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18399832 No.18399832 [Reply] [Original]

>$6k in the bank
>crypto portfolio currently worth $14k

give it to me straight /biz/, how much of a degenerate gambler am I

>> No.18399848
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also don't make fun of me for being poor

>> No.18399854

lol I have $41 in the bank, 5k in cc debt, and about 11k in crypto

>> No.18399857
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>> No.18399869

I guarantee you the interest on that CC debt is eating any crypto gains away.

>> No.18399886
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have u never watched sam hyde nigger

>> No.18399894

$800 in the bank, $10k cc debt, $50k in crypto. no larp

>> No.18399924
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i have over $370k in crypto, about $5k in the bank, and about $30k in stablecoins waiting to buy the bottom
been here since 2017 though

>> No.18399936

>0 in bank
>$7.9K of crypto ; all-in RSR
will i make it?

>> No.18399939

>I guarantee you the interest on that CC debt is eating any crypto gains away.

>> No.18399954
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god damn i hope so you beautiful bastard

>> No.18399985

12k usd in link
3k in the bank
4.5k in cc debt

>> No.18400020

I have £14 and £3k in crypto, I had 13 BTC once and have been in since 2013, I lost it all, I have lung failure and when I turn blue I will die.

>> No.18400056

£4k in the bank and £3k in a 10x btc short

>> No.18400069

Just pay off your card that intrest is going to kill you and your credit score
>inb4 your a drgenrate and dont need a loan

>> No.18400129

9k bank
1k crypto
2k stonks
>38k federal student loan debt

>> No.18400132
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Then I'd have to sell my crypto

>> No.18400155

Not enough

As I saw another anon say, I went from "I'll just throw $500 into crypto" to "I'll just keep $500 in my bank account".

>> No.18400181


>> No.18400186

>that intrest is going to kill you and your credit score

I don't know for sure that this is true but I feel like there's a good possibility that paying interest actually increases your credit (good goy) score

>> No.18400199

>live pay check to pay check
>unemployed, so no pay check to begin with
>live beyond means with a big mortgage on a nice house I can’t afford
>no savings
>multiple dependents

>ALL IN LINK and various shitcoins
N-new financial elite r-right?

>> No.18400211

Honestly I sold half my crypto last month as I’ll have no money to survive if it dropped like crazy and I feel so empty. I’d rather go broke holding crypto desu, gotta be some condition.

>> No.18400217
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i have $0 in bank
and $20k in crypto

>> No.18400235

this but $14k

>> No.18400251
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>give it to me straight /biz/, how much of a degenerate gambler am I

An extreme degenerate one , you should never let money in a bank.

>> No.18400338


124k in crypto.
No debt.
About 560 euro in my bank lol.

>> No.18400380

£5k in the bank
£2.2k in crypto
£1k in cash in case of bank runs

>> No.18400384

This but EUR

>> No.18400397

I have $0 in crypto because I'm not retarded
$8k in the bank because I'm poor
$5k in XOM RDS.B and SLB because I don't want to be poor forever.

Good investments pay dividends.

>> No.18400485
File: 44 KB, 351x408, Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 6.05.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15k in credit card debt havent paid since 2015.
4k in unemployment fraud i have to pay back
signed up for college just to put the finanical aid into link. in 2018, then dropped out lulz
havent had a job in 3 years except to work a part time job for 6 months to get unemployment.
being sued by wells fargo. for 5k

10k link stack.

fuck i even need credit for? or who cares if they garnish my wages what job i even got ?

>> No.18400491 [DELETED] 

You sound like a jerk.

>> No.18400501

Just don't pay, the govt jews can garnish your wages but not the credit card companies.

>> No.18400517

thats for student loan debt not high interest rate cc debt.
anon holy shit you are a retard

>> No.18400532
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beautiful bastard

>> No.18400542
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I have $150 in the bank and $30K in crypto right now

>> No.18400623

the but 4k

>> No.18400645
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4k in bank
2k in crypto
1k in stocks

seriously considering putting everything I have in bank into stocks. crypto will swing heavy as long as it will exist but some stocks will probably never be this cheap in our lifetime

>> No.18400664
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you a pussy, mang. do somethin with that 6k right now. no excuses

>> No.18400726

30k in the bank
350k in shitcoins lmao

>> No.18400781

2k in the bank, 5k in cc debt, 20k in crypto. Am I gonna make it or am I retarded?

>> No.18400799
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>> No.18400889

Shit, when link was $5 I had $100k worth of link and $20k in my bank account

>> No.18400914

>500$ in bank
>450k in crypto

Its sucks having no money and having money at the same time

>> No.18400936

I only ever keep about $300 in my checking account after paying bills and throw the rest into crypto.

