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File: 319 KB, 847x1200, monerowaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18442599 No.18442599 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fungible

>> No.18442919

inb4 unlimited supply
inb4 my zano

>> No.18443004

>inbefore Zano claims that the author is the still anonymous Nicolas van Saberhagen

>> No.18443212
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>> No.18443311
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>> No.18443625

Monero is best crypto.

>> No.18443690
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>> No.18443754

Isn't that coin now behind LINK in market cap?

>> No.18443822

A token to access "decentralized oracles".
It's ridiculous because:

- decentralized oracles are an unsolved computer science problem. Yet Chainlink has no proposed solution to it, and decentralizing is basically an afterthought to them

- their solution to that is "KYC oracles"... Which is not a solution at all. Having a KYC authority in itself is already centralized

- being "first mover" to decentralized oracles doesn't mean shit when you don't actually solve the problem. Bit gold was first mover to decentralized currency before bitcoin, but because it didn't give a viable solution to the double-spend problem, so it didn't mean squat.

- centralized oracles are easy. You can even write one using something like pyethereum and run it on a cheap VPS.

- And with your own oracle, you don't have to pay both the token and gas price, you can just pay the gas price

- all it does is aggregate free data sources, which you can freely query yourself, hence the json parser meme

- and if the token price moons, then it even makes less sense to use it, as it would cost a lot, for data that is freely available

- and worst of all, only 350 million tokens are in the circulating supply. The other 650+ million tokens are literally owned by Sergey, printed from thin air, no proof of work, which he can dump anytime. This is literally the worst scenario even for just speculating.

>> No.18444049

>Isn't that coin now behind LINK in market cap?

>Implied fear that Link might go back below

>> No.18444082
File: 782 KB, 940x639, moneromilkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Monerobros, should I start adding more info in the OP for these generals? I was thinking about cooking up some sort or paste bin with an FAQ.

>> No.18445422


>> No.18445498

Doesn't this just disproportionately enrich the OGs?

>> No.18445647

Yes it does but the infinite supply makes sure that doesn't happen as nearly as much as it does in bitcoin or litecoin or dash.

>> No.18445663

Any investment will benefit the early adopters more than the late comers. That chart just tells you how low the inflation is going to be in the near future, and to let you in on a little hint, Monero already has the lowest annual inflation in the top 30 of crypto as of this very moment.

>> No.18445815

>We put a little less shit in the wine than the other vineyards.

MF just say infinite supply and stop beating around the bush. You're not a salesman you don't represent Montero and have everything to gain by scaring the people off for longer so there's that much more to scoop up when a bored whale decides to shove a dick up the price chart, pump and dump for a bit and then carry on while the 'community' miscarries again and again, because not a single fucking human being out there could do fuck all with a Montero and would rather have gov't handouts more than ever say the word 'no' even a single time.

>> No.18445829

keks this was meant for >>18445663
or anyone else up to and including myself really.

>> No.18445830

Don't get me wrong, I'm not retarded and can see where the darkweb is going, but reducing block rewards in any way is basically a pump scheme. I'm fine with pump schemes, but let's call it what it is, there's really no need for it other than 'muh inflation will cause moonboys to fud'

>> No.18445934

Actually I think you are retarded. Block rewards are decreasing for basically every crypto. Instead of halving events, monero has a descending inflation. This is actually better because there is no "event", it just slowly happens.
pump and dumps are coordinated attacks that are unknown to the public. The block reward for monero is public domain knowledge that is in the code. It's unironically "priced in".
Will there be a greater supply of Monero or Bitcoin in the year 2039? Infinite supply pajeets are probably the biggest retards on biz, fucking classic.

>> No.18445964

mhm and where is the darkweb going?

for reference, i don't care at all about the block rewards. infinite supply is infinite supply, just like deflation is deflation. the real problem here would be there's gonna be 18 million of these shits out on the streets, and they all appeared over the last six years. not a single human being has a use case for them, outside of stealing money from otherwise clueless idiots, which i'm also all for. what i'm not for is trying to get them to latch onto the totem pole when it's not time to pump. they're to pay their lunch money, not to ride it to the top only to watch it fall right back down to nothing like the clueless idiots they'd be, being none the wiser about what's happened.

