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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 354 KB, 686x887, 546578908978654345465787989786745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18372614 No.18372614 [Reply] [Original]

kek its over

>> No.18372639

bullish & priced in

>> No.18372640

Learn 2 Invest in essential manufacturing companies fren

>> No.18372781

>3.3 million week 1
>6.6 million week 2
>6.6 million week 3
>In places like Florida people are literally having to line up to get paperwork for unemployement
>Gig workers gonna be counted soon

This will not end well

>> No.18372798

UBI or America burns down

>> No.18372960

US will collapse. Get out as long as you can.

>> No.18373005
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>> No.18373010

Memento mori.

>> No.18373011


Chink shills want to destroy America

>> No.18373059

Get an IT or coding job. My current job is stable, and my old boss begged me to help out part time so now I'm working two jobs from home, very comfy. While many US people have gone from 1 job to 0, I went from 1 job to 2 jobs.

>> No.18373216

That's nice until those 0 people will raid your house.

>> No.18373326

They won't raid my house when I'll be able to afford private police guards while the 0 job fags can't afford bread.

>> No.18373384

Feels so good being better than the poor jobless losers, huh?

>> No.18373391

"Bro just learn to code"
I get what you're saying but holy shit it's tone deaf. The majority of people do not have the brain for creativity and math and logic.
America is fucked without radical changes. This bump will be ok but the next one kills the country if we're in the same state.
10% unemployment and rising and the market goes up. The total divorce from reality that all areas are undergoing is a flashing red light screaming in your face to make drastic changes - and you're arguing for a 100IQ range of 40MM people to just "get into IT."

>> No.18373395

>That's nice until those 0 people will raid your house.
it's all so tiresome

>> No.18373416

>while the 0 job fags
Oh, here I was thinking you're worth engaging with. Carry on being part of the problem.

>> No.18373429

Real jobless number is probably ~15% (or roughly 3-4x normal) at this point. Pretty unreal.

>> No.18373443

what do you think happens to china when the global economy crashes?

>> No.18373444

>economy of a disaster
>hurr durr chink shills
get the fuck out, schizo

>> No.18373472

My programmer friend (NYC suburb making 130k) just got furloughed, I make ~100k as a programmer and going to get laid off in the next month or so.

Coding is not universally safe, but it is safer

>> No.18373488

You just have to be not a complete moron to do well in IT. I'm not saying ALL of people should go into IT, because most people on the planet are morons, but for the few people that do have a brain, they should consider IT since the job will be secure in future pandemic quarantines (as long as it's IT work that can be done remotely).

>> No.18373492

Chink shills are very real you brainlet.

>> No.18373521

Aren't we only like a little over a week into april and a couple weeks since people have been fired. so just in a two weeks 6.6 million have no source of income or 2% of the population...We have 9 more months left.......

>> No.18373524

Wonder how many restaurants and stores are perma closed

>> No.18373534

see >>18371126

>Chink shills are very real you brainlet.
says the brainlet schizo. kys

>> No.18373553

What company? I work in dev and we’re looking at adding addl resources

>> No.18373587

Kek, you think private security will work for money if shit really hits the fan? If people are raiding to the point you need constant security, the dollar is worthless. Your security would just take evrything of value and leave>>18373216

>> No.18373618


IT does require math and logic like computer science does.

>> No.18373696

Bro I shit in your mouth if you really think we're gonna get to that level of a post-apocalyptic craziness. I just replied for fun to laugh at that anon and may make him waste his time typing out another response...instead you typed outa another response! Go watch some post-apocalyptic movies because that's the only place you're going to see the stuff you're describing.

>> No.18373717

So it seems 6 million is the weekly capacity for unemployment registration programs. How long do y'all think we get 6 million per week?

>> No.18373859

All the way to 30/40% unemployment

>> No.18374305

>lost my job as a waiter
>go to apply for unemployment
>site says I’m entitled to 0 dollars
>apply anyways
>get a debit card with the unemployment money in the mail
>balance: 0 dollars

Fuck this shit do I really have to be some fucking immigrant beaner to finally leech off the government?? Reeeeeee

>> No.18374381

Why are you not entitled to anything?

