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18401249 No.18401249 [Reply] [Original]

Idena is the most prominent innovation in crypto since MimbleWimble 2016. In a nutshell Idena is a first of it's kind human centric blockchain using a unique type of consensus mechanism called Proof of Person. In brainlet terms Idena validates that behind each identity or online account securing the network is a real person without using kyc of any sort. All you need is a shitty pc and an internet connection. What this means is that we could potentially have a fair and truly decentralized network instead of power centralizing its way into the hands of a few like we're currently seeing with PoW and PoS. The way this is done is by having miners solve a set of ai resistant problems called flips at a designated time periodically. Now for you lazy fucks this could involve waking up at 4:00 am in the morning to make heads or tails of some random assortment of pictures, but the rewards are handsome if you're able to do so. Mining is currently invite only. I'm sure you can find some people in the Telegram group willing to give some out though. This is also currently listed only on qTrade. If anyone is familiar with the exchange they would know Isaac and Eric, the cofounders, are true OGs of the space and are extremely selective about what they list. Additionally Idena's Github is nice and active with plenty of commits and good clean code. Rumor has it that the anon team includes devs from Ethereum which makes sense given Vitalik has shilled the need for this type of consensus in the past.

>> No.18401292


>> No.18401629

No one wants to buy your bags you fucking pajeets

>> No.18401667

fucj u ranjeep

>> No.18402535

2k volume
Yikes my man

>> No.18402560


Th question everyone wants to know is!!

>> No.18402582


Pajeet discord is fudding at full streetshitting force. Bullish af.

>> No.18403209


Never selling Sanjay.

>> No.18403295


>> No.18403406

massive premine + unlocked + anon devs + 4chan shilling after pumping it 10+x on low liquidity exchange = pnd scamcoin

>> No.18403427


>> No.18404401

stop looking at money and realize the potential

>> No.18404418

> most innovative crypto
> whole idea is regular “papiren bitte”
> “we are 870 accounts who can all pretty much prove we’re all unique humans...that’s gotta be worth something to twitter, right?”

>> No.18404427

Serious question to fudders and such: if this gets to 25,000 validated identities, would this change your opinion? What about 100k? 1 million?

Do you not see at all value in a decentralized ledger of unique humans? Or do you think Idena is just shit and is a PnD?

>> No.18404442

Fuck knows if it’s even a PnD or just a kind of mechanical turk to have humans solve captchas for botnets.

>> No.18404465

Why does it have to be a scam though? What if it is a real project?

>> No.18404482

who are the team members? oh w8 its a scam

>> No.18404514

DON'T BUY THIS: The use case, Proof of humanity DOES NOT work. People need to solve a flip at a fixed time to proof they are human. But some people will be working, sleeping or don't have access to the internet at that time, loosing their humanity status and a stake. Also, it is trivial to run two nodes with humanity status, so the use case one node, one ID is not given. NO serious project will use this for important things. Besides of that, it is just a typical PoW coin without anything else to offer. Invitation system is here to create fomo. Anonymous devs have at least 50% of the supply. Really low volume of few thousands total, only buyable on a shady exchange.

>> No.18405035

all least i learned how to set up a vps

>> No.18405074

Because if something could be either a scam or a legit project, it's a scam.

>> No.18405160

>But some people will be working, sleeping or don't have access to the internet at that time
As soon as network reaches ~9500 identities, validation ceremonies will always be scheduled on Saturdays (every 20 or 21 days). And any network growth causes validation to happen rarer and rarer, topping out at once every 3 months.
This doesn't fully solve the problem, but it will help. 100% ability of every single human to participate is not a goal.

>loosing their humanity status and a stake
You lose Human status if you don't show up to three validation sessions in a row, or two if you're Verified. Human can also fail one validation.

>trivial to run two nodes with humanity status
It's trivial to be Verified on two nodes, but not be Human on both, which has greater benefits and is harder to achieve. It's a tradeoff people make, whether they want to run two mediocre identities or one really good one.
Also it's trivial if you're both smart and lucky with the flips you get. Not a given for vast majority of people.

>it is just a typical PoW coin
PoW literally where?

>shady exchange
Because devs didn't even want to be on any exchange until end of 2020, but that exchange listed DNA voluntarily.

Shit arguments, anon. Try harder next time.

>> No.18405700


>> No.18405704
File: 162 KB, 888x1023, FB73DCF7-F23F-4AB1-AA99-AB2E5B488BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh simple POW coin. Fucking loser

>> No.18405722

So the PNK FUD didn’t work and now it’s this eh

>> No.18406611

PNK is a loser coin, there CTO basically proved hes a brainlet. Also i will never film myself to participate in their pajeet network

>> No.18406632

So it will fail like mimble wimble? Got it

>> No.18407814

based shill

>> No.18407819
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1552385500564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is just a typical PoW coin

>> No.18407828

everyone already bought PNK, this is the new pump

>> No.18408070

Worthless coin with a Ponzi invite scheme. I'd dump all my idena and buy zenon literally right fucking now.

>> No.18408100

It’s not a ponzi you gigantic faggot. Your invite rewards stop at your inviter, you don’t gain any rewards from their invites which is what a pyramid scheme actually is (which I’m sure you’re unaware of).

>> No.18408109

idena bros, I did my research and I believe.
please send me and invite coinzaido at protonmail . c o m

>> No.18408282

>Your invite rewards stop at your inviter

Even a worse type of Ponzi you idiot. You deserve getting scammed.

>> No.18408298

What’s up with you guys shilling this clear scam everywhere?

>> No.18408315

>first of it's kind
stopped reading there

>> No.18408758

invite system is not needed.

>> No.18409509

yes it is or else you could try to get your botnets validated

>> No.18410540

>Serious question to fudders and such: if this gets to 25,000 validated identities, would this change your opinion? What about 100k? 1 million?
>Do you not see at all value in a decentralized ledger of unique humans? Or do you think Idena is just shit and is a PnD?
I definitely see the value in the idea, but at this point i think thats all it really is. What are the economics behind holding it?

For example, i think makerdao is a brilliant idea (rune christensen centralization aside). I use it often. I have a cdp, use the dsr, and trade with dai. That being said, i dont own and probably will never own mkr.
Link and eth allow me to stake my coins to process txs for two of what will be the most used networks in the world. What does holding idea get me? Wheres the value?