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18442125 No.18442125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It was on the news this morning that in massachusetts you can grow recreational cannabis and sell it to the medical cannabis dispensaries. I do not have more news on this matter right now.

>> No.18442136


>> No.18442180

Humboldt County CA here. It seems like a good idea until you get a gun shoved in your face or pulled over by a black suburban on a dirt road. That being said if you're an ascended dirt bag or have nerves of steel go for it

>> No.18442182


>> No.18442188

Accumulate $REFR

>> No.18442253

Who would put a gun to my face?

>> No.18443126

Niggers who want free shit.

>> No.18443158

so then shoot them

>> No.18443691


people get robbed over weed?

>> No.18443774

Thats good to know, ill buy some LEDs and get back to growing.
Would be cool to grow Canadian weed for massfags.

>> No.18443826
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They do when you are dumb as fuck about it with bales laying around and foot traffic into your house/apt resembling the local McDonalds.

>> No.18443830

Absolute rookie drying set-up, that shits going mouldy for sure.

>> No.18443878
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Outdoor grows are easy if you have the room and able to securely hide it

Look into making edibles and or wax from the trimmings/product. If Wax go make a press and start pressing

>> No.18443914


Fuck the English.

They're even farther behind us when it comes to cannabis legalization.

>> No.18443919

I don't know how long it will last I heard it on the news this morning that because of covid-19 there is a shortage of dispensary cannabis and that recreational Growers can sell to medical dispensaries however I do not know how yet I've asked the news stations for follow-up reporting or any links to news sources. Because I forgot which News Channel I was watching which sucks

>> No.18443938

outdoor product is also lower quality / less profitable / requires more post processing

>> No.18443984

Lel from everything Ive heard Humboldt sounds sketchy as fuck

>> No.18444639
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If you're going for edibles anyway, outdoor is the way to go. 12 plants legal outdoors can get you 24lbs dry flower without even trying, not counting the insane amount of trim. Turn that all into concentrate/edibles. Basically no overhead, no power bill, no water bill, no nutrient costs, and high profit. This is how northern Michigan boys have been doing it for several years.

Indoorfags BTFO, smoking flower is for boomers and poorfags. Indoor growing and clones is a thing of the past. Seeds grown under the sun is the future.

>> No.18444658

You can grow up to 6 plants per household here in DC.

>> No.18444707

get a load of this poor and dumb fag using the sun and earth to grow plants

>> No.18444717

How do I set myself up for if it becomes legal in the UK? I have access to about 100k to 500k+ if it was to go well

>> No.18444768

>How do I set myself up for if it becomes legal in the UK?

Realistically you don't. In the same way we use the Netherlands as the national allotment it will be the same with cannabis. The expertise and infrastructure is all over there already.

>> No.18444785
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I tried to grow pot once. 2000 bucks worth of equipment went into raising 9 plants. Fucked up the lighting somehow and hermied all of them. Ended up with 1oz of shitty weed. I no longer grow or smoke weed.

>> No.18444848

12 hours light 12 hours dark. You have to make sure their dark period is not interrupted or they will hermie.

>> No.18445102

Anyone in North America use True North Seedbank? They all look so scetchy

>> No.18445329


Bigbrain move is to spend several thousand upfront and several hundred for every grow. Then you can get massive yields, almost 12 whole ounces per plant! And it only costs you $100/mo in power and $50/mo in nutrients, and a non-trivial amount of maintenance time every week. Don't forget to buy a new lamp every grow or your yields will suffer, no big deal because a good lamp is only $200 and you only have to replace them every 3 months. As a bonus, your entire house gets to smell like pot. The kids love it.

>> No.18445517

there are pro and cons to both.
If you have an established strain you know can deal with outdoor, have the place for outdoor than no reason to not go outdoor. But for new strains, experiments, motherplants, cuttling production and first week vegy, in door all the way.

