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File: 5 KB, 275x183, euroshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18388158 No.18388158 [Reply] [Original]

EUR/USD where do you think it will fall?

>> No.18388180

I don't see how it can collapse

>> No.18388194

you don't read the news

>> No.18388218

>a net exporting economy has its biggest rival's currency rise
>cryptotard thinks it's a bad thing
Go back to drool over coinmarketcap

>> No.18388220
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x4032, 1585844797898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is true, I literally don't
why would it collapse ?

>> No.18388247

That's a ...

>> No.18388256
File: 239 KB, 682x1024, 1584893171413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is ok
but seriously why would the EU collapse ?

>> No.18388261

Read this

Also the EU as a whole is doing well against Corona

>> No.18388264

indeed. there will be war long before it collapses.

>> No.18388267

...n horse.

>> No.18388350

>muh low coin high expurrrts
thank you for your unvaluable 101 info

What's happening in these days will start the fracture between northern and southern countries of the cucked union.
This will lead to the next exits and to the eu collapse.
Eur/usd is just for taking profit, since eur will disappear right after

>> No.18388364


The EU is a meme. It doesn't exist. There's a handful of people in control of a larger number of people with guns who restrain the entire disarmed population of Europe against their will while trying to replace them with hostile foreigners.

The EUSSR is one giant prison camp, not a country.

>> No.18388382
File: 50 KB, 511x546, 1585845850557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the remaining union states will be in a better position

>> No.18388400

all of that is true
but the people of EU are cucks and they like it
they don't want to be free in their majority

>> No.18388404

You clearly understand how eu works

>> No.18388414

morality is what we do in order to serve life
Jews bamboozle population in to moral degradation perversion so that no one stand up and say enough . Stop lie and competition of usury it is immoral and hurt people. Jews: you shut a fuck up look how this bitch sucking cock,
everything is fine what are you talking about .
sexual perversion spread by porn is a weapon that cost at produce but Jews show porn to Palestine people and to rest of the humanity totally for free, because porn is used as a weapon. and you spreading harm with this picture.

>> No.18388457


They don't like it, but they're disarmed and large swathes of the population cannot revolt at all because

>they control healthcare and banks
>they control the income of many people who must rely on the state due to high minimum wages and high taxes
>the police is very quick to use force against natives
>none of us have any significant number of weapons
>they control the schools, the media and the newspapers so most people are convinced that everything is "normal"

What we need is a total collapse of the system before these assholes wake the fuck up and smell the roses. It's not normal to hand over 70% of your income to the state, that is SERFDOM which is simply a lesser degree of slavery.

>> No.18388657

>FED injects trillions for companies
>PBoC injects trillions for companies
>BoE injects trillions for companies
>BoJ injects trillions for companies
ECB does nothing, guess which region will never recover from coronachan

>> No.18388703

Brexit is still not priced into eur/usd, if eu doesn't split, it will fall because of its retarded policies, both scenarios lead to a weaker Eur currency.
Regardless this shitty jew stingy union, this can be a great chance to make profit.

>> No.18388704

EU is not only cucked by blind economists and raped by financial speculators
yurofags are also insufferable faggots
>muh flooding countries with subhumans is good
>muh we need to provide them with welfare, heathcare, schools
>hey goy pay your 70% tax

>> No.18388892

you know that Europeans are not represented by the "people" you see on the media. Just like Californians aren't a good sample of average Americans. You know what divide and conquer is, right? The only way white people will exist in 100 years is by sticking together.


>> No.18389003

All you retards should write down your predictions so when they've not come true in 10 years you can at least know how retarded you are.

>> No.18389037

This is true for every prediction, fucktard

>> No.18389363

€1 = $0.87

>> No.18389440
File: 62 KB, 512x359, rotten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can just take 2008-2020 and copy-paste it to 2020-2032
EU will never recover from this

>> No.18389799

ECB is doing the right thing then, by not just trying to brrrrrr

>> No.18389884

and that's where you are wrong kiddo, cause going brrrrr now means saving the economy, and if you don't do that...good luck
see you in 10 years, eu will be a potato field

>> No.18389914

isnt brrrrring just gonna keep uneffiecent businesses going while letting them go under is the better thing to do from a free market standpoint? letting new companies grow from the corpses of the large ones that died kinda thing.

>> No.18389939

no brrrrrrr
no debt monetization
skyrocketing company failures
double digits gdp crash
gdp/debt ration will skyrocket
eu countries will start falling one by one
>isnt brrrrring just gonna keep uneffiecent businesses going while letting them go under
how about millions of companies failing just because of covid lockdown?
there are entire sectors that will not see a penny this year, even the "efficient" ones
where do you live? on Mars? it is very easy to understand

>> No.18389956

the efficient ones will have saved for times like these, and there is still going to be a demand from the eurozone so new actors will enter the space to supply when the giants who were greedy fall

>> No.18389982

italy is leavinh after they were abandoned by germany

>> No.18389983

>the efficient ones will have saved for times like these
t. retard who never owned a company, never managed cash flow and never had people on payroll
>there is still going to be a demand from the eurozone so new actors will enter the space to supply when the giants who were greedy fall
imagine being this retard
Amazon is going to buy entire sectors for cheap
giants can only be acquired by bigger and more greedy giants

>> No.18390024

i currently work for my dad in his company and he has money saved for bleaker times like these and his company could be completely dried up on customers for almost 2 years until he had to close business.
as for your other point, amazon is not the only giant out there, its gonna be a lot of giants who were smart to keep liquidity trying to pick up the markets after other companies fall, thus making prices more competetive in contrast to the brrrrring where nothing changes

>> No.18390048

>his company could be completely dried up on customers for almost 2 years until he had to close business

>> No.18390054

not larping but your probably american so debt is in your blood at this point

>> No.18390088

>debt is in your blood
debt is the blood of the entire monetary system, if you didn't notice...
a debt free world is a credit free world
did you ever wondered why countries with higher debts are the richest ones? except in the eurozone of course...they are trying to reduce it (literally fighting ghosts)...

>> No.18390147


>> No.18390165

I don't think EUR or USD will fail.

Besides, getting some BTC OGN and ZANO is the way.

>> No.18390421
File: 31 KB, 700x394, xwt2s58px3931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU is wholly reliant on a global supply chain. Germany's economy is especially intertwined (dependent) on global trading partners, namely China. In contrast, US is relatively uninvolved in global trade in comparison to Germany and has capacity for self-sufficiency in energy, manufacturing and defense.

While the EU is composed of different economies, those like Germany's will come under severe stress and may buckle as they are not resilient to global crisis - nor are they able to control their money supply to combat economic downturns. Internally-focused economies (and historicallg mercantile) like France's, or those that control their own monetary policy (Poland) fair a lot better. This isn't even to mention Germany's problem with uncontrolled migration.

>> No.18390449

Seething euroshit you love to see it

>> No.18390456

>thank you for your unvaluable 101 info
No problem, looks like you really needed it.