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18397503 No.18397503 [Reply] [Original]

Are mass graves priced in?

>> No.18397509


>> No.18397542


Yes, did you miss the stock price rally and hold the rally yesterday?

>> No.18397549

Why don't they cremate the bodies?

>> No.18397580
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Can't cremate breathing people.

>> No.18397587

Imagine dying unloved and alone, haha.

Anyway, how is it "resorting" when they are just doing what they always did for decades?

>> No.18397589

Grave plots now cost almost as much as a new car.

>> No.18397590

Cremation isn't really a cultural thing in America. That's the only reason even if cremation is much more practical.

>> No.18397606


Just get a mortgage for your grave lot, Goy.

>> No.18397624

How long can the virus survive in a dead body? What if some groundhog gets hungry and acquires it, spreads it to a cat, and then one of the changs in New York eats the cat and we start this all over again?

>> No.18397631

Mass graves are bullish. That many buyers means demand is high especially if they're willing to share retard!

>> No.18397642

dude what the fuck is really going on

this is just another mass media scare piece, r-right?

>> No.18397643
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>oh no. mass graves sound scary!! the stock market will definitely dump 50% because of this

>> No.18397658

Cremation is much cheaper. I doubt many people are able to afford plots now, especially on the east/west coast.

>> No.18397661

Cremation takes a lot of time and resources per body. You can hardly cremate a few thousand let alone millions of bodies in only a year or two. Even with modern technology. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying.

>> No.18397674

They did this China. I think in the US people would get alot more upset about cremation without family consent. Cremation is cheaper, I dunno.

>> No.18397677

for what purpose?
and in what facility?
a couple guys and a bulldozer requires the least effort.
they're trying to expend the least amount of energy to dispose of these people

>> No.18397693

Priced in bro the us economy is totally healthy right now!

>> No.18397697

>Dig hole
>dump bodies in
>add gasoline

>> No.18397699

Are you retarded?

>> No.18397703

land is limited, especially in New York City

>> No.18397722

>Imagine dying unloved and alone, haha.
You wont have to imagine it.

>> No.18397732
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Absolutely underrated anon.


>> No.18397733

that won't result in a nice tidy pile of ashes, anon.

>> No.18397740

That’s the island in the Bronx where they bury all the people nobody gives a shit about and claims. They been doing this for 100 years and.

>> No.18397742 [DELETED] 

it's fine they are mostly black

>> No.18397762


>> No.18397766

It seems they've buried about 28 people. With a prison population in new york of 51,248 that doesnt seem like too much.

>> No.18397770

>dude what the fuck is really going on

This nothing unusual. People who die at hospitals and don't have their bodies claimed by their families will end up in a mass grave (or maybe have the bodies "donated" to science).

>> No.18397783

Are you guys really this stupid?

The land can still be used after filling the hole back in, it doesn't matter if it was filled in with ashes or with caskets or just a big pile of bodies.
You goons clearly don't even know what Hart Island is.

>> No.18397854

6 million

>> No.18397884


>> No.18397930


>> No.18397972
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Get in, we’re going to make this country great again

>> No.18397986

>tfw you want the market to keep going up but you know the body count will level off eventually

>> No.18398017

those were bathtubs made to clean homeless people you doomer retard

>> No.18398045
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>> No.18398136
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Oh silly, you know.. it's ehm.. heh..i-it's a cultural thing you see

>> No.18398162

What if they just threw them on coal power plants?

>> No.18398196

Imagine the smell.

>> No.18398256

oy shhhhh goy!!!!

>> No.18398281
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You really just need a hot enough oven
Quotas can be stretched by stacking bodies instead of burning coffins

>> No.18398299

Once all cellular metabolism ceases the virus would be dead in a couple days

>> No.18398340

Because Catholics believe their bodies literally go to heaven, stupid.

>> No.18398349


>> No.18398350

oy vey this is very antisemitic
remember the 6 gorillion

>> No.18399482
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>> No.18399511

how to short funeral parlor

>> No.18399521

But, anon, then your shit is haunted and that hurts property values

>> No.18399522

time to invest in Caterpillar and JCB

>> No.18399553

why eben bother putting them in a fancy wooden box?
what a waste. just load them in bulk into a garbage truck or a roll-away dumpster and haul it like cord wood. McFucking liberal bleeding heart SJWs

>> No.18400345
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Of course. It's fundamentally bullish. Mostly the weak die who are likely out of work. Fewer claims for government gibs. Stronger economy.

>> No.18400361
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Just dump 'em in the ocean.
Fuck knows why resources are being wasted like this.

>> No.18400377
File: 267 KB, 1024x1024, jews-holohoax-ovens-coronavirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
