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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18391231 No.18391231 [Reply] [Original]

This is a lot more than I thought it would be...


I’m currently in the market for my first house, so I’m not feeling bad about it.

>> No.18391248

Somehow this is bullish.
I think stocks move depending on how billionaires are feeling.
Also landlords btfo. This should reduce billionaire profits shouldn't it?
So in a way billionaires should feel the heat but they keep buying stocks.

>> No.18391255

I've already resorted to camping and getting a hotel room 2-3 nights a week. Most long term hotel stays only run about $1400 a month, cheaper than most rents and you get a ton of free amenities with it plus free utilities.

>> No.18391280


>> No.18391288

Can't pay is fair enough, but adding "won't pay" make you sound like some entitled zoomer and only reduce sympathy for the "cause". No need to act outraged at accepting a contract. This shit will only make people sceptical of your actual reasons to not pay.

>> No.18391292

housing crash incoming

>> No.18391311

18% of Americans don’t pay rent when it’s due normally, so not as big of a jump as you think

>> No.18391316

People should have had money to pay this months rent. It's next month's which could be questionable. And nothing is fucking open so where are they spending their money. The people with no jobs are getting unemployment. Why the fuck can't they pay rent? Fuck the government for entitling these worthless faggots

>> No.18391405
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Ya I am a pure capitalist and I gate these gibs.

Why the fuck should I pay rent if worthless entitled shits do not have to.

At some point I will stop paying rent even through I can afford it. As a capitalist I need incentive to pay rent so if they don't start kicking these worthless shits out on the street to starve I might as well not get cucked either.

It's a sad state of affairs frens. I just want to live in a world where poor people starve to death so they can no longer breed and create more sad poor people.

>> No.18391408


>> No.18391471

And yet the markets win't stop skyrocketing.
very very queer.

>> No.18391652

>18% of Americans don’t pay rent when it’s due normally, so not as big of a jump as you think
Nearly doubles. Not as big of a jump as you think anon.

>> No.18391670
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>haha me not pay rent
>Landlord: *sells property*

>> No.18391677
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All my tenants paid this month. Of course, I only rent to upstanding whites

>> No.18391686

That's what landlord insurance is for

>> No.18391711

>The people with no jobs are getting unemployment.
It normally takes six weeks for an unemployment claim to be processed, probably longer now that all UI systems are overloaded with claims. So it makes perfect sense why nobody would be able to pay rent now. They won't be getting any money until the middle of May.

>> No.18391738

imma tryina sell an old house for two years, nobody but greedy companies buying rn

>> No.18391784

>thinks non-fungible assets can easily be sold

>> No.18391826

Will you not sell to a company?

>> No.18391839

Sounds like the commies just handed 33%+ of American real estate directly to Citibank et al. Way to go comrades!

>> No.18391854


>> No.18391869

>no physical stores are open
>how are people spending money?
really makes you think...

>> No.18391887
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>Can pay
>Won't pay

>> No.18391921

We need to abolish private ownership of rental property like apartments/communities in favor of direct ownership by the tenants. Collectivization will set us free. Eliminate the middleman.

>> No.18391934

they pay quickly, but less
want a bit more, so I hodl

>> No.18391941

hmm pretty good point

>> No.18391944

That already exists. Get a bunch of people together, pool your money and take out a loan to buy an apartment complex. Then live in it.

>> No.18391973
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>muh contract
Do not pay landlords if you don’t have to.

It’s not enough to just “be able to do it”.
It needs to be the norm. The landlord class should not exist.

>> No.18391984

They are just going to buy the shit banks and billionaire
They think we won't do anything about it

>> No.18391987

based gentlemen

>> No.18392054
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>I am a pure capitalist

>> No.18392066


>he's a tripfag
>and a socialist chapotard poster

Literally kill yourself

>> No.18392072

Your missing bank schlomo with the keys to the lambo and repo papers to the right.

>> No.18392075

They do pay quickly. I sold one of my places to a developer when they offered twice what i paid for it. They rehabbed and flipped it. Don’t regret it at all though. Invested profits.

>> No.18392105

And they wouldn’t if you fags knew how to buy property. But that takes work and planning.