>> No.18445983

oh look another salesman. how many people've you got to find monterrible today?

>> No.18446011

Will there be a greater supply of Monero or Bitcoin in the year 2039?

>> No.18446038
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Unfortunately I can't address the actual contents of your replies, since I didn't read them. Never selling btw

>> No.18446390

>Block rewards are decreasing for basically every crypto
Because every crypto is full of moonboys who only want to pamp it
>Instead of halving events, monero has a descending inflation
Did I use the word 'halving' in my previous post? Are you being condescending because I hurt your little Moner-ego?
>blahh blah blah
You have yet to justify the reductions in block rewards. A flat block reward for the rest of time would have inflation approaching zero as a nice clean asymptote, and would reward miners for their time and skin in the game, rather than just rewarding them for being early
>where is the darkweb going?
Away from btc and into xmr. A public ledger is potentially compromising one's freedom. Btc still provides the most liquidity, but that could change
>infinite supply is infinite supply
False. Xmr reduced block rewards which enriches the early adopters. Did fluffys wine and watch collection just fall from the sky? You can make the argument that he and other early adopters deserve it for putting skin in the game, but you can't deny reductions service the OGs
>there's gonna be 18 million of these shits out on the streets
Agreed, I'm in, let's pamp it
>not a single human being has a use case for them
>stealing money from otherwise clueless idiots
That's jewish as fuck bro

>> No.18446452

Unfortunately I can't address the actual contents of your replies, since I didn't read them. Never selling btw

>> No.18446455

>You have yet to justify the reductions in block rewards. A flat block reward for the rest of time would have inflation approaching zero as a nice clean asymptote, and would reward miners for their time and skin in the game, rather than just rewarding them for being early
oh my fucking god you retard. google tail emission and kill yourself. fucking lol.

>> No.18446541

Yes I know what the tail emission is anon, you're being condescending again. My point is why even have reductions in the block reward at all? Why not just start with a flat block reward that never ever reduces? AGAIN, I like Monero and own Monero, just making a point that block reductions are basically just a pump scheme, there is no other justification for them

>> No.18446647

>My point is why even have reductions in the block reward at all? Why not just start with a flat block reward that never ever reduces

This is actually a good point. The block reduction scheme has a purpose in fixed supply distributions like Bitcoin but there really isn't a need for it in Monero. A fixed block reward would result in a nearly identical asymptotic inflation curve to the tail emission scheme without nearly as extreme of wealth disparity between early/mid/late adopters.

>> No.18446685

God bless

>> No.18447000

Well I think we are both being condescending but that's just shitposting on biz. I was probably talking over you / mixing you up with the stinky pajeet. My bad anon.
But anyways to answer your question, it's both a way of incentivizing people who are interesting in joining and maintaining a new network and a way to create enough of a supply for liquidity. I think that incentive is really crucial to getting people to form a community, and while you are right that early miners can get the benefit of being whales, you do still have the tail emission later on that does provide a reward. And because this has been a descending inflation since the beginning of time, I think it's much more fair (e.g. Instead of having a 50 block reward for the very early adopters change to 25 for the later miners and 12.5 even later, you have a slowly descending inflation with no major skips). Is it perfect? Perhaps it can be argued that it could be a lower block reward percentage loss each day. But I really don't know about that.
Consider: there are 720 blocks of monero per day. So at a flat .6 XMR block reward, you would only create 432 monero each day.
If you were to just have .6 xmr block reward from the beginning, then after 1 year, you would have 157680 Monero. 7 years (which is roughly now) you would have 1,103,760 XMR.
I think you would definitely run into hoarding problems with that proposed scenario, and a likely very slowly moving currency from something that would be awfully scarce. Why would miners want to dump their monero at all? And you would still have early adopters benefiting the most from that scarcity and them already having the majority of the coins.
Additionally, and probably what severs your argument most of all, is the most powerful individuals in this hypothetical are the miners. Average people buying on exchanges are hurt the most.

