No.18447316

long term capital gains rate is 0% for first 40k profit annually

>> No.18447349

All taxation is theft

>> No.18447367


demonetize yourself. live free

>> No.18447385
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>work for a year
>tip the government 30%
>buy stonks
>stonks go up
>trade stonks
>tip the government 50%
>sell stonks
>tip the government 50%
>buy new house
>tip the government 10%
>tip the government 3% every year
>rent out house
>tip the government an extra 10% every year
how is this allowed?

>> No.18447421

>be a new car
>taxed at production
>taxed at sale
>taxed at resale
>taxed at resale again
>now it’s a total shitbox, sells for $2k to a /biz/ poster

>> No.18447455

Cause Leshawntya need them for xer 6 nigger babies and new iphone

Thank you good goy.

>> No.18447497
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>> No.18447498

>Taxed on your income
>Taxed when you buy anything
>Taxed if you own a house/land
>Taxed if you make money via trading with the income already taxed
>Taxed on your business, separate from your income
Your real tax rate is not 20%. Its not even 30%. Most of your productive value goes right into the state.

The average roman citizen had to work the equivalent of 2 days out of the year to pay for everything provided. The best military around, the best roads, running water, etc. A standard of living that even first worlders would find pretty comfortable, a far better life than modern third worlders in 2020 have.

Just on your income tax you spend a quarter of the year working for the government.

>> No.18447515
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>what are schools, roads, police, fire service, unemployment benefits, healthcare
oh wait, you're an american so you don't even get healthcare AHAHAHAHAHA YOU PAY TAXES AND YOU DON'T GET THEM BACK AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.18447526

*nearly a quarter
>You agreed to give that guy 80 of the 100 dollars you made in exchange for using his equipment to make the money, why are you so mad someone mugged you for $20?
Kill yourself, you're too retarded to deserve consuming oxygen

>> No.18447542

Why the fuck cant I pay the fire department directly?
Why do I need to pay the fire department and 20 other government wagies between me and the fire department getting the funds they need, and also pay for other people's services, and pay for their billions of dollars drone strikes into the blackhole of the middle east?

>> No.18447559

Yuros everyone. The mental gymnastics are insane.

>> No.18447568

what do you mean pay them directly? you mean fire protection insurance or something?

>> No.18447583
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>> No.18447612
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>> No.18447620
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>> No.18447622

This is probably the dumbest shit I have ever laughed at.

>> No.18447656
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>muh fruit of muh labor
Imagine thinking flipping burgers at mickey d's for a week entitles you to having ownership of the restaurant

>> No.18447668

Like 10% of your taxes go to all that shit you mentioned. The other 90% goes to welfare queens, niggers, single moms, and other invalids.

>> No.18447697

you want to make a fortune without the government taking a bite? Move to Russia and join the oligarchs

>> No.18447704
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>90% goes to welfare queens, niggers, single moms, and other invalids.
*citation needed*

>> No.18447715

If you're a burger, a bunch of it also goes to the military. But the only reason europoors can spend so much on welfare niggers is because daddy america is there to prevent Russia and China from destroying them. All these europoor countries combined would get destroyed militarily by sandniggers and would need daddy america to help them.

>> No.18447722

Income from investment is not taxed as high as your income from employment. This is why the goal should be to move away from wages and collect dividends. That dollar you earn from a job is actually taxed about three times before it hits your wallet.

>> No.18447732

It does.

>> No.18447740
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>China would nuke Europe if it wasn't for daddy America
and why would they want to do that?

>> No.18447756

you and the person that made this picture don't know basic economics
fuck off

>> No.18447798
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road cucks get the rope

>> No.18447809
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no u

>> No.18447854

My SSDI payment of $3040/month + $250 food stamps (disability recipients get it in my state) and zero deductible free medical care for life aren't taxed.

>> No.18447870

Lurk back, there was a pie chart of tax spending in the UK iirc about 74% were spent on niggers, military and Satanism.

>> No.18447873
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>you can't just pay me an adequate wage for a low skill job
>you have to make me part owner of the fucking restaurant

>> No.18447889
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>> No.18447896

You fuckers had a list of nuclear strike targets in Europe. Fucking goys like you will all burn in hell.

>> No.18447899
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>no u

t.bootlicking muh roads cuck

>> No.18447901
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, total_spending_pie,__2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>military spending meme
Military is barely shit. Gibsmedats and pensions eat up the most.

>> No.18447927

Because your only taxed on the profits. The original investment that you already paid taxes on does not get taxed again.

>> No.18447981

Well, look at all the bullshit listed under "public service".
That should tell you enough about methodology and nomenclature of that spending chart.

>> No.18448010

16% is still significant, and a lot of that gets siphoned off by parasitic defense contractors

>> No.18448033

Those are public sector jobs, they are not "welfare queens"

>> No.18448038

It’s not taxed again, retard. Your gains are taxed.

>> No.18448084
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Taxes are a scam we need to cancel the vast majority of them and fund the US with tariffs

>> No.18448085

OH so burgers only pay their interest on debt, but do not borrow any more money. Not a single dime borrowed, very legit. Chart for retarded goyim who watch niggerball and game of thrones.

