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18401293 No.18401293 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18401300
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>> No.18401309
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>> No.18401312

anyone who's intellectually honest can see the point he's most likely trying to make here, especially since the tweet is taken completely out of context

>> No.18401319
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>> No.18401337
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can you answer the other posts I've made

in an intellectually honest way...

>> No.18401338

Not a good look sweaty!

This is incredibly based though

>> No.18401352

logically, he is not wrong

>> No.18401364


>> No.18401374
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virtually identical

>> No.18401380

is saying he fucked a child too prude sounding?

>> No.18401384

t. etherium bagholder

>> No.18401396

Many of them probably are unironically pedos

>> No.18401398

logically, if someone was talking about watching kids being abused isn't a risk on others
I would not invest in their system

Just because the Jewish Talmud says you can molest goy children as young as 3 doesn't make it ok for this to happen in our communities

>> No.18401417

read the tweet again

>> No.18401447

the fact he can compartmentalize his sick obsession as "simple child porn"?

Why is Ethereum saying preteen and was fiction and simple child porn
They have an agenda and it's they're not against that shit.
They're not going to tell you to your face, but they use halfway words and trick niggers like you into defending them

>> No.18401456

since when as anyone referred to media of sexual child abuse as "simple child porn"

mETHeads are absolutely fucking delusional

>> No.18401509


t. pedo shitcoiner

>> No.18401594

Not "simple child porn" you moron, "simple possession". I'm not surprised you can't understand the logic since it appears that you can't even read a simple sentence. He's saying that he could easily argue that "simple possession" of cp imposes no risk on others which is not a difficult position to argue hypothetically.

>> No.18401622

pedo detected

>> No.18401633
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why would someone possess cp?
are you suggesting it just sits in a hard drive and vitalik doesn't watch it and masturbate and think about butt fucking children?

Quit playing this game.
Look at the guy.

If it looks like a pedo, acts like a pedo, talks like a pedo...

>> No.18401647

he co-founded a scam coin based on communism with gavin wood.

>> No.18401666

Its old tweet anyway criticise him and ethereum in a genuine way at least

>> No.18401682


>> No.18401691
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Based OP, let us not forget pic related, the tranny furry dev team. And these braindead ETH bagholders think institutional money will throw into this infinite supply russian scamcoin
rope yourself pedo

>> No.18401694
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>> No.18401700

satan defending ETH lol

the DAO
They shut down all exchanges and rolled back the network

>> No.18401706
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Why are cryptokikes such pedos. Crypto seems like a neat idea, but I can't stand all the degenerates supporting it.

>> No.18401725

It's astounding everyday I see more and more stupid bullshit coming out of ethereum and yet people are so brainwashed into supporting it

It's the absolute dunning kruger effect of I missed out on Bitcoin so I have to be smarter than those people so they put all their chips into a questionable network
Anyone who does real research in this space and doesn't want to scam avoids ETH like the covid

>> No.18401727

I'm not defending eth like i said some of them are probaly are. Theyre also rich and smart and work in cryptography. What the fuck am I gonna do? lol

>> No.18401741
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support bitcoin instead

>> No.18401753

the only people who flock to this technology are the fringe freedom lovers (bitcoin users) and the sick degenerate pedos (ethereum users)

>> No.18401761
File: 59 KB, 1560x916, 21E6F7C3-6B68-4BB3-920D-BACC6FF916E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny furry dev team
>pedophile advocate founder
>russian scam artist, who’s an admitted putin plant
>down over 93% from all time high
>infinite supply
>we need to create more to pay the devs
>devs dump for fiat
Only thing you’ll get on ETH is a rope or a concrete pavement


You lads are quite frankly a joke and a complete laughing stock to institutional money

>> No.18401813
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>buy eth >fud eth

>> No.18401831
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lol FUD thread about cp

smart money knows CP is where the rich people flock. maybe one will get caught every once in a while but the group will remain.

Basically CP is not fud its bullish.

Twisted world we live in lol

>> No.18401858
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The old order is coming to a head with the new
This is our best chance to change the power structure and defend innocent children

I'll do whatever I can to stop Ethereum form succeeding

>> No.18401869

i thought this was bait at first

>> No.18401872

should i sell out of ETH

>> No.18401914

what's bait? these people say these things
why is everything a fucking joke to you.

