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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18419136 No.18419136 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a minimum wage "essential worker" meanwhile I got furloughed for being in the entertainment industry and am now making double what I would weekly due to unemloyment + $600 extra.

>> No.18419145

Now imagine no one gives a shit

>> No.18419146
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imagine being mocked on the internet just because you’re an ugly wagie

>> No.18419156

imagine dying alone smelling the farts of your own unearned sense of superiority

>> No.18419160

Imagine being a leech. This mark will never leave you. Every homeowner will know you're not safe. Every job will know you're a worthless investment. You will end up homeless, and unable to get any job to improve from that.

>> No.18419166

that sounds like an ideal way to go

>> No.18419167

this is brutal, im kinda going through it right now. neets and people who have been stood down but are partially backstopped by the government arent earning much less than me.

>> No.18419229
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How much more can the wagecuck take. The more you think about it, it's outrageous. I'd be so mad

>> No.18419241

>+ $600 extra

This don't add up, chief

>> No.18419373

Female essential workers have the lowest self esteem and are the easiest to pick up for a fuck.
I think I have fucked 20% of all the woman working in the supermarkets in my area.

>> No.18419438

do you work at a movie theater by any chance. cause I do and I'm in the same boat. getting paid 780 bucks a week to sit on my ass and get drunk all day.

>> No.18419575
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Imagine having to work just so you can live and then dying because you worked.

>> No.18419584


That's the american dream! You just need to work harder

>> No.18419592
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>MUH work is essential for human development (marxsism/liberalism)
The only acceptable social system is slavery based society.

>> No.18419629

It's so funny when they say shit like "LETS TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE THE MODERN DAY HEROS: CASHIERS, DELIVERY DRIVERS ETC" and yet they won't raise the wage lmao since there are thousands of people ready to wage for peanuts even with a virus.

>> No.18419648

Imagine making so little in your day job that a government ''anti starvation check'' is an improvement hahaha

>> No.18419859

Imagine not being essential worker when the economy has totally crashed and unemployment bux are over.