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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, seal_boi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18445931 No.18445931 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18445954

>no replies
Because they all suck

>> No.18445968

owner of a kneepad manufacturing plant

>> No.18445973


>> No.18445977
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>> No.18445979

I like seals.

>> No.18445990

I'm fairly impressed. I was sure the seal was about to get some hammering but the cute thing got hugs :3

>> No.18446004

being a baker is pretty passionate and amazing, but it's also really hard work, long hours, and work starts very early in the morning. i love it tho

>> No.18446084

Is Baker better that chef?

>> No.18446176

Being a chef is much more stressful, being a baker is more chill, the thing is bakers make less than chefs, but owning a bakery makes some serious money.
The hard thing is you ALWAYS have to be at work, every day of the week, all day, from opening til closing time, you have to be very disciplined

>> No.18446203


>> No.18446240

That's a dog

>> No.18446260

Nah that guy isn't Chinese

>> No.18446303

oh that's easy anon

>> No.18446319

Don't throw that dog out of the plane

>> No.18446355
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>> No.18446382


>> No.18446402

>guy holding a club and seal coming out of hole
risky click but I'm glad I did

>> No.18446404


>> No.18446426

BLACKED male actor,
imagine banging peak white young woman

>> No.18446429

Union Skilled Tradesmen- pajeet, tyrone, and paco free, good pay, security, benefits

>> No.18446463

Porn producer.

>> No.18446467

That's me :3
Does anyone wanna pet my rubbery skin?

>> No.18446470

>porn actress

>> No.18446478

What an easy catch.

>> No.18446495

software engineer at a robot factory

>> No.18446496

i got sick looking at the thumbnail, but i'm glad it turned out this way

>> No.18446536

>dealing with shitty tenants and regulations

Only idiots believe landlording is some kind of passive income, at least for most. The only way it becomes semi passive is if you've already been doing it for decades and can hire property managers to do everything for you.

>> No.18446563
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I tricked you, because i am a landlord and it is pretty great. I made sure to only rent to high class people, so I have very little problems and got all my rent checks this last month.

>> No.18446648

dogs of the sea. Can't wait to meet space doggos.

>> No.18446676

>Nothing personal kid

>> No.18446683


>> No.18446698

Did you inherit the land? Because the only way I can see myself becoming a landlord is by buying up trailer homes and becoming some kind of trailer park king.

>> No.18446708

Why the fuck did he just club the seal loke that

>> No.18446726

Out of my options should I:
>Move in with my Dad and become a NEET
>try to become a landlord?
>use my bachelor's degree to go military?
>Move to my family and Dallas to try and get a more professional job?

>> No.18447027

military is competitive in these times. u gotta get a good pft score and previous work experience for OCS. dont enlist maybe go warrant officer and fly helicopters

neet is a bad choice at least get an LLC and learn to code so if u wanna end neeting u have a backup plan

moving to a big city wont do shit unless u know people or have prior work experience or get lucky with a headhunter. u can meet people in bars or something but good luck with that lol

>> No.18447079

Glory-hole attendant

>> No.18447090

been a copywriter for 15+ years. make six figures, have a nice office and bring my dog to work with me. it's chill.

>> No.18447113

Well I heard that Bachelor's degrees are supposed to get a straight line into officer-ship.

What kind of degree you need to get into copywriting? I heard that its competitive.

>> No.18447172

You don’t buy the trailers dummy. You buy the land they sit on. The owners can’t move them so their stuck paying you the lot rent. When they can’t afford it anymore they have to abandon the trailer and you get it for free.

>> No.18447318

Hello brother

>> No.18447320
File: 937 KB, 918x938, lk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graduated HS in 04
>(No degree) move out on my own at 18
>worked in restaurants and bars for 7 years
>get 1st IT job traveling the country installing restaurant computer systems (POS) $40k/yr
>Horrible job
>Work in call center for ISP
>Even worse job
>Work for an MSP helpdesk for law firms
>Less stress but still shit job, tons of hot lawyers tho. I start doing stand up comedy, invite one out to watch me be a retard.
>Get job at Hewlett Packard
>better job its thru some gay contracting firm , work with mostly pajeet visa tards for 3 years, work with a boomer that teaches me how to do some of his job. They wont hire me for real cause no degree. But act like they will. I got back to school
>Get job at some oil services company Network Admin, its a shit show I'm back to being IT butler
quit that job move in with lawyer mommy gf , take out loans to complete MIS degree
>Completing degree in June having first child in June , getting married
>Currently Unemployed , not doing stand up anymore cause I was just using it to get a woman and its gay as hell.
No idea what I'm really gonna do for work, just hoping my degree will give me some better options.

