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18404758 No.18404758 [Reply] [Original]

Everyday all I think about is not buying bitcoin when it was $40
It was one of the 4chan anons who made a thread too. I wonder if he's a millionaire now.

>> No.18404762

Buy Link for $4

>> No.18404771

2016 was 4 years ago ;_;

>> No.18404790

I thought it was as likely to go down as up at 200. And I didn't like how much competition there was. Never bothered to buy any.

>> No.18404807
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when buying that low you have to resist not selling at 400 (at a measly 900% gain). then you get pissed at yourself when it drops down to 100 ("WHY DIDN'T I SELL").

next time it goes to 300 and starts slowing down you sell.

then it keeps going to 1000 and you'll feel like shit. then it drops to 200 and you get happy. then it's at 20000.

the hardest thing is to take profits... i'm sure he's not a millionaire. he probably only had 25 BTC at most and he probably sold too early.

>> No.18404814
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You think you have it bad faggot.
I heard about it in 2010 and i could have bought 10k for 50$

>> No.18404816

*resist selling at 400

>> No.18404821

This. I was 15 back then and too stupid to consider what the market cap could be in the future.

>> No.18404831

bro I was on /g/ back in 2009 when the fags were arguing if mining was worth it, or more exactly would be worth it in the future since BTC had no price
post ( me included ) though this was just a meme at best and a ponzi at worst, I completely let this shit slip under my radar because I started working full time
in 2017 I went bankrupt and learn that bitcoin was worth FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR ONE COIN, almost killed myself that day

>> No.18404837

you shouldn't feel bad.
all of this is immoral. making money with no risk.

>> No.18404863
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Suppose you bought back then and sold at 19k
How do you cash out? Won't your bank question these millions deposited to your account
And taxes
If you buy a home you get even more
How do you avoid all this kikery
Swiss accounts? Hide in a third world country?

>> No.18404866

Whew. I hope to never go through this. Ignorance is bliss. But on the flip side, anon your next hidden gem may be around the corner. Earliest I remember is being in high school reading Gizmodo back when it was good, they'd throw in a bitcoin article every now and then but I'd usually skip those, being that I didnt even work. Reading on an old palm centro that I found at some point.

>> No.18404881

Well it's counted as long term capital gains. So you end up paying less taxes. It's best to just cash out a few thousand for a tax attorney. Then go from there

>> No.18404885

just pay your taxes and you're fine.
it's still free money.

>> No.18404946
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>anon your next hidden gem may be around the corner.
yeah right ... doesn't matter I'm truing 30 this week and kms on my birthday

>> No.18404992

You should NEVER blame yourself about this, Information asymmetry is a thing and you can't predict the future.

>> No.18405003

You shouldnt kill yourself, think about all those horrible kikes and niggers and muslims ruining the world, you can make your contribution towards stopping them... legally of course, over 30 years blah blah. You get the point.

>> No.18405051



>> No.18405063


Do it anon. There's nothing good in this deadass world.

Suicide is painless

>> No.18405091

thx for the support lol

what do you want me to do ? go on a rampage kill muslims and jews ?
I still have a family an I don't want that shit to fall back on them

>> No.18405098

>How do you cash out?

Unless you bought BTC at the same exchange, you can't cash out. They will suspect that it's from an illegal source and ban your account.

>> No.18405110

money is immoral, all this is is people breaking the cycle of financial domination upon us by the elite

>> No.18405124

The key is to plan to never be out of the market, Im noticing a lot of new websites allow payment in crypto and also theres services starting like bitrefill who allow you to easily buy gift cards you can use, theres a whole range of companies partnered, and then they have this paygarden shit online that allows gift cards to be used for things they arent even meant for, like a home hardware card... so not only are you likely not going to actually need to cash out in the future but you can sell a large amount of your holdings high, and then when it crashes buy low.. like think half decades at this point, were just going into the next huge bullrun.. worst case it takes a couple more years of this crabbing and working up to 20k, but when it starts going 30k, 40k, people will all rush into it again just like when it broke the all ATH after the crash and recovery, it slowly started climbing 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k, 7k, I didnt buy at 300 because it wasnt user friendly enough sums it up but I realized I dun goofd when one day I say it at 8k. By the time I got a phone and bought some it was like 12k, and I bought all the way up to the top, and all the way down without selling. I wasted a lot there but now Ive bought a lot more, I got some LTC for 23$ for example. So the real key is that now you can identify the market cycles, when we break the former ATH we will likely go into a steady increase for a while (with alts outpacing bitcoin by a lot) and then there will be some staggering, and a crash, and then more crashes. The real key is be the fuck out before "more" crashes but dont be baited into a fake top, or just get out when it starts staggering and wait until it drops back down to like 20, 30k I would predict is the bottom of the next cycles crash. In a worst case scenario, wed see BTC about 80k, I think it should go higher but 100k is quite the mental barrier.
Then you rebuy back in, and ride it up again, and you will multiply your stack.