>> No.18445656
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Uk fag here, I'm not growing at the moment but I am storing several ounces in my bedroom while I am in self isolation (at family house). I got pic related to control the smell and I am in awe of how effective it is.
I am thinking of growing soon and I can't see some expensive carbon filter working much better than getting a few of these.

>> No.18445703


Not if they have fans and a dehumidifier in there. Branches are pretty close together, but still would probably be okay if they're controlling temp and humidity.

>> No.18445726

The first plant I grew was from a seed on my windowsill. After 3 months it had about 3g of dried flower, but after the 3th week the whole house smelled like weed.

Get a carbon filter and a good ventilation, there is no excuse for not getting one

>> No.18445742


Mothers and cutlings are old news. Seeds are the future. Anyone growing clones in 2020 is a brainlet and no I don't care about your clone-only pheno.

You're right about the first week but you can just use the window sill or even an LED lamp to take care of that. I don't really consider that "indoor growing", I do the same thing with all my garden plants.

Breeding and research is an entirely different discussion not relevant to production level operations. If you want to be a scientist obviously you need a laboratory.

>> No.18445752

You can't shoot people in Massachusetts. Also, medical and recreational are different and you won't see medical only around much longer since they are all converting to recreational licenses. I also doubt you'd have the supply to meet the price per gram to make it profitable since theres' a finite amount of plants you can grow per person.
Get involved with an actual cannabis group that knows what they're doing. Get in as an investor not a grower.

>> No.18445762


But it doesn't have near the startup costs for indoor. My outdoor also comes close to indoor in terms of quality after a tight trim.


Absolutely still need to supplement nutrients unless you have god-send top soil. I'm in the South, and the clay is great, but have to make holes with super soil, then when the root system gets strong enough they start eating up that clay, but I've got to do teas + some supplements or else it'd be subpar.

And fuck you, spliffs are patrician.

>> No.18445775


>> No.18445802

>after the 3th week the whole house smelled like weed.
damn, I'm pretty ignorance about how much weed plants smell. So having one plant growing would stink a lot more than just having a stash under your bed?

>> No.18445810

Bro a stash under your bed can be put in a glass jar or vacuum sealed and you smell nothing

>> No.18445812


Yes, one flowering plant will stink up your entire house.

>> No.18445889

Seeds add too much uncertainty in addition to the time cost. Also for maximum productivity, combining outdoor and indoor seems the way to go if one is already so far to invest in LEDs. Why one harvest if you can have up to 4.

btw, I wouldn't call pruning, pheno selection and occasional attempts at breeding research, and with weed it hardly requires a lab.

>> No.18445900

I don't have a vacuum sealer but it stinks even in a tubberware box, in a shoe box, in a rucksack, in a drawer. lol. It's fine with the Ona block though but after reading replies I think I'll get a filter if I grow

>> No.18445932

>not spending 1k+ a month on electricity

what a fucking dumbass, have fun with your fucking boomer "sun"

>> No.18445955

Maybe? Not that I'm aware of. Maybe up in NorCal, in the boonies, by cartel members, but nobody is getting jacked for a small amount of weed now. It's everywhere. It would be like robbing people at gunpoint for a Big Gulp - sure, it's possible, but not really probable.
It's just another 4chan moralfag trying to scare people from the demon weed. LOL. Which is always funny.

>> No.18445961

Just put it in a glass jar

>> No.18446035

It's "Tupperware". Lay off the bong, Champ.

>> No.18446082

store it in an airtight jar and you wouldnt need those. they are no good for cleaning air.
The extraction system needs to change the air 20x an hour. unless you are venting in the middle of nowhere you need that air free of smells. I would not trust some air fresheners.
carbon filters and/or ozone generator.
no smell. no tell.

>> No.18446142

Varg has really let himself go

>> No.18446272

>unironically hit the bong before typing that
what's so fucking special about glass
I thought TUPPERWARE was airtight though and I literally put it in a box in a box in a bag in a drawer. It's just dank shit niger

>> No.18446301

Hope it becomes legal in the UK after all this shit

>> No.18446367

People are being arrested for tweeting shit, and you expect legal weed? Lower your expectations, you're british.

