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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18364011 No.18364011 [Reply] [Original]

I thought we where in a global pandemic? Shut down for 6 months? What. the. fuck. is. going. on.

>> No.18364020

>he didn't buy the dipperino

>> No.18364040

that's a dog

>> No.18364059


>> No.18364078

Convenient how you left out the part where governments are printing trillions.

>> No.18364093

smartfags are filling bags before normies spend their trumpbucks on crypto.

>> No.18364112

The jews are really fucking with us this time new playbook. Don't buy in.

>> No.18364143
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transfelids can't fool me

>> No.18364151

interesting, if you don't mind me asking who are these "Jews" and are they in the room with you, right now?

>> No.18364179

This. All the boomers and normie fags trying to jump on the kike train to DOW 30,000 are going to get fucking raped the next couple weeks. Earnings are shit, companies are cutting dividends, Tesla and a number of other campanies laid off like 40% of their staff, 16 million lost their jobs so far.... and this virus will be a cyclical thing now. If you think we are going back to the top from here you are nuts.

>> No.18364195

Hmmmmmmmm. Who heads up Goldman Sachs? Who heads up all of the other major banks, who runs the treasury who has run the fed since the Obama years

>> No.18364243

It's a "correction" due to various factors. Will crash very hard within a month or two. Wait on the sidelines until then, unless you DCA.

>> No.18364264

It’s not a bull trap if it doesn’t fool the bulls.

>> No.18365197

cause nobody's working so everyone's just buying stocks. It's the thinking mans socialism.

>> No.18365223

That's a lion

>> No.18365244

Fill in the missing word:
Pump and ____

>> No.18365245

is the only logical explanation left

>> No.18365333

You know that time when Tether crashed and lost its peg for a bit, so on all the charts crypto looked like it was mooning but actually Tether was just worth less?

It's like that.

>> No.18365341

Which one?

>> No.18365374

Priced in.

>> No.18365404

has there ever been a Fed chairman who wasn't a Jew?

>> No.18365421

Cuz im pumping ur mom

>> No.18365551

Sure buddy.

>> No.18365576

Stock, oil, gold, silver, and crypto all fucking crashed a month ago. If you haven’t bought the dip you missed it.

>> No.18365649
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i only funded my ira for the year. didn't have enough cash left over

>> No.18367122

Its much easier to pump crypto than it is to pump stocks. total crypto marketcap is 200b, total stock marketcap is 300 trillion. disney stock alone is almost as big as all of crypto. we are still early

>> No.18367143

Honey you holding no more then one family dinner, let it live for a black day what else did you get?

>> No.18367219

this got me

>> No.18368616
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Anyone asking this question either works in travel or is a fucking busboy. Only the dumbest, most extraneous parts of our economy is "shut down". If you look at what qualifies as ESSENTIAL in my state, there's like 60 exceptions.
Everybody with a real job is still plugging away and keeping your lights on and your roads paved while you jerk off to thumbnails of big cats on 4chan.

>> No.18368816
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>> No.18368834
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I kinda agree with this one. My job was shut down for like 15 days but will reopen soon. Meanwhile people who have bullshit jobs and non essential shit have been more than a month without working. 15-20 days without work is going to set me back in my goals but I can't imagine how rekt I'd be if I had been a month and a half without working and had a family or dependents on top of that.

It's the wagie holocaust.

>> No.18368837


>> No.18368838

Ben Bernanke

>> No.18368843

take your meds bobo

>> No.18369723

Based on what?

>> No.18369816

it did moon because everyone was selling tether for crypto...

>> No.18369877

Most people are realizing chinavirus was a complete scam and are trying to get back to normal.

>> No.18369982

>Ben, short for Benjamin
x Doubt

>> No.18370151

You mean who ran the feds since 1913.

>> No.18370579

They're trying to pump this shit up before the shit really hits the fan, because this runaway train is still accelerating towards the shitstation, baby.

>> No.18371264

People who think they are smart money are setting themselves up to get burned, hard.