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File: 106 KB, 1020x573, Bayshore blvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18441590 No.18441590 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a landlord

>> No.18441605

how come you wont give that other guy a break on his may 1st rent payment if you are a millionaire with no wife/kids?

>> No.18441608

why are you so based?

>> No.18441637

>millionaire with no wife or kids
I have a wife, kid, and another on the way. Also I live in the building, so I can just go and beat his ass.

I'm also not a millionaire. My net worth is about 900k, 600k of which is the property I own.

>> No.18441646

Is it ok if I dab on you?

>> No.18441657
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Go for it, see if I care

>> No.18441673

>so I can just go and beat his ass.
Hahahaha sure thing pussy

>> No.18441695

>Hurr Durr all landlords are millionaires

So sick of this shit man. Renties bitch and moan about not being able to afford a house and just assume that it's impossible to get a house because "all landlords are millionaires".

I saved up for my 5 years of college and bought a house at 23. Believe it or not, it's possible to invest in property if you work your ass off, save a lot, and invest correctly.

>> No.18441718

>Believe it or not, it's possible to invest in property if you work your ass off, save a lot, and invest correctly.
And a little help from mommy and daddy

>> No.18441727

>I saved up for my 5 years of college and bought a house at 23.
Same. I lived in a frat house for 3 years to save money for my down payment.

>> No.18441784

I took no money from my family. I got a degree in something which actually makes money (software engineering), co-op'd at 3 different companies, worked 2 jobs all throughout taking classes (delivering GrubHub and TAing), and saved every single penny I could WHILE paying for my own rent, food, car, and utilities. Invested what little money I had to invest into good crypto projects and 2x'd my investment, rolled my savings and small investment account into a down payment for a 5 bedroom single family. Now I rent out rooms, live for free, and have a $70k a year job which I got all on my own.

Keep on making assumptions about people though based on your own laziness and excuses, lmk how that works out for you in 10 years.

>> No.18441824

My tenants are
>mid 20s gay couple, both in tech and never seen a gym before
>23 year old that just graduated college, parents are paying his rent I think
>2 25 year old girls
>old greek guy who has a pension because he's never missed a payment
And then I live in the 6th unit. When my second son comes along in 6 months we're gonna move into a single family in the area.

>> No.18441833

Wait are you me anon? That's almost exactly the route I'm on right now

>> No.18441884

>Wait are you me anon? That's almost exactly the route I'm on right now
Nice! Good luck man, I'm 24 now and I'm hoping to get a complex like you seem to have (would really like to stop living with people). Whereabouts you buy if you don't mind me asking? Decent prices? I'm in Upper NY so I was definitely a little fortunate regarding price points

>> No.18441976

>saved up during college
>implying you had no student loans
>implying that your parents paid for your college

No, you didn't do any smart investing. Your parents paid to start your landlording. Fucking loser.

>> No.18442025

>thinking GrubHub and being teacher's pet are REAL jobs
>got lucky with the crypto ponzi
>LOL I'm just a hardworkin genius, ya'know? 24 years old and have the whole world figured out. If only everyone saw the world my way they'd be rich. I'm so fucking smart and humble, god damn.

>> No.18442057
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why does your mother wear a toupee

>> No.18442062

Nuclear level cope right here. Check in my box on the first, don't forget.

>> No.18442107

>t.lazy nigger

>> No.18442122

I'd put a bullet in your head before I'd give any money to a passive income parasite that artificially inflates property prices and living expenses.

>> No.18442150

I would like to thank you for your service

>> No.18442173
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Seethe all you want. Your $1300 is due on May first.

>> No.18442177

Have you ever fucked a tenant for rent payment?

>> No.18442191

No, I've been with the same girl since I was 20. I'm 28 now.

If I wasn't married and could afford it I definitely would though.

>> No.18442207

Do you ever feel like you should switch to airbnb? (last question i promise)

>> No.18442212

But not really, there is no way you can get that money from me

>> No.18442240

How do I get into the business? Also, do you plan on educating your children about all you've picked up on over the years as a landlord?

>> No.18442254

I can make you homeless and ruin your credit, among other things.
Maybe for a one-bedroom unit(of which there are four), might actually be a good idea. Wouldn't be hard to switch to that either. I might look into it when my next lease is up this summer.

>> No.18442277
File: 161 KB, 750x725, comfypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you plan on educating your children about all you've picked up on over the years as a landlord?
Yes, but they're far too young for that now.

Also, this is >not< my full time job. I'm more of a house hacker than I am a landlord. I bought a 4-unit apartment building and divided two of those units into 4. I live in one of the remaining 2 bedroom units and I rent out the other 5. It supplements my income partially as I'm working on starting a new business.

>> No.18442343


>> No.18442375

I'm aspiring to get into buying property and adding to my passive income portfolio I'm starting out with dividend ETF'S and a REIT but I want to get into physical property. How did you start out and get the necessary capital to begin?