>> No.18392135 [DELETED] 

Sir keep /g/ autismo on >>>/g/

>> No.18392141

Wait buddy. Give it a year or longer. Homes will be dirt cheap.

>> No.18392144

>post picture of things that don't exist under communism

>> No.18392163

sounds like a good deal
we are selling a 30 yo family property, but our 3rd world shithole cuntry we live changed its currency 4 times in this period, so its quite hard to keep track of the profit margin
we are not in a hurry too

>> No.18392190

I’m a syndicalist you retard. Stop assuming people are communists just because they don’t buy into your bullshit.

>And they wouldn’t if you fags knew how to buy property. But that takes work and planning.
You realize syndicalized businesses have been done before right? And that’s not an argument. You didn’t even try to dispute why it wouldn’t work.

>> No.18392293

This. I'm staying in a beach rental, $1200 everything included. Trash pickup, plowing in the winter. No beach tourists because of virus. It's actually rather nice

>> No.18392341

You realize squatters can still squat even if the property is sold?

>> No.18392429

To fucking who? Other landlords will also be out money so they won't want to expand the number of houses they own either.

>> No.18392492

>i am pure capitalist
>nazi pepe
Larping this hard

>> No.18392511

Yep, landlordism only works because tenants ars forced to pay for owners' enforcement via taxation. If property enforcement weren't subsidized this form of paracitism would be cost prohibitive. Even ancaps are supposed to be against private gains/socialized lossex.

>> No.18392551

>I’m a syndicalist you retard
A good reason to off yourself

>> No.18392650
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You are absolutely wrong. Tenament housing predates police enforcement by thousands of years. The police state is mostly of benefit to tenants (as long as it is ultimately beneficial to the political elite), who would be forcebly expelled immediately upon non payment if the landlord felt like it

>> No.18392676


Areas with the highest property taxes tend to have some of the most pro-tenant policies. The tradeoff is that your housing is prohibitively expensive now thanks to said taxes/overregulation so congratulations!

Areas with low gov involvement/enforcement of landlord/tenant rights and law are also much cheaper. Turns out it pays off to be a responsible tenant.

>> No.18392683

Why not? I enjoy renting. I don’t want to live in my current location indefinitely. Why would I buy property here? Landlord has something I temporarily want and I pay him to use it. It’s alright.

>> No.18392685

Just put your rent on credit Goyim

>> No.18392707

Never said it wouldn’t work. But for it to work you have to stop talking and start doing. How many people you got right now willing to put up the money to buy an apartment? Have you found a suitable location? Do you have a contract written up?

>> No.18392791

I am so fucking glad that because of my abysmal social skills I deiced against investing my 2017 Ethereum $$$ in rental properties because I was scared of dealing with tenants.

>> No.18392802

Want to know why rents are high? The person who can pay $1500 a month is less of a risk the the person who can only pay $500.

>> No.18392817

>pushing up prices for an arbitrary reason like this

>> No.18393024

Risk management is not arbitrary it’s just reactionary. If it were easy to kick out dead beat renters then the risk would be lower and people would target that market. The incentive would be that to charge $1500 and up you have to invest in lots of extras. I encourage you to try it sometime. Buy a place and rent it for $500 a month and see what happens.

>> No.18393029

>Renters refuse to pay rent
>Get enabled by SJWs, commies, and government
>Nobody wants to landlord now or risk in real-estate leasing skyrockets, driving up rent
These retards are all going to wonder why they end up homeless or under a slumlord, but hey at least you got to skip rent for a quarter before the consequences kicked in.

>> No.18393077

>he has an empire of income properties that produce no income

just raise rent to $20k per month on your shitbox duplex einstein

>> No.18393217

That's what my post implies but your reading comprehension is toddler-tier.

>> No.18393264
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I’m aware of why you do it.
I’m aware that it works.

I’m aware that you’re acting in your own self interest, which is what all economic classes are compelled to do. But I’m also aware that your actions cause the poorest members of society to go homeless. And that cannot stand. Parasitic leech, sucking blood like a vampire.