Meanwhile friend with psychology degree less IT experience learned to code at some job , makes 6 figs, is 6'4" bangs all kinds of tinder whores. He thinks about killing himself all the time. Though he would be like that regardless what job or his circumstances were.

>> No.18447338

Not yet, waiting on my IBEW interview, but I have an inside guy and was the top of the aptitude test in my group, so probably just a formality at this point

>> No.18447407

I have a bachelor of journalism, but portfolio is way more important than degree. I look around every so often and see will a lot of jobs

>> No.18447837

why just blacked then? why not any other high end porn company?

>> No.18447942

Oh. I don't have a portfolio except for Photoshop stuff and InDesign stuff and I have a Bachelor of Science in Informatics.

>> No.18447974


>> No.18448006

My job - planting trees.
In the NW there's tons of non-commercial forestry work thanks to endangered salmon runs.
>Lots of exercise,
>outside all the time,
>alone often which is a plus (for me), but will sometimes work in groups of 2-3.
>Decent pay. Nothing crazy, but enough to live & save.
>Feel like you're actually doing something worth doing.
>many, many outdoor qt seasonal workers

>> No.18448017

/thread. Take the SSDI pill.

>> No.18448051

Tell me more. I'm ex military and in shape. I would like to spend a summer innawoods making woods.

>> No.18448052

Fuck off. I thought I was reading an inspirational story of that meme man in your picture. It wasn't inspirational at all. It made me more upset.

>> No.18448090
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>> No.18448095

>work at safeway
>able to have income despite everyone else being out of work
>people randomly thank me and treat me like a hero just because I decided to show up that day

>> No.18448108

DESU you can sign up for human services jobs, take care of an elderly home owner and hope that he hates his kids, u keep whatever leftovers when he leaves plane of existing, if u was his best friend

>> No.18448126

>have big benis
>make white males seethe

>> No.18448136

Why would you post that?!?

>> No.18448140

I think being an auditor is kinda cool

Just go in and take bribes from shitty companys

>> No.18448165

Perfect life chads BTFO

>> No.18448215


>Military is competitive

Kek being able to count to ten and showing up on time consistently will get you to colonel at a minimum

>> No.18448281

I'm not dead yet so it could be.
I mean I went from being alone for 4 years to doing stand up comedy banging chicks and marrying a lawyer. The job thing is still an issue but I'm almost done with my degree. Last job I had was making 60k just didn't get shit for respect put on 30lbs. Lost the weight by lifting and quitting that job. Now if I can just find a 50k job I can stand, with dual income we looking at 130k-150k a year.

>> No.18448286

How the fuck does someone get SSDI in this day and age. I can't even get SSDI and I have autism.

>> No.18448895

A list of cool jobs that everybody mires:

>Fighter Jet pilot
Yeah, doesnt matter whatever other faggy job you name, you cant beat the chad that just comes in and says he gets paid for flying fucking jets and blowing up stuff.

>Baby seal cuddler
There are no other jobs like it, you get pet Sea-dogs, what else are you going to do? become a Ground-dog cuddler? fucking freak ass furry fags. Seals is where it is at


>> No.18448907

whats the pay? department of lands in idaho pays guatemalen nigggers pennies per tree last i saw. also what do during winter

>> No.18448989

mr brother really really wanted to be a jet figher pilot would larp on all those ace's high video games. Obsessed with TopGun ive seen it a million times cause of him. Hes more a typical man than I and he just cant figure out how to exist in this fem world. Has 4 year degree works at some tire shop changing tires and shit. He's smart and can learn whatever the fuck, 0 motivation and even less desire to have any social skills. He can have social skills he just like me and find its even more tiring to do it. Really doesn't give a fuk what other people think, so much so its more of a detriment than a good.

big sad

havent talked to him in almost 10 years cause i fucked a girl he was interested in while he was fucking another girl. Hes got some woman issues.