>> No.18448099

Social security is a pyramid scheme upheld by boomers

>> No.18448112


>he doesn’t work for the state

Replace the red circle with ‘surplus value extracted from trading instead of working’ and the orange circle with ‘other peoples tax dollars’ and you get me

>> No.18448152

Yes. All the government does is just take money and then decide how much to give to various things, but with additional moolah needed for the whole system. I'd rather just donate myself or buy into some county based fire protection

>> No.18448156

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he's good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays

Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
And when he's gone, we won't relax,
We'll still be after the inheritance tax

>> No.18448170
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>but with additional moolah needed for the whole system.
And you think lining the pockets of fat cat executives working in insurance companies isn't a form of "moolah"?

>> No.18448185

I'm sure that all of these places would do far better with their middle aged crack moms running the place

>> No.18448216

I'm not even sure what you're saying, I'm not sure you understand what that word means

>> No.18448232

I'm saying that handing over fire protection to the private sector doesn't take away the fact that "additional moolah [will be] needed for the whole system", like you claim it is with the currently publicly funded system

>> No.18448260
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because the dregs of society would rather have a giant tax hungry government controlling their lives and giving them scraps of gibs than make something of themselves

>> No.18448295

I don't think this is right.
My business is an incorporated company, it pays taxes at like 28%. Then I distribute the profits to a family trust.
The family trust gets the tax credit, so no tax payable.
I re-invest the money, rinse and repeat.

I still have to pay tax if I take it as profit, but at least here I guarantee my tax is never higher than 30%... The power of compound interest.

>> No.18448354

not to mention
>taxed every year just for existing (excise tax)

>> No.18448455

No, it doesnt prevent all forms of unnecessary price hiking, but it does introduce competition for consumers and it doesnt create middlemen inherently the same way involving the government does. It also means I'm choosing where my money goes and how much of it I'm willing to have go to any particular thing.

>> No.18448458


>> No.18448465

So if it's so great, why is health insurance so expensive?

>> No.18448470

Taxes only reach the poor (but not too poor) and or dumb
Poverty trap is real

>> No.18448512

Theres a video concerning health insurance in the US and how initial government involvement helped create the absolutely insane prices we see now, just searching why is healthcare so expensive on YouTube should get it.
It would be difficult for me to go into the details in a good way, I'll admit my clarity on the subject is low. However, it's essentially like the absolutely worst possible combination of private greed and government power to create the most disgusting creature known, healthcare corporatism
Even as our healthcare prices are genuinely insane we still compete with Europe where prices are kept low forcibly/not inflated yet quality and speed of care is generally shit

>> No.18448516

All the things you mentioned are shit because of government kill yourself.

>> No.18448526

You argue in good faith, and I respect that. I will read more into it

>> No.18448534

Income tax ammendment set the precedent of literally taxing people for earning money so everything else was on the table afterwards.

>> No.18448542
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>> No.18448557

You work for the system, system doesn't work for you goy

>> No.18448567

>He thinks there needs to be a Fortune 500 company to set pavement on the ground

>> No.18448569
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>> No.18448596 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18448614
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it would never kill itself
its sole purpose in life is to lick boots
it can't fathom a world where there isn't a gubmint figure for it to faithfully get on its knees and lick rubber and leather clean

>> No.18448623

Income tax should be abolished, it is a burden and undue weight on the middle class. At the very least should be restructured to be a simple 5, 10, and 15% tax and not the bloated abomination it became during WW2 and beyond.

>> No.18448673

Fuck off. Putin isn't a kike, so he is taxing the richest in the country to pay for all quarantined workers to remain paid and with job security (by law).

>> No.18448738

why so much

>> No.18448785
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This anon is right one big reason is because health insurance should only emergencies like cancer treatments and heart attacks and insulin medications, etc. But they're obligated by regulation to cover non emergencies like someone getting glasses or routine checkups which happen to be way more common than emergencies. In a market system I would pay for that type of healthcare directly and shop around for a price I want and have insurance in case I ever get a severe illness. Think of it like car insurance, they don't cover oil changes and repairs only major accidents.

>> No.18448815
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>> No.18448824

You’re retarded. Your wage cuck income is taxed once and your investing income is taxed once. Nothing is taxed twice you dumbfuck.

>> No.18448832
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>> No.18448844

Don't forget import tax for foreign cars

>> No.18448919

Don't forget any services like an oil change, new tires, brakes etc are taxed.

>> No.18449039

Copy paste from reddit, yikes

>> No.18449081

No. Income tax is a good thing.

>> No.18449109

you're asking the wrong questions, what (((they))) would ask is

>this wagecuck has literally no connections and no thugs to overthrow us, why do we allow him to gain any profit whatsoever ???

>> No.18449124

its (((them)))....

>> No.18449269



>> No.18449276

If the US pulled all military from Europe and left NATO, Russia with the help of China would conquer the continent before EOY.

>> No.18449306
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the absolute most bullshit part of american taxes is that the income that you use to pay social security and medicare is taxed. it's completely regressive because the amount you pay into these programs is capped, so rich people don't even notice but the middle class is getting fucked out of a few thousand dollars every year. and then boomers will look you right in the eye with a firm handshake and tell you that you're never getting social security.

