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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 221x228, brave browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18389866 No.18389866 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of switching to the brave browser cause why not ?
What are some reasons not to ?
How much money can I expect after using it for a year with ads (Probably peanuts but anything over $50 seems worth it)?

>> No.18389877

yes but this belongs on



>> No.18389907

Depends how much you use it. Also, buy BAT.

>> No.18389908

How im asking, how many BAT tokens I can get from this

>> No.18389910

Don't use it to 'make money'.
Unless you run a website or other platform you can run refferal links on or are that popular people are willing to tip you you will barely make cents.

I use it because it's a genuinely good browser and because I set up all my devices and those of my girlfriend and mother to use Brave through my referral code. So every other month I delete Brave from their devices and click my own referral again. Seems to work for now.

>> No.18389912

fucking retard

>> No.18389916

Id use it 2-3 hrs a day

>> No.18389955


Lad, I switched over to it yesterday....... It's really easy. I found an option where you can import all of your passwords, search history and bookmarks etc from your old browser such as mozilla firefox.

>> No.18389969


>> No.18389970

I would just use it because it is in opposition to the new world order and doesn't steal data etc. Its just better. Get used to using it, also the growing alternative platforms when they gain speed over places like youtube.

>> No.18389989

I've been using my rewards program for 3 days and have already accumulated .41 cents doing everything I normally do. It's a free video game every month at the rate I'm going doing the same thing I've always done. I don't even see the adds except in my notifications in microsoft notifications, and even then I just clear it

>> No.18390017

is bat a stable coin?

>> No.18390045

It tends to follow BTC around. Though you could argue that since it's based around a project that people actually like to use, and do use, increasingly so, it has more staying power.

>> No.18390050

That's 8 dollars per month.
Sure if you're frugal that might mean something to you.

>> No.18390080


Based, but also kinda cringe

>> No.18390119

Its an ok browser in that it has decent defaults and decent privacy. Though its entire crypto premise is a sham in that it relies on a third party that requires passport/id etc to withdraw. If anyone decent were to ever challenge them on their concept they would lose quickly.

>> No.18390142

no reason not to use it. earns you BAT on the side

>> No.18390144

>literally made to give people more personalized targeted ads
>doesn’t hide fingerprint even when using ToR
>slow and buggy
If you wanna get paid pennies a week in shit tokens to use this trash, then Brave is the browser for you

>> No.18390152

no, we at /g/ are sick of the brave shills

>> No.18390156

Oh you want to withdraw? Please give me your address, social security number, the names and numbers of everyone you've ever met and 3 photos of your dick.
What do you mean no? Guess you watched those ads for nothing cuck.

>> No.18390164

Can't get this shit to connect to Uniswap so I can buy some fucking Kleros NOW.

>> No.18390193

did not watch any ads, you dont even have to click them..

>> No.18390257

I've got this feeling, somewhere in the cockle area, possibly the lower cockles, that BAT is going to be used on Reddit soon in lieu of all their bullshit coins that nobody wants.

>> No.18390259

Good to learn about Brave wallet integration ith BAT, several crypto initiatives are in line as DEFI a good example of this will be FInnexus

>> No.18390370

I'm honestly surprised Google hasn't already dev'd something to fill-in Chrome.

How is it's Tor function unsafe?

>> No.18390830

It's the exact same thing as using Chrome except it has more security features in it. 8 months over a year is 88 dollars which can pay for a phone bill, a video game and some dlc, a bunch of pizzas, food, etc... It's just getting paid to do what you did before. Frugal or not why would you object to free money, it's not like you're losing an opportunity cost

>> No.18390903

Been using BAT since i saw OGN partnered with them. So far so good

>> No.18390939

I use it, it's a solid browser for the most part, although it'll start to shit the bed if you have more than 100 tabs open. Aside from that it runs great

>> No.18391138

In which case why would I not just use ungoogled chromium, set good privacy settings and use an ad block? At least chromium doesn't pretend its paying me

>> No.18391153

I you are a cuck that let's your brain get force-fed ads like cattle, a couple like 0.1 per ad you waste real time on. Otherwise none. It's still a good browser though.

>> No.18391192


Worth it.

I get like 10$ a month on desktop and 5$ a month on my phone.

It's a legitimate project. I trust Brendon Eich he was CEO of firefox and did Netscape before that. Dude knows his shit, has a trust worthy reputation and he hates fags.