>> No.18448991

sounds easy. how do I get in

>> No.18449044

>havent talked to him in almost 10 years cause i fucked a girl he was interested in while he was fucking another girl. Hes got some woman issues.

Talk to him man.
Bet those thots dont even exist anymore

>> No.18449126

>I start doing stand up comedy, invite one out to watch me be a retard.
Does this work? I actually have a decent amount of great material

>> No.18449164

Jobs that involve sucking:

Head of Institutional Lending

>> No.18449291

Ya, but you don't know what material is great until you use it.

I mean it worked for me. Other comics were completely confused why women were around me at all. I wasn't slaying pussy or anything but I got some chix.

Id basically be kinda like Tim Allen, Sam Hyde, Patrice O neal, Daniel Tosh, just kinda would be overtly misogynist and sometimes yell at people. Looked like i had confidence because I was just too depressed to care anymore.

few comics in the scene still want me to come back, but its just a total shit show, you make fucking nothing.Stand up is the most fun and challenging thing I have done in my life though. Ive play a few instruments been in bands, was a skateboarder, runner, lifter, art painting drawing, played tons of WoW, none of that shit compares to owning a stage and the adrenaline of getting away with saying something really fucked up. Id shit on black people and theyd laugh and it was terrifying . God so much fun and also the worst experience in my life. Completely changed my political stance from lib tard to alt right tard. Feel like ill never stop being a comic at heart. Still keep writing jokes and shit down even tho I have 0 plans to use any of it.

>> No.18449307

I've tried a few times, he just doesn't seem interested. He doesn't talk to anyone in family either. I think hes just kinda embarrassed and upset about his life and how hes handled things. Everyday he doesn't talk to me or family is another day of added embarrassment .

>> No.18449327


>> No.18449402

just instill it in your lifeblood

>> No.18449602

It's so sad how Canada has calmed down on smashing seals heads in right when their population is about to become majority Chinese and it all starts ramping up again

>> No.18450874

>Ive play a few instruments been in bands, was a skateboarder, runner, lifter, art painting drawing,
Sounds like you live a relatively interesting life and that is what got you the woman.

>> No.18450915

Jesus, seals have so much blood in them.

>> No.18450946

how many gay cakes did you make this week?

>> No.18451027

get the fuck off this website

>> No.18451050


no wonder sharks love them, they are all fat

>> No.18451062

he's had that job for 15+ years, it doesn't exist anymore in the form that he found it.

>> No.18451070

>no meaty whack on that seal skull
disappointing desu

>> No.18451113
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>Get laid off because Corona
>Get a check in the mail for $1500 every 2 weeks for sitting on my ass and jerking off

Now I see why people vote Democrat

>> No.18451126
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>> No.18451136

Dictator of a 3rd world nation. Kim Jong has it pretty comfy.

>> No.18451137
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>> No.18451142
File: 83 KB, 640x608, 3F884731-19AC-423D-844A-36C3F41AE519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Trading doesnt suck.

>> No.18451151
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milk department?

>> No.18451153


>> No.18451212
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>> No.18452384
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Kleros Juror

>> No.18453058
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The guy at Nazi prison camps that got to shoot random Jews for no reason.

>> No.18453078

You apply for SSI not SSDI for one.

>> No.18453106

Just killing random people for no reason? Youre a fucking lunatic.

>> No.18453123

umm that's a...

>> No.18453176
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Not random people you fucking retard, pretty clear who I was targeting.

>> No.18453193

Tell him to try to get a private pilots license. Maybe he finds a new passion that he'll be very thankful for, maybe he gets a job as a pilot of some kind. Also ya you should call him or something

>> No.18453216


>> No.18453231

Under rated comment!

>> No.18453287


>> No.18453291

I'll tell you what job does suck, being a vacuum cleaner!

>> No.18453315

Travel and automotive journalist.

>> No.18453390

Talk to /out/ about it lol

>> No.18453407

Trick question. All jobs suck.