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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 740 KB, 1024x512, chimeralogo2_orange2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18412810 No.18412810 [Reply] [Original]

Not just another cryptocurrency, Chimera (CMRA) is the world's premier ERC-20 privacy token! Featuring original code and a skilled development team, Chimera seeks to spearhead a new era of crypto privacy, the way it was meant to be traded. Devs work daily, testnet to mainnet use case was completed in just two days. Can't track holders, see transactions, etc. They're currently working on a transaction hider service along with a content-hosting + crypto subscription based website.

Its main goal is to remove the transparency seen in typical Ethereum tokens, effectively eliminating transactions being logged by services such as Etherscan. This is to give token holders the advantage of staying anonymous - the wallet address of token holders cannot be seen by anyone and transactions remain unseen. The max supply of CMRA is 100 million tokens. Only the initial contract creation transaction can be seen. No token transactions or holders can be viewed. To demonstrate, you can see proof of concept on our Etherscan Token Listing: https://etherscan.io/token/0x37737ad7e32ed440c312910cfc4a2e4d52867caf


Trade on ForkDelta:

You can watch for future news and Airdrops at:

>> No.18412812
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Discord Link: fJKqzpY

Phase 1 - Startup



-Website mockup

-Potential investors

-Airdrop discussion

Phase 2 - Product planning

-Airdrop results

-User count results

-Discussion about services + programs offered

-Coin integration with services

-Gathering information from users on desired behavior of systems

Phase 3 - Product development
-'testnet' services for wallet scrambling and content hosting

-Developers will be needed

-Product testing and QA

-Security patching

-Code reviews

>> No.18412830

Explain why this is better than suter this time

>> No.18412892

explain why it isn't

>> No.18412920

lmao, you're the one trying to get people into your crypto

>> No.18412975

how do you know that?

>> No.18412988

because you're posting it on 4chan

>> No.18413014


>> No.18413051


Literally all suterusu can be traced on etherscan,

>> No.18413073

SUTER is the epitome of a chink hustle shitcoin. The fact that anyone places their money unironically in Chinese on this board is a fucking travesty. They’ll be burned like everyone else.
t. dumped on in >5 chinese shitcoins, learned my lesson long ago. Elastos was the final straw.

>> No.18413280

well it looks like the only supporter of suter has now vanished, like how I assume peoples money will if they keep using it.

>> No.18413469

Chimera is just a private token on ethereum. Suter is a private blockchain that is interoperable with all other blockchains
Suterusu isn't live yet and won't be until the fall. Hence it is not privatizing anything.

>> No.18413492

Suter is currently nonfunctional and only being traded on faith, and is 100% traceable. Chimera had its code ready day one.

>> No.18413512
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>> No.18413550


>> No.18413562

Suter has 20 fucking billion coins kek ngmi

>> No.18414269

This going straight to $1 eow

>> No.18415385

Stonk in CIM is likely far more likely to be profitable than this shit coin

>> No.18415458

Most likely pump and dump run by complete retards.
I got out of nowhere banned twice from their discord.
Aparently they are operating at the level of an ementary school gang.

>> No.18415490

Is your name Sour by chance?
Could be why, fren.
Sucks to suck

>> No.18415491
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I'm feeling bullish boys

>> No.18415505

Weird, I was just thinking why there wasn’t a privacy coin on ethereum

>> No.18415510

Some ugly bitch also banned me. They have a tyranny running discord. Anyway, the product is great

>> No.18415518

Imagine not holding any

>> No.18415525


>> No.18415533

Nope. All I did was ask when the airdrop is happening. Some time later I vhecked if somebody replied, boom banned. Don't know what kind of psychos you guys are but that's just teenage gaming group level bullshit.

>> No.18415581

Sucks man. This shit will moon and I also wanted a drop. Where can I buy it? FUCK THR DISCORD BITCH

>> No.18415595

It looks like this thing works. I got a drop and it's not showing up on etherscan or ethplorer. the old bucc coin glitched on ethplorer, this new one doesn't even show up in my wallet balance at all

>> No.18415648

Not worth it. If they are too psycho to run a discord there is no hope they are capable of running a proper project. No project with proper leadership would tolerate some bullshit discord drama. Take your money and run.