>> No.18442411

>co-op'd at 3 different companies
>$70k a year job
If you don't mind saying, which city or state do you live in? Not putting you down but in the larger cities, starting salaries are about $65K - $75K and go higher with as much co-op experience as you have. For places like Silicon Valley, the starting salaries are even higher.

>> No.18442423

trip dubs :0

How did you get the inital capital to buy the property? Did you take out any loans/mortgages?

Roughly how much are you making in profit per month?

Did you personally physically divide the house, or did you pay someone to do it?

What other businesses are you attempting to start?

thx anon

>> No.18442447

Aight but how do you get into the business?

>> No.18442448

>my passive income portfolio
You mean usury?

>> No.18442501

I get dividends for owning stock I dont give a fuck. If people dont want to walk up and play the game and become financially independent that's their choice. I'm gonna forgo "avocado toast" and other shit to save up and invest in myself so I can have a great life. Not my job to fix everyone's balance sheets. Both my parents died and I was left orphaned and penniless and I dragged my ass to where I am today which is a mortgage on a house a decent car and a good job I'm not gonna apologize to anyone for being successful if I can do it anyone can

>> No.18442531

I initially put 100k down and my cousin co-signed on my mortgage. I've since refinanced and he doesn't have a claim, and paid him back for helping out. Some ways I saved up
>working as a junior dev while still in college
>applying for BS scholarships I didn't need and saving the difference
>not spending a ton of money or going out every night of the week

>> No.18442532

jesus imagine coping this hard. Imagine thinking working 2 jobs while pursuing a degree is easy. Imagine being so stupid with money that when you go online and see people posting about having money you seethe with anger. I worked my ass off to get to where I am today and I did it on my own because I didn't want to end up like you.

I honestly feel bad for you anon.

>>18441976 see >>18441784

>> No.18442553


>> No.18442567
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>> No.18442581

>not a millionaire
>only have 900k in assets
come down here and I'll knock your wife up again

>> No.18442595

nice vpn copefag, enjoy being poor

>> No.18442640

Don't you think your tenants will murder you and take your property due to the crisis.

Your a decrepit old man and the police won't help you during the crisis. Surely you know your days are numbered.

>> No.18442661

I just want to build up enough income producing assets that will cover my monthly Bill's and allow me to retire from my day job and instead focus on growing my money. Financial freedom is what I value most second only to god.

>> No.18442672

>Your a decrepit old man
I'm 28

>> No.18442678

This is what I'm going to do. I'm tracking your IP, OP. I will rape your wife and sell your kids when I find you. Remember that your cockiness was the death of you.

>> No.18442683
File: 1.64 MB, 1125x2436, 2020-04-04 14.56.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of pic related degenerates are you dealing with that want to use this virus as an excuse to have zero savings?

>> No.18442705

Bet. I'm in North Palm Beach, hope that makes your search easier

>> No.18442719

Miami Beach here. Hi Florida-fren.

How do you think real estate is going to handle all this? I think commercial real estate is going to get hit pretty hard. Single family homes will probably do the best.

>> No.18442720

This shutdown has showed me just how short-sighted and helpless the average person is. I don't feel sorry for them, it's almost like they're well-trained animals. I'm starting to understand why big corporations and banks don't care about taking advantage of the average person, because they can't plan more than 1 paycheck in advance.

>> No.18442763

Well said. Maybe next time they should think before having a kid they can't afford. There are for sure exceptions, but the average person I work with just spends everything they have and lives above their means and then now is complaining about money after just one month of being shut down. And I'm talking people who are making near or above 100k a year, not just typical wageslaves.

>> No.18442772
File: 40 KB, 406x315, unnamed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning your own land and property....

>> No.18442783

Well fucking congrats sounds like a cool ass life nerd

>> No.18442787

>Single family homes will probably do the best
My thoughts exactly, assuming people dont start defaulting on their mortgages.

That said, I would refinance your properties yesterday if you can. Get as low of an interest rate as possible during this time, I did so in early March when it started to look like shit was hitting the fan.

>> No.18442804

I only make $70k before taxes and save 30% of my income for investments. I tell people this and it blows their minds. People making double my salary in my field are living paycheck to paycheck with 2-story houses, luxury cars and a vacation every 6 months. It's absolutely insane.

>> No.18442823

You’re a software engineer and only make 70k?? That’s pretty low imo considering you are older than freshly graduated. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere lol

>> No.18442909

Especially here in Miami Beach. You can either rent in some shitty condo, or own a condo (retarded since they just keep making more of them), or for basically the same money as a nice condo I bought a house and my mortgage is the same as rent plus I have all kinds of tax deductions - and own it at the end of the mortgage.

