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1836731 No.1836731 [Reply] [Original]

At what point can you no longer justify living with your parents to save money?

>> No.1836732

depends 100,000% on the parents and how big pieces of shit they are

>> No.1836736

If you're asian, 50+

If you're white, 20+

>> No.1836737


>> No.1836739

At 20+ is when the costs begin to outweigh the benefits

>> No.1836742


Moving out 10 kilometres down the road - pointless. Stay with your parents.

You should try and get out of your hometown for a while at least though. Life exists outside of the bubble, let me tell ya. Don't get caught because the comforts of home make time fly by.

>> No.1836744

wat kind of life? im too reclusive to experience anything.

>> No.1836747

As a new 19 year old neet I'd say 26 years old is my limit

>> No.1836750

>tfw i have so much fucking money and i am just sitting here wagecucking at my parents house

so tempted to just quit my job and take a plane out to cali

fuck them

>> No.1836754 [DELETED] 

>>1836739, and >>1836742 are right. Im currently struggling with this issue myself. Im 22 and have spent 4 years living with my parents. 3 of those years were for health reasons, but last year I couldve finally said enough and moved out. I just got in an argument with my dad over all of this, and he wants me to be under their supervision and stuff, but I just want to be left alone and possibly start over in another city, even if it means I have to start from nothing. But once again I broke down and folded, because im not used to roughing it in the real world, and im to much of a pussy to actually put my foot down

>> No.1836755
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>take a plane out to cali

>> No.1836762

When you get a job that's further than walking distance.

>> No.1836763

>>1836731 (OP)
>>1836739, and >>1836742 are right. Im currently struggling with this issue myself. Im 22 and have spent 4 years living with my parents. 3 of those years were for health reasons, but last year I couldve finally said enough and moved out. I just got in an argument with my dad over all of this, and he wants me to be under their supervision and stuff, but I just want to be left alone and possibly start over in another city, even if it means I have to start from nothing. But once again I broke down and folded, because im not used to roughing it in the real world, and im to much of a pussy to actually put my foot down
But also, its hard to face any of your peers when you live with your parents. Thats one of the big reasons I dont go out, its hard to say that youre living with your parents. Even just telling people that you live in a shitty studio apartment in the middle of the ghetto will get you more respect than telling them you live with your parents. But the worst are the old people, especially family friends and relatives who give you that fucking look and get on your case for getting your life under way. Its demeaning and humiliating when they just grind away at what little self esteem you have left.

>> No.1836767

If you haven't moved out by 18 kys

>> No.1836778


t. Boomerscum

>high school kids were literally buying camaros

>> No.1836782


Everyone goes at their own pace. Poorly educated people don't realize this

>> No.1836795

I'm 22 actually

>> No.1836961

I did this until 26 and deeply regretted it. Just moved out and it was easily the best decision of my entire life. Could have done it a year ago but it would have been strenuous and wanted to give myself financial breathing room. Don't get me wrong moving itself was hard I nearly wanted to strangle the moving company with their 1001 rules. I have excellent credit and nabbed a 5 bed 3 bath house in a great area. I can pay for it completely on my own if I wanted to but within a couple of months I'll have renters and can essentially retire.

You need to do this right now or else you will be stuck in the cycle forever, of being too scared to move out but never being able to actually go do it. It's so fucking chill just a week in.

Make a plan. Wait for a good sale or opportunity. Make sure the inspection is done properly. That's it. For me the last little thing to push me over the edge was a local thrift store chain had a 50% off sale on everything so I furnished the entire house minus the bedrooms for $250. Just fucking do it.

>> No.1837041

Trust fund baby detected.

>> No.1837214

It sucks, but I get to dump 80% of my wagecuck bux into meme stocks because I live at home. Don't really care about social status anymore. Almost 30.

>> No.1837222
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I moved out a year ago at 27. My sex life suffered but I managed to save an average of 30k a year for 6 years. I'm ready to buy a house and all my friends are still renting and poor.

>> No.1837224

I moved out of my parents house at 24

should have stayed desu

I didnt even move very far away from them

>> No.1837225

p.s. im 29 now

>> No.1837397

> Even just telling people that you live in a shitty studio apartment in the middle of the ghetto will get you more respect than telling them you live with your parents.

Maybe its just where I live but a lot of people I know in college don't look wrongly at a person who still lives with their parents. It might be because I live in a major city and people know how expensive it is but the only people I know that actually look negatively at people who haven't moved out are high schoolers who haven't had a taste of the real world yet.

>> No.1837596

Pretty much never.

Buy a nice property and rent it out as a holiday home.

Then just lie to people that you "own your own place" and if you want to take someone "home" just pretend you are a very busy person while scheduling it around the bookings.

Literally the only reasons I can think of to move out are social status and being able to bring sluts home.

>> No.1837597


>> No.1837633

does slav constitute white?

>> No.1837648
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Mfw when 28 and still at home spending all my spare money on cryptokeks

>> No.1837996

Your life is over.

>> No.1838064

I pay 20% of my monthly earning to my parents as rent. I have no problem because we're a family unit helping each other. It'll be my house someday anyway, why shouldn't I help them pay it off now?

>> No.1838077


Dunno where you live but in the UK they will take your house to pay for care fees in your old age. If you don't have money/assets then the government will pay for it instead. So that might not be such a good idea.

>> No.1838087


>> No.1838102

I'm about to graduate with a law degree debt free because I worked full time while living at my parent's house

>> No.1838158

Live with your parents until you retire at 30 because of all the money you saved.

Bonus points if your parents are old you can keep living with them past 30 to care for them.

People underestimate living with parents. I can dip and take a vacation any time. I can travel 5-8 times a year and still save more money than my coworkers.

