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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 620x394, atm long line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18402784 No.18402784 [Reply] [Original]

>be me driving home after picking up some Monster
>drive by credit union with really long line at ATM with cars parked and people waiting to get out
>drive by small regional bank up the road also has really long line of cars for atm and teller

Is this how it starts? Will there be a run on cash soon? What does this mean for crypto?

>> No.18402814

I noticed this today too while I was getting a burrito. Two banks within spitting distance and they both had packed drive-thru lanes overflowing out into the street. Never seen either with more than a single car in it ever before.

>> No.18402816

When they all get bored of Netflix and the government checks stop coming

>> No.18402818

Computers aren’t suddenly going to die you spaz. Nobody cares about your made up fantasy stocks

>> No.18402840

Its because banks are only letting like 2 or 3 people in at a time. All those people would normally just be lined up inside the bank

>> No.18402850

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18402858

In the next few weeks.
The unemployment checks were stalled for most americans and this 1200 dollar pittance is going to be eaten up by bills.
No one is going to have a bank account or believe in banks or the stock market.
No one is going to invest, no one is going to save in banks, no one is going into debt for something they simply don't need.
More then a few people is going to start growing their own food or getting into contact with people who grow food and buy it directly.

It's not going to end well for sprawlmart type places or places that wil allow you to purchase luxury goods with an IOU.
Not at all.

>> No.18402863

You're a brainlet if you think this is about people being worried the IT infrastructure won't be there. It's that there'll be a run on physical cash much like toilet paper. And they're worried the bank will be able to payout if it fails.

>> No.18402881

Bank limited my parents to $80 the other day
It wasn't a problem today getting $500 but they are starting to show signs of low supply.

>> No.18402971

So are people gonna lose confidence in the banking system and just flee with their cash? Or is the inflation gonna get so bad that the just need to keep on taking out more and more of it just to keep up. The fact that ATM's only distribute 20's is stupid, at this point the 50 should be the most circulated currency.

>> No.18402995

inflation is not the issue, reserves are.

>> No.18403063

People are already going stir crazy. And they expect people to put up with this for another month or two? Kek let's see how that works out.

>> No.18403169

Anon, the independent body known as the fed has assured us that they can print infinite money for us to spend.

So our plantation dollars are safe.

People will flee with their increasingly meaningless paper and shiny worthless metal pieces because they are fully aware that the banks can take every dime they have and tell them to go fuck themselves when they fold from a shitty investment.

>> No.18403182

what the fuck
I need to exit the system NOW
how much UND to convert 200k USD purchasing power to the new order?

>> No.18403215

>Its because banks are only letting like 2 or 3 people in at a time
This is probably the majority of the issue.
Grocery stores where I live look the same; there's long lines of people waiting outside, but when you go inside the shelves are all stocked fine. Even high demand items like toilet paper are back in-stock.
The lines are just because there are tight restrictions on the number of people in the building to keep it from getting crowded.

>> No.18403385

These anons are correct. Most bank branches have just the drive thru open and the lobby is by appointment only and a limited number of people at a time.

t. Bank employee

>> No.18403417

You saw what happened with the toilet paper. It could easily happen with the banks and ATMs too. If we experience another Lehman event, people are storming the banks en masse.

>> No.18403472

We won't see a bank run. You're just retarded.

>> No.18403512

a bank just flew over my house

>> No.18403521

thats flying not running retard

>> No.18403531

What if it had two really long legs

>> No.18403575
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 36161574_219053545401992_6639411014548848640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18403815

nobody has any cash in the bank to run too lol

>> No.18404244
File: 464 KB, 1324x992, mario 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they keeping social distance in that queue?

>> No.18404317
File: 79 KB, 294x171, fiatisfree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worry about run on bank and fed out of cash
greenspan is rolling in grave