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File: 64 KB, 8000x4500, ETHEREUM-LOGO_LANDSCAPE_Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1836581 No.1836581 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Ethereum. Will it blow up?

>> No.1836582


>> No.1836585


>> No.1836589


>> No.1836607

I don't know, seems hyped to me. Even if Ethereum did well as a company why would that make Ether more valuable?

>> No.1836628

from my understanding you need ETH to run anything built on the blockchain.

its like fuel for programs made with the tech.

>> No.1836631

Nobody can give you a good reason why it will blow up without resorting to memes ,take the profits and run.

>> No.1836684
File: 37 KB, 396x385, 1458087649975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't believe in meme magic
stay poor, nocoiner

>> No.1836692
File: 63 KB, 530x600, 1414367139616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's like Silver while Bitcoin is Gold

>> No.1836696

>its like fuel for programs made with the tech.

It's a way to compensate miners who have hardware setup to be a node

If it begins to see widespread use, as in let's say microsoft creates a Dapp or anybody else for that matter, it's going to increase the value.

Another one is that once proof of stake is implemented there won't be anymore coins generated. You will have to set up a security deposit to run a node, which will act as collateral in the event you try to do something malicious.

It's been a pain in the ass and I still have a very basic understanding, but those are a couple of the reasons I have found so far.

>> No.1836701

>You will have to set up a security deposit to run a node

I should have noted that this will drive up the demand which will also drive up the value.

>> No.1836707

It's hard to predict the future. Just invest a little pocket money to secure a position then if it blows up you will make a little money. If it flops you only lost small.

>> No.1836709
File: 18 KB, 512x511, Winklevoss Twins Gemini Exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If ETF is not approved people will migrate to other "safely" traded crypto like ETH.

If it is approved then ETH may go down a little but then it may go right up with BTC since folks will see it as the next in line since the ETF writers also trade ETH on their exchange Gemini (WInklevoss twins or whatevs)

>> No.1836712
File: 6 KB, 183x275, VB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is the next APPLE

Vitalik Buterin = Steve Jobs

>> No.1836716
File: 302 KB, 992x744, 1478694193538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't put his entire life savings on the rocket ship to the moon
I'll send you a postcard from the island only rich people know about

>> No.1836733

You know people would take this whole ethereum hype a little more serious if the overwhelming response from ethereum posters was two line meme posts.

You may in fact be correct, but without justification and spouting catch phrases it makes skeptical people less inclined to pay attention to you.

>> No.1836745
File: 328 KB, 800x778, 1484681159028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally figured out how to use the wallet and transfered all my eth off the exchange
god damn that was unnecessarily stressful

>> No.1836776

ethereum already rocketed to the moon, 0.002 to 0.036. look back at most of the altcoins, how many altcoins ever had another chance at those gains? even ones which dropped back down to pre-bubble levels?

altcoins need speculators to be worth anything, and in the year and a half since ethereum was released another 100 altcoins have come out. theyre all fighting against each other for money, and without it making a big move soon its market cap is just going to be slowly eroded by speculators moving on to better trading opportunities.

it has a better buffer than most because of how overinflated it got in its first bubble coupled with the huge amount of coins vitalik premined, so it at least has a large buffer between it and the next largest altcoin, but most of those premined coins arent being traded or moving, so the actual trading volume isn't that much higher than most of the other 4-5 largest altcoins.

its definitely uncertain ground going forward.

>> No.1836798


>> No.1836813

just hard to use. when you open it up it tells you to see incoming transactions create a wallet contact, but you have zero eth when you open it up and the blockchain isn't synced, so obviously that doesn't work. apparently you can send and receive from accounts and don't need a wallet contract. I still have no idea how much fee to use when sending though. they could really streamline the interface and tailor it to dumb people if they really want to help with adoption.

>> No.1836823

It is a gift from Kek to reward us for our blood, sweat, and tears during the great meme war of 2016.