>> No.18374422

That's why you buy an AR 15 and alarm system. I'm no firearms expert but I can load that thing in my dreams. If several people break in your house and you respond with one of those things those fuckers are going to bounce unless they are hardcore druggies.

>> No.18374472

His wage is low and he didn't report his tips

>> No.18374537


Tips are included in my wage. I’m not sure but it might be because my dad pays me a small amount of money each month as an employee of his business as some tax thing or something and I forgot to list it because I’m retarded.

>> No.18374559

>>If the dollar collapses I will kms.

>> No.18374583
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its not even close to over Anon

Canada says lock down most of the year and oil will pump until the dollar shits the bed. We all know we can trust Canada.


>> No.18374621

6.6 million is such an odd number to report on. Why not 6.5 million or 7 million in a couple of days from now. For some reason the Jews love to put the number “6” in their media all the time.

>> No.18374625

You can modify your tax returns, or get new proof of your actual wage. The bar for unemployment is fairly low.

>> No.18374719

Honestly, why not UBI?

printer goes bbrrrr and people need goods,

>> No.18374734

>You just have to be not a complete moron to do well in IT. I'm not saying ALL of people should go into IT, because most people on the planet are morons, but for the few people that do have a brain, they should consider IT since the job will be secure in future pandemic quarantines (as long as it's IT work that can be done remotely).
It didn't click with me. Like when I was 10 I was tinkering with QBasic code to fuck around with Gorilla and Nibbles... when I was 13ish I was fucking around with VB, making basic games and stuff, so I pursued coding at a structured university level and after the basic intro class I was kinda stumped. SQL was shit easy, but C++ could have just as easily been taught by someone speaking a foreign language... my brain just didn't follow. I backed out and switched degrees after that. Code still fascinates me and I watch the coding competitions and stuff if I'm bored and I have a great admiration for them, but yeah. Maybe I'm dumber than I want to admit.

>> No.18374817

IT is for pajeets. Dont copy this wagecuck bum and own a business instead

>> No.18374939


6.6million is the limit that could be processed this week

>the ride has just begun

>> No.18374972

Why are glowniggers so adamant about hurting the working man pretending it's for the good of America?

>> No.18375001
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why that number tho

>> No.18375016
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this is honestly infuriating. I'm a NEET who was trying to fix their shit and now this happens

>> No.18375037

>as the pandemic intensifies
There's a 15-20 day delay to serious symptoms and death. It's not intensifying, it's petering out

>> No.18375050

Because robots are more efficient than the working man

>> No.18375078

market can only go up

>> No.18375127


>> No.18375205


Those dumb people can understand that you have zero bullets and they have ten.

>> No.18375208
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>> No.18375230

Why didn't we listen? He is the Ron paul of our time

>> No.18375294

Soft quarantine lift comes next week, they are gonna tell anyone over 60 to stay inside or prepare to die

>> No.18375694

IT/Computer Science is boring and tedious. At the higher levels, you probably need a 115-120+ IQ and a personality that can tolerate this kind of work. Most normal people don't have it. It's not something that excites people or is interesting to the point where they want to do it for the rest of their lives.

That's why hiring in IT is extremely difficult. After the dot com bubble, most companies learned they couldn't lay off their technical staff again, because it was nearly impossible for them to find high-level talent after the economy began to recover.

There just aren't many people that are interested or will want to keep doing the job over the long term, which is partly why you have the flood of H1B's.

>> No.18376099

Don't give up bro. This is both a setback and an opportunity

>> No.18376108
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Same here man. I started getting my shit together in december and then this fucking meme virus comes along and completely derails everything.

Shit fucking sucks man.

>> No.18376200

Just spam the tiananmen square pasta then. Problem solved :).

>> No.18376269

>get shafted by tax avoiding Boomer dad messing with his tax returns to make you ineligible for trumpbux
>blame leftist liberals and mexicans

Is this the power of the american right?

>> No.18377271
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the fact that this is caused by a virus makes it worse. any job i do end up maybe getting I'll be worried about taking because i live with my parents and they're in the risk group for covid

>> No.18377296

I'm a college student who's done computational physics. How do I get a coding/IT job now?

>> No.18377494

6 million is like what, 0.1% of the American population? Who cares?

