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18400980 No.18400980 [Reply] [Original]

>”I’m going to have to make a decision, and I only hope to God that it’s the right decision,” Mr. Trump said on Friday during his daily news briefing on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 18,000 Americans so far and put more than 16 million out of work. “But I would say without question it’s the biggest decision I’ve ever had to make.”

Trust in God, and trust in Trump!

>> No.18401017

>trust in Trump!
regular IQ level Mutt spotted

>> No.18401028


it's literally just the flu

>> No.18401080

80,000 People died of the flue in 2018

>> No.18401209

yeah let's end the lockdown so we can blow past those amateur numbers
corona-chan just isn't killing people fast enough

>> No.18401345

Hey fuck nuts. It’s not just the flu. It’s not even a similar species of virus. There are more diseases than just the cold, the flu, and AIDS. This particular one happens to be far more contagious and multiply in the body at a higher rate. The reason why people are spreading the disease before they show symptoms is because the virus moves faster than your immune system so by the time you are “getting over it” the virus has already nutted in your eye and moving on to the next piece of shit who thinks this is just the flu.

I work in healthcare and see people get sick and die from this shit. Also I get to explain trumps grabasstic fuck ups to my patients when they ask why there aren’t enough masks/ventilators/ppe/etc. can’t wait until his voter base chokes after licking doorknobs to own the libs.

>> No.18401449


hello r*ddit. it only kills blue state voters because they live in such disgusting shitholes.

>> No.18401500

>This is what libcucks actually believe

>> No.18401536

idk it sounds like he works directly with covid infected patients and you save pictures of anime girls wearing trump hats making dogshit threats on biz. he might be a libcuck but youre definitely a fucking retard.

>> No.18401538

KEK at first i thought this was pasta, and then i realized you were being serious

>> No.18401539

It's proven that it's not even as contagious as the fucking common cold.

It infects randomly and without any rhyme or reason.
There are people out there who were apparently infected for weeks and didn't get anyone else infected evne though they work with hundreds of people.

It's a fucking farce.
The people they claim have covid 19 are just people who are suffering from 5g exposure.

look at the "hotspots" of covid and look at 5g coverage.

>> No.18401593
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>> No.18401603
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>> No.18401767

name ONE person you know that has taken HCQ and it cured them. if you can't then its fake news

>> No.18401897

>look at the "hotspots" of covid and look at 5g coverage.
then look at population density
then kys