>> No.18447046

Chainlink isn't going to be KYC. The first node operators are because the risk a bad actor poses is greater when the network is smaller. Lots of projects take this approach. It's the right thing to do.

>> No.18447311

who gives a fuck about late adopters? Early adopters deserve to profit.

>> No.18447340

More info would always be good.

>> No.18447357

Low difficulty would still allow allow early adopters to adequately enrich themselves. All the flat block reward does is prevent them from accumulating a disproportionate amount of the supply.

>> No.18447443

I agree, fuck the stupid goyim cattle, they only exist to pump our bags

>> No.18447588

Question for xmr holders:
Everyone knows btc maxis are stupid people who take the easy way out so they dont have to objectively evaluate new tech

More and more those same fuckwits are saying things like btc and xmr are the only REAL coins out there etc

Do we want this? Honestly i feel like they know theyre holding a dying project and are trying to hedge their bets but i do hesitate to tell them how dumb they are because they at least shill xmr


>> No.18447925

Literally the minute these BM'ers hopped on over I changed gears and now try to shitpost monero into the ground because fuck'em all.

What chance does monero have if the same fuckwits that sank literally bitcoin into the dirt hop on over and start shilling the next big thing.

Just hop ship already and shitpost it to the dirt because it it's got a fucking chance in hell it's certainly not from those BMer people.

>> No.18447966

Because community infiltration is step one.

Step two is community takeover.

Step three is a pump and dump, then they take your shirt.

Keep it in the dirt.

>> No.18447997

I feel like the more attention, the better. The more angles on a project, the better.

Monero is how I explain crypto to my village, basically.

There's btc, but you know that it's public, so the people over at crypto HQ made xmr, which is magic.

Don't worry about smart contracts and oracles are from greek mythology.

>> No.18448056

"Yea bro remember that darkweb coke bro i got it with this monero u want one theres an app i can send you one but fees for sending from my exchange is ten bucks but bro one g of mdma is like 4 bucks bro its easy just put a false name on your letterbox and youre golden"

>> No.18448062

Aren't xmr fees the lowest of all?

>> No.18448089

Soon zano will replace monero. it's over for you guys

>> No.18448146

Just the fact that sending from an exchange is still a fucking thing over a decade later should send bells off in your head that the whole thing is pretty far off base. Money you don't control already exists, is already pervasive and works a fuck of a lot better than crypto and what we're seeing is the equivalent of a corpse being fucked over and over by vultures peddling get rich quick schemes to otherwise worthless individuals.

>> No.18448190

I mean the twelfth month of the new millenium's clearly come and gone already though right?

>> No.18448481

I heard its actually a fraction of a cent
Thats what i tell buddies who are too lazy to get an account themselves
Sounds cryptic, dont get it

What do you guys think will be the currency of the internet, and why will it be monero?

>> No.18448643

They would still have a disproportionate amount though. The earliest adopters will get the most of the limited amount of blocks. You would still have whales, and actually a system with more hoarding. And like I said before, it would be a situation where miners have the most power, which would be terrible if there was any centralization involving mining.
You have to remember that a lot of these early miners were dumping monero for literal cents in the beginning. This circulated monero increased the user base to include people that don't mine (the vast majority of users).
those are the smart ones who figured out bitcoin isn't fungible. Bitcoin is still king for the foreseeable future tho.
You will never be able to use fiat to buy drugs on the internet. Untraceable digital cash has plenty of use cases anon. Monero proves that one now, and others will follow as the userbase grows.

>> No.18450354

>Soon zcash, zcoin, bitcoin private, dero, zano will replace monero

>> No.18450626

>My point is why even have reductions in the block reward at all?
Early adopters are more encouraged to build the ecosystem.

>> No.18450674

I guess that's fair, the Monero ecosystem is definitely thriving, meanwhile bitcoiners are just hodling on for dear life