>> No.18449341

Russia would move the furniture around at the very least.

>> No.18449350

It's even worse than OP thinks. Imagine how much taxation is involved at every level of the supply chain. If you want to buy a Gatorade, imagine the fuel tax to transport it, the income tax of the sales clerk, the bottle recycle fee, the property tax on the land, the tax on the insurance of the manufacturer.
The cumulative impact of tax in modern America I'm serious is 90% of all value added. The Gatorade should cost less than 30 cents. But now it costs $3. And all that money goes into drone striking Muslims and paying Mexicans to give births in ERs to replace you.
That's why white people are disappearing from the earth.

>> No.18449358

Information still stands bitch

>> No.18449428

WHY would they do that?

>> No.18449467

Here is the solution let’s do something about it for once https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSaKoijh6YDd/

>> No.18449628

Any generation of humans pre-Boomer would have stormed the houses of the ruling class and tortured them to death if they did even 1/10th of whats being done now.

Our species is unironically finished

>> No.18449692

Why haven't YOU done that yet? It is easy to point out what others should be doing (according to you) and harder to do those things yourself. I think this is the real problem of our generation. We were brought up to believe there is always an authority we can turn to in order to fix things. There is no authority to turn to, when the thing that needs fixing is the highest authority itself. Whether that be the Government or the people pulling it's strings. Rothschilds?

>> No.18449710

You forgot about the tax when you actually spend your money.

>> No.18449725

Because Americans are spineless.

>> No.18449734

Then start a business.

>> No.18449751
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My family is part of the ruling class, ever heard of Delta Dental?

>> No.18449774


The foremost role of the federal government is to defend the country. Military should literally be 50% of the budget and the budget as a whole should be severely downsized. They aren’t the country’s father.

>> No.18449786


If you’re on welfare or an elite that coasts off of capital gains, sure. Bug man.

>> No.18449824

Schools are shit, roads are shit, police harass working people with bullshit tickets, fire ok you got me, gibs, hahahaha healthcare?

>> No.18451567


I dont care if I sound dumb, but shouldn't money printed be added to the budget? after all countries print money all the time

>> No.18451816

They like to pretend the central bank is an independent organisation.

>> No.18451840

The real question to as is why members of congress and senators get paid such high salaries without paying a penny of income tax.

>> No.18451899

military is 10% of the budget while mexican welfare is 60%.
it's really not fair that they're always treated as equal problems

>> No.18451903
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The state is ultimately a highly organized mafia, existing only to extract as much wealth for itself as possible while defending against incursions from other mafias and providing enough concessions to it's extortion victims that they do not get any ideas about replacing them. Political moral authority does not exist, only force and will. The history of humanity can be summed up as merely the ever increasing complexity of the master <-> slave relationship.

Internalize this red pill and you will never truly be surprised or disappointed by the insane "laws" of the state.

>> No.18451925

>and then boomers will look you right in the eye with a firm handshake and tell you that you're never getting social security.

>> No.18451930

>smart wagecuck
>live life through c-corps
>income doesn't get taxed if you spend it on 'business expenses' like inventory
>start a gold and silver selling business
>even if it doesn't do shit you get to stack tax free
>and if you sell the c-corp after 5 years you get to claim up to $10m federal tax free under the qualified small biz tax credit

These are lessons your rabbi should have taught you when you were a young man OP.

>> No.18451945

really not a viable option for 95% of people

>> No.18451979

Of course not, when tax loopholes work for lots of people they close them. That's why the only ones left are ones normies can't get to.

>> No.18452007
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>> No.18452074

I have a simple solution :


very easy. buy some low caps like Suterusu. sell multipliers into USDT or USDC or DAI. Funnel this money into XMR. Buy things with it, or hell, buy drugs, take a line of coke. Fly to Japan. Cash out into $15K JPY.

Do as you please.


>> No.18452136

>house catches on fire
>your house also caused your neighbors house to catch on fire
>lucky you have insurance
>unlucky insurance almost never pays out and you forgot to pay for third party damage so the damage to your neighbors property isn't covered.
That will be 1 million dollars thanks.

>> No.18452144

>invest into stock market
> make profit
> profit is taxed
> take taxed profit and re-invest it into the stock market
>make profit
>it’s taxed AGAIN

>> No.18452184
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>income tax
>literally being taxed for selling your own time
This is one of the most inhumane things imaginable.

I understand taxing land and consumption... but literally taxing a man for deciding to spend the few hours he has on this earth actually being productive?

Absolutely crazy.

>> No.18452238

They literally has to pass an ammendment to tax people for creating an income because it was so blatantly unconstitutional. Too bad normalfags will never question it when July 15th rolls around.

>> No.18452248

i invest out of TFSA and RRSP

>> No.18452249


This. It's just mind boggling. Property tax is the biggest scam I've come across. You don't even own anything.

>> No.18452255

It's a screenshot, not a copy paste. Are you autistic or something?

>> No.18452274

the greatest win is when the whole government’s balance sheet turns into an auditable and traceable blockchain