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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 359 KB, 1200x672, 1_AxXPYPWy-gaevNVmmsF90A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18436937 No.18436937 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you think reality even is linkies!?
we been lurking this board for years now all with the communal goal, being somewhat cult like possessed by this unlikely project that seemed to come out of nowhere with no marketing whatsoever.
And now... We are all facing a immenent total economic destruction.

think about what this means linkies. And I will stress it one more time, what do you think reality even is!?

So here you are, a lost soul disenfranchised by society, staring at this board and link price and projecting all of your hopes and dreams onto it for years.
that we are all collectively doing this is not some random arbitrary fact!

There is a future that has already taken place and we are receiving resonance from it.
Chainlink meming is nothing but a time wave. A future that will happen and is now rippling back to us.
Have you learned nothing about the new physics anons? The world only becomes..WHEN IT IS OBSERVED!

If your life would have not led you to this board and you didn't know anything about chainlink....Then the economic collapse that's coming would've swallowed you whole. And i know you feel it to be true deep down, life would be hellish.
Without link almost all of us would lead an horrible life under the new coming system, it would mean spiritual death for most of us.
We are not some npc's that can just be reprogrammed by our overlords.
We are true souls whose entire collective will is to stay free souls.

And it is through this collective will and disaster that we are facing...that we memed link from ourselves in the future to ourselves now.
That is why the link memes immediately resonated with all of us.
I am deeply convinced of this.

I'll ask you one last time.
What do you think reality even is Linkie?

>> No.18436954

Language is a scam.

>> No.18436995

You sound like a Jason parser, dope head!

>> No.18437012
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i have no fucking idea


>> No.18437017

>>18436549 high iqs and wise anons will understand

>> No.18437174

>no marketing

Sirgay literally posts here, hires shills here and promoted here

>> No.18437407

I have received resonances many times before- visions from another timeline as it approached closer and closer until it finally became a viable potentiality and I could seize it. I know that it is possible. I believe that the human collective unconscious had a very polar decision to make in recent years as the timelines converged upon us. The choice has already been made now and reality is shifting and falling into place around us. ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PROSPERITY!

>> No.18437434


>> No.18437445

a cube is an unfolded cross held by two pillars.
>all road lead to q

>> No.18437449

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18437459

Reality is what I choose to make it.

>> No.18437582

Chainlink mooning will confirm the answer I've been seeking for.
That our lifes are a simulation within a simulation

>> No.18438089
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>what do you think reality even is!?
A fever dream synchronicity kalaedescope cascade
We are hypnotized by light
There is a shape to time
Sometimes within that marble rock, you find a marble statue embedded in its future.

>> No.18438113
File: 62 KB, 762x862, F8F030EE-E881-45F8-864D-48AE5172EA2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a future that has already taken place and we are receiving resonance from it.

>> No.18438126
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Extra comfy

>> No.18438127
File: 1.07 MB, 1102x5300, 1CE27857-3FF1-4B8C-A6F0-BBF4E92949E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink meming is nothing but a time wave. A future that will happen and is now rippling back to us.
>Have you learned nothing about the new physics anons? The world only becomes..WHEN IT IS OBSERVED!

>> No.18438165
File: 113 KB, 1796x1080, A3996A34-16B3-45B9-AF9E-41E8BFA21FE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your life would have not led you to this board and you didn't know anything about chainlink....Then the economic collapse that's coming would've swallowed you whole. And i know you feel it to be true deep down, life would be hellish.
>Without link almost all of us would lead an horrible life under the new coming system, it would mean spiritual death for most of us.
That’s why I shilled it so hard. I knew that if they didn’t grab onto this golden ticket, that they would get swallowed up into the new system that’s coming and they would be slaves without any way of leading a dignified life.

>> No.18438277
File: 191 KB, 1255x605, FA220E8C-C198-4CDC-B9AA-3DF8652D0A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality is what you can get away with
If you can’t get away with it, it ain’t real!

>> No.18438298
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How many linkies for her??

>> No.18438316

0, it's a picture you fgt.

Get some ZANO instead

>> No.18438317
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>> No.18438335
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>> No.18438346
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>> No.18438354
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>> No.18438370
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>> No.18438393
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>> No.18438399

Should we be memeing thoughts back to our past selves to preserve the loop? Am i doing it now?
I always felt like I have tuned into a future self and had that guiding hand was my owm. Maybe i did it through visualising like it was memed?
Do i meme how smart contracts need decentralized connectivity to truly work?
Was I listening back then to what I am thinking now? It seems like it.

>> No.18438412
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>> No.18438433
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>> No.18438448
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>> No.18438466
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>> No.18438489
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>> No.18438492

Reality is what people believe

>> No.18438511
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>> No.18438523
File: 273 KB, 1830x1859, 1559842717877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i dont even remember how i came to /biz/ and invested in LINK and decided to never ever sell a single linky

It was too easy

>> No.18438526
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>> No.18438556
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>> No.18438569
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>> No.18438588
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>> No.18438594

oh no

>> No.18438604
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>> No.18438622
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>> No.18438653

Sorry, I don't listen to nolinkers

>> No.18438707

oh yes

>> No.18438712

he has aids now

>> No.18439146

I wrote that one down.

>> No.18439344

I feel like this comic really encapsulates what Chainlink is all about.
I believe it resonates very deeply with every single one of us. I can imagine we all had very similar experiences with the events so artistically portrayed in this piece. This page in particular oozes a very strong message of what holding Chainlink is truly like.

>> No.18439390
File: 3.35 MB, 3840x2160, 1B5B169B-7140-46D9-9F1C-DA6EC177655F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was I listening back then to what I am thinking now? It seems like it.