>> No.18416021

Sorry you looked like an annoying spammer. Maybe wait more than an hour for your FREE tokens next time.

>> No.18416476

sour grapes

>> No.18416479

sour puss

>> No.18416500

Forkdelta in the OP but you can also use Uniswap

>> No.18416564

wtf biz. the privacy token meme was a fun larp for a minute when we were getting buccaneer for free...but you cunts aren't serious right? you don't actually think private tokens are possible on the ethereal network...right? its not technically possible. just cause your shitcoin doesn't use the standard transfer methods that etherscan logs, doesn't mean your shitcoin is private. every function call is logged to the network and parameters always visible.

>> No.18416620
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You really expected an airdrop?

>> No.18416634

>not just another cryptocurrency
>just another ERC-20 token

inb4 stay poor
inb4 imagine missing out buying btc at $1 and eth at 50 cents.

>> No.18416681
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haha chimera coin shiny shiny

>> No.18416698

the smart contract is shit and you should feel bad OP. just so everyone is aware the address that created this token retains the ability to mint new tokens whenever the fuck they want. in case you didn't already know that this was a shitcoin scam....

>> No.18416742

> you don't actually think private tokens are possible on the ethereal network, right?
Exactly. That's why you need a separate chain - like Suterusu is proposing. It washes the ethereum essentially.

>> No.18416761

there's already way more than 100M tokens minted. this transaction minted 300M tokens.
this is a total shitcoin and an incredibly lazy scam.
ffs biz, do better.

>> No.18416776

Is it possible to think both a chink hustle like suter and this piece of shit are both scams? It’s starting to seem more and more likely.

>> No.18416779

lol moron there were two versions made...

>> No.18416810


the chimera with 300mil is the old tokens that don't have the burning/minting function, the current 100mil does.

only reason why there is so many is because ethereum smart contracts are gay by have a lot of limitations and being permanent after being minted

>> No.18416817

yeah ok, two contracts. dev can still create as many tokens as he pleases whenever the fuck he wants though

def _mint(address _account, uint256 _value) payable:
require calldata.size - 4 >= 64
if _account != 0x4428e12154a97f19a318d7ebcfe526af5e6b72ee:
revert with 0, 'ERC20: mint to the zero address'
_totalSupply += _value
balanceOf[addr(_account)] += _value
log Transfer(
address from=_value,
address to=0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef,
uint256 value=_account)
return 1

>> No.18416828
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>> No.18416858

all token mints/burns are visible as demonstrated in the OP. none are planned however.

>> No.18416867

>chink hustle like suter
What about suter makes you think it is a chink hustle?

>> No.18416878

yeah ok.
>we promise sirs, we won't dump on you if this ever finds a market.

>> No.18416895

lol I see you got rid of the "vizible" after I pointed it out to you, Sanjay. Also - no erc20 is actually private on ethereum. All transactions can be traced even if you can't do it yourself. That's why suter makes another chain.

>> No.18416911

I don't mind novelty shitcoins and ponzis, that's all the whole market is if we're being honest. what I hate though is lazy jeets who think that simply minting a shitcoin is enough to cash in on. you can't pump a shitcoin when the total supply is owned by a poorfag who is looking to cash out on day one. fuck you guys.

>> No.18416916

Another Forkdelta scam? Or just another trashy shitcoin nobody will ever give a fuck about.

This looks like dogshit, anon.

Buy some UND before main net or stay infinitely poor.

>> No.18416934
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*coof coof*


*slice slice*

>> No.18416954 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 1125x565, 32526F15-C4E5-42E8-B69B-5DBEB6294300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she really run the discord?

>> No.18416991

try every etherscan alternative you want, still not traceable

chimera is Proudly Made In the USA

>> No.18417076
File: 1.30 MB, 1078x2054, A640EFD0-412F-4B63-B448-B8A902E9137C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does her butt hole smell like?

>> No.18417086


>> No.18417161

I got mine

>> No.18417185
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lol wtf is suter and why are they so mad at chimera?

>> No.18417191
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>> No.18417524

a pleasant saltiness with a hint of flowery lotion

>> No.18417639

impressive, very nice.

>> No.18417914

10 billion