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File: 659 KB, 1024x768, 1561525812250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18398503 No.18398503 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't know

>> No.18398529

>I don't know
Please explain...

>> No.18398557

When BTC halves in 32 days, Satoshi is going to sell about 1 million BTC, crash it and let the real Bitcoin rise, BSV.

Video related:

>> No.18398600
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>craig wright is unironically satoshi

>> No.18398618
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>> No.18398706

I thought he never actually got access to the trust. Plus if he did, doesn't he have to give 500 million btc to (((kleiman))).

>> No.18398735


>> No.18398789
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>> No.18398835
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>> No.18399029

The trust has requirements to access it, if the requirements are not met, you can not access the trust, even if you wanted. The time has come, and the requirements are met.

>> No.18399038

>the requirements are met

>> No.18399056

In a one month you will see, I was figuratively ahead of time.

>> No.18399119

Why would Satoshi want BTC to lose value in favor of BSV?
Because Craig said it's "Satoshi's Vision?"

Don't you think, that if Craig Wright had access to Satoshi's BTC wallets he'd try to drive the BTC price higher? It's worth 30x what BSV is worth. The only reason he'd want BSV to supplant BTC is if he doesn't actually have any access to Satoshi's BTC.

Think with your brains, sheeple!

>> No.18399162

In one month, we will see? I doubt very much CSW would not have provided evidence to back up his claim if he had it. It's obviously important to him to get fair recognition in the community. Also, what about Kleiman family - don't they get half the coins?

>> No.18399243
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you don't need the tulip trust to do the attack

>> No.18399497
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You can say this image is poetical.

>> No.18399724
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>> No.18399737

If the bonded courier arrived, he failed to notify the court that he now had access

>> No.18399780
File: 56 KB, 720x413, 1579017488793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His goal is not to become rich - he already is rich.

His goal is to scale Bitcoin, which obviously can only be realized through BSV.

>> No.18399797
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>> No.18399815

Damn ok I totally missed this. So he really could be Satoshi? Clown world

>> No.18399914
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No, he just makes up shit like this while being a random guy who just happened to find out about bitcoin.

>> No.18400046

The best part is, that the never-craiggers really thinks that craig makes up all this shit, meanwhile knowing and explaining eveeything so in detail. It's ridiculous that especially nerds in here are against him. Shame on you!

>> No.18400123
File: 837 KB, 781x837, craig wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is when he dumped 15,000 address for kleiman to have to examine and stalled the case by 3 months until this this coming up monday where he is required to give more information that he doesnt have.

that little stunt cause BSV to almost triple in price overnight and all he did was submit a list of public addresses

>> No.18400275
File: 136 KB, 1002x619, leroux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is an informant and a NSA plant.

>> No.18400314

>Attacking something traded on wall street via grayscale

>> No.18400329
File: 255 KB, 1153x985, craig-wright-explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lied, thats proof he lied because he then said he didnt have it afterwards. The news articles pointed this out at the time, then he resorted to muh kenyan fake lawyer which the judge threw out.

>> No.18400340

Of course he is.


Only brainlets haven't figured it out yet, due to retarded shills who are paid to spread disinfo 24/7 like this clown


Why the fuck would he give his private keys away? Are you stupid???? Giving over private keys is giving over total custody of his many billion dollar fortune you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.18400356
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>> No.18400408

Stop siding with BTC or BSV. If you think Bitcoin is what you want to invest in or use for buying shit, then use it because you have a specific reason to.

Not this suck Craig's cock or suck Greg's cock game. Tired of the shills from both sides. Bitcoin is not changing the world like people thought it would. It's not even used the way it was designed for. Whales manipulate wagies daily. Speculative asset is all Bitcoin is.

>> No.18400578

can you read dickbrain? he notified the court he had keys was a headline that trippled BSV's price

then like 3 days later it was confirmed it was a wallet key but a decryption key for a list of public addresses

read both posts and then go neck yourself faggot

>> No.18400676
File: 185 KB, 806x648, TulipTrust_sealed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you write makes any sense.

KYS you little weasel shill

>> No.18400700

haven't you got some more forgeries to make?
I'm looking forward to the ones about this non-existent courier

>> No.18400724

Sir why is the BSV blockchain so slow right now

>> No.18400755

>when the Ira Kleiman case is dismissed..
dream on, you corpulent bag of fraudulent shite
Jesus, even Jimmy fled your vicinity, you toxic piece of fucking garbage

>> No.18400797
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thats funny because Bitcoin and all its derivatives are trash.

XRP is bitcoin 2.0

>> No.18400820

How can this fuckstick call anyone a greedy conman?

>> No.18400921
File: 317 KB, 1218x1631, if_im_not_satoshi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockstream shills are assmad LMFAO

>> No.18400981

Bitcoin is open source, Can anyone point me to a location to where craig write has written any code for bitcoin? Because i can point to you where David schwartz has.


>> No.18400995

>when the Ira Kleiman case is dismissed..
lel. see now, Jimmys a wise man, knows when to head for the hills. Your boy cregs too fat and stupid to have been jiggin in swamps this long. Watching him getting slowly sucked under, now, that's what I call entertainment. Big fucking fun. Fat fucking twat

>> No.18401001

nchain is going to be the east india trading company of the information age

>> No.18401217
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kek look at these assmad clown shills sputtering and floundering to come up with a convincing narrative.¨

Craig wins. You lose. Get fucked.

>> No.18401614

>Craig wins.
the only thing this assclown ever won is 'Most likely to die in jail' award. He's not even very good at fraud

>> No.18401853
File: 214 KB, 721x500, greg_is_fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18401952

any more Twatters of the twat talking crap in 1998 you want to post?
you just proved he's a fat fucking blowhard continually warbling one pile of shite after another. He's simply an embarrassment to himself now - an indelible shitstain on the crypto landscape

>> No.18402987

Why would satoshi act like this? Satoshi created something that one assumes would mirrors the likes of red pilled nick szabo. Not fucking Craig. First name god damn Craig. Cmon.