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18387369 No.18387369 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many people on this board aggressively against crypto?

>Are they pro government?
>Do they thrive on the idea of centralization?

I’m so confused when I see posts condemning bitcoin

>> No.18387389

Because crypto is literally unpredictable & it’s a fucking meme
There is no actual practical usage for it. No one uses crypto except for retards without jobs who think they’re going to get rich
End up betting against a computer & losing anyways.
I research stocks. I make decision, I take action. I take the profits.
Crypto is a meme.

>> No.18387408

>what are government shills
Ah my naive little child.

>> No.18387413

This. Barely anyone accepts it, barely anyone fucking uses it, and there’s no need for a cryptocurrency when credit cards exist for the average consumer who doesn’t worry about the government looking in on their purchases.

>> No.18387423

Ok shilly.

>> No.18387481


So the current centralized monetary system is okay? Nigga...

>> No.18387489

I’m not the one shilling for crypto you stupid fuck

>> No.18387504

crypto is not like stocks that have real tangible value, it's easy to look at a stock and safely invest in it because you can assume it will have real world value, for example it was a guarantee amazon would eventually get big because ebay used to be fucking huge and amazon in its infancy was basically ebay 2.0
the problem with /biz/ retards is they try to view crypto as something tangible and valuable but it's not
it is a CURRENCY and you can't just invest in a fucking currency and hope you get rich
you have to constantly flip it and basically work it as a full time job so you can inch your way up little by little through small gains

trading crypto is fundementally no different from trading normal real life currency, people who view it as a "hold till I get rich" scheme are retarded, literally nobody has every retired off of any other crypto, the only people who got rich were mass bitcoin holders solely due to a fluke

>> No.18387547

it's mostly just bitter traders who got burned by the market, margin called by a scam wick, etc.

>> No.18387569

Crypto lookin like a pyramid scheme where the people who bought need people to buy to make what they bought worth buying.

>> No.18387574
File: 446 KB, 300x186, We live in a society0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. Ever since biz discovered the (((Repo))) market operations that were happening before this pandemic started fiatcuck shills have been on damage control shitting on all alternatives to USD including boomer rocks. Do the opposite of what biz says newfren.

>> No.18387590

It's got no use other than as a tool of speculation. For something to be accepted as a medium of exchange there needs to be some level of stability that consumers find acceptable.

>> No.18387592

Not that I don't think crypto is a meme, but now even stocks don't have real value today LOL

>> No.18387611

They do have value, it's just many are overvalued because of the Fed pumping money into the markets for years.

>> No.18387700
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Bitcoin by itself is fine although investing in it is retarded. It's like going to a roulette table and putting your money on a random number.

Out of the rest of cryptocurrencies 99 out 100 of them are Ponzi scheme trash fires. Their founders literally spend tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands on marketers who AstroTurf forums like 4chan, Reddit, etc and try and convince people to buy in to their s*** coin. As people buy in thinking that they're getting in early the originators are actually exiting their position.

For that single one out of a hundred cryptocurrencies that's not a total dumpster fire scam, they are all solutions problems that don't exist. Like the blockchain for vehicle vins, or the finance chain, etc. unless you can gather institutional investors at a high level for one of these cryptos, they will never go anywhere.

That's why no one with an IQ over 60 invests crypto.

>Inb4 AstroTurf marketing scammers start reeeeeeing because reality is here.

>> No.18387727

> he doesn't know about Kleros and its usecase

>> No.18387799

because there is so many people on this board that can not explain what cripto is or isn't ,
For example you dummy have no clue about it
but you talk and contribute to social gossip which is not accurate miss leading . I may not understand cripto but I understand people you are dangerously dumb that spread false self confidence which makes me stay away from idiots. There is no balls in imaginary space and you are not living on a spinning ball you are simply delusional. A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. Kids that believe in Santa are not trust worthy, got it?

>> No.18387854

I’m doubling down

>> No.18387890

BTC is still fairly centralized, a lot depends on the big exchanges.

>> No.18387922

very informative and well thought post sir, where id the gold button here, can anyone tell me? We need to upvote this so everybody sees the truth and buys ETF bonds

>> No.18387992

Don't listen to the haters. It's over 7k right now. You'd think it would be zero 10 years after it was created but nope... still here.

My question is what will ppl say after the halvening when the price goes to 20k this year? Would ppl still call it a scam? This is only the beginning.

>> No.18388006

How can crypto be against the government when government is the one shilling a cashless society?

>> No.18388062

It will never go to 20k this year. Screen cap this.

>> No.18388165

Maybe not anti government, more so decentralized. 21 million, that’s all the world has.