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1836454 No.1836454 [Reply] [Original]

80k job
20k savings

gf wants me to buy 250k house, but she doesnt want kids - ever.

What do I do? I dont want to break her heart :I

Im thinking just buy the house and try and pay it off and let her just live in it for free (so she cant take half) ? Does this make any sense?

>> No.1836456

Do what you want to do. If she doesn't like it, get a gf that does.

>> No.1836457

You sound like a bitch. Sack up and dump her you want different things in life.

>> No.1836459

Tell her she can get a job and buy it herself.

>> No.1836462

What kind of ROI do you get on this 'girlfriend' thing?

>> No.1836461

You make 80k, no mortgage, no kids and you only have 20k?

>> No.1836464

Tell her to fuck off, she doesn't need a house if she isn't going to provide you with children.

>> No.1836468

Buy it and charge her rent.

>> No.1836472


>> No.1836474

someone did a nice write up here it was like 25k to basically have a maid and eat out all the time. However its probably more beneficial than that since women dont cook and want to eat out anyway. they also need alot of money to give to boyfriends they meet online. Look at OP cant save shit with this bloodsucker.

>> No.1836490

>thinking it will be easier to break up after you've bought a house and moved in together

>> No.1836544


If she lives in any house for any period of time and receives her mail there then the law will consider her to be a legal resident. You'll have to go through a lengthy eviction process in the local court to kick her out if you're in the USA. You also might want to look into what the states call "common law marriage" as well. She'll be able to make your life miserable and/or take it from you no matter what you do.

>> No.1836738

What a cuck

>> No.1836792

>no kids
>expects YOU to buy the house

lol women want the best of both worlds, and from the sounds of it - youre gunna give it to her like a good little cuck

>> No.1836834

I was about to ask this, Answer this question OP

>> No.1836844

Sorry bro, but if youre posting this thread, you likelly have suspitions about her intentions.

SHe'll clean you out in a few years in common-law court.

>> No.1836847

>she doesnt want kids - ever

Do you?

>> No.1836910

yikes OP

>> No.1836932

>gf wants me to buy 250k house

being this autistic

>> No.1836933

>Im thinking just buy the house and try and pay it off and let her just live in it for free (so she cant take half) ? Does this make any sense?
I don't understand.

>> No.1836943

>Im thinking just buy the house and try and pay it off and let her just live in it for free (so she cant take half) ? Does this make any sense?
it makes sense but its a bad idea.

agree to buy it if you get a prenup, since it sounds like she's angling for marriage, or she's a gold digger, but the point stands that you need to protect yourself since you're assuming all the risk for something you really don't want let alone barely any kind of a down payment.

>> No.1836946

is this 1 house by the way, or just the price range?

>> No.1836950

>250k house
>20% down payment would be 50k

It'd be a shitty investment in your situation, desu. You don't want to have any single asset be more than 25% of your total investment (yes, a house is an investment). If you can somehow get away with a 5k down payment on the house with a monthly payment in mortgage and maintenance below your current rent, only then would it be a decent buy.

Regardless, if you fork over all the money on buying the house, it's all yours. You could ask for her to pay for monthly expenses and she'd just be considered a tenant in the house (with the legal protections of one, but none of that involves her taking half the house). If you guys get married, it'd be easy to put in a pre-nup that the house is not community property since you bought it before the marriage without her assistance.

Regardless, >>1836456 is the best advice. It'd be a huge financial commitment to just buy a house - any GF worth keeping would understand you not making the purchase with your current financial situation.

>> No.1836973
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>80k job
>20k savings

Step your shit up fuckface. There's no reason you shouldn't have 40k in savings/investments/retirement or more. I make $55k/yr and already have what amounts to over a year in salary spread across savings/retirement/some investment stuff. I am 23 years old and this is essentially my life's savings from various odd jobs throughout highschool/college and now my post undergraduate career. I was able to save a little over half of this from about one year on my $55k/yr salary.

>gf wants me to buy 250k house
>making major financial decisions for someone you're not married to
Dumb, don't do it. Why would you sign your name on a 30 year note for someone who will not be around for you in probably the next five years?

>buying a $250k house with only a $20k down payment
Why would you do this to yourself?

> but she doesnt want kids - ever.
>considering kids with a person you're not married to
Dumb, don't do it.