>> No.18377507


>> No.18377552

hey goy, i mean guy, cool it with the antisemitic remark.

>> No.18377559

6million is closer to 2% of the population, and this in top of the 10m unemployed from the last two weeks. You are a brainlet.

>> No.18377593

A broken clock he is, but at least he is right for once

>> No.18377607

There isn't an argument against it unless you are an SSDI recipient and want to keep the competition out.

>> No.18377660

Let's say everyone gets 1k a month? What stops landlords from raising the rent by 1k, or even more if theres more tenants in one home?

UBI makes sense to me but I fee like dirty landlords and other pigs will take advantage

>> No.18377727


>> No.18377748

people dont pay or move out

>> No.18377779

what if movers also raise their rates by a 1000?

>> No.18377793


The problem is finding a way to pay for it. I don't see huge rent raises as the income isn't such an increase but guaranteeing stability.

If you can find a way to tax it in such a way that maintains the system, I think it will be fine;

Until we start developing guaranteed job systems that inject more stability into labor markets, UBI would make a good stop gap measure for the time being.

This virus showed how fragile the system is right now, we need to start investing now into infrastructure and other massive jobs programs. We need to develop the apparatus for future, now. Any UBI should be temporary until we can proven make the system work over the long term. Some startups working to show how it would work as test kitchens are the right idea but I also like Alaska's system the most, tying the UBI to a commodity would help pay for it in the long run.

>> No.18377805

then economy is saved

>> No.18377813

Wait, are you suggesting that landlords all conspire to fix market prices?

>> No.18377976

dont forget the actual workforce population, will likely be around 15% laid off

>> No.18378007

>getting paid to work from home
>got a raise recently to offset additional responsibility

feels guud man, glad i got a lib arts degree

>> No.18378018

Try adjusting your expected income level back to sanity. 90k

>> No.18378119
File: 341 KB, 678x460, landlords btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

157 million americans had jobs before the virus

16 million are unemployed, lets say it gets to 30 million unemployed.

Thats 32/157 which is 20 percent of the population not working. also take in to account people who are underemployed right now and the people who are making less because they have to pay for childcare

its gunna be a fun few years

>> No.18378138

>Gig workers gonna be counted soon

Already priced in. Gig workers already counted by the Fed, so they have to turn to their state unemployment office to get denied state-level benefits so the state can turn them over to the Fed for their $600/week benefits. Gig workers is probably why the unemployment numbers are so high.

>> No.18378167

>landlords are parasitic
>want to live in their house for free

>> No.18378269


Adam smith himself called landlords parasites.

Are you going to argue with your god?

>> No.18378295

>tfw all the DUDE WEED LMAO's means the state guarantees my employment

>> No.18378731


I don't want to live anywhere for free. I just want landlords to die.

>> No.18378739

it's the rich landlords that can afford to lower rent that are the true parasites. people only rent because they can't afford a home. renting SHOULD allow them to build up a savings so they can eventually purchase a home but that isn't the case anymore

landlords could still make a nice profit even if they lowered rent 25% but they still choose to maximize gainz because they're parasitic. they don't care about their tenants lives, they are only there to make as much money as possible. the point of renting is to eventually move on and buy a home, but that isn't possible anymore with landlords taking advantage of the working poor

4/5 landlords can for sure afford a 25% decrease in income.

>> No.18378959

>they can't afford a home
so they should stay with their parents until they do.

>> No.18379128
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Zoom out, friend.

>> No.18379614

what is your answer for people who dont have a support system?

>> No.18379827

were they dropped on the street by aliens?
if you can't provide for your kids, don't have kids.
how about we don't encourage literal nigger behavior?

>> No.18380858


>> No.18380891

>Zoom out, friend.
what ?

>> No.18380982

Because boomers.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
They want their perfect life which usually involves no offspring living with them, hell, they probably just sold the home for an RV retirement package too. Short sighted fools.

>> No.18381309

You can only get unemployment if you're a fulltime worker.

>> No.18381402

Even on freelancing sites they are outsourcing jobs to get help processing so much unemployment claims.
Not even larping burgers are getting unemployeed and then the jobs to give them gibs are outsourced.

