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18432913 No.18432913 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum seems like a solid platform with an intelligent, involvled community.
What are their goals? Is this where my money should be going?

>> No.18433135

>What are their goals?

world domination

>Is this where my money should be going?


>> No.18433162

They are a mess filled with delays and their last update was an emergency hard fork. Their platform literally crumpled when the corona dump happened and millions were lost in MakerDAO. they are literally a joke at this point with 2017 tech

>> No.18433177

Aren't they just a slightly better BTC? A little faster and cheaper? What sets them apart?

>> No.18433185

t. linker

>> No.18433187


>> No.18433241

DeFi, synthetix will take over and gives more exposure to off-chain assets and many more projects with potential but only the reliable and trustless survives.

>> No.18433272

"Instead of 15 TPS on a single chain, ETH2 will process thousands to tens of thousands of transactions per second (or possibly more) without compromising on decentralization."

Well, there it is. I should be buying ETH.

>> No.18433298

That's it. How many TPS will it be capable of is once 2.0 comes out is key to if it moons

>> No.18433304

I'm going to be investing in the next few days, never owned crypto and it's basically my gamble investment. So far it seems XRP has a better trajectory long term? BTC and ETH seem more like the established gold and silver at this point?

>> No.18433314
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>> No.18433335

It also says there are 3 phases though with the last phase rolling out in 2022. So I'm seeing that ETH won't moon until atleast 2/3rds of the stages are met.
Time to accumulate?

>> No.18433338

xrp is for money transfer and settlements not a store of value

>> No.18433344
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>> No.18433363

can you extrapolate?

>> No.18433384

From my understanding, XRP will be used by big banks to push large amounts of institutional money. I dont see it doing that at 0.20 liquidity so yeah, solid investment. They say XRP is a 4 digit coin. I guess it is projected it reaches 1000. I hold just in case. But keep in mind theres a reason banks are in talks with Ripple and no one else really. Totally different animal that decentralized ones like btc and eth. And 2 different purposes.

>> No.18433441

Yes but why would the twenty cents matter if the supply is in the billions compared to the millions or whatever BTC is at?

>> No.18433449

Ethrereum is dogshit
Even Nick Szabo thinks it's centralized and has an agenda

skip to 1:01:15 in the episode

>> No.18433450

kek for xrp to reach 1k it'll need like $44 Trillions and also even if banks would use it i think they'll just use a private chains not to lose money by ppl shorting in exchanges

>> No.18433472

How the fuck does ETH become decoupled from BTC though? Will there be a period in the near future where btc and everything else crashes hard and all the money leaves btc and goes into eth?

>> No.18433518
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doesn't look very centralized to me

I assume you're going to point at Vitalik and claim that he's a king, but there's actually hundreds of researchers and thousands of developers that have voices

>> No.18433521

Bet on these three Blockchains:


What you can forget is:
Cardano (it will never be finished)
Tron (Chink scam)
IOTA (Full of bugs and they can not deliver what they have promised)
Projects which will die soon because no one develops apps on it are: LISK, BYTOM

NEO and ONT are actively used but you can see these Blockchains as something like Windows Phone and they will fail in the long run as they are just cheap copies of ETH.

You should keep an eye on:
EOS, because of ULTRA. If Ultra is able to bring the gaming industry to blockchain then Ultra/Eos Marketcap will flip BTC as the gaming industry MC (~170 Billion) is higher than BTC.

>> No.18433533


>> No.18433608

That's the question. Gonna be investing soon, been perusing biz for a week or so, CHAIN gets a lot of attention, but I don't really understand it. I think XRP has a simple strategy and promising future considering its banking implications. The banks are wasting millions and spending days in transactional limbo, XRP (or a similar crypto) would eliminate that according to what I've read, so I can see a clear market here. The thing has been around for a while and hasn't done shit, but again it's a gamble play.

>> No.18433636

Many eth slayers have come and gone . Yet eth remains. There is only one . The new king! Long live bitcoin! Long live bitcoin! 32 eth is the suicide stack

>> No.18433686

so you're going to say you are smarter than nick szabo
ok buddy show me something that you know better

>> No.18433752

toss the Cosmos for Nervos
the founder of Cosmos literally cancelled the project for some Jesus stuff, just like trannygate Cardano

Nervos is the real moonshot.
Ultra is a fucking joke.

>> No.18433765

Crypto is dead other than BTC.

BTC is the first and last use case for decentralized ledgers

>> No.18433777

Just imagine everyone with those trump buxx not having to wait for the bank to "verify the deposit" lol Why the hell are the banks so far behind.

>> No.18433799


eth and link is all the world needs

bitcoin is a failed project its time for the flippening.

>> No.18433824

vitalik the boy wonder is treating it like his company. So it's like you're stuck with a CEO who doesn't really like his investors and doesn't care or even align with them economically. He's comfy just working on ETH at a slow pace for the next 5-10 years and although he doesn't like competition, he thinks he's brilliant enough that no one can solve any of blockchain's problems before he can.

>> No.18433838


>> No.18433841


Retarded xrp shill

The xrp token is completely unnecessary as far as ripple labs products go

>> No.18433861

Bitcoin will stay with crypto just like HTML and javascript are still the main crap used for web development. Programmers will understand. Most popular does not necesserally translate to most suitable for its job.

>> No.18433866

I'm just getting into this, can you put that in layman's terms.

>> No.18433889


agreed. I think some people will always view it as a digital gold; i just think it missed its original mission of p2p cash. I don't see any reason why ethereum wouldn't reach a higher market cap though.

>> No.18433990


Store of value increases the value of each coin more than p2p cash would. Increasing the velocity of money doesn't increase its value, demand for holding it does.

Eth is the only other token that might make it, but it is way more inflationary and less secure. So far only thing eth has been good for is ico scams, making shitcoins, and ponzis.

Some defi stuff is the only thing of value on the network, but there may be a future there

>> No.18434376

Have you ever been on Szabo's Twitter?

>> No.18434404

Eth2 is about to change the world. If you’re not accumulating it rn then you can’t be helped. Neck

>> No.18434911

it's not, i'm an eth dev and i can't break in. one of the best. if you're not a core dev, you're not getting defi money. it's recycled money bud

>> No.18435017

Fuck you I lost $15 with this dump

>> No.18435163

why did all the original devs abandon the project after crypto kitties exposed its technical limitation?

>> No.18435175
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ur picture is tiny

>> No.18435196

Yes Vitalik dropping out was a major blow to ETH

OP buy ADA instead

>> No.18435206
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wtf kinda fud is that?

Ethereum devs never cared about the price the have always just kept chugging along.

>> No.18435255

ugh it's you again
I hope you get banned for avatarfagging

>> No.18435288
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is that even a thing? because i have hundreds of Char pics lol

>> No.18435379
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a seldom enforced rule but it's there

>> No.18435623
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lol ima keep that in mind and probably still char post occasionally but at least with original chars. worst that could happen is i am momentarily inconvenienced and have to get a new pass. Also i picked up char posting from 4Chan anyhow.

Thx anon.

>> No.18435636
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lol i just saw Racism outside of /b/

obviously no one gives a shit as long as people are not posting cp

>> No.18435686

Where do I buy Eth2? Or will Eth1 be converted to Eth2? help a brainlet out anons

>> No.18435706
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U can just hold Ethereum there will be a value transfer to move ethereum over when it launches.

or https://prylabs.net/participate if you want to get in early. Keep in mind the test net may restart and change a lot before the main net goes live