>> No.18393294

that's a really shitty thing to say, anon

>> No.18393367
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>> No.18393378

Well hello /leftypol/

>> No.18393404

A person who has become homeless has a long list of screw ups and burning bridges in their wake. It is not my responsibility to help pick up the pieces of their failed lives. My family is my responsibility and that’s it.

>> No.18393514

Not an argument.

>My family is my responsibility and that’s it.
You can take care of them by getting a real job, either way, I do not care about you or what happens to you in the hypothetical reality where your property is seized. Liquidating the landlords as a class in favor of collective ownership would benefit society and the proletariat. I care about the proletariat, not petty bourgeois like you. Labor creates value. You do not contribute labor.

You are just a parasite class in society that has zero value.

>A person who has become homeless has a long list of screw ups and burning bridges in their wake
Yes, like mental illness and disabilities (the main reason why people go homeless)

>> No.18393546

>A person who has become homeless has a long list of screw ups and burning bridges in their wake.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with what you have already admitted to>>18392802

>> No.18393600


>> No.18393631

>My family is my responsibility and that’s it.
Of course, you are working in your own economic self interest. And it is in the economic self interest of everyone else that the state seizes your property and redistributes it.

>> No.18393655

This isnt a big deal. Before Corona, 1/5 didnt pay their rent.

>> No.18393656

It's not even an ironic or amusing name either, he clearly expects to be taken seriously as if "syndicalism" is this incredibly promising new system that only isn't here because you haven't heard about it yet. >>18391973 kys commie, everyone who isn't in high school sees exactly what you are. Unless you are parodying in which case carry on. It's always impossible to discern true commie propaganda from parody because it all sounds so stupid.

>> No.18393719

The popularity of an ideology has nothing to do with how well it would work. It’s far more likely that the “correct” ideology would be some random shit you’ve never heard about than something a large number of people believe in.

>> No.18393722

>labor creates value
Imagine unironically being a marxist in 2020 holy kek

>> No.18393798
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I'm not a marxist but based, fuck people who buy a bunch of property on credit and make it worse for normal, non-vampiric people. Literal Jewry. No sympathy, bro.

>> No.18393874

Top kek fuck these subhumans. These people don’t save money and frankly most people are too stupid to save money anyways. We need to stop treating these people like intelligent, productive members of society and treat like them as what they really are: walking ATMs that exist to be crushed under the foot of smarter people.

>> No.18393920

Just fucking move out of LA what the fuck is wrong with you? 2000sq ft house is like $600/month anywhere else in the country.

>> No.18394102

I had a “real job” for years. Was an automotive technician. Now I live the comfy life without getting my hands greasy. Still fix cars but I do it for free now on the side for people who don’t annoy me. Tell me again what your profession is?

>> No.18394162

But see the state will not seize anyone’s property. It’s been tried most recently in Zimbabwe and it did t work out very well. Anyway most property is financed and the loans have been packed into bonds. Imagine all these bonds defaulting at the same time.

>> No.18394206

Nothing at all. Anyway slowly selling off my properties and investing in REITS. I am sure this will make you happy but the days of the individual landlord are coming to an end. Corporations and REITS will be the future and they all have better lawyers. The ink rent is bad now? Suck it poorfags.

>> No.18394256
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>landlord class

>> No.18394278


>> No.18394312

just gonna leave this here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYbambvmWMs

>> No.18394341

My point is that without the baseline, the fact as it was presented is meaningless.

>> No.18394402

Next month will truly be chaotic. Sacrificial period includes May.

>> No.18394488

The fact that you don't know every single unemployment center in the country is massively backed up tells me you are either a foreigner or just a NEET piece of shit who should be executed

>> No.18394577
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>house owners that are renting out will be behind on bills greatly
>great frustration is going to build up
>they’re going to say “fuck this shit” & sell their houses so they don’t have to deal with renting out their houses
>the market is going to be flooded with houses
>vast amounts of Americans have no money
>the few of us will do will have the greatest picks of the yield
My my. A toast, my friends.

>> No.18394582

Nothing to do with what i said.

>> No.18394635

NEETs are heroes,not only because they help save the environment by not producing but they starve the beast by using tax $$$ that would have been used to import rapefugees and increase the carbon footprint