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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18429085 No.18429085 [Reply] [Original]

Im so fucking excited its monday tomorrow and cant wait to see it all red

>> No.18429100

god I want to eat her poop

>> No.18429106

I want to eat her meat.

>> No.18429167

god i would rape dat ass you can't even imagine

>> No.18429205

That's a man.

>> No.18429218

Fuck I bet she has the tightest butthole known to man, I'd still love trying to shove my dick up it though.

>> No.18429234


Bro u srs? Havent watched this?
Its all green bro

>> No.18429238
File: 1.78 MB, 480x720, 1536329648429.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18429383

You can find these cheap whores on the side of the road literally every night.

>> No.18429417

Ah yes, which roads specifically?

>> No.18429629

Where you find shit-tier Romanian prostitutes.

>> No.18429652

Holy fuck she's perfect bros

>> No.18429671

omfg i hope she has a cute penis

>> No.18429695

Would finance/10

>> No.18429750

What your sheets sweetie ?

>> No.18429775

lol your puts are fucked dude. Shoulda bought calls and joined the gainz masterrace.

>> No.18429936

doubt it.

>> No.18429958

So fucking weird. This chick is just enjoying a nice day at the beach with her senpai meanwhile some perv is filming her every move. If a guy did that to me I would find the nearest chad and get him to kick his ass.

>> No.18430015

Is it really going to fall tomorrow?

>> No.18430123

what makes you think she didn't ask someone to film her?
we're talking about a world where social media exists.

>> No.18430149

The guy had a website off just creeping on beaches and made a killing. He had hundreds of different women on the site. The entire clip is 8 mins and he did 2 more clips with her on different days with different bikinis.

>> No.18430220

her ass is fake

>> No.18430239


>> No.18430242

Trump wants to deport that AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.18430256
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If you put a penis in her asshole, would you die?

>> No.18430651

it would be extremely painful

>> No.18430857


>> No.18430882

Lol you're going to eat thise words tomorrow. Were in a bear market. Plus the HAPPENING IS AROUND THE CORNER. Don't worry. I'll throw some coin your way after wife sucks my dick. You'll need it the way this economy is going

>> No.18430899



>> No.18430910


>> No.18430931

other 2 clips where?

>> No.18430946

>bathing suit leaves ass hanging out while covering most of the lower back
whats even the point of this

>> No.18431008

I have all 3 clips. The clip of her in the OP and the webm I posted is 8 min. The other 2 were exclusive when his site went paid and 1 is 11 mins and the other 4 mins.

Here’s her Insta (spoiler, it’s pretty shit)

>> No.18431027

You CHOOSE to be a slave. Why? It feels good, that's why. Don't pretend you were ever forced, though.

>> No.18431029

That’s just what’s trend for bikinis. It sits high on the waist and hips so no matter how big or small your ass looks, it will look bigger and nicer.

>> No.18431047

>he did 2 more clips with her on different days with different bikinis.


>> No.18431060
File: 1.12 MB, 1302x1050, Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 8.58.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well post the other 2 clips fag

>> No.18431085

pls add fart sounds to this video thx

>> No.18431142

Id have to upload them. lll see if I can link the first clip in OP in a few or ill upload that one again too. I posted that whole vid a few weeks back for a thread here.

>> No.18431335

he's lying

>> No.18431382

I'm the Anon that gave a link with download key for the first clip a few weeks ago.

>> No.18431394

everyone and their dad knows about the 8 minute video
it's on pornhub ffs
post a cap from one of the other 2 vids

>> No.18431396

find it pls warosu.org/biz/

>> No.18431403


>> No.18431423

Like I said, I'd have to upload them.

>> No.18431445

literally just open one up and post a screenshot

>> No.18431689

ok so upload them

>> No.18431908

Cheers to the end of the road, boys. I came down from my cabin because my wife and kids basically told me to go. we'd been there a month. i can't beleive what a ghost town this place is. People really have cucked. I cant imagine anything re opening after this. Went to wal mart for the first time since this shit kicked off. People were wearing masks. Crazy times my Anons. I miss my kids. fuck my wife. I"m kicking it alone at holiday inn with room service and there still at our fuckin inawoods cabin. haha. i'm such a dick. i blocked her too. i'm scared bros. but cheers anyways <raises his icehouse from his bed at holiday inn>

>> No.18431940

Are you serious? Go back and protect them from the niggers in the woods stalking your cabin. They were just waiting for you to leave

>> No.18432008

She's beautiful, seethe more incel

>> No.18432162

you guys are fucking stupid and getting baited for way too long

>> No.18432327
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