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18446435 No.18446435 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening again anons , the last time the international price became so different than the local price was in early june 2019 when we crossed 10k.

>> No.18446449

not true, last time was in some place like iran or siria and it was just some month ago

>> No.18446476

Lol Argentina

>> No.18446489

I know local prices have a big spread in places with capital controls sometimes.

But the last 48 hours this spread is growing fast as fuck we went from btc being traded at 8k to 11k in 48 hours here.

The supply is disappearing from the market.

>> No.18446497

Where can I see that? Can I sell to Argentinians somehow?

>> No.18446532

literal who?

>> No.18446571

supply will be plentiful when we thrust below 3k

>> No.18446616

lol, its 13k in lebanon

>> No.18446619

This is bullish for BTC. non US banks will fail. Probably in Argentina first or among the first. People will be desperate all over the world as their country's currencies start to debase.

What can they do? Buy gold and silver? Not available.

They will turn to BTC. You are seeing it right now!


>> No.18446637

i guess just some random hype where boomers for some reason can't get into an exchange and buy without these insane markups (jews involved?).

>> No.18446660



>> No.18446755

Nobody can buy from international exchanges there are capital controls.

>> No.18446791

Yes but you can't take your usd back.

>> No.18446808

is there a business to do with that?

like.. to sell bitcoin to wealthy third worlders?

a colombian guy told me i could do this in Bogota but it looked suspicious and this guy was 7/7 on molly

>> No.18446809

Liquidity is disappearing fast

>> No.18447016

So, I can just go there and sell my bitcoins in 2 times higher price? What's the catch? Why do people in these countries even buy bitcoins on such high prices on localbitcoins,if they can just buy it online by a normal price?

>> No.18447048

they cannot get hold of USD and their pessos, reais or liras dump 200% randomly as they please

>> No.18447081

the dollar might soon be doing the same

>> No.18447098

What is arbitrage

>> No.18447135

But can you freely exchange your pesos to dollars there? If so, it shouldn't be a problem
I also live in a 3rd world country with a hyperinflation and all the people here just hold their savings in usd

>> No.18447200

USD being seemingly the strongest currency does not imply it's not doing the same, albeit in lesser magnitude.

>> No.18447201

Also, why does bitcoins in Venezuela and Colombia cost 10% less than a market price? Are they laundering narco money or so?

>> No.18447246

In Venezuela, the gov want to de-incentivize people like >>18447135 from holding savings in dollars.
That's why burgers are screeching.

>> No.18447261

show me one exchange where i can send my 6800$ btc to 11000$ btc

son of a bitch

>> No.18447278
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>irrelevant shithole paying through the nose to buy a shitcoin that doesn't even work

>> No.18447286

proof or gtfo

>> No.18447312

someone could build long range drones for getting around capital controls that uses a surface to air recovery system; basically the poor beaner puts his dirt shekels into a bag attached to a balloon that floats up right before the drone flies over and captures it.