Imho idk why Brave isn't already the default browser for 4chan users.

>> No.18391218

>What are some reasons not to ?
it burned through all the data on my phone. 7gigs for one day of browsing /lit/his/tv/fit/g/biz. i wish i were making it up because no one else has had this problem.

>> No.18391222
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200406-062201_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It adds up to actual money that you can Uniswap into Ethereum or just redeem for Amazon gift cards.

Plus its 100% transparent you can see how much the advertisers had to pay in BAT to show you ads. It's a circular economy >>18389866

>> No.18391250

The answer is no. That pajeet here even hesitated to give you a straight answer should say something.

>> No.18391257


Ya I believe you. The reddit support forums are full of random bugs.

I looked at their git and it's full of pull requests. Looks like they are constantly fixing things but it's still not quite 100% reliable.

Works for me at least though

>> No.18391272
File: 24 KB, 911x144, brave_cat_why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know why it always opens cat with it ??

>> No.18391275


Binance holds so much BAT we can just assume they control the price. Still a real project I would have preferred it if they just used plain Ethereum however or dai

>> No.18391306

The question was "Is BAT a stable coin." A stable coin doesn't change value, its use case is based around not changing value as other cryptos do. So no it is not a stable coin.

>> No.18391415

>Don't use it to make money
>Every other month I click my own referral again
Absolute state of biz

>> No.18391445

He is going to get dumped on.

They shadow ban those people so they waste time loading up on imaginary BAT they can never withdrawal.

You should see the Russian bot farmers tears on the BAT reddit. They spend like a year only to find out its impossible to withdraw it ever.

>> No.18391478

Why are people obsessed with ruining good things? Either way I'm glad they factored that into the system design

>> No.18391498

is there a way to withdraw BAT from the browser without the kyc bullshit? like donating it to your account on reddit or something?

>> No.18391540

You're both retarded.
I said don't use it to 'make money' on ads alone, but if you have a website or scam referrals you can make a few bucks.
And what is this retarded "can't withdraw" meme? I take all my BATs out every month and transfer them to my Coinbase where I do whatever the fuck I want with it.

>> No.18391604

>he hates fags.
should've led with that

>> No.18391655

How do you guys earn so much? I get about $2 per month.

>> No.18391765

Well that’s that I guess. Been using it a week and want to like it but always felt it was a sham. Says it’s saved me so many minutes but theres times it takes forever to load ti the point where Ill open up another browser and page will load faster. I know for a fact it’s costing me minutes versus saving me minutes. Also, the BAT withdraw method is kind of gay. Would have been easier to be able to send have it send you BAT from their wallet to yours versus signing up for exchange

>> No.18391884

settings turn it to 5 ads per hour

>> No.18392071

10$ a month on my desktop and 5$ a month on my phone isn't bad. I would consider that making money for little effort

>> No.18392083

Because its a botnet

>> No.18392117
File: 43 KB, 474x612, 1586109460320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol ya Brendon Eich got a lot of shit from SJW's because someone found out he donated to a anti gay marriage campaign.

It pretty much was such a big deal he had to step down from running Firfox.

I think that is bullshit. He did a great job and his political disposition is none of anyone's business.

His revenge will be brave browser. We should pump it like we pumped trump just to get back at the SJW jews

>> No.18392246

I have earned over $150 so far and have given more to random streamers and companies than I have before brave. Pretty based browser so far.

>> No.18392255

It's a good browser and it pays you $10 a month to use it, why not?

>> No.18392261

you wont get much. maybe $2-3 bucks a month with heavy use

>> No.18392552


It pays you the advertising revenue without data farming and selling ur into. It keeps all ur targeted advertising data on you computer and never sends it to data aggregators do you can receive targeted ads without giving anything away.

Its basically the holy web browser from the promised land.

>> No.18392561
File: 536 KB, 689x450, 1586096047886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where do you live india?

I get 15$ a month in the USA

>> No.18392593


They kicked him out of a company he helped build out of his political beliefs.

I bet he was like wow fuck this whole industry. How do I made a web browser that destroys it? Thus brave was born

>> No.18392643


>> No.18392918


>> No.18392949

Nothing motivates like spite

>> No.18393031

>bRendon EICH

>> No.18393286

I use it to browse this shit site at work.