>> No.18405189

paragraphs will make more people bother to read

>> No.18405213

What kind of life is that when you just think about your regrets all the time? Just relax, enjoy what you have. Money probably wouldn't change your life that much.

There will always be more opportunities.

The future never happens; there will always be a future.

>> No.18405230

>Money probably wouldn't change your life that much.
tell that to a homeless guy you fucking retard

>> No.18405254

anybody could have mined over 10k btc back in 09, literally anybody
even selling at 1k that's 10 million
yeah that would have changed my life A LOT

>> No.18405261
File: 1.17 MB, 298x172, nofucksgiven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would a picture, a dense block is all you get, dont read it if you please.

>> No.18405264


>> No.18405268

I was 15 and on a forum called TheBotNet. They would tell me to mine this thing called bitcoin. Googled it and downloaded it, but because I was lazy to set up the miner, I missed out on the biggest opportunity of my life.

>> No.18405282

And we could have killed Hitler when he was a baby. And I could have met Steve Jobs in 1980. And...And...

just shut the fuck up you crying baby

It's not hard to be not homeless, just go to high school, don't get anyone pregnant, and don't do drugs. And be somewhat normal

Homeless people want to be homeless at this point

>> No.18405305

just saying it to help you save time, no point to waste your own time writing stuff that nobody reads. better if you write well so that you don't waste your own time.

>> No.18405310

In addition I'd like to say that if you think Bitcoin was the last chance for an easy 1000x, you're wrong. Chances are something just like bitcoin is being worked on right now, but you and I are just too lazy or shortsighted to see it. There is always opportunity. To wring one's hands over something like bitcoin is silly

>> No.18405344
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>> No.18405353

The big alts are going to be the next huge gainers when btc doesnt scale so well again. BCH, LTC, DASH.

>> No.18405355

you are either underage or retarded

>> No.18405357

LTC $1000 when?

>> No.18405374

When I was 15, I saw an article in a tech magazine about miners using flash drive and as well a link to BTC legacy wallet to store it. I downloaded it, bit after I saw it would take two weeks to sync up an entire blockchain, I just deleted because I wanted to play Call of Duty and I didn't have a patience for it. Fuck...

>> No.18405377

off course there will be other 1000x but it's about the timing
if I mined btc back in 09 I could have been a millionair in my 20s

>> No.18405401
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I'm only seeing a few periods in that monstrosity, and they're mostly towards the end.
I suppose I could slap a bookmark against the screen to fight my way to the bottom of that post, but this is /biz/ so there's only a 2% chance what you wrote will be worth even a skim.

>> No.18405434

LTC will hit 1k, thats only ~3x its former ATH. Typically you get more like 10x former ATH, or more. We could very easily see 3500 LTC next cycle.

>> No.18405451

You people are actually mentally defective and normal people can read it just fine. Sucks to be you.

>> No.18405485

I sleep everyday with a bottle of cyanide pills beside me anon. You're lucky enough not to be born in Brazil.

>> No.18405519


As others have said, the most difficult thing is holding. Even if you’d bought your have sold, tried timing the market, and fucked up.
Buy, hold, wait, have exit plans at certain prices in the way up.
Places like biz twitter and reddit are worthless and will make your hands weak, ignore.
My plan is to cash out investment +/- 100% profit at 50k USD, then sell half my remaining shit after 6 figures slowly during the blow off top.

Don’t forget bitcoin only took 30 days to go from 10k to 20k and only remained over 15k for less than 10 days.

Blow off top timing is difficult, but it should be evident when every fuck is back in the game and saying ‘this time it’s different’. And ‘hyperbitcoinisation’ is comin.

>> No.18405629

oh i know you read it :) it was short and to the point

>> No.18407069
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, Tuxedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what... You'd have left it on mtgox or lost your keys or sold it for 50% profit. Don't delude yourself that you'd be a millionaire too

>> No.18407123

this. you fools thinking you could have just bought $1 bitcoins, stored it safely and securely, and held it until now. you will never make it, i'm afraid.

>> No.18407127

if you are old enough to remember when this site was just jailbait and Satan worshipers, you would know a lot of us mined it. So yes, anons made money. I still have 250 on a fucked hdd

>> No.18407165

you would have sold at $1 anyway

>> No.18407229
File: 17 KB, 509x411, pepe defeated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeless people want to be homeless at this point

you realize most homeless people are mentally ill, right? society has left them behind. also people who aren't mentally ill that fall into homeless become mentally ill due to the social isolation and the hardships of having to survive every day on the streets

almost nobody is homeless because they are lazy. that mindset is more for drifting gypsies and people who live in a van or RV that travel around the country. there's a youtube channel that interviews the homeless and 9/10 times its clear they have mental issues and can't get the help they need.

also the middle class is shrinking every day and the working poor is becoming a bigger minority every day. I wouldn't be surprised if the homeless population doubles in the next generation.

the homeless right now are mostly the mentally ill, followed by addicts, followed by victims of economical hardship. pretty soon the majority of the homeless will be due to a failing economy. you can point your finger at the homeless right now but just remember one day that can be you.