>What do I do? I dont want to break her heart :I
Talk about it with her, you're a fucking adult. Sometimes people just aren't compatible for different reasons. Better for the both of you to figure this out now than to drag it on long enough to the point where you become an alcoholic shell of a man whose only solace from that cold woman who you no longer recognize is a bottle of $20 bourbon and nightly visits to a Burmese finger painting discussion forum.

>Im thinking just buy the house and try and pay it off and let her just live in it for free (so she cant take half) ? Does this make any sense?

1. Why would you go through all this trouble for someone who it sounds like won't appreciate it.
2. It doesn't make sense, if she's living there long enough she could still fuck your ass in court. Look up common law marriage.
In short, I recommend that in order to pay off your mortgage early that you invest in a pair of quality kneepads.

>> No.1836978

What the fuck are you wasting your money on to only have 20k? You should have at least 100k saved up. Hell, I make 30k a year and have 80k in the bank.

>> No.1836980

You're a dumbass OP. You're going to do it too because you're a big pussy.

>> No.1836982

>doesn't want kids

Dump her unless that's what you want to. You are doing well enough to find another woman.

>> No.1836991
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>> No.1836996

>but she doesnt want kids - ever.
leave her

It's not that she doesn't want to have kids, she just doesn't want to have kids with you. She'll divorce you and use that house you bought to raise her children from her next marriage in.

>> No.1837003

>common law marriage
While I agree that it'd be stupid for OP to just buy a house with his current savings, he'd need to look up common law marriage for his own state before assuming just living with the girl make him "married."

For example, the state I live in requires the both parties to actually submit a file to the state to be declared "informally married." Because of this, a couple can live together until death in my state and never be considered married if they never file to be married.

Most states that have common-law marriage also require the couple to consider themselves as married and represent themselves as such. It's not an automatic thing based on cohabitation alone.

>> No.1837012

I didn't mean to imply that just cohabitation means common law married.

That said cohabitation in and of itself can also result in some legal quagmires if she wants to get testy about it.

>> No.1837017

250k and no childs?
Redpill and dump

>> No.1837048

You people are the worst. Maybe OP hasn't been making 80k that long. Maybe OP actually has to pay rent and doesn't live in mommy's basement. Maybe OP lives in a high cost of living area.

>hurr durr well if he's doing that then he must be retarded

Why can you not assume there's perfectly rational reasons for why OP doesn't have >20k saved at 80k/year instead of passive aggressively implying OP is bad with his finances?

>> No.1837082

because he didn't list them, knowing that it was a bad position to be in without extenuating circumstances.

>> No.1838057
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>she tells you she doesen't want your seed
>you still consider buying her a fucking house
>probably doesen't even let you cream her vaginya

>> No.1838106

>Im thinking just buy the house and try and pay it off and let her just live in it for free (so she cant take half) ? Does this make any sense?
Son, throw up 1-2k to get a serious wisdom from a lawyer, rather than betting a 250k house on some random NEET's advice.

>> No.1838109

If the bitch won't swallow your seed upon demand she's not your woman

>> No.1838118

You lucked out. Kids are the number one reason for prenups being thrown out.

Assess your situation. If you plan to live 5-7+ years in your area, a house may be a good financial decision. Just don't go overboard, property taxes, insurance, and interest will fuck you up.

Get a 100-150K house instead and make sure your credit is top notch.

>> No.1838123

Btw OP to add to this. I hope you are saving a lot of money. When I was making 80K I was putting away about 45K/yr. Investments > bigger house

>> No.1838128

Why not just meet her in the middle by finding a house that has a "rent to own" policy?

That way, if anything falls through, you can just move. (High likelihood)

If everything goes smoothly for you two for the next ten to fifteen years, then you can pay it off.

You do not have the adequate money to invest in a $250,000 home. Even if you did, it would be ridiculous to do so. You don't need that much home with no wife and family. She's a leech.

>> No.1838129

>gf wants
>she doesn't want
>I don't want to break her heart

what about what you want? what about your heart? reach into your pants, grab a fistful of your balls and remind yourself you're a god damned man and you're gonna start acting like one.

>> No.1838132
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>You make 80k, no mortgage, no kids and you only have 20k?

You guys are clearly kissless virgins. The reason OP could not save up more than 20k is his girlfriend.

That same girl who's asking for a 250k house, duh...

>> No.1838190

>If I don't buy my gf a house she'll be sad :(

Kill yourself, idiot.

>> No.1838453
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>posting in a bait thread