Believe in Meme Magic

>> No.1836963
File: 39 KB, 1634x312, Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 1.27.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase want's me to wait 40days till my next CC purchase


>> No.1836965

wot? is this 2014 lol

>> No.1837000
File: 49 KB, 389x311, yooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This video answers most new investor's questions about Ethereum and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what private and public Ethereum mean for everyone (cough except no coiners) - like seriously guys it's close to $20 now and it was just $11-13 dollars a couple weeks ago.

How expensive do you want your moon tickets to become before you get on the 2017 Moon Mission?

>> No.1837001

bank transfer

>> No.1837002

In 40 days your debit limit will increase. $100 is the weekly limit.

>> No.1837057

I have dumped a few grand in ethereum and by dumped I mean I don't expect to get it back..."never invest what you aren't willing to lose" but nonetheless I'm here rooting for the moon mission

>> No.1837181

it's also the fuel for smart contracts

>> No.1837226

>ethereum already rocketed to the moon
top frickin kek m8


>> No.1837435

more from Ethtrader


>> No.1837457

I'm from the netherlands and transferred over 20k euros via sepa to coinbase, it was up a day later. What the fuck are these pennies and wait times you people are talking about?

Is this american?

>> No.1837463


how much will it increase to?

>> No.1837492
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I have 5k to drop on ETH and im on the fence if I wanna dive in. Should I do it? Is it really going to the moon?

>> No.1837522

How do I get some of those Ethereum domain names?

>> No.1837603


>> No.1837660

It could go 2-3x in the next 2 years so I didn't really invest that much in it for such low gains.
I don't see it going 10x as that would make it pretty much bitcoin market cap which is impossible.

I put my money on Bitcoin long term and XEM short term.

>> No.1837722

>It's a way to compensate miners who have hardware setup to be a node
this is the future of automation right? people invest in robots that provide a function

>> No.1837778

This. Like seeds, some grow some die.

>> No.1837787

Its entirely possible. Probable even

>> No.1838263

I've been seeing posts like yours more and more. Why would anyone already invested care about being taken seriously? They've already decided it's a good idea and don't have any reason to explain it to others, whether you join in or not doesn't concern them.

I'm not going around memeing but I haven't exactly been helpful either, I've only given advice and information to friends of mine, not the public. Why expect anything different? It's your job to find out if this is a worthwhile investment or not, it's not their job to convince you what decisions to make, it doesn't benefit them any but does cost them their time. Some people are willing to do this and that's nice but I think it's crazy to expect this to be the norm.

>> No.1838454

wow look it's someone who isn't retarded on 4chan!!!

>> No.1838482
File: 99 KB, 1024x694, ETHEREUM MEME #777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ethereum bull runs feel like to ETH skeptics

>> No.1839718
File: 68 KB, 612x445, vitalik_buterin_1391981290_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its important to watch the management of these things and I've been watching VB for almost a year now. Calling it now. The guy is the going to be the next Bill Gates. Genius. Autistic. And best of all ruthless. He knows hes the smartest one in the room. He has a vision and will do nothing to stop it from happening.

>> No.1839721

Why he sold 25% if his ETH doe?

>> No.1839723

Living expenses. Pay debts. Fund other projects.

>> No.1839724

Btw anyone know what's going on with ETC and that fork drama? Is it over with?

>> No.1839726 [DELETED] 

Wait until etf gets accepted or denied. If you buy btc now your fucked if its denied. Same with eth.

>> No.1839728

What the fuck is up with all this ETH hype? I bought in last march almost exactly a year ago and I'm still at a significant loss. I'm just holding because I always hold until profit or until it hits 0.

>> No.1839735



>> No.1839780

>You know people would take this whole ethereum hype a little more serious if the overwhelming response from ethereum posters was two line meme posts.

if fucking memes and shilling can propel Bitcoin, a literal and I mean literal Chinese pyramid scam to 20 gorillion dollars then constant shilling for no shit actual good idea ETH is justified, no, REQUIRED

>> No.1839804

I decided not to buy bitcoin when it was at 30$ because it seemed like too much.

>> No.1839812


>> No.1840716