>> No.1838170

If you want out ASAP
>income sufficient to pay the bills
>3 months of living expenses in savings

This might mean a 2nd job, roommates, and walk/bike/bus everywhere

I have goals beyond just moving out. Living at home at 27 sucks, but I should be in a good position later this year
>no debt
>income sufficient to pay the bills, have some fun, and save
>a vehicle owned outright
>3 months of living expenses in savings
>down payment and closing costs for a duplex
>additional funds to cover the costs of being a landlord

I just need to save for 3 more months. The wait is killing me.

>> No.1838172

I still live at home, but pay 630 a month for rent.

>> No.1838206

Depends what kind of person you are.

If you're an only child with no social life and a broken moral compass, just wait until your parents die and enjoy your free house.

>> No.1838224

>At what point
When you have a girlfriend

>> No.1838226

Good ol' US of A. They're welcome to try and come take my land.
This whole concept of moving out and buying a (((house))) when you become financially secure is a scam. This last century has been an anomaly in that the immediate family is breaking up and moving away. Pre-WWI it was the norm to live with your parents and raise your own children in the same home. I'll take my chances socially and financially with them.

>> No.1838251

26 year old accountant still at home here.

My only expenses are car related, my cell phone and I cover the cable and water bill for my parents. I dump most of my wage bucks into the stock market.

Btw, I'm an only child so I'll eventually inherit my parents' house.

>> No.1838262

where i live, nobody moves out at 18. i'm 22 and all people of my age i know still live with their parents

>> No.1838268

If you are going to school, as long as you are going to school it is justifiable

If you are not going to school but have a job and have no debt, and are over the age of 22, it is not really justifiable

>> No.1838270

2 years after graduating college

>> No.1838282

>tfw too poor to move out
>tfw can only get wagecuck jobs
I hate my lyfe

>> No.1838286

Get your CDL, if you're lucky, the company will pay for the tuition fees.
$40k starting

>> No.1838345

fortunately, no.

>> No.1838407

Only times I've been away are 4 years I was living in a college campus, after which I moved back in, then lived a year alone.

That was a waste of money. Ended up needing to work 2 weeks just to pay the rent, which felt like a waste of money, so I just moved back in.

>> No.1838427

>all people of my age i know still live with their parents

You really need to find new friends

>> No.1838478


18 if you're not autistic or a burger.

>> No.1838502


Also to add to that because it wasn't really constructive, I've traveled to north america a few times and it seems like a ton of people never move out before 28 or shit like that, while in western Europe only muslims do that shit. I even remember a french "funny" movie about a 28 year old still living with his parents. That's laughable for most people here and desu when I talked to ppl in NA who were like 25 and shit like that and didn't move out, some of them had high responsibility jobs or a phd and still were pretty immature for their age. I think it really depends but if it's just gonna set you back a few % then it's worth it. You'll most likely grow up faster (aka become wiser) and not end up a 30 years old manchild.

>> No.1838508


>> No.1838634


Really, since I know southern euros stay with their parents a lot. I would say it's the opposite here-plenty of boomers still pushing the "out at 18" meme.

I can confirm the phd thing; there's a guy who's super high up at my company who lives with his parents. He basically works nonstop.

>> No.1838740


I'm an only child also who has a job and works but lives at home.

Do you think it's harder to meet girls

>> No.1839141

It's harder to meet anyone, but especially if you're wagecucking 10 or 11 hours a day. Been working at Big 4 and life basically devolves into work, come home, eat, vidya for a bit, sleep repeat.

You get absorbed enough in work that you don't think about not talking to anyone except people and work and senpai for weeks on end, but contemplating it makes it depressing.

>> No.1839169

>20 years old
>live w parents
>currently working retail
>no real plans for school, just keep telling people I'm going "next semester"
>no training
>no money to my name, blew any savings I had

What the fuck? I realize it's my own fault for being in this position. Where do I go from here?

>> No.1840216

>Pre-WWI it was the norm to live with your parents and raise your own children in the same home.

>> No.1840228

Trades my guy

>> No.1840240

Same except I'm 19 going to college for trades
I feel more stupid than ever

>> No.1840243


>> No.1840369
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If i live at home my parents can deal with insurance cost for my car wich i need for work, oh and rental apartments is a myth in this country.
Im probably just gonna wait to inherit my dads fat piece of land.

>> No.1840389


If they don't give you shit - never.

Way I see it: gen x done fucked it all up.

>> No.1840403


When your career and finances are stable, its time to leave the nest. Otherwise its in your mid 20's. A 25 year old living at home is a little weird, but not unheard of. A 30 year old living at home better have a disabled parent they take care of, or they are a social pariah.

>> No.1840405

when they begin to realize net savings because you are living with them. at that point the justification flips and they become your responsibility. if that never happens it means that you are a failure and, because they are the most influential forces in your life, they are failures as well. don't turn two generations into failures, anon. contribute to the family.

>> No.1840408


>> No.1840458

I'm 25 making $80k and I live at home.

I look at apartments to keep an eye on the market but I would literally be paying $2000 a month just to say that I don't live with my parents.

Feels good investing all that money instead. I pay them $700 rent but they said they'll lend it back to me to make a down payment if I ever buy a house. Currently waiting for the housing bubble to burst.

> but how will you get laid if you live with your parents?

Where the hell do you think you are?

>> No.1840463
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ever , duh. join the army get a new family.

>> No.1840467

when u only hobby is video games

>> No.1840947

what do you do?

>> No.1840953
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>mfw there are actually people on here that do this just to save money

I live with my parents because i have no choice right now. I can't find a job. If i had a job i wouldn't be living with my parents i can tell you that much.