Yeah I'm refinancing now. Appraiser was out last week. The rates are incredable now and getting a fixed 30 rather than a before where in 2024 it was adjustable. The 30 rates aren't even that much higher than the 15, so just for safety in case things got really awful I went with a 30 even though I'll pay in 15 (or faster).

Yeah people spend money on the dumbest shit. All depreciating assets or just money-out-the-window shit.

>> No.18442921

I am freshly graduated, graduated may 2019 from a 5 year program when I was 23.

>> No.18443149

nobody believes you faggot. post proof

>> No.18443339

lol why would I post my home address on an anonymous message board. I don't care if you believe me or not. I worked hard and now I'm in a decent place financially, can't believe some people find this such a shocking statement

>> No.18443343

>so just for safety in case things got really awful I went with a 30 even though I'll pay in 15 (or faster).
That's exactly what my plan is. Best of luck anon, we're gonna make it

>> No.18443368

Thanks, you too anon!

>> No.18443377

your story sounds like an incel fantasy "oh i pulled myself up by my bootstraps and now im rich but it was all me all me" and nobody actually fucking believes you except for other losers who want to buy into the fantasy

>> No.18443467
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>Implying a a single fuck is worth a month of rent
>trusting a roasty to not go straight to the police and accuse you of rape

No, terrible idea.

>> No.18443479
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1585797145902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP thinks hes a big shot, and has 0 idea of the wealth some /biz/ Neet lords have and not flaunt an entire thread about it ... Pathetic * spits* Cheers to the anons who have true wealth but choose to not show it. you are not only rich in funds but in character. Unlike OP

>> No.18443490

How hard do you get seeing these renties seethe?

>> No.18443529

I Never will pay rent you retard.

>> No.18443545

are you jewish

>> No.18443548


>> No.18443552

Nope you are just a lazy fag who spends his money on dragon dildoes, weed and avocado toast

>> No.18443561
File: 69 KB, 640x416, bank-manger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he thinks having 2-3 apartment properties makes him a real estate mogul , you bought during a housing bubble and thinks hes the Wolf of Wall St

>> No.18443583
File: 57 KB, 657x600, Backtraced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>18442640 (You)
>This is what I'm going to do. I'm tracking your IP, OP. I will rape your wife and sell your kids when I find you. Remember that your cockiness was the death of you.

Oh noes. Its the backtraced it meme guy. Will you daughter turn my head into a brain slushie? I am is scared that you backtraced it. I'm a scared of that.

>> No.18443645

Never claimed to be rich. I am fortunate to be in the situation I am in.

>> No.18443680
File: 305 KB, 920x1112, 206-2067079_-smug-comfy-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more

>> No.18443714

Usury is the lending of money with interest. Dividends are not usury as it is not a forced interest, you're paying someone to hold your stock, but you dont have to.

>> No.18443717

Hey op, I own a home that I'm renting out a few rooms in. I can hear water dripping in the walls but no one wants to take the job because of the virus. What the fuck do I do.

>> No.18444284

>>>>18442640 (You) (You)
>>This is what I'm going to do. I'm tracking your IP, OP. I will rape your wife and sell your kids when I find you. Remember that your cockiness was the death of you.
>Oh noes. Its the backtraced it meme guy. Will you daughter turn my head into a brain slushie? I am is scared that you backtraced it. I'm a scared of that.

No one remembers the backtraced guy. It was the high note of 4chan. We literally ruined that family. They rued the day they messed with 4chan.

>> No.18444407

Rip the drywall out and get some fans.
Home depot has everything.

>> No.18444585

Tips for a rookie?

>> No.18444678

You dont own anything. The bank is your landlord. and when your subletters stop paying, theyre going to collect.

>> No.18444841

When are you ready to get lynched?

>> No.18445059

OP, say I was one of your tenants and like so may I got laid off. What way can I ask you to renegotiate our lease and agree to pay half the rent moving forward.

>> No.18445113
File: 42 KB, 600x600, Heheheheheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhh that's a secret. Now just keep paying your rent like a good goy

>> No.18445125

If you're a lord, what's your coat of arms?

>> No.18445176

This >>18444407

>> No.18445358
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1584322295267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would it cost to get in to the landlord game, i have about 200k CAD worth of chainlink at 20 years old

how much property/income would a person need to not need a job, if they were single and if they were in a family

furthermore, how much property/income would a person need to be wealthy

will there be a housing crash

if there was a housing crash how should i play it

>> No.18445465
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet-mini-hammerhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dont own anything. The bank is your landlord. and when your subletters stop paying, theyre going to collect.

Goddamn are rentcucks stupid. The bank doesn't take control of the property unless he defaults. It's completely different than a landlord/tenant arrangement. He doesn't have to get rent amounts, tenants, leases, or property improvements approved by the bank before moving forward because he's the owner. What part of landLORD do you not understand?

If you rentcucks spent half the energy you do seething into improving your finances you'd own property too