>> No.18439807
File: 253 KB, 600x707, 1574142829393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the long term I’m still optimistic and heavily bullish given the sheer memetic force of Link alongside the legitimate use case and need for smart contracts which is being demonstrated by Coronachan’s shut down. Yet in the short term I’m bearish on my prospects of surviving the great shakening we are about to endure, not because I have any fear of selling
>Long live House StrongHodl
But because I’ve been getting regular power surges for over a week now and don’t expect the grid to run reliably for much longer. To make matters worse the rest of my family have been asleep for so long and only just now are recognizing the sheer scale of the catastrophe we are about to face. For starters, I expect that my father and sister will be laid off in the not too distant future, immediately if we lose power. Beyond that I’ve nearly lost them entirely to the Netflix void and they still chide me for attempting to maintain food stocks that last longer than avocadoes and refusing to eat a diet primarily composed of bread.

The nail in the coffin is that none of my family members-direct or extended-will heed my warnings and hedge their investments with viable proportions of crypto or precious metals. While I’m not as prepped as I could be, most of the tasks I’m attending to last minute will provide techno luxuries in an end game scenario since I’m a Burger and made most of the defensive purchases necessary to ward of threats and scavenge/barter with relative assurance that I could hold my own in a 1v1.

>> No.18440148

Blessed be you heart 42.
I feel things are going to get wild soon.

>> No.18440166
File: 93 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be this fucking stupid? Do you believe that the inaugural Smart Contract mega conference being cancelled by a global pandemic and economic shutdown is somehow bullish, or a positive confirmation of the lottery-tier dreams of a bunch of 4chan browsing faggots? Was holding Link for 5-10 years the *actual* intentention of the 1k EOY memes? Go learn a skill and do something with your miserable lives, holy fucking shit.

Pic related, it is Sergay's office in about 5-10 years.

>> No.18440912
File: 5 KB, 185x145, 315D6DBF-BCB2-499D-A609-6885F2971276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. Our lives will never be the same.

>> No.18441323

All is as thinking makes it so.

>> No.18441706 [DELETED] 

hey 42 my freind, a few of us anons from the AMA with a 2017 link buyer started a schizo linkies discord for all things physics , link, and the like. would you be interested in stopping by occasionally to engage with us in discussion? please note that we are not trannies, just truth seekers. many of us are grateful to your contributions to our own understandings.

invitation here - discord dot gg slash fJYEtK

>> No.18441737
File: 269 KB, 429x391, 2EDB6B25-D3B5-43C0-A60B-A309336E6238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate the invite, I only use discord for gaming though.

>> No.18441746

uhhh how do you know?

>> No.18441761
File: 52 KB, 1024x425, 6BD898AE-5A6F-4EEC-B15B-BF4F305EC063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
It’s not easy.

>> No.18441794

based. every time we read words from another person, we're not actually communicating. it's all just fiction. we're forming symbols in our brain based on words that we see; this isn't communication. i have no idea what anyone meant by the words they wrote, only my own interpretation.

>> No.18441817

ahh sad, i respect your decision. i will share with you some of our information dump out of gratitude and all of our collective understanding:













Thank you friend the banter

>> No.18441889

I don't know, anyone who pretends to hasn't got a clue either. I'm certainly not the product of a fluke standing on the edge of a ball earth spinning through a vacuum at millions of miles an hour

>> No.18441891

you don't really know your own interpretation either
but you partially know both others' and your own
you've still got a long way to go friendo

>> No.18441977

I'm interested to join.
Invite is bad though...

>> No.18442796
File: 569 KB, 480x720, AEED1921-9D68-476F-B656-237366D69EBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think reality is like a huge thought form like reality from a huge entity, not sure if it’s the planetary system as a whole, but the stars and the planets have a lot to do with whatever happens in our daily life, almost to say things are predetermined, anyways, I think the moon is like a CD, playing back a movie, every full moon, a movie is downloaded into earth, created or orchestrated by the other side in every cycle, and we’re able to connect to that side every new moon, you can connect this to the mother archetype, I think there’s codes of data in the sun light, and it reflects back to us, and unfolds through time, something like that. To sum up, time consists of fractal moments that can be split up, and it all connects at one point into the future, god is amazing.

>> No.18443044

beautifully put, thank you

>> No.18443213

Crazy how the person who made my life miserable in 2016 was the key to me finding chainlink in 2017. How I always told my friends I would be a millionaire by 30. It was a joke then, but it is becoming all too real. Bless you all and let our energy carry us to the *finish* line!

>> No.18443249


>> No.18443592
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>> No.18443833


>> No.18443867


>> No.18444450

Not a larp but I’m sure some of you will call it that.

In 2012 I was approached on 3rd street and Cresent Heights by a man wearing a turban and called me by my school nickname in napal. It got my attention, I’ve never seen this man before.
I ask do I know you? He tells me I need to call my dad. I asked again who are you? He tells me he is a clairvoyant and my dad was sick. I called my mom and sure enough my dad was at a doctors visit. I hung up and talked to this man for 5 more minutes. He told me I would work in telecommunications, which was way off at the time but 2 yrs later a friend invest in a radio broadcast and asked me to help out. The man also told me I had a gay child which was correct, told me my dads brother committed suicide at 17
Also said I’d live in a geode town.
4 yrs later I moved to a town called Rockville due to a job transfer.
The napal man also said in this town
I’d get tremendous wealth from tickers , triangles ,cubes and links. He used geometry which was weird. I didn’t realize till 2017 that crypto matched these descriptions.
Anyway, I can confirm that a clairvoyant/psychic seen us make it.

>> No.18444547

Based, even if larp.