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18447510 No.18447510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18447520


>> No.18447524

niggers gonna nig
its priced in

>> No.18447540

Stupid fucking niggers goddamn we should round them up, tie bricks to their legs and drop them in a river while Johnny Rebel plays

>> No.18447555

Four lives ruined, what a fucking waste. I feel sorry for the dude who gets caught u in a felony murder charge because his fuckhead friend wanted to shoot someone. You don't deserve life in jail for stealing some shoes. Felony murder laws are a scam.

>> No.18447585

Why was she wearing $1000 shoes?

>> No.18447593

If your shoes cost more than $300 chances are you deserve to be robbed
My work boots have lasted a year, they’re still in good condition, and I bought them for $225
They are the best work boots made in the US
made in the world

>> No.18447609

they are already rounded up in the ghettos living their shitty lives.. maybe walls around it would be a good idea though lol

>> No.18447624

it was a present from her bf

>> No.18447635


>> No.18447637

Timbs FTW my fellow chad

>> No.18447657

Why tf was she wearing $1000 nigger shoes anyway? That stuff is only marketed for people with nigger-tier iq and lack of self-control. Shoes are just tools; imagine paying $500 for a designer hammer, when normally they’re $15. The most your best pair of shoes should cost is around $300. Beyond that you’re just a dumbass pissing money away on useless garbage you’re either wear out or never wear anyway

>> No.18447687
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Timbs are glued together, not stocked, they’re literal garbage

>> No.18447709

these were for three pairs of shoes for 1k

>> No.18447727

niggers gonna nig

>> No.18447746

If you set out to rob someone and your accomplice murders somebody, you're an accomplice to that murder, period.

>> No.18447759

do you wear them while you trade?

>> No.18447777

Oh you’re gay, it all makes sense now

>> No.18447786


>> No.18447790


>> No.18447831

Some of us work in an office or from home lol

>> No.18447856

Yeah that's the law and it's a bullshit law. Stealing shoes and murder are on completely different levels.

>> No.18447862

I’ll be honest I have 2 jobs (no I don’t consider my stock investments one of them)
I’ve been thinking about buying Oxfords for the days I work inside, but whenever I see the $200-$300 price tag for a decent pair of US oxfords I just think to myself “I’d rather put that into stocks”
Whereas I actually need these boots for my outside job.

>> No.18447882

Right, which is why there's different charges for being involved in a robbery and being involved in a robbery where someone fucking dies.

>> No.18447892


>> No.18447913

Based red wings white supremacist. I bet you have a carhart jacket too, huh?

>> No.18447928

Even if as the other person you're doing the exact same thing and getting charged for what someone else does.

>> No.18447929


>> No.18447965

I gotta fat pair of 280 dollar Red Wings too, based Chad poster

>> No.18447992

Want to guess the color of the jacket?

>> No.18448004

>According to police, she and her boyfriend, Sergio Berben, drove Mr Berben's car on 7 April to an abandoned home in south Miami with plans to meet Mr Cosby and Mr Walton and sell them three pairs of Yeezy shoes.

Who in the right mind would think an abandoned home is a appropriate place to do this, let alone selling shoes to complete strangers? I bet they just wanted to avoid taxes.

>> No.18448058

Can't make this shit up

>> No.18448355

Based Redwings poster btfo Timbnigs

>> No.18448361

Two lives ruined. Niggers don’t count.

>> No.18448368

i've said too much already. too many glowies around here.

>> No.18448384

Fucking niggers need to get the rope

>> No.18448413

Oh her dumbass boyfriend brought her on the nigger mission to “flip my yeezys” but was out-niggered by the actual niggers. Got it. Around blacks, never relax.

>> No.18448646

these trips don’t lie

>> No.18448873

>selling three pairs of shoes to 2 black men
>meet-up location: an abandoned house

goddamn, I mean come on. That was reckless behavior from her boyfriend taking her along to that shit. Sometimes "trying to not be racist" is negligent

>> No.18448889

You're fucking trolling.

>> No.18448902

Her bf was selling 3 pairs of sneakers to one of the guys. Her bf asked to see the money. Then the dude's friend comes out with a gun and shoots at them as they try to drive away iirc. Both got hit. Gf died.

>> No.18448905

nigger life ruined on birth retard

>> No.18448925

>Then the dude's friend
To clarify: I mean the black guy (who was "buying" the sneakers) friend comes out. They both attempt to rob them of the sneakers; the sellers try to flee but get shot

>> No.18448983

>retard white people never heard of ebay

its natural selection at work, just let it happen

>> No.18449054

She relaxed wayyy too hard

>> No.18449073
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Good. Selling nigger products is disgusting and perpetuates their disgusting culture all over the country. The faster these fucking retards die the better in my opinion.

>> No.18449208

>fly with the thieving armed nigga crows, get shot with the crows
dat nigga-taxin biche be pumpin $220 Yeezeys @ $935. She be deservin sum shootin yo

>> No.18449234
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>> No.18449271

i legit dont sell to black people EVER,

i talk on phone to anyone, if they sound black or ghetto i hang up.

i cant beilive people still meet up with african americans

and this is not racism jannies dont ban me.

yall banned me for this comment last time

pic related

>> No.18449273


>> No.18449282
File: 101 KB, 980x396, newjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18449526

what is black males fascination with shoes and jewelry? is it because they're raised by single mothers? they seem really emotional like women too i guess

>> No.18449554

Based. I'm more of an Aldenbro myself, but timbniggers deserve the rope.

>> No.18449671

Quads you imbecile

>> No.18449716
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They like to feel chained by the weight of metals like their ancestors sold by African Warmongers

As for shoes? I dunno, its mostly a Western thing too. Whites get their dicks hard on black wagie italian shoes

>> No.18449852


What's dumb is that if you and another guy decide to rob someone, and your accomplice gets shot and dies, you are then also charged with murder..

>> No.18449859


that's based, i wish my country had that