>> No.18407255

Don't fucking remind me. I had an opportunity to buy 1k btc for a hundred bucks but I thought it was a a scam. Thinking about it though I would have most likely spend it all when it hit like 10 or so dollarinos.

>> No.18407285

most people that bought bitcoin for the hell of it sold when it hit the hundreds. very rarely do you find people that bought coins below $50 and sold for 10k or more. If i bought a handful of internet meme coins below $50 and all of a sudden they were worth $500 your damn right i would sell.

>> No.18407296

Why don't you buy a bunch of xmr then?
for cold storage.

>> No.18407315

if you really had 250 bitcoin on fucked hdd you would take that shit to a data recovery center. don't fucking like, you don't have shit on a hard drive

>> No.18407332

I'll be right behind you bro

>> No.18407341

I've been in since 2016. I've met a couple OG's, 2011 and earlier, and they've every single one lost it all to gambling, spending it all, drugs, an hero, etc...

>> No.18407506

Yeah me too man, this one time I was at a store and I could have bought a lottery ticket. I saw that someone won millions of dollars by guessing the numbers:7, 49, 43, 18, 28.

Those are all numbers I know & can count to. Basically I should have been a millionaire

>> No.18407530

the true chad path is to accumulate a whole bunch of it in 2010 when it's a meme and then completely forget you have them until you read the 2017 moon mission when you read a mainstream news article and remember "oh shit I have 5000 of those on my old desktop"

>> No.18407539

>I have $1.5 million on a fucked-up hard drive
>not gonna go recover it or anything though lol
yeah nah cunt

>> No.18407554

this guy is full of shit lol

even having a hard drive with 1 coin is worth the recovery fee, let alone 250 coins

>> No.18407557

Yeah, you're probably right.

>> No.18407581

I was just getting into mining bitcoin for a very short amount of time while back when it was worth less than a penny (finding someone to sell it was kinda hard tho)
I got caught hacking and had to give up everything
By the time I got back into it mining was virtually impossible and I was broke

>> No.18407627

And proceed to spill your spaghetti when you can't remember your key. Truly a Greek tragedy.

>> No.18407818

Plz dont end up in the newspapers.
At least do it passively like spread Corona in tel Aviv or in financial investment buildings if you want to spread some wealthy inheritance and attack the immorals

>> No.18407868

No they aren't.

You have never been homeless.
It would take one hour of talking to the people you see on the streets to find out you how misinformed(you are assuming) you are.

>> No.18407914
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Yup. My CS major roommate tried to get me to put $50 into BTC in late 2009. Magic internet money he said, you'll be rich. I bought a bag of weed instead. He's a neet now just doing fun projects living off his BTC gains. And here I sit, wage cucking 50hrs a week trying to retire early knowing I never will.

>> No.18407971

I literally knew about bitcoin when it was like $.50 cents, in early mid 2011, but I was a retarded 16 year old and my only motivation was to use it to buy drugs on silkroad, which I couldn’t do because I only ever had 0.005 btc I got for free from the bitcoin faucet (still have it, worth like $80 or some shit)
But, I did know a guy who had 1000+ btc at one point but sold ALL of it at the early $100 peak. can’t really blame him

>> No.18407994

Also, does anyone know how I can fucking get into my wallet.dat without downloading the entire bitcoin core client and the literal 250gb blockchain, been putting off for years due to that

>> No.18408510

go back to bed conservative

>> No.18408701

I had money to invest in 2009 and I knew about BTC. I bought gold/silver instead because I fell for the Austrian Economics memes after the housing bubble collapse.

>> No.18408736

I remember trying to buy btc right after pizza day. I was too young, and It was too complicated for me. I quickly gave up.

>> No.18408840
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You missed out on bitcoin
and now you will miss out on Chainlink because you think it's a meme
You are just a never ending failure.

>> No.18409011

Good to know there’s a lot of us in the same boat haha. It’s easy to day dream about perfect scenarios, but I find it useful to remind myself even if I had the initiative to buy/mine btc in the early 2010s I would have spent that shit on drugs and stupid video game purchases. At that point I don’t know what is worse, having a retirement and squandering it on drugs and wow private servers or never having a retirement at all.

Separate thought, the amount of people who have made it from crypto is probably smaller than a lot of us realize