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File: 230 KB, 1125x1644, 51B690B5-8C67-4395-8E24-FAFF7F985816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18419158 No.18419158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a special report from one of the biggest Norwegian newspapers. They even translated it to English


I cant imagine being more cucked than how Trump just carelessly cucked all of America. Fucking low IQ burgers electing conman orange man

>> No.18419198

oh no that sucks please take away all my rights and make me a tool for the state!

>> No.18419258


Europoors coping hard right now I guess. About to buy some more Ocean Protocol with my trumpbux.

>> No.18419286

Oh look a style over substance appeal to emotion propaganda piece designed to undermine American domestic harmony in the middle of a global pandemic. I wonder which bad faith foreign actor ordered this published.

>> No.18419300

Youve been lied to by the most incompetent and dishonest president in history

>> No.18419306

Show your flag.

>> No.18419313
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>This is a special report from one of the biggest Norwegian newspapers. They even translated it to English

lmao the absolute state

>> No.18419331

Im Norwegian retard.

Look, its not just a foreign actor like you master copers want it to be. Your own media is reporting about the false statements by your useless president


>> No.18419345

What is it like to be a Norwegian retard?

>> No.18419348



All of these are listed in the sources of the article posted in the OP.

You americucks might be the most brainwashed betas of the world. How did you go from being the greatest nation to this? Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.18419349

>your own agenda-driven media is trying to make Trump look as bad as possible for partisan gains
Post your paystub.

>> No.18419363

Trump was one of the first to instate travel bans.
The EU even rebuked Trump for banning travel from the EU to the US lmao: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51857462
A week later the EU started instating its own travel bans.

Trump was trying to say positive things on the surface to prevent panic, while implementing harsh measures in the background.
The only cucks are you faggots who fall for the MSM narrative of "hurr Trump's corona response bad".

>> No.18419370

Its fine. We have competent leaders, state subsidized health care, free education.

The freedom machine Norway with the highest social mobility in the world. A nation where the American dream can be achieved. The system is in place, just work hard and you will climb the ladder of society.

Were not cucked like the US where you go bankrupt if you loose your job and need wealthy parents just to get an education LOL

>> No.18419382

Theyre just citing american media outlets retard. Youre too cucked to accept and face reality

>> No.18419388

Look how great that turned out. Youre #1


>> No.18419392

>Theyre just citing american media outlets
Imagine being so absolutely brainwashed you can't even critically analyze this statement and self-reflect on it.

>> No.18419394

this weak bait is all the australians and morning eurofags can muster?

>> No.18419395
File: 150 KB, 721x655, who world health organization no human to human transmission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrrr Trump's corona response bad

>> No.18419400


>media reports negatively on trump
>wow better post this

lmao go back to r/politics/ you fag

>> No.18419402

You're taking all the fun out of my clever observation

>> No.18419407

Theyre triggering Norwegians too if you check out the discussion at the bottom of the article posted in OP. Its all in Norwegian tho.

Sole are complaining that theyre too negative about a leader of another democratic nation. Its quite fun actually. Use Google translate

>> No.18419414

yeh he did alright. no worse than any other western country. complacency and following the advice of the WHO and other 'medical professionals'. massive country, 20000 deaths, whats that like 0.00005% of the total population. not too shabby.

>> No.18419417

Norway isn't on my mind, yet here you are. RENT FREE YOU DUMB NIGGER

>> No.18419422
File: 1.07 MB, 1251x815, nancy pelosi chinatown visit corona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr Trump bad corona

>> No.18419428

>complacency and following the advice of the WHO
Trump at least has the balls to call out the WHO on their bullshit.

>> No.18419449

What did she mean by this?

>> No.18419465

Imagine citing and believing our country's MSM and then go and call other people brainwashed cucks. Most fags on this site here already know MSM is dogshit.

>> No.18419490
File: 691 KB, 941x837, new york mayor bill de blasio very little threat corona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump bad! Corona Trump bad bad! Hurr!!

>> No.18419496

>all these dead americans
guess something good came out of all of this

>> No.18419500
File: 861 KB, 1075x1679, Screenshot_20200412-112242_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how much link do I need for a wife like this?

>> No.18419505

>Youre #1
Actually, #15 in terms of deaths per 1M population.
Below the likes of Luxembourg, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, ...

>> No.18419516

We dont have jack shit you fucking asshole. If you weren't working as a cashier in kiwi you would probably feel how bad our country is.

I pay 50% tax in my income as well as financing abdi and jamal. You are a shitskin so please leave this site and go back to your socialist faggot friends on jodel.

>> No.18419541

You need a few 90% silver Roosevelt dimes

>> No.18419550

Lol get a better job then faggot

Systemet er der for deg din taper. Hele livet har vært der om du bare ville ta det. Ikke skyld på nasjonen for din egen inkompetanse når alle mulighetene har vært gitt til deg gjennom skolesystemet og låneordninger

>> No.18419560

>Useless president
>Still less deaths percentage wise compared to euros
So you’re telling me Americans are better than euros, even with a handicap?

>> No.18419647
File: 1.51 MB, 1351x1076, left wing democrat media minimizing corona covid collage collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr Trump corona baaaaaaad!!

>> No.18419665

I'm guessing these are the "media sources" the Norwegian is citing as proof that orange man bad.

>> No.18419676

>everyone says orange man is bad
>they must all be a part of some conspiracy against the greatest leader of all time

Get a grip

>> No.18419684

Are you going to refute the headlines in >>18419647 ?

Post your fucking paystub or fuck off.

>> No.18419695

I believe if Trump was full on panic mode "the sky is falling" at the beginning of outbreak the whole thing would have passed as a nothingburger and he'd have been made a fool of. Im not a huge fan of his by the way but whole thing is fishy

>> No.18419706

>>they must all be a part of some conspiracy against Trump
Literally yes.
Not like they're hiding it either lol.

>> No.18419739


>> No.18419788

we are actually doing quite well overall across the country. jew york really skewed the statistics. dont know what the fuck happened there.
new york has 160k
new jersey has 50k
the third highest state has like 20k

>> No.18419842

Except he's the best ever.

>> No.18419891
File: 959 KB, 300x169, 1563233524889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The villiage idiot is the best entertainer

>> No.18419943

Billionaire ceo and president of the united states that graduated from a ivy league university

>> No.18419984


imagine your whole platform, the sum of your entire career, ends up being defined by ‘durr i must do the exact OPPOSITE of this big meany man just bc he’s a meany’

>> No.18419996
File: 3.92 MB, 2185x1230, Trump better world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French here.

This whole "ORANGE MAN BAD" because USA didn't manage well makes me laugh. It's again another desperated attempt for the left to try to destroy Trump.

Meanwhile our government fucked up even more. Spain and especially Italy fucked up even more than France.
We all knew about the Wuhan quarantine and we didn't even check people coming from China in airport. Even when Italy started to lock-down, we didn't even check people from Italy in the airport.

>> No.18420111

Success is a 3rd world corrupt enviroment makes it all mean nothing.

>> No.18420122

Kek op wants Biden a literal degenerate pedo instead

>> No.18420140

Literally a second world country

>> No.18420149

I agree, Norway is pretty garbage.