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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18393903 No.18393903 [Reply] [Original]

What was your major?

What do you do for work?

What is your annual income?

What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?

For me,
>what was your major?
Business management, currently half way through an M.S. in Finance. I am also a CFP.

>What do you do for work?
I am a Financial Planner for a large brokerage firm

>What is your annual income?
$115k-$120k per year

>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again.
Definitely would have gone some kinda STEM major. Perhaps engineering or chemistry. I was too busy being a frat star in college to give a shit about the future.

>> No.18394213

>What was your major?

>What do you do for work?
Data Analyst at a bank, 45B in assets to give you an idea.

>What is your annual income?

>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?

I wouldn't change much except that I would have tried a little harder to get into a brand-name university. I just went to the state university and I did exceptionally well which tells me that I could have managed well at a more demanding institution but I missed that boat. Of course, I could now try to get a master's degree from a brand-name university but to do so I would have to stop working, which I'm really against as I like my job and I've gotten used to the lifestyle it affords me so factoring that in my options are getting a masters from a local university again or get it online so I'll probably miss that boat again.

>> No.18394267
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Pincipla fuck you dataminer, but sure

>What was your major?
>What do you do for work?
software dev, sell in a very specific area of ecommerce
>What is your annual income?
I should make 110 this year
>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?

>> No.18394281

Civil Engineering
Power Distribution Engineer
CIA or Fighter Pilot. Not get married

>> No.18394303

>what was your major
I dropped out of high school
>what do you work for
>what is your annual income
My investments vary greatly but my normal 9-5 job, a little over $20k
>what would your career path be
When I was a kid I worked on my grandfathers farm. No one in my family wanted to inherit it, so he was going to give it to me.
He had a heart attack, and then the recession happened. The government fucked us over on top of that by telling us to grow different grapes. It caused a large surplus of grapes that no one actually liked.
In the end I was too young to do all the work on my own, so he had to get rid of the farm.
One day I’d like to own a farm again.

>> No.18394346


>> No.18394376

Id also like to mention that the government said they would pay us any money that we might lose growing the new grapes, but when the recession hit the government said that saving wine production isn’t a necessity, unlike meat & grain production.
I will forever fucking hate the federal government

>> No.18394384

Fuck off glow nigger

>> No.18394386
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>Mechanical Engineering

>> No.18394396

We pay 1.29 now just in gas taxes

>> No.18394410

Data harvesting thread, do not respond anons

>> No.18394417

how do you make 200k as a dropout?

>> No.18394431

you gotta be pretty retarded to major in philosophy

>> No.18394456



I don't, I own multiple businesses

Varies, but last year I did about $150k and rolled it all back into the company to pay zero taxes

>Do it all over again?
Youtuber/streamer and use the huge income from that to start/grow my current businesses faster and be even richer!

>> No.18394460

I said 20k lul
Also I’ve been offered $18 an hour once roofing season starts (rebuilding roofs)
I think I’m going to take up that offer.
I’m relatively new to investing in stocks, so far I’ve been making a steady $50 a day on average. A normal 9-5 shift is $98 before taxes. So I’m making about $30k a year at this rate.

>> No.18394470

ah, a trade

>> No.18394479

>What was your major?
Just high school
>What do you do for work?
Meter tech for small electric company
>What is your annual income?
82k base, ~100k depending on overtime
>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?
This is pretty comfy, I don't really do anything. Probably keep this.

>> No.18394486

Are you willing to tell about your businesses?

>> No.18394517

Roofing is lucrative but look for something better to move on to once you've acquired some marketable skills. The trade is really rough on your body and unless you like working around grugs all the time, the people can get on your nerves very quickly.

>> No.18394534

> What was your major?
Software Development (Trade School Program)

> What do you do for work?
Software Engineering (GoLang, Python, and BASH primarily used at current job day to day)

> What is your annual income?
$116,000-$150,000 a year depending on side work.

> What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?
Don't know that I would change anything, I really like working with computers.

>> No.18394537

yeah. I know this is going to sound boomer as fuck, but I’m a very pro-American investor. I don’t invest in crypto memes, I don’t invest in foreign companies. I also refuse to invest in American companies that suck up to China.

>> No.18394550

>What was your major?
Computer Science
>What do you do for work?
Junior Developer/Support on a piece of vital records software
>What is your annual income?
50,000 leafbux
>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?
I would go to my local university, get a higher GPA and get internships at US companies.

>> No.18394559

ngmi with that attitude

>> No.18394560

its not a smart investment to invest in china. I mean, if we make it out of this situation okay (which i'm not completely sure we'll be able to do) china is gonna get fucked internationally. We're already now seeing tons of countries pull out of china. This entire thing could have destroyed the future of china.

>> No.18394564

>What was your major?
>What do you do for work?
Any job I want
>What is your annual income?
300k starting income
>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?

>> No.18394567
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>What was your major?
I dropped out of uni.
>What do you do for work?
>What is your annual income?
I don't even know. 30k a year maybe?
>What would your career path be if you could do it all over again?
Probably just join the family businesses. There's still time for that I think, 22 isn't boomer tier just yet.

>> No.18394574

There is absolutely no reason he should tell you about how he makes 150k rolled back into his companies to pay zero taxes.
He would only invite imitators, potential competition, and/or people with bad intentions.
Loser. Fuck you.

>> No.18394621

That’s all boiler plate S corp stuff. Not a secret.

>> No.18394651

>political science
>id join the air force at 17

I've never made more than 16/hr doing retail bullshit that essentially amounts to stocking shelves. my value to society has been a warm body that can move things in ways that haven't been automated by robotic dexterity.

>> No.18394673

Almost like me
>uni drop out/chemE
>varies but I try to keep it under 45k and put the rest into depreciable “farm assets”
>I wouldn’t have gone to college if I could do it all over again

>> No.18394740

I majored in mech e and dropped out because I hated it (got an internship and that broke the camel's back). The grass is always greener on the other side anon. On the plus side, you could start your own crypto and become ceo.