>> No.18401934
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Ur nutz bro the more things change the more they stay the same. look at all the rich people who gave Epstien money.

you really believe anything will change? stay poor

>> No.18401941

How did they obtain child porn?
>#1 made it/videotaped it themselves
>#2 recieved it from a friend, who recieved it from a friend, who made it/videotaped it themselves
>#3 Found it online on a website that, whether consensually or not, hosts that material for a profit
Or if you're a child diddling retard
>#4 found it on the sidewalk
In which case why fucking pick it up?

You're fucked no matter how many times you slice it.

>> No.18401953

I don't care what you say
I'm taking the hard route because I believe in it.

>> No.18401956

Those who were molested by a gay person when young are disproportionately higher in likelihood both to be gay and to also molest. Your experiences affect and change you. Those who view and get off to child porn are more likely to molest kids or discover that they want to. Thus it should be suppressed.

>> No.18401990

im not saying its a joke. its a joke to use that tweet to say he was defending pedos or whatever. or its dishonest
can you not even discuss it without being labelled a pedo? thats what it seems like to me

but ethereum probably does have tranny devs that are unironic pedos. so does bitcoin. so does monero......

>> No.18402010

bitcoin kicked out the first developer to joke about fucking children
they didn't want to enforce censorship but it was the right call after it was found he wasn't joking

>> No.18402017

Can not change anything if ur poor.

Buy Ethereum and fund a awareness group later. Rich people only do this because they can and do get away with it.

>> No.18402022

based, who is this dude?

>> No.18402042

you're saying jesus should have sold out for some shekels?

>> No.18402052

As someone who has unintentionally stumbled across physicals copies of child porn once I will say it is a fucking surreal experience

>> No.18402060
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>> No.18402066

Tim May the godfather of bitcoin
He was in the group that satoshi dropped the white paper to

>> No.18402077

you're definitely jewish if you have that type of logic

>> No.18402093

possession of lots of specific 1s and 0s harms kids vs inducing known mind altering chemicals to the body and how that might harm those around you.
How those 1s and 0s were recorded might well be criminal. But the 1s and 0s in themselves should not be.
You are making numbers criminal... that is ridiculous. It might be possible to automatically generate AI images that are "illegal" but also criminalize most (all?) numbers.
In a 3x3 pixel grid which combos of pixel on offs are child pron?
In a 4x4 pixel grid which are child porn?
In a 26x26 pixel grid...
In a 128x128 pixel grid... etc etc.
In the library of Babel exists every answer to every question.

Nice psy-op, glow less.

>> No.18402119

this right here is the mental gymnastics ethereum investors have to use

>> No.18402143

This right here is the mental gymnastics of a non ethereum investor.
t. bitcoin maximalist

>> No.18402163

My discussion on bitcoin is mostly technical and politically related
I don't have to spend time explaining why all the top ethereum developers support fucking children and wearing furry outfits

>> No.18402239

stop trying to reason with ethiest. they will go down with their ship just like all the other scam cultist do.

>> No.18402318

This guy was definitely fucked as a kid.

>> No.18402406


Look anon, I hate kid diddlers deeply. But in this day and age you need either money or information to get things moving.
You are not Jesus, he even had to do a few miracles before people started following him. Even after all he went through the Jews still got him, just like they have always done, by getting someone else to do the dirty job while they pay and make plans.

SO what does this mean to you? well you either become rich quick and get some connections and finance groups that support you, OR, you learn how to hack and spy some high level people you can either blackmail into your control or uncover to the world their horrible acts.
But guess what, once they know about you and whatever you plan they will get you either "suicided" or find a way to blackmail you into submission. Thats how they work.

In the big picture it doesn't matter how you get rich. You can ride the wave with them and then backstab them.
Betraying a traitor.

>> No.18402461
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I'm trying to do it the right way and so far it's working
I have enough wealth to live comfortably from bitcoin, but it isn't fun watching society decay from an ivory tower

I'm doing a grass roots community effort to kill them so the foundation is strong and won't be tricked again.
I want to walk in the footsteps of jesus and liberate my people.

>> No.18402533

take you meds schizo

>> No.18402549

you can't gaslight when you're defending child porn in another post
it makes you look schizo
change IPs at least.

>> No.18402620
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>not realizing that all the ethereum developers being commie pedos is already priced in

>> No.18402988
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Praise Vitalik!!!

>> No.18403253
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Bitcoin is the only decentralized consensus