>> No.18400962

>2k bank
>4k debt
>50k crypto (purchased for 6k)

>> No.18401093
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700 in bank
2000 in metals
20k in crytpo

>> No.18401169

you're gonna get fucked when the snp drops off a cliff again. but hey if you can stay solvent you might make some huge gains.

>> No.18402490

Pay off your debt dude. Its worth it

>> No.18403058

$36.41 in the bank
$7k in crypto
Live in my car
Eat once a day at local grocery

>> No.18403067

major degeneracy but that pepe looks like me so you get a pass

>> No.18403101

you have to go back you fuckin retard

>> No.18403173

Bro I got 400k in crypto and 10k in the bank. Relax I’m not even worried.

>> No.18403238

It’s not. The good goy score calculator doesn’t care if you’re paying interest. They want to see you using credit but not too much credit. Make sure the goy can actually pay us moshe. They care about utilization. Let a statement post with ~3-5% of your credit limit each month. Then immediately pay it off before it gathers any interest. That’s the secret

>> No.18403382

I have a million dollars in everything change my mind simp incle derp derp chainlink cummies

>> No.18403642

This is what you should be doing
>t. 20 year old with a 770

>> No.18403652

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

>> No.18403653

>$7k in crypto
Should be a nice round 100 grand eoy. You won't be in your car long fren

>> No.18403763

How does that even apply dumbfuck reddit trash

>> No.18403796

I have $750 in the bank and $30k in crypto lol

>> No.18403845
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>8k in the bank
>150k in crypto

>> No.18403884
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>$3100 in bank
>$18k in CC debt (12k on 0% interest)
>approximately $800k in crypto (all in Link)

No larp. I should have almost $10k by the end of May from doing some extra OT shifts due to Corona making us short handed. Will likely use most of that to lay off any debt that has interest, maybe sell some Link to get rid of it all

>> No.18403907

>~85k in bank
>~650k in crypto

& if I didn't need the money in the bank for a real world investment I'd feel like I was too much in cash

>> No.18403992
File: 20 KB, 759x216, bal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level OP. I'm at 4k in the bank and 180k in crypto.

Pic related, other half is on bybit.

>> No.18404009

I feel you hard there

>> No.18404033

This thread is CRINGE. All you overleveaged retards are about to commit suicide.

>> No.18404038

not enough of one tbqh famalam

>> No.18404055

3k in bank
9k in my broker account
4k in stocks

who else /daytrader/?

>> No.18404062
File: 409 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200411-165216_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14k crypto and about 10k in the bank

Im a cuckold bearfag that sold btc at $5400 and have been waiting to buy back ever since.

>> No.18404068

I'm not larping, -$250 in the bank, $350k in crypto

>> No.18404194

Same but 11k, fuck the banks. Pretty based thread tbdesu

>> No.18404212

>paying back cc debt
You must be new to life

>> No.18404224

300 bank

2500 crypto

520 stocks

>> No.18404227

>85k in bank
>15k in Roth IRA

Should I move it to crypto?

>> No.18404247

>180$ in the bank
>~40k in crypto
u aint shit nigga

>> No.18404276
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$5,000 buried in my backyard
$10,000 in bank
$14,000 in Internet money

>> No.18404299

0 in bank or savings. 5k in crypto.
I come from a poor family

>> No.18404340

holy shit i must be degenerate as fuck.
>$1,000 in the bank
>10,000 LINK in the stink

>> No.18404426

>£1k in the bank after rent and bills
>£235k all in LINK

>> No.18404438

>1k in the bank
>stock portfolio is $70k, from an investment of $50k two weeks ago

>> No.18404460

$11.6k in stocks, $15k in crypto, 1.5k in cash, 10k in line of credit debt.

>> No.18404471

>£44k in the bank
>£44k in chainlink (originally just £10k, bought at $0.45)

>> No.18404485

>26k in bank
>35k in crypto
>6k IRA
>3k silver

feeling somewhat comfy

>> No.18404615


£1350 in the bank
£68,000 crypto portfolio
Job that pays £9/hr

Gambling addiction?

>> No.18404624

Probably most based here. Anything in stocks?

>> No.18404705

No you’re in the right place OP, good job.

>£1,2000 in fiat savings
>£20,000 in crypto

Am I gonna make it by 2030 lads?
Give it to me straight

>> No.18404721
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Forgot pic

>> No.18404776

>7k in the bank
>over 6 figs in crypto
>currently over 20k in a shitcoin ranked in the 500s that I've recently been buying the shit out of

>> No.18404851

Won't be more than £2-300k. I would suggest more eth. £25 link or £50k btc seems less likely than £1k eth.

>> No.18404873
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>12k in fiat fisher price money
>6k in gold and silver
>7k in Ether and LINK
>0 (zero) debt
>0 (zero) gfs

>> No.18404894

You reckon?
Alright thanks mate. Will probably make a move today at some point.

>> No.18404933

which shitcoin?