>> No.18446520
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Oi Oi Oi you got a license for that smile mate?

>> No.18446565

All the time.
>One of your dumb friends tells the local African Americans you have pounds
>Gun gets shoved in your face while you take out the trash one night
>Can't even calls the cops because none of your shit came from legal sources

>> No.18447116

i could grow and sell that shiet but def would never smoke it.

>> No.18447479
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this guy fucks
you are a retard, sungrown has a higher market value amongst connoisseurs if its done right. Have fun with your insane input costs.

>> No.18447580

I have also been robbed at gunpoint for a large amount of weed

>> No.18448389

>You can't shoot people in Massachusetts

It's actually illegal to shoot people there?

Most the rest of you have no idea what you're talking about, from seeds, to indo/outdo, to clones and seeds, and odor control.

>> No.18448437

How do I get seeds? Used alphabay before but then I tried changing my soil pH and they all died

>> No.18448485

There's no stand your ground, retard. It's a duty to retreat state.

Glass doesn't let air seep through and it keeps your weed fresher.

>> No.18448530

Growing and selling a luxury crop is business

>> No.18448574

Smoking it is a massive waste of money for people with not enough patience for even an hour
Buying laced brownies or whatever gay shit is also a waste of money for pansies

Buy the flower and just eat it. Ridiculous money saved, lasts longer and hits harder. Nothing to lose. And its still smokeable if you really want that kind of high, unlike a gummy bear

>> No.18448601

MA is a bad state for anything but personal growing it seems

>> No.18448620

Tupperware is plastic, plastic is porous so it absorbs and releases whatever you put in it.

>> No.18448639

Sounds like having dumb friends was the bad investment

>> No.18449115

That's what you get for not being strapped

>> No.18449311

dont store your weed in plastic you fucking noob. It sucks out the terpenes and dries it out faster.

>> No.18449366

A buddy and I are talking about going into biz with each other. The plan is to buy a plot of land in Colorado and lease/contract that out to a farmer or company. Could we do this if we live out of state? Would we need to get licensed? We're looking about 9-15,000 for an acre or 5

>> No.18449433


Research water rights in Colorado. You might be better off in a state that recently legalized, CO is already saturated, it's no longer an emerging market and has moved onto the consolidation/failure stage for most startups. In a legal environment, growing weed is just another agrobusiness and small farmers always get fucked in agriculture. Good luck to you, it can be fun but you've got to watch the developments as things are changing fast.

>> No.18449437
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I am unironically the best grower on this board. I am a master at growing pot.

I poured all my autism into horticulture since high school. My buds and wax are S rank. Its the only thing I can say Im truly elite at.

>> No.18449457


All that is to say, if you're plan is to landlord you should look to places with low land value not high, and do your diligence to make sure the tenant farmer is solvent because most aren't.

>> No.18449509

I brought the saturated markets up to him, but that's where he is set on. This is a five year plan so we have time. The plan though is to landlord for now. Let the profits if any roll in till we can comfortably make the move to the state to bring things more under thumb once we get licensed.

>> No.18449536

Ideally we'd like to contact it out to an already existing company and avoid start up

>> No.18449612
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every other general on here is speculation, this is wealth creation

>> No.18449638

Do NOT go into a saturated market, unless your intention is to lose money.

>> No.18449679

I've brought up Michigan since its the newest place to legalize. He likes Colorado because its right there snaking in to all the other legal markets. Were still in spitball phase at the moment

>> No.18449680

pls teach me?

>> No.18449702

i live in IL, what plays can I make. I am decently well connected with a local weed baron (plug of plug of plugs) and a few bigger barons in Chicago and CA. i have 5 months before I leave this state. I have room for outdoor growing and indoor. what can ido

>> No.18449719

420chan's fastest board is slower than 4chan's slowest board. There are threads on the front page dated back to 2016

>> No.18449851

Many states are requiring vendors to source in-state anyway. Illinois is one of them.