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18413791 No.18413791 [Reply] [Original]

its been almost 1 year since he posted this in telegram
since then he's posted about 10 other inane predictions
its April 11 now, after the genesis upgrade and the BSV halving and nothing has happened

Soooo, what's next for his career?

>> No.18413804

well he said he was going to dump all his BTC when it halves

after that hes dead

>> No.18413818

so the next "prediction" is next month?
what's next after nothing inevitably happens in May?

>> No.18413843 [DELETED] 

BSV and BCH hashpower are falling off the cliff.
In 10-15 years everyone will look back and dont even remember him anymore because 97% crypto e celebs are insignificant Opportunistic con artists

>> No.18413852

He's so cringe worthy. A total, transparent charlatan. How anyone believed him is beyond me. I'm embarrassed I even ever held BSV (and the only reason I did is because the fork resulted in some going to my wallet)

>> No.18413882

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.18413939

Fuck man did I get scammed? How does he know so much about bitcoin yet he's so full of shit? He pointed stuff put that no one else ever did and yet he makes these predictions and claims that make no sense. I'm so confused

>> No.18413946

who knows there is always an other date with sv cucks

>> No.18413969

>How does he know so much about bitcoin
does he now? from what i seen and heard from him his understanding is fundamentally flawed and superficial. at all.

>> No.18413971

look up confidence trick and meditate on the face that you're gullible

>> No.18413981

have you ever met a scam artist/conman in real life?
The way they get you is by telling you the truth 90% of the way and slipping some bs in between that gets you to buy something or make a decision that gets them paid one way or another

t. got scammed in runescape several times

>> No.18413995

>makes prediction thats wrong
"The complete fool, a total ass. Fucking bastard idiot"
>makes prediction thats right
"A genius, the likes of which we rarely see"

if i say enough things, I have a 50% chance of being the biggest simpleton, or gaining a simpleton following.

>> No.18414021

why does this fag only post on weird gay porn sites instead of using Twitter like a normal person?

>> No.18414023

yeah you do. but craig got close to 0% right so far.
which is an achievement in itself i guess.

>> No.18414029

Yea but again he was the only one saying how Bitcoin is opposite of what darknet is and everyone said he was full of shit but u see how everyone changed their tune and now realize that it is. He's the one who said it's a immutable ledger and people were wanting Anon coin which it is not

>> No.18414035

Yeah you got scammed, but don't feel bad. He's really quite a successful conman who has conned many smart people. Now you know. Always be wary of people who act so certain of the world, make grandiose claims, and really know how to play your heart strings while trying to get you to buy something.

>> No.18414066

>and nothing has happened
guess why

>> No.18414091

sirs buy now bsv

>> No.18414093
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somewhat related, have you heard of the mass email scam?

You basically start with a mailing list of a large number of people, say 10,000 people.

Every few weeks you make a price prediction on some asset going up or down, you tell half of the people in your mailing list its going up in the near future and you tell the other half its going down in the near future.

Every time you do this, 50% of the people will believe you made the right call and the other 50% will fuck off.

Do this 10 more times and you have a group of 10 people who believe you can literally tell the future/have insider information/are an absolute genius.

These 10 people will do literally anything you tell them to

Then you tell them to send you money for a business idea and run off with their funds

>> No.18414104


>> No.18414116

But he posted on that forum as Satoshi which was his real account. That p2p site I forget which it was

>> No.18414129

the fuck are you talking about? none of that happened.

>> No.18414319
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Seeing this many corecucks seething on bsv's long dong makes me quite bullish. BitCoin hasnt even pumped properly in months and theyre this triggered about Cregtoshi.

>> No.18414326

so what exactly are you holding for? Is there an upcoming event that will "kill btc" as craig predicted in the past?

>> No.18414334

Yes he did. He kept saying how Bitcoin was an immutable chain with evidence of who paid what. I've watched all his talks since 2017

>> No.18414370

probably plagarising another degree

>> No.18414373

Nour. Now delete and get back to posting creg fud i am still accumulating

>> No.18414385

>with evidence of who paid what
well i seem to remember he very eloquently demonstrated why digital signatures are no proof of identity. so no the blockchain is not evidence of anything but smart contracts fulfilled right and proper and bitcoins rules being fully observed. that's the only thing the blockchain objectively proves.

craig is funny like that he contradicts himself constantly and uses fallacies upon fallacies to try twist facts to support his actual idiocy.
the fact is signatures can be used to prove identity but nobody can prove (aside from you) that you have control over an address unless you fuck up colossally.

>> No.18414459

wellyeah thats fine but what he saying is there is one global ledger that anyone (who wants to) can audit and find and trace all the way back to the origin which is totally not what the darknet would want imo

>> No.18414486

that was obvious to everyone since 2009 satoshi said so in his forum posts. craig is a fucking latecomer gox baby larp.
nobody ever thought seriously that bitcoin transactions are secret seeing how they are all piled on top of a publicly auditable blockchain...
some low iq criminals may have thought the pseudo-anonimity offered by bitcoin in a closed ecosystem is enough and they can get sloppy... they learned the hard way.
you got to try harder than this sv cuck.

>> No.18414510

that's a pretty based scam

>> No.18414589

interesting idea but how do you stop them from bitching about it on internet forums and finding each other?

>> No.18414615


>> No.18414647



>> No.18414764

>But he posted on that forum as Satoshi which was his real account. That p2p site I forget which it was
What p2p site?

>> No.18414833

He's been wrong on everything. EVERYTHING! The dude is full of bs.

>> No.18414893

Honestly if your investing in this man because you believe he is sn your a room temp iq brainlet

>> No.18414910


>> No.18415189
File: 432 KB, 1368x398, tale-of-two-satoshis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful which one you feed

>> No.18415290

not that it matters in who satoshi is mind you, but picking the wrong one will make you misreable and a carwreck of a human being. also beware of self proclaimed bringers of light... remember the old tale about the lightbringer!

>> No.18415304

>Unironically believing in any shitcoin

>> No.18415676
File: 32 KB, 682x163, 1_nhDobXXEv4w2r9WSspxLlw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read the 36 stratagems and you will understand Craig's behavior better

>> No.18416004

>Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman
Next you'll be finding a tweet where he'll claim to be permanently acting like an idiotic incompetent fat alcoholic compulsively-lying conman for the next 30 years.
>ha! fooled you all
plagiaristic fat fraudulent piece of abbo shite

>> No.18416086

>Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman
Jesus fuck that got me good