>> No.18381515

This guy is right an Assault Rifle 15 is sadly required during these troubling times

>> No.18381532

Sheet i just checked in 2008 unemployment rise by 0.5% per month , now it's 1% per month.

>> No.18381654

Anyone have that pic predicting the fates of various countries in 2025. The US was predicted to have an ominous drop in population. Wide spread depopulation.

>> No.18381664
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>> No.18381668
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>another thread full of internet revolutionaries threatening people online
Can't wait until school starts back and you fucking faggot leaves

>> No.18381799 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon

>> No.18381807

It's really 6.66 million, the unemployment of the beast.

>> No.18381820

The system is fragile because rewards are handed out based on how black or immigrant you are. The figures for recent Ivy league graduates is dropping hard because most large companies have filled all affirmative action roles they can. Our greatest educational institutions were whored out internationally and everyone some how blames white males.

>> No.18381845

>What stops landlords from raising the rent by 1k
The lease? Certainly when the lease ends, rent can be drastically increased. But not until then?

>> No.18381848

>Using the kike schizo attack.

Gas yourself.

>> No.18381869

>what if someone doesn't have a support system?

nice rebuttal

>> No.18381870

Double dubs notwithstanding, enjoy your prison term. Stand Your Ground is not blanket immunity.

>> No.18381905

>all those dubs in news article statistics
Were the schizos right all along?

>> No.18381985

if you don't have enough savings to survive a few months without work you're too irresponsible and a net negative to society.
it really sucks that this has become normal in america, but it should not be encouraged. this goes for everyone, including businesses.

>> No.18382054

pls link, very interested to see this

>> No.18382573
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In the small picture things for you are negative. View everything with a bigger lense and you will see how positive these times ultimately are. Especially if you're young. Bubbles are popping all around us. I hope you'll find patience.

>> No.18382703
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>looks at the bigger picture
>its worse

>> No.18382776


>> No.18382827

Imagine thinking free paychecks exist

>> No.18382948
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what sorcery is this??

>> No.18383086

Can I help somehow? (something like mTurk?)
I have nothing to do and I'm bored af.

>> No.18383201

Your picture is good example of people living in a bubble. They think everything's fine but completely unaware of (or downplaying) the shit that's going on around them because they aren't directly affected yet.

>> No.18383240

>trillions of dollars conjured as soon as line goes down
>The problem with UBI is finding a way to pay for it
Ah, yes,

>> No.18383314

And yet the economy is booming. This means that all these unemployed fags were always useless.

>> No.18383493

Anyone caught gouging will be shot. Simple as.
We /commie/ now.

>> No.18383580


>> No.18384314

>i have no worthwhile skills and i cannot compete with people better than me so i like to act like i can level the playing field by owning a gun

stop hating on intelligence fucko

>> No.18384392

I have a software dev job too. Stability, working from home and I'm 'training' so I just jerk off all day.

I want a second job to increase income but I'm new to this area and all I see are wagie jobs like cashier's. They're all advertising $3-$5 extra during corona but I don't want another wagie job. IT would be nice though any idea where to get these jobs

>> No.18384406

>Why can't we pay for better public grade schools?
>How would we pay for it?
>Why can't we give citizens helathcare?
>How would we pay for it?
>Why can't we cover public continuing education at the trade school and college levels?
>How would we pay for it?
>The corporations are dying because they used all their money on stock buybacks!
>The military needs new $800 per unit drink holders for their Humvees!

>> No.18384437


Based jobposter.

>/biz/ neets will harass you for funding the gibs they depend on

Don't bite the wagie that feeds you, idiots.

>> No.18384467

Landlord reporting in, I wouldn't raise rent, this extra 1k for everyone just means my tenants will be more able to pay what we've already agreed upon. They're consistent with paying me and I'd like to keep them around as they respect the property.

>> No.18384515

>Apply for unemployment
>site says im eligible for 195 each week plus that 600 for corona relief
>Denied due to discharge.

What the genuine fuck! I WAS ELIGIBLE!!!

>> No.18384536

hoping this kills off a lot of the low iq and societal leeches. bullish as fuck on this

>> No.18384670
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>people really thought it was gonna be that easy
The less money from the $1 trillion that goes to people, the more money Trump can split among corporations.

>> No.18384675
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peak clown world