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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18412483 No.18412483 [Reply] [Original]

Reasons behind the bet:

Stimulus checks starting Monday, throughout the week.

500b Fed pump on Monday

Covid-19 fears decreasing (more cars on road, tons of people outside, non-geriatrics just saying fuck it I rather die than be lockdown.)

Potential 2nd stimulus package to be announced. Expected to be in excess of 2 trillion.

Trump pumping positive thoughts and feeling via social media and news conferences.

Last week, SPY made huge gains after weekend, early in week

Inflation being factored by speculators, causing prices to naturally rise. For instance, SPY 300 in 1 month will be less in value compared to Spy 300 this time last year.

Unemployment payments begin adding the $600 extra fed bux starting week of 4 / 13.

Renters not being evicted, loans not being defaulted, due to payments being postponed and/or discounted at worst; and at best, 100% forgiven. (I think all of you are under valuing how accommodating businesses and bill collectors have been during this time.)

Negative news is experiencing diminishing returns on its effect over the populace. We already know elder and sickly folks will die. We're starting to not care. At this point, it will take 75% of an elementary school to get wiped out in order to cause another massive panic.

At any moment, positive news could be released. IE, economy reopening (Texas already discussing this), a treatment with high success rate and no downsides goes into mass production, curve is flattening, warmer temperatures break people out of winter depressing, etc. . .

My prediction for Monday opening:

Markets will likely remain stable at open. Investors, anxious to get back into the game after long 3 day weekend will just want to make sure that the markets aren't tanking before pumping.

In retrospect, I wish I had purchased SPY 4 / 15 287C options and just spent a bit more. However I'm feeling good that I'll be able to turn a profit here.


>> No.18412504

Before I give you a serious answer, did you copy that from wallstreetbets?

>> No.18412507

>Reddit spacing
>Short title/question title
>Presented bet for scrutiny
Hello WSB tourist

>> No.18412520

> Before I give you a serious answer, did you copy that from wallstreetbets?

No. I originally tried to post it on wallstreetbets but since my account was new it wouldn't let me post.

I wrote this myself.

>> No.18412541

I'm sorry sir, but /biz/ is currently on lockdown due to COVID-19. WSB tourists are not allowed in

>> No.18412544

dude no

>> No.18412549

> I'm sorry sir, but /biz/ is currently on lockdown due to COVID-19. WSB tourists are not allowed in

I come to /biz all the time you fucking degenerate tranny dick sucker.

>> No.18412561
File: 129 KB, 360x360, 1581440019389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inflation being factored by speculators
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.18412598
File: 327 KB, 1280x866, biz guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we've heard that excuse before. We are not opening the gates, so fuck off

>> No.18412620

that's a man

>> No.18412623
File: 127 KB, 637x836, 1585593646750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use that spacing too. nothing wrong with it.

>> No.18412843

i've got a $299 spy cal expiring on monday, so heres hoping.

>> No.18412876

i hate you more than anybody else on /biz/ avatarfag

>> No.18413366

yeah. fallon fox is actually a man, this was well played by OP

>> No.18413519


>> No.18413582

>pretending to be a woman so you can beat the shit out of them
Seems based.

>> No.18414234 [DELETED] 

that's a strong independent woman

>> No.18414920


I wouldn't bet on such a small time frame. If you're bullish, you should buy stocks instead.

>> No.18415754


I agree. But the riskiest bets have the highest payoffs. Need to fight and crawl my way to 25k so I can day trade.

I'm heavily expecting a jump Monday at the least where I may just sell when I get a nice gain on them.

Holding a few thousand dollars worth of options